190 Infos zu Bill Fontana
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- San Francisco
- Pennsylvania
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- Director
- American
- Pennsylvania Downtown Center
- Sonic
- Director of Strategic
- Initiatives at Pennsylvania
- Silent Echoes
5 Aktuelle Nachrichten
The Art NewspaperThe Bay Area artist Bill Fontana plans to make the echolocation of bats perceptible to human ears for the site's first ...
Yale Center for Collaborative Arts and MediaBill Fontana has been a pioneer of sound art since the 1970s. Using sound as a sculptural medium, he reveals hidden acoustic worlds and transforms the way ...
San Francisco Examiner— Bill Fontana's sound sculptures are a mechanism for transporting listeners across time and space. The six ...
Bill Fontana - Institut für Elektronische Musik und AkustikKunstuniversität Graz— Bill Fontana - Primal Energies und Sonic Projections Kunsthaus Graz - Eröffnung: , 19 Uhr.
80 Bilder zu Bill Fontana

13 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Bill Fontana Graz Instagram - Christopher Grimes Projects - Facebookwww.facebook.com › christophergrimes › videosFacebook: Bill Fontana - Public Figure | FacebookFacebook: BILL FONTANA Sound Art Service stellt Sound Art FacebookLinkedIn: Bill Fontana - Executive Managing Director - IPClinkedin.comVisualizza il profilo di Bill Fontana su LinkedIn, la più grande comunità professionale al mondo. Bill ha indicato 1 esperienza lavorativa sul suo profilo.
1 Hobbys & Interessen
lastFM: Last.fmBill Fontana (born in Cleveland, Ohio, April 25, 1947) is known internationally for his pioneering experiments in sound art. Fontana attended New School for ...
1 Persönliche Webseiten
resoundings.infoBill Fontana Retrospective · Press · About · Contact · New Gallery · Sonic Dreamscapes · Sonic Dreamscapes Installation · Sonic Dreamscapes and Climate Change ...
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
MutualArtLearn more about Bill Fontana (American, 1947). Read the artist bio and gain a deeper understanding with MutualArt's artist profile.
1 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
IMDB Filmographie: Bill FontanaComposer, Another Place and Yet the Same
1 Projekte
AVL Cultural FoundationSound artist Bill Fontana experiments with technology and noise as a form of sculpture. Some of his works have crossed continents as he's worked with radio ...
6 Bücher zum Namen
GoodreadsRead reviews from the world's largest community for readers. The first survey of sculptures and installations by sound-art pioneer Bill Fontana Since the 1… 2,0(1)
Porchlight Book CompanyThe first survey of sculptures and installations by sound-art pioneer Bill Fontana Since the 1960s, American composer and media artist Bill Fontana (born ,00 $
Bill Fontana. Entfernte Züge. Klangskulptur auf dem ...AbeBooksAbeBooks.com: Bill Fontana. Entfernte Züge. Klangskulptur auf dem Gelände des Anhalter Bahnhofs im Rahmen der Internationalen Bauausstellung, 15.
Entfernte Züge Köln - Berlin KlangskulpturDeutsches RundfunkarchivBill Fontana. Entfernte Züge Köln - Berlin Klangskulptur. Technische Realisierung: Dieter Stratmann, Gabriele Neugroda. Regieassistenz: Albrecht Koch.
3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Arter: Die verborgenen Klänge der Glocken von Notre ...Presseportal— Arter - Istanbul (ots/PRNewswire) - Die Klanginstallation Silent Echoes: Notre-Dame von Bill Fontana, ab ✚ Mehr lesen.
Resounding Experience – an Interview with Bill FontanaResearchGatePDF | In this interview, Bill Fontana discusses his approach to listening as a personal process of the discovery of hidden sounds and the rediscovery of.
1 Video- & Audioinhalte
Vimeohttps://vimeo.com › user Bill FontanaBill Fontana is a member of Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.
5 Meinungen & Artikel
Creative TimeNews - Bill Fontana. Consuming Places. August 30th, On Twitter. Connect with Creative Time · Twitter; Facebook; Instagram. About · Projects · Summit ...
(PDF) an interview with Bill Fontana | rudy fontanaAcademia.eduMurray Schafer, who are noted for their use of everyday sounds as compositional material; the sound installation artists Max Neuhaus and Bill Fontana, who ...
Bill Fontana: "Silent Echoes: Notre Dame"KUNSTFORUM International— Bill Fontana macht in seiner Zehnkanal-Klanginstallation „Silent Echoes: Notre-Dame“ die seit dem Brand von vermeintlich verstummten ...
Bill Fontana - Primal Energies und Sonic ProjectionsGrazIm Frühjahr kommt der seit Jahrzehnten international agierende amerikanische Klangkünstler Bill Fontana mit einer Einzelausstellung und dem Reenactment ...
68 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Artsyhttps://www.artsy.net › artist › auct...Bill Fontana - Auction Results and Sales DataFind out about Bill Fontana's auction history, past sales, and current market value. Browse Artsy's Price Database for recent auction results from the ...
Tatehttps://www.tate.org.uk › whats-onBill Fontana: Speeds of Time | Tate BritainPast exhibition at Tate Britain: Bill Fontana: Speeds of Time, a real-time sculptural sound map derived from the sounds ...
SFPLhttps://sfpl.org › nodeSound Sculptures by Bill FontanaSound Sculptures by Bill Fontana. Spiraling Echoes. Four Holosonic speakers installed in the roof eaves of the North Beach Library emit highly directional ...
Harvestworks Digital Media Arts Center -This talk by Bill Fontana will present a series of immersive sound sculptures created from recordings of Notre Dame's silently ...
LexArtsSurface Reflections, by Bill Fontana, is a sound sculpture that integrates several elements unique to downtown Lexington.
MAAT: Museu de Arte, Arquitetura e TecnologiaBill Fontana (b ) is renowned worldwide as a pioneer in artistic experimentation with sound. Fontana is an artist who “captures the sound of things”, as he ...
The World According to SoundAn evening with a pioneer in sound-sculptured sensoria. We'll listen through the expanse of Bill Fontana's career, from the ...
World Art FoundationsArter: Bill Fontana, “Resounding Io” ... Curated by Arter's Founding Director Melih Fereli and presented as the fifth edition of “ ...
bitforms galleryBill Fontana. artworks. Press. Biography. Exhibitions. Acoustic Time Travel, Blume, M., “Portrait of Bill Fontana,” International Herald Tribune, July 9, ...
contemporaryartsociety.orgBill Fontana (born April 25, in Cleveland, Ohio) is known internationally for his pioneering experiments in sound art.
redcarpetsf.comBill Fontana was named the tenth Bay Area Treasure by SFMOMA's Modern Art Council at a lunch in his honor on November 3, Other SFMOMA Bay Area Treasu ...
LACE – Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions— Sound sculptures by Bill Fontana that combined acoustical sound with eight-channel mobile recordings taken from environmental monitoring ...
Monoskop— Bill Fontana. From Monoskop. Jump to navigation Jump to search. http://www.resoundings.org/ · http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Fontana.
Ars ElectronicaBill Fontana (US) ... Notre Dame has been described as the soul of Paris. As a result of the tragic fire in 2019, its bells have fallen silent. However, these ...
Disability Studies Quarterlyvon C Downey · · Zitiert von: 2 — blindness, blind museum access, Bill Fontana, architecture, sonic aesthetics. Abstract. A blind architect reviews a sound installation at the San Francisco ...
PRX PlaySound artist, Bill Fontana, known for his sound sculptures of Golden Gate Bridge, temple bells in Kyoto, and trees in Sequoia National Forest, creates a new ...
UCLA Art | Sci CenterBill Fontana. Short Bio: I began my career as a composer. What really began to interest me was not so much the music ...
Whitney Museum of American ArtArtists. Bill Fontana. Exhibitions. View all. Whitney Biennial Apr 2–June 30, Sign up for our newsletter. Here to ...
Bill Fontana - Consultant - Independentlinkedin.comBill Fontana. Consultant at Independent. IndependentUniversity of California, Los Angeles. Fredericksburg, Virginia, United States
Bill Fontana - District Manager - State of Californialinkedin.comBill Fontana. District Manager at State of California. State of California. Los Angeles County, California, United States. 1 follower 1 connection.
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Bill
Männlicher Vorname (Englisch): Bill; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); willio = der Wille, die Entschlossenheit; helm = der Helm, die Bedeckung, die Deckung, der Schutz; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name; im Mittelalter in ganz Europa beliebt; Name mehrerer berühmter Könige, z.B. von Wilhelm dem Eroberer, dem ersten normannischen König Englands
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