65 Infos zu Bernard Lakaye

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LinkedIn: Bernard Lakaye | LinkedIn

View Bernard Lakaye's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Bernard Lakaye discover ...

Facebook: Bernard Lakaye | Facebook

Bernard Lakaye is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Bernard Lakaye and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more ...

LinkedIn: Bernard Lakaye - Belgium | LinkedIn

View Bernard Lakaye's (Belgium) professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Bernard Lakaye ...

7 Bücher zum Namen



PLOS ONE: High Inorganic Triphosphatase Activities in Bacteria and...

PLOS ONE: an inclusive, peer-reviewed, open-access resource from the PUBLIC LIBRARY OF SCIENCE. Reports of well-performed scientific studies from all...

Jasper's Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsiesgoogle.ca

... Canada Bernard Lakaye, PhD GIGA-Neuroscience University of Liège Liège, Belgium Tih-Shih Lee, MD, PhD, FRCP(C) Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral ...

Neuropeptide GPCRs in neuroendocrinologygoogle.ca

... Dr. Bernard Lakaye of University of Liège (Belgium), for the gift of MCHR1-KO mice and Dr Mounia Annour-Louet for careful reading of the manuscript.

1 Songs & Musik

Entdecke das musikalische Universum von Bernard Lakaye

Loading. Cover Album. Service unavailable. Find your friends! Log in. Loading. Search throughout Deezer. Bernard Lakaye. Favourite tracks · Playlists · Albums ...

3 Dokumente

EBSCOhost | | Effects of the H3 receptor inverse agonist...

Etienne Quertemont & Bernard Lakaye &. Hiroshi Ohtsu & Jian-Sheng Lin & Peter Jatlow &. Marina R. Picciotto & Ezio Tirelli. Received: 24 July Accepted: ...

Mutations of EFHC1, linked to juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, disrupt...

and Bernard Lakaye. 1,. ∗. 1. GIGA-Neurosciences, University of Lie. ` ge, Lie. ` ge, Belgium and. 2. Epilepsy Genetics/Genomics Laboratories,. Neurology and ...

3 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Adenylate kinase-independent thiamine triphosphate accumulation under...

Adenylate kinase-independent thiamine triphosphate accumulation under severe energy stress in Escherichia coli. Tiziana Gigliobianco,; Bernard Lakaye, ...

Documents and Data of Jacques Balthazart | isidore.science

Vincent Seutin · 3 · Patrick Motte · 3 · G. Malacarne · 3 · M. M. Lambrechts · 3 · Bernard Lakaye · 3 · Matthieu Keller · 3 · Elisabeth Jonckers · 3 · Nobuhiro Harada.

Tetracycline-controlled transgene activation using the ROSA26-iM2-GFP...

Conditional gene activation is an efficient strategy for studying gene function in genetically modified animals. Among the presently available gene switches,...

5 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Adenylate kinase-independent thiamine triphosphate accumulation under...

Tiziana Gigliobianco; Bernard Lakaye; Alexander F Makarchikov; Pierre Wins; Lucien Bettendorff Email author. Tiziana Gigliobianco. 1. Bernard Lakaye. 1.

Oalib search

Abstract: In minimal M9 medium, E. coli cells produce AThTP not only when energy substrates are lacking but also when their ...

Adenosine thiamine triphosphate accumulates in Escherichia coli cells...

Tiziana Gigliobianco,; Bernard Lakaye,; Pierre Wins,; Benaïssa El Moualij,; Willy Zorzi,; Lucien Bettendorff … show all 6 hide. Download PDF ...

Tetracycline-controlled transgene activation using the ROSA26-iM2-GFP...

Background Conditional gene activation is an efficient strategy for studying gene function in genetically modified animals. Among the presently available gene...

4 Meinungen & Artikel

Wikipedia: Thiamine-triphosphatase — Wikipédia

La thiamine-triphosphatase (ThTPase) est une hydrolase qui catalyse la réaction , : Thiamine triphosphate + H2O ⇌ {\displaystyle \rightleftharpoons } \rightleftharpoons thiamine pyrophosphate + Pi. Notes et références[modifier | modifier le code]. ↑ (en) Bernard Lakaye, Alexander F. Makarchikov, Adelio Fernandes Antunes, ...

Wikipedia: Thiamine triphosphate — Wikipédia

La thiamine triphosphate (ThTP) est un composé chimique dérivé de la thiamine, ou vitamine ... [archive]) DOI: pnas PMID [archive]; ↑ (en) Bernard Lakaye, Alexander F. Makarchikov, Adelio Fernandes Antunes, ...

An alternative role of FoF1-ATP synthase in Escherichia coli:...

An alternative role of FoF1-ATP synthase in Escherichia coli: synthesis of thiamine triphosphate

Melanin-concentrating hormone regulates beat frequency of ependymal...

Brief Communication

38 Webfunde aus dem Netz

‪Joseph LoTurco‬ - ‪Академия Google‬

‪University of Connecicut‬ - ‪‪ цитирования‬‬ - ‪Neurobiology‬ - ‪Physiology‬ - ‪Genetics‬

Bernard Lakaye | LinkedIn

View Bernard Lakaye's professional profile on LinkedIn. Experience: Chercheur Qualifie, FRS-FNRS.

Tous les articles sur "Bernard Lakaye" - LeVif.be

Tous les articles avec le sujet

Contributor page | IUPHAR/BPS Guide to PHARMACOLOGY

Contributor details for Bernard Lakaye. Name. Bernard Lakaye. Address. Research Associate FRS-FNRS Lab. of Experimental Neuropathy and Neurobiology

Bernard Lakaye —BIO-PROTOCOL

Bio-protocol is an online peer-reviewed protocol journal. Its mission is to make life science research more efficient and reproducible by curating and hosting...

Actie en reactie: Zijn dierproeven minder betrouwbaar dan een muntje ...

Bernard Lakaye, Chercheur Qualifié FNRS, ULiège. Patrick Laurent, Chercheur Qualifié, ULB. Frédéric Lemaigre, Professeur Ordinaire, UCL.

Adenylate kinase-independent thiamine triphosphate accumulation under...

Similar topics of scientific paper in Biological sciences , author of scholarly article — Tiziana Gigliobianco, Bernard Lakaye, Alexander F Makarchikov, Pierre ...

Altmetric – An alternative role of FoF1-ATP synthase in Escherichia...

Tiziana Gigliobianco, Marjorie Gangolf, Bernard Lakaye, Bastien Pirson, Christoph von Ballmoos, Pierre Wins, Lucien Bettendorff, Gigliobianco T, Gangolf M, ...

Tetracycline-controlled transgene activation using the ROSA26-iM2-GFP...

includes Tetracycline-controlled transgene activation using the by Simone Wortge, Leonid Eshkind, Nina Cab. Click to explore.

Effect of ppMCH derived peptides on PBMC proliferation and cytokine...

Bernard Coumans, Thierry Grisar, Jean-Louis Nahon, Bernard Lakaye. Effect of ppMCH derived peptides on PBMC proliferation and cytokine expression.

Overview of the BSCDB meetings since | Belgian Society for Cell...

Laurent Nguyen, Eric Bellefroid, Eve Seuntjens, Bernard Lakaye UCL Brussels. Cell differentiation in normal and pathological conditions.

Steroid sensitive sites in the avian brain: Does the distribution of...

Gregory F. Ball, Daniel J. Bernard, Agnès Foidart, Bernard Lakaye, Jacques Balthazart. School of Arts and Sciences. Research output: Contribution to journal › ...

Contributors | IUPHAR/BPS Guide to PHARMACOLOGY

Bernard Lakaye, Melanin-concentrating hormone receptors. David G. Lambert, Urotensin receptor. Jeremy J. Lambert. Günter Lambrecht. Carol A. Lange, 3C.

Distribution of thiamine derivatives in normal and ischemic human...

Distribution of thiamine derivatives in normal and ischemic human liver.

Melanin-concentrating hormone receptors (version ) in the...

Valérie Audinot Institut de recherches Servier; Jean A. Boutin Institut de Recherches Internationales Servier; Bernard Lakaye University of ...


Chair and Discussion Leader: Bernard Lakaye 11:00 am. Maf Transcription Factors in the Generation and Function of Cortical Interneurons

Steroid receptor coactivator SRC-1 exhibits high expression in...

Thierry D. Charlier, Bernard Lakaye, Gregory F. Ball, Jacques Balthazart. School of Arts and Sciences. Research output: Contribution to journal › Article ...

Neuropharmacology | UCLouvain

Research Team Collaborations Publications Research Treatments of neurological disorders/trauma and psychiatric diseases largely rely on the modulation of...

Tetracycline-controlled transgene activation using the ROSA26-iM2-GFP...

... scientific paper in Biological sciences , author of scholarly article — Simone Wörtge, Leonid Eshkind, Nina Cabezas-Wallscheid, Bernard Lakaye, Jinhyun Kim ...

Gale OneFile: Health and Medicine - Document -...

Authors: Simone Wörtge [1,5]; Leonid Eshkind [2,4]; Nina Cabezas-Wallscheid [2,4]; Bernard Lakaye [1]; Jinhyun Kim [3]; Rosario Heck [2,4]; Yasmin Abassi [2 ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Bernard

Männlicher Vorname (Englisch, Französisch): Bernard; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); bero = der Bär, braun; harti = hart, stark, fest, entschlossen; bernu = der Bär (Germanisch); alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name; im Mittelalter verbreitet durch die Verehrung des hl. Bernhard von Clairvaux (11./12. Jh.)

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