25 Infos zu Bernd Räckers

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2 Hobbys & Interessen

Airbus Operations Gmbh patent inventors (2015)

Berend Schoke · Bernard Duprieu · Bernard Duprieu · Bernd Ehlers · Bernd Raeckers · Bernd RÄckers · Bernd Schwing · Bernhard Schlipf · Bernhard Witschel.

Martin Gerber - Patents

Inventors: Bernd RÄckers, Martin Gerber (Airbus Operations Gmbh) Profile plate portion for use as an outer wall of a flow body, ...

1 Bücher zum Namen

Resin Transfer Moulding for Aerospace Structures - Google Books

level of laminate consolidation – resin content, fibre volume Quality and process control Bernd Räckers, Chris Howe and Teresa Kruckenberg Introduction Defects.

2 Dokumente

Het experimenteel en theoretisch onderzoek naar het iBrarian

Bernd Räckers, onderzoeksleider bij Airbus Deutschland, rapporteert dat in elk nieuw passagiersvliegtuig Airbus A380 zowat 6 ton koolstofvezelversterkte ...

Untitled - Ghent University Librarylib.ugent.be › fulltxt › RUG01 › RUG _2010_0001_AC

Bernd Räckers, leader of the research team at Airbus Deutschland, reports that in each new civil aircraft Airbus A380 there are around six tons ...

2 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen


Filed: Dec 10, Publication Date: Jun 18, Inventors: Bernd RÄCKERS (Bremen), Martin GERBER (Bremen) Application Number:

Internformat: Neue Epoxidpolymere durch Metallorgano-Katalysatoren...

Projektleiter: Bernd Räckers. 246, 3, |a New epoxide polymers generated by metal organic catalysts (chelates) and their application in composite structures.

2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Resin Transfer Moulding for Aerospace Structures | SpringerLink

Resin Transfer Moulding and other similar 'liquid moulding' manufacturing methods have been used to make non-structural composites for the last 35 years....

Introduction to resin transfer moulding | SpringerLink

Introduction to resin transfer moulding. Authors; Authors and affiliations. Bernd Räckers. Bernd Räckers. There are no affiliations available. Chapter. 1 Citations ...

15 Webfunde aus dem Netz

EP A1 - Method for testing the fracture toughness of an...

A method for testing the fracture toughness of an adhesive joint to be formed between two components made of fiber-reinforced plastic, by forming a test...

EP A1 - Verfahren zum testen der bruchzähigkeit einer zu...

Download PDF Find Prior Art Similar. Other languages: English: French; Inventor: Bernd RÄCKERS: Lutz Wiese; Current Assignee. The listed assignees may be ...

DE A Method and device for producing a fiber...

Disclosed is a method for producing a fiber composite component with at least one opening which is bordered by an integral collar, a device for...

Berechnung, Simulation und Erprobung im Fahrzeugbau PDF Free Download

Ing. Bernd Räckers, Senior Expert Composite Technology, Airbus September Frankfurt am Main in Zusammenarbeit mit Zum Inhalt Durch den Einsatz ...

DLR - Institut für Bauweisen und Strukturtechnologie Augsburger...

... Prof. Dr. Michael Kupke (DLR), Dr. Hilmar Apmann, Gunther Krueger (beide Premium AEROTEC), Dr. Jens Hackius, Bernd Räckers (beide Airbus)

Airbus A320family FOPP Air Flow Deflector - PDF Free Download

Oktober Presented by Dr. Klaus Edelmann, Bernd Räckers, Dr. Benjamin L. Farmer Airbus M&P Composite Technology Nanocomposites for Future Airbus ...

Resin Transfer Moulding for Aerospace Structures ...

Bernd Räckers. 2. Injection equipment. Abstract. Injection equipment represents one of the three primary components to a successful resin transfer moulding (RTM) set-up, the others being tooling and materials. The old axiom, ‘the right tool for the right job’ holds true even in the aerospace industry.


... Manufacturing, and Application: An Overview. Journal of Composite Materials (2006); 40 : [26] Dr. Klaus Edelmann, Bernd Räckers, Dr. Benjamin L. Farmer.

Experimental and Numerical Study of Different Setups for Conducting...

Bernd Räckers, leader of the research team at Airbus Deutschland, reports that in each new civil aircraft Airbus A380 there are around six tons carbon ...

Gesamtprogramm SIM VEC Fraunhofer

Gesamtprogramm SIM VEC Fraunhofer

Het experimenteel en theoretisch onderzoek naar het mechanisch gedrag...

Bernd Räckers, onderzoeksleider bij Airbus Deutschland, rapporteert dat in elk nieuw passagiersvliegtuig Airbus A380 zowat 6 ton koolstofvezelversterkte ...

ID 1691

Bernd Räckers. EADS Airbus GmbH, Bremen, Germany. Keywords: commercial aircraft, advanced composites, research, development,. cost reduction ...

Method and apparatus for producing a fiber composite component and...

Disclosed is a method for producing a fiber composite component having at least one opening which is surrounded by an integral collar, a device for performing...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Bernd

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Bernd; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); bero = der Bär, braun; harti = hart, stark, fest, entschlossen; bernu = der Bär (Germanisch); alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name; im Mittelalter verbreitet durch die Verehrung des hl. Bernhard von Clairvaux (11./12. Jh.)

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