134 Infos zu Bernd Bodenmiller
Mehr erfahren über Bernd Bodenmiller
Infos zu
- University of Zurich
- Institute of Molecular
- Professor
- Molecular Life Sciences
- Biology
- Zürich
- ETH Zurich
- Proteomics
26 Aktuelle Nachrichten
NZZ: Suche nach der Achillesferse von Tumoren | NZZMit einem neuen Verfahren kann man ermitteln, wie Tumorzellen mit ihresgleichen und mit gesunden Zellen kommunizieren. Damit gelingt es vielleicht, bessere...
Differenzierte Bildgebung für bessere Diagnosen bei Brustkrebswww.innovations-report.de › ... › Medizin GesundheitDie Forschungsgruppe um Bernd Bodenmiller, UZH-Professor für Quantitative Biologie, konnte nun mit bildgebender Massenzytometrie die ...
How Type 1 Diabetes Gradually Destroys Insulin ProductionUsing the new Imaging Mass Cytometry method, Zurich researchers have investigated the pancreas of healthy organ donors and those with type 1 diabetes. The...
Forscher ermöglichen genauere Diagnose bei Brustkrebs | S-GEwww.s-ge.com › article › aktuell › life-science-i...Biomarker ergeben eine zellulaere Landschaft. Bild: Bernd Bodenmiller / UZH. Bei Brustkrebspatienten können sich Zelltypen auch innerhalb ...
1 Bilder zu Bernd Bodenmiller

9 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Bernd Bodenmiller, PhD, Assistant Fluidigm Corporation | FacebookFacebook: UZH Professor Bernd Bodenmiller is one Universität Zürich ...LinkedIn: Bernd Bodenmiller | LinkedInprofessionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Bernd Bodenmiller ...
LinkedIn: Bernd Bodenmiller - Associate Professor - University of Zurich ...View Bernd Bodenmiller's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Bernd has 3 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...
1 Hobbys & Interessen
Cell Signaling Technology (CST) Sponsors New Webinar About a Case...Randall Wetzel, PhD Director of Cytometry, Cell Signaling Technology; Bernd Bodenmiller, PhD Professor for Quantitative Biology, University of Zurich. Yorba Linda, Ca (PRWEB) January 04, The study of the tumor ecosystem and its cell-to-cell communications is essential to enable an understanding of tumor biology, ...
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
ResourcesRobert V. Bruggner, Bernd Bodenmiller, David L. Dill, Robert J. Tibshirani, and Garry P. Nolan. PNAS http://www.pnas.org/content E2770.abstract.
1 Angaben zur Herkunft
Bernd Bodenmiller - The Mathematics Genealogy Projectwww.genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu › ...According to our current on-line database, Bernd Bodenmiller has 1 student and 1 descendant. We welcome any additional information. If you have additional ...
2 Projekte
ProjekteBernd Bodenmiller, Johanna Wagner – Institute of Molecular Life Sciences, Universität Zürich. Die Arbeit von Prof. Bodenmiller trägt den Namen „Analyzing ...
SystemsX.ch - The Swiss Initiative in Systems Biology: Transfer...Bernd Bodenmiller (UZH) Industry Partner: Prof. Hanno Langen, Roche Scientific Fields/Keywords: Systems Biology; Tumor associated macrophages; Single ...
11 Bücher zum Namen
LC-MS/MS in Proteomics - Fachbuch - bücher.deBertran Gerrits and Bernd Bodenmiller 8. Analysis of Carbohydrates on Proteins by Off-Line Normal Phase Liquid Chromatography MALDI-TOF/TOF-MS/MS
Bernd Bodenmiller - Acemapdevm.acemap.info › authorDetailBernd Bodenmiller Papers Citations. Citation Trend. University of Zurich; ETH Zurich. Following. Co-Author Map. Publication. Journal. Conference.
High-Dimensional Single Cell Analysis: Mass Cytometry,...This volume highlights the most interesting biomedical and clinical applications of high-dimensional flow and mass cytometry. It reviews current practical...
Guide to Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology - Google BooksGuide to Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology presents, for the first time, a comprehensive compilation of the protocols and procedures that have made...
2 Dokumente
Analysis of the Human Kinome and Phosphatome Reveals ...papers.ssrn.com › sol3 › papersBernd Bodenmiller. University of Zurich - Institute of Molecular Life Sciences. More... Abstract. Kinase and phosphatase overexpression drives ...
CellCycleTRACER accounts for cell cycle and volume in mass ...europepmc.org › pmc › binBernd Bodenmiller and María Rodríguez Martínez jointly supervised this work. Electronic supplementary material. Supplementary Information ...
12 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
CRAN - Package bodenmillerYann Abraham [aut, cre], Bernd Bodenmiller [aut] Maintainer: Yann Abraham <yann.abraham at gmail.com - BugReports: …
Current Opinion in Biotechnology | Analytical Biotechnology |...Unraveling cell populations in tumors by single-cell mass cytometry. Review article: Pages Serena Di Palma, Bernd Bodenmiller. Download PDF. Article preview ...
Proteomics studies confirm the presence of alternative protein...Alternative splicing of messenger RNA permits the formation of a wide range of mature RNA transcripts and has the potential to generate a diverse spectrum of...
dblp: Bernd BodenmillerList of computer science publications by Bernd Bodenmiller
6 Meinungen & Artikel
Dr Bernd Bodenmiller | Nature Portfolio Webcastswww.nature.com/webcasts/participant/dr-bernd-bodenmiller/nature.com · Sitemap · Login · Register. Search Go. Home · Archive · About.
Schloss Dagstuhl : Participant ListBernd Bodenmiller (Universität Zürich, CH) Sebastian Böcker (Universität Jena, DE) Karsten Boldt (Universitätsklinikum Tübingen, DE) Daniel R. Boutz (University of Texas – Austin, US) Julia Burkhart (ISAS – Dortmund, DE) Manfred Claassen (ETH Zürich, CH) John Cottrell (Matrix Science Ltd. – …
nature.com searchProteomics meets the scientific method · Paola Picotti; , Bernd Bodenmiller; & Ruedi Aebersold · Nature Methods 10, 24–27. Rights & permissionsfor article Proteomics meets the scientific method . Opens in a new window. Comments and Opinion | 01 December
Welcome - imc-forum.org... on how to make the forum even more useful to you. I am looking forward to vibrant discussions in the forum. Best regards, Bernd Bodenmiller.
58 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Bernd Bodenmiller | LinkedInlargest business network, helping professionals like Bernd Bodenmiller ...
Bernd Bodenmiller - Google AkademikDual Professor University of Zurich and ETH Zurich. Director, Department of Quantitative Biomedicine - tarafından alıntılandı - Imaging mass...
Bernd Bodenmiller - Google ScholarDual Professor University of Zurich and ETH Zurich. Director, Department of Quantitative Biomedicine - 引用: 14,195 件 - Imaging mass cytometry -...
Bernd Bodenmiller - Google 学术搜索Dual Professor University of Zurich and ETH Zurich. Director, Department of Quantitative Biomedicine - 引用次数:14,195 次 - Imaging mass cytometry -...
Bernd Bodenmiller | chemanager-online.com - Chemie und Life ScienceBernd Bodenmiller News & Opinions DSM vergibt Technologiepreise DSM vergibt Technologiepreise – Der Schweizer Forscher Bernd Bodenmiller hat den...
Bernd Bodenmiller: Single-Cell Proteomics | GenomeWebwww.genomeweb.com › proteomicsUniversity of Zurich researcher Bernd Bodenmiller studies single-cell signaling with a technology almost as newly minted as his lab.
Bernd BodenmillerAssistant Professor for Quantitative Biology, Institute of Molecular Life Sciences, University of Zurich, Switzerland. Most important lesson That a highly motivated and synergistic team composed of brilliant people can move mountains.
Italian - Translation from German into English | PONSLook up the German to English translation of Italian in the PONS online dictionary. Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function.
ETH Zürich - VorlesungsverzeichnisSuche im Lehrangebot der ETH Zuerich
Prof. Dr. Bernd Bodenmiller – Molecular Health Sciences ...mhs.biol.ethz.ch › research › bode...Dr. Bernd Bodenmiller. Main content. Prof. Dr. Bernd Bodenmiller. ETH Zurich Inst. f. Molecular Health Sciences. Prof. Dr. Bernd Bodenmiller. HPL H
Precise Decoding of Breast Cancer Cells Creates New Option for...„Using this technology we were able to examine the diversity of can-cer cells very precisely and describe how many different types of cancer cells are present in a tumor,“ explains Wagner, who’s working on her PhD under the supervision of Bernd Bodenmiller, professor at the new Department of Quantitative Biomedicine, whose group ...
Heterogenität von Tumoren messenTumore sind nicht homogen. Das erschwert Diagnose und Therapie erheblich. Zürischer Forscher haben nun ein neues bildgebendes Verfahren entwickelt, mit dem sie...
Data Analysis Core - Bernd Bodenmiller - Grantomegrantome.com › grant › NIH › U5...Three-dimensional (3D) representations of tissues can be readily understood by the human brain and are the most informative and accurate way to ...
Proteomics meets the scientific method -Authors: Paola Picotti, Bernd Bodenmiller & Ruedi Aebersold By delivering precise, reproducible quantification of proteins of interest in biological samples, ...
UZH Researcher Wins Prestigious Biochemistry …Bernd Bodenmiller is a quantitative biologist at the University of Zurich. The 39-year-old researches how different cells in cancer tissue interact and uses imaging techniques and computer analyses to visualize these relationships.
Bernd Bodenmillerwww.ewcps2017.at › bernd-boden...Bernd Bodenmiller Institute of Molecular Life Sciences, University of Zurich, Switzerland Bernd Bodenmiller (1979) studied biochemistry at the University of ...
Proteomforschung | chemanager-online.com - Chemie und Life ScienceProteomforschung News & Opinions DSM vergibt Technologiepreise DSM vergibt Technologiepreise – Der Schweizer Forscher Bernd Bodenmiller hat den...
SiROP - Studenten suchen Abschlussarbeiten und ForschungsprojekteThousands of Students and researchers use SiROP to post and search open positions such as internships, Master, Bachelor or PhD projects and PostDoc positions....
UZH - UZH News - How Cancer Cells CommunicateBernd Bodenmiller's research provides in-depth insights into tumors. The quantitative biologist investigates how different cells in diseased ...
An integrated chemical, mass spectrometric and ...xlink.rsc.org › ...Bernd Bodenmiller,a Lukas N. Mueller,a Patrick G. A. Pedrioli,b Delphine Pflieger,ad Martin A. Jünger,a Jimmy K. Eng,b Ruedi Aebersold*abc and W. Andy Tao* ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Bernd
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Bernd; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); bero = der Bär, braun; harti = hart, stark, fest, entschlossen; bernu = der Bär (Germanisch); alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name; im Mittelalter verbreitet durch die Verehrung des hl. Bernhard von Clairvaux (11./12. Jh.)
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