127 Infos zu Bernd Rellinghaus
Mehr erfahren über Bernd Rellinghaus
Lebt in
- Dresden
Infos zu
- Darius Pohl
- Zitiert
- Ludwig Schultz
- Sebastian Schneider
- Büchner
- Kornelius Nielsch
- Löffler
- Rümmeli
- Schmidt
- Alexander Surrey
6 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Imaging of nanoparticle-labeled stem cells using magnetomotive...Imaging of nanoparticle-labeled stem cells using magnetomotive optical coherence tomography, laser speckle reflectometry, and light microscopy
Programm - Aachen Dresden Denkendorf... Fraunhofer-Institut für Keramische Technologien und Sinterwerkstoffe - IKTS, Dresden; Bernd Rellinghaus, Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden - cfaed, ...
AXON Giveaway Winner Announcement - Protochips— Oben: Dr. Darius Pohl, Dr. Bernd Rellinghaus, Alexander Tahn Unten: Antje Werner, Linda Luther, Dr. Markus Löffler. › news
Spins, waves and interactions Alfried Krupp ...Chairs: Henning Ulrichs, Sangeetha Sharma, Bernd Rellinghaus 9:00 Alexander Mook Spin and heat transport by magnons: theory, ...
1 Bilder zu Bernd Rellinghaus

1 Infos zur Ausbildung
Gastvorlesende | TU Bergakademie FreibergDr. Bernd Rellinghaus, Gast-Professor: Arbeitgeber: IFW Dresden, Abteilungsleiter Metastable and Nanostructured Materials: Vorlesung/Inhalte:
9 Bücher zum Namen
Bernd Rellinghaus | Papers With Code› author
authors:"Bernd Rellinghaus" - Search | PaperityPaperity: the 1st multidisciplinary aggregator of Open Access journals & papers. Free fulltext PDF articles from hundreds of disciplines, all in one place
Authors - BJNANORasha Ghunaim,; Maik Scholz,; Christine Damm,; Bernd Rellinghaus,; Rüdiger Klingeler,; Bernd Büchner,; Michael Mertig and; Silke Hampel. Full Research ...
Development and Application of Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) -...... Rotational Magnetomotive Optical Coherence Tomography Peter Cimalla 1,2, Julia Walther 1,3, Claudia Mueller 4, Seba Almedawar2, Bernd Rellinghaus 5, ...
22 Dokumente
Single-wall-carbon-nanotube/single-carbon-chain molecular junctions... Franziska Schaeffel, Jamie H Warner, Ronny Schoenfelder, Bernd Rellinghaus, Thomas Gemming, Juergen Thomas, Martin Knupfer, Bernd ...
[ ] Control of stripe domain wall magnetization in...von R Salikhov · · Zitiert von: 1 — Authors:Ruslan Salikhov, Fabian Samad, Benny Böhm, Sebastian Schneider, Darius Pohl, Bernd Rellinghaus, Aladin Ullrich, Manfred Albrecht, ... › physics
Anodenmaterial für Lithiumionenbatterien - BAYERISCHE MOTOREN WERKE AGPhys. Rev. B 75, (2007) - Analysis of Ni nanoparticle gas...Sergej Tsyganov, Jochen Kästner, Bernd Rellinghaus, Thomas Kauffeldt, Frank Westerhoff, and Dietrich Wolf. Phys. Rev. B 75,
17 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Dr. Bernd Rellinghaus - GEPRIS› gepris › person
Biological and biomedical materialsAuthors: Christoph Heintze, Petr Formanek, Darius Pohl, Jannes Hauptstein, Bernd Rellinghaus and Nils Kröger. Citation: BMC Materials :11. › ...
Contacts - cfaedDr. Bernd Rellinghaus Acting Scientific Coordinator . . P: +49 (0) F: +49 (0) Linda Luther Administration ...
Participants..., Stuttgart, Germany, -stuttgart.mpg.de, http:/www.mf.mpg.de/, phone: + , fax: + Dr. Bernd Rellinghaus Laboratorium für...
4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Imaging of nanoparticle-labeled stem cells using magnetomotive...Bernd Rellinghaus, Institute for Metallic Materials (Germany) Dierk Wittig, Technische Universität Dresden (Germany) Life Science Inkubator ...
Experimental signatures of the mixed axial–gravitational ...von J Gooth · · Zitiert von: 224 — ... Marcus Schmidt, Chandra Shekhar, Vicky Süß, Ruben Hühne, Bernd Rellinghaus, Claudia Felser, Binghai Yan and Kornelius Nielsch; ... › article
Formation of Silica-Embedded Iron-Oxide Nanoparticles in Low-Pressure...The formation of γ-Fe2O3 nanoparticles embedded in a silica matrix has been studied in low-pressure premixed flames of hy… and oxygen. The organo
2 Meinungen & Artikel
Understanding the catalyst-free transformation of amorphous carbon...von A Barreiro · · Zitiert von: 103 — Felix Börrnert, Bernd Rellinghaus & Mark H. Rümmeli. Institute for Materials Science and Max Bergmann Center of Biomaterials, TU Dresden, ... › srep01115
63 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Bernd Rellinghaus | Physics and Mathematics Dept | India› ...
SCHOLAR - CNKI学术搜索CNKI学术搜索是一个基于海量资源的跨学科、跨语种、跨文献类型的学术资源搜索平台,其资源库涵盖各类学术期刊、论文、报纸、专利、标准、年鉴、工具书等,旨在为国内外研究人员提供全面、权威、系统的知识网络。
Dr Bernd Rellinghaus - Euromat European Congress ...www.euromat2009.fems.eu › symp-orgs › rellinghausSymposium Organiser - Dr Bernd Rellinghaus. Bernd Rellinghaus. IFW Dresden Institute for Metallic Materials . D Dresden Germany
Bernd Rellinghaus | IMPRS-CPQM› LP_R...
Dr. Bernd Rellinghaus› smst10
au:Rellinghaus_B in:cond-mat - SciRate SearchEnvisaged applications of skyrmions in magnetic memory and logic devices crucially depend on the stability and mobility of these topologically non-trivial magnetic textures in thin films. We present for the first time experimental evidence for a characteristic 3D modulation of the skyrmionic spin texture that was theoretically ...
Bernd Rellinghaus - AD Scientific Index 2022› ...
CIPSM - Investigation of early cell–surface interactions of human...CIPSM
Single Cr atom catalytic growth of graphene | springerprofessional.deHuy Q. Ta, Liang Zhao, Wanjian Yin, Darius Pohl, Bernd Rellinghaus, Thomas Gemming, Barbara Trzebicka, Justinas Palisaitis, Gao Jing, Per O. Å. Persson, Zhongfan Liu ...
CIPSM - Research Area CCIPSM
Emissive ZnO@Zn3P2 Nanocrystals: Synthesis, Optical, and...Authors: Shiding Miao, Ting Yang, Stephen G. Hickey, Vladimir Lesnyak, Bernd Rellinghaus, Jinzhang Xu, Alexander Eychmüller : Journal:
Atomic Structure of Interconnected Few-Layer Graphene Domains -ACS Nano DOI: nn g
ObjectivesBernd Rellinghaus, Leibniz Insitut für Festkörper - und Werkstoffforschung IFW Dresden Films of high anisotropy nanomagnets from the gas phase – chances and
Applied Sciences | Free Full-Text | Improved Imaging of Magnetically...Bernd Rellinghaus 5. , Dierk Wittig 4. , Marius Ader 2. , Mike O. Karl 2,6. , Richard H. W. Funk 4. , Michael Brand 2. and Edmund Koch 1,*. 1.
DSC09:00 Bernd Rellinghaus (TU DD) Welcome (max. 10 min) 09:05 Ulrich Rößler (IFW) Skyrmions – Phenomena and Materials (25+5 min)
"Shedding light on the crystallographic etching of multi-layer ...von F Schffel · · Zitiert von: 81 — Franziska Schffel · Jamie H. Warner · Alicja Bachmatiuk · Bernd Rellinghaus · Bernd Büchner · Ludwig Schultz · Mark H. Rümmeli ... › iss9
BMC Materials - Browse Articles | Research SquareChristoph Heintze, Petr Formanek, Darius Pohl, Jannes Hauptstein, Bernd Rellinghaus, Nils Kröger. Published. at. bmc-materials. Research articleposted May ... › ...
Claudia Felser – CIFAR... Bernd Gotsmann, Fabian Menges, Tobias Meng, Marcus Schmidt, Ruben Hühne, Bernd Rellinghaus, Claudia Felser, Binghai Yan, Kornelius Nielsch. › bios › claudia-felser
Científicos de IBM Zurich y del IFT Madrid observan anomalías...Experimental signatures of the mixed axial-gravitational anomaly in the Weyl semimetal NbP, Johannes Gooth, Anna C. Niemann, Tobias Meng, Adolfo G. Grushin, Karl Landsteiner, Bernd Gotsmann, Fabian Menges, Marcus Schmidt, Chandra Shekhar, Vicky Süß, Ruben Hühne, Bernd Rellinghaus, Claudia Felser, Binghai ...
Das Universum in einem Kristall | Max-Planck-Institut für Chemische...... Bernd Rellinghaus, Claudia Felser, Binghai Yan, and Kornelius Nielsch, "Experimental signatures of the mixed axial–gravitational anomaly ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Bernd
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Bernd; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); bero = der Bär, braun; harti = hart, stark, fest, entschlossen; bernu = der Bär (Germanisch); alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name; im Mittelalter verbreitet durch die Verehrung des hl. Bernhard von Clairvaux (11./12. Jh.)
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Stefan Löffler
- Markus Löffler
- Dierk Wittig
- Marcus Schmidt
- Benny Böhm
- Xinliang Feng
- Sebastian Schneider
- Kornelius Nielsch
- Claudia Mueller
- Axel Lubk
- Marius Ader
Personensuche zu Bernd Rellinghaus & mehr
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