213 Infos zu Benjamin Pflugmann

Mehr erfahren über Benjamin Pflugmann

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12 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Changes in release x (Recent; still supported)dev.cs.ovgu.de › mysql › News x.html

(Patch from Benjamin Pflugmann). Enforce that all tables in a MERGE table come from the same database. Fixed bug with LOAD DATA INFILE and transactional ...

Chapter1.General Information

Benjamin Pflugmann. Extended MERGE tables to handle INSERTS . Active member on the MySQL mailing lists. Jocelyn Fournier. Excellent spotting and reporting ...

MySQL Reference Manual for version alpha. - C MySQL Change...

Patch from Benjamin Pflugmann. Changed WEEK(date,0) to match the calendar in the USA. COUNT(DISTINCT) is about 30% faster. Speed up all internal list ...

From bli00 at hostsharing.net Wed Oct :58:

Patch from Benjamin Pflugmann. * Changed `WEEK(#,0)' to match the calender in the USA. * `COUNT(DISTINCT)' is about 30% faster. * Speed up all internal ...

5 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

mysql/authors.h at master · google/mysql · GitHub

Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/google-mysql - mysql/authors.h at master · google/mysql

Benjamin-Pflugmann's profile - Grokbase

name, Benjamin-Pflugmann. seen, Jan 23, since, Sep 24, posts, 6 groups, 1 badge. 6 groups. .com (575 posts) · mysql (575) in mysql · .com (20 posts) · bugs (20) in mysql · .com (17 posts) · internals (17) in mysql · .com (4 posts).

mysql.changes - FTP Directory Listingftp.uni-kl.de/pub/linux/suse/people/mmarek/bug x mysql.changes

Fixed problem with myisampack and BLOB. * Fixes problem when one edited .MRG tables by hand. (Patch from Benjamin Pflugmann). * Enforce that all tables in ...

1 Projekte

rivatv / List rivatv-devel Archives

On Thu, 26 Dec 2002, Benjamin Pflugmann wrote: > Hello. Hi! > Just wanted to report MSI G4Ti4200-VTD64 as working with the > release tarball on up-to-date

3 Bücher zum Namen

Contributors to MySQL - MySQL Reference Manual [Book]www.oreilly.com › mysql-reference-manual › apcs02

Benjamin Pflugmann. Extended MERGE tables to handle INSERTS. Active member on the MySQL mailing lists. Other contributors, bugfinders, and testers: James H.

MySQL :: The world's most popular open source database

{ "Benjamin Pflugmann", "", "Extended MERGE storage engine to handle INSERT" }, { "Igor Romanenko", "", "mysqldump" },

MySQL Reference Manual: Documentation from the Source - Michael...

MySQL is the most popular SQL database in the open source community and is used almost universally by web sites running on open source systems. As powerful...

9 Dokumente


Mysql客户端的一些展示命令与源码 Mysqld服务端的展示命令与源码 Mysql复制状态信息的查看命令与源码 Innodb monitor信息展示与源码

Appendix D. MySQL Change Historydocs.huihoo.com › mysql › refman-4.1-en › news

(Patch from Benjamin Pflugmann). Enforce that all tables in a MERGE table come from the same database. Fixed bug with LOAD DATA INFILE and transactional ...

Appendix C. Credits

Configure updates for Tru64, large file support and better TCP wrappers support. John Birrell. Emulation of pthread_mutex() for OS/2. Benjamin Pflugmann.

Chapter 1 General Information - MySQL 5.7 参考手册 - 时代Javanowjava.com › docs › mysql-5.7-en › introduction

Benjamin Pflugmann. Extended MERGE tables to handle INSERTS . Active member on the MySQL mailing lists. Jocelyn Fournier. Excellent spotting and reporting ...

2 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Info Node: (mysql.info)News

A new `HANDLER' interface to `MyISAM' tables. * Added support for `INSERT' on `MERGE' tables. Patch from Benjamin Pflugmann. * Changed `WEEK(date,0)' ...

Anhang C. Danksagungen

Jochen Wiedmann < - Für die Wartung der Perl-DBD::mysql-Module. Therrien Gilbert < >, Jean-Marc Pouyot < jmp@scalaire ...

37 Meinungen & Artikel

Google Groups: V: Nissan Micra, EZ 7/90, Sportausfuehrung

: Benjamin Pflugmann .uni-regensburg.de de

Google Groups: Konstrukor

: SoftcoN.de de comp lang c++ In article

Google Groups: shortcuts by logischen Verknuepfungen

: Benjamin Pflugmann .in-passau.de fido ger c_plusplus

Re: PHP+MYSQL unable to select database

Benjamin Pflugmann (on-list) Benjamin Pflugmann (off-list) References: PHP+MYSQL unable to select database. From: "josep" & - Prev by Date: RE: Out of Office AutoReply: 8 character filenames on msdos flopp y; Next by Date: Re: Dual Boot Problems;

140 Webfunde aus dem Netz

mysql展示功能与源码对应 - Google Präsentationen

Benjamin Pflugmann | | Extended MERGE storage engine to handle INSERT |. | Igor Romanenko | | mysqldump |. | Mikael Ronstr?m ...

MySQL Manual | D Changes in release

A new HANDLER interface to MyISAM tables. Added support for INSERT on MERGE tables. Patch from Benjamin Pflugmann. Changed WEEK(#,0) to match the ...

MUTT- text-based MIME mail client - Yahoo Groups

On Mon, Jul 21, at 02:48:42PM +0200, Benjamin Pflugmann wrote: > Hi. > > On Sun at 19:00: , David Champion ...

'Benjamin Pflugmann ' posts - MARC

Viewing messages posted by 'Benjamin Pflugmann <philemon () spin ! de>' (1067 msg) Next · Last [1] Re: Problems with mySQL mysql 2.

Next post in topic - Yahoo Groups

Benjamin Pflugmann. Sep 9, Attachment. > >I have a problem with using scp. I did not found any solution in the docs. > >The remote host is setup with ...

'Benjamin Pflugmann

Viewing messages posted by 'Benjamin Pflugmann <benjamin.pflugmann () rphc1 ! physik ! uni-regensburg ! de>' (4 msg) [2] Re: stray ...

Previous post in topic - Yahoo Groups

Benjamin Pflugmann <benjamin.pflugmann@...-regensburg.de> wrote: > I use the following lines to get rid of the ssh-agent. These lines are > in my .logout ...

dg-do assemble } // { dg-options "-O" } // Origin: Benjamin Pflugmann ...

{ dg-do assemble } // { dg-options "-O" } // Origin: Benjamin Pflugmann &> // DR 295 allows qualification via typedef typedef const char ...

Benjamin Pflugmann

r | kfogel | :00: (Thu, 16 Sep 2004) * doc/book/book/ch05.xml: Say "custom" instead of "proprietary" when describing FSFS file ...

'Re: [BUG] CONCAT_WS + GROUP BY display problem' - MARCmarc.info › ...

"Benjamin" == Benjamin Pflugmann writes: >> In order to get predictable result you need to use: >> >> select concat_ws(' ...

# regression: chmod 600 group.bak missing in...

X-Loop: .org From: .org (Debian Bug Tracking System) To: Benjamin Pflugmann &> ...

'patch for mysqldump.c' - MARCmarc.info › ...

"Benjamin" == Benjamin Pflugmann writes: Benjamin> Hi. Benjamin> While looking for the file descriptor bug in mysqldump (see ...

'Re: scp problems' - MARC

List: secure-shell Subject: Re: scp problems From: mcr () sandelman ! ottawa ! on ! ca (Michael Richardson) Date: :29:55 [Download message RAW] On 6 Sep :24: , Benjamin Pflugmann \ &.uni-regensburg.de> wrote: > Hi! > > I have a problem with using scp ...

'scp problems' - MARC

[prev in list] [next in list] [prev in thread] [next in thread] List: secure-shell Subject: scp problems From: Benjamin Pflugmann <benjamin.pflugmann () rphc1 ! physik ! uni-regensburg ! de> Date: :22:03 [Download message RAW] Hi! I have a problem with using scp. I did not found any solution in the docs.

'mysql' thread - MARC

Re: MySQL mysql Benjamin Pflugmann Re: MYsql mysql miguel =?iso MYsql mysql cyber

Appendix E. Credits - ThaiCreate.Comwww.thaicreate.com › mysql5-manual › credits

Benjamin Pflugmann. Extended MERGE tables to handle INSERTS . Active member on the MySQL mailing lists. Jocelyn Fournier. Excellent spotting and reporting ...

Appendix C. Credits

Benjamin Pflugmann. Extended MERGE tables to handle INSERTS . Active member on the MySQL mailing lists. Jocelyn Fournier. Excellent spotting and reporting innumerable bugs (especially in the MySQL 4.1 subquery code). Marc Liyanage. Maintaining the Mac OS X packages and providing invaluable feedback on how ...

Appendix G. Credits - UMSL Computer Sciencewww.cs.umsl.edu › mysql › credits

Benjamin Pflugmann. Extended MERGE tables to handle INSERTS . Active member on the MySQL mailing lists. Jocelyn Fournier. Excellent spotting and reporting ...

Chapter 1. General Information

John Birrell. Emulation of pthread_mutex() for OS/2. Benjamin Pflugmann.

Anhang C. Danksagungen

John Birrell. Emulation of pthread_mutex() for OS/2. Benjamin Pflugmann. Extended MERGE tables to handle INSERTS . Active member on the MySQL mailing ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Benjamin

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch): Benjamin; Sohn der rechten Hand, Sohn des Südens, Sohn des Glücks; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); ben = der Sohn; jamin = die rechte Hand, rechts, der Süden; in der Bibel ist Benjamin der jüngste Sohn Jakobs und somit auch der Name eines der 12 Stämme Israels

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