40 Infos zu Birthe Zäncker
Mehr erfahren über Birthe Zäncker
Infos zu
- Anja Engel
- Surface
- Karine
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- Cecile Guieu
- Haëntjens
- Mediterranean
- Alessia Nicosia
- Desboeufs
- Evelyn Freney
- Gérald Grégori
2 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Association of Polar Early Career Scientists - APECS-ARICE Webinar:...· Speakers are Birthe Zäncker (Marine Biological Association of the UK), Michael Cunliffe (Marine Biological Association of the UK) and Jutta ...
Workshop: Connect to the Ocean and drive changes togetherwww.arctic.ac.uk › events › connect-to-the-ocean-a...· The session hosts include Jen Freer, Hanna Campen and Birthe Zäncker from the NERC Changing Arctic Ocean programme.
4 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
LinkedIn: Birthe Zäncker - Wissenschaftler - The Marine Biological Associationuk.linkedin.com › birthe-zäncker-174aaa1a5View Birthe Zäncker's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Birthe has 2 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile ...
循环| Birthe Zäncker - 欧洲杯赛程时间 - 欧洲杯赛程2021决赛www.trevorbaylis.com › loop › people基尔海姆霍兹海洋研究中心. 德国基尔. 主. 查看所有. 迷你概要文件《阿凡达》 Birthe Zancker. 概述 · 生物 · 网络 · 出版物 · 编辑贡献 · 影响.
Loop | Birthe ZänckerGermany. View All. mini profile avatar Birthe Zäncker. Overview · Bio · Network
Birthe Zäncker - Loop Frontiersloop.frontiersin.org › people › overviewDennis Booge; Cathleen Schlundt; Astrid Bracher · Sonja Endres · Birthe Zäncker; Christa A. Marandino. Biogeosciences. Published on 29 Jun
3 Bücher zum Namen
Marine Deep Biosphere Microbial Communities Assemble in DOAJdoaj.org › articleCaitlin Petro,; Birthe Zäncker,; Piotr Starnawski,; Lara M. Jochum,; Timothy G. Ferdelman,; Bo Barker Jørgensen,; Hans Røy,; Kasper U. Kjeldsen, ...
The Ocean's Vital Skin: Toward an Integrated Understanding of the Sea...Manuela van Pinxteren (Chemistry of the Atmosphere, Leibniz-Institute for Tropospheric ResearchLeipzig, Germany) Birthe Zäncker (GEOMAR Helmholtz ...
Changing Arctic Ocean - Seite Google Books-Ergebnisseitegoogle.lu(Top) Birthe Zäncker (top middle) is finding out what types of fungi live on transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) and how they contribute to moving carbon ...
1 Meinungen & Artikel
Surface ocean microbiota determine cloud precursors | Scientific...· Anja Engel & Birthe Zäncker. School of Marine Sciences, University of Maine, Orono, MEUSA. Nils Haëntjens.
30 Webfunde aus dem Netz
ACP - Relations - Dimethylsulfide gas transfer coefficients from...Dennis Booge, Cathleen Schlundt, Astrid Bracher, Sonja Endres, Birthe Zäncker, and Christa A. Marandino Biogeosciences, 15https: ...
Abstract: Biogenic Characterisation of the Sea Surface Microlayer in...... of the Sea Surface Microlayer in the Peruvian Upwelling Regime. Birthe Zäncker, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Kiel, Germany ...
Altmetric – Bacterial Community Composition in the Sea Surface...Authors. Birthe Zäncker, Michael Cunliffe, Anja Engel ...
20. Rostocker E.ON edis Citylauf Ergebnisliste AK Volkslauf 10km -...2 Kristin Will w 1:02:12, Anne Gütes w 1:02:17, Josephin Hennings w Rostock 1:02:19, Julia Kijewski w 1:02:27, Birthe Zäncker w ...
ACP - Relations - Oxygenated volatile organic carbon in the western...Dennis Booge, Cathleen Schlundt, Astrid Bracher, Sonja Endres, Birthe Zäncker, and Christa A. Marandino Biogeosciences Discuss., 17, 1-28, https://doi.org bg , · Can simple models predict large-scale surface ocean isoprene concentrations? (22 Sep 2016) Dennis Booge, Christa ...
MarMic - International Max Planck Research School of Marine...MarMic
Bacterial Community Composition in the Sea Surface Microlayer Off the...Authors. Birthe Zäncker. Michael Cunliffe. Anja Engel ... in the Sea Surface Microlayer Off the Peruvian Coast.DOCX. Birthe Zäncker.
Session Proposal: Linking the Ocean with the Atmosphere: Exploring...Peruvian Upwelling Regime (89524). Birthe Zäncker, Luisa Galgani and Anja Engel, ...
PaperbasePaperbase is a paper database providing access and indexation services to quality journal articles
Impact of dust addition on the metabolism of DUMASdumas.ccsd.cnrs.fr › UMS-829Samir Alliouane 1 Christian Stolpe 1 Thierry Blasco 1 Nathalie Leblond 5 Birthe Zäncker 6 Anja Engel 6 Barbara Marie Julie Dinasquet Cecile Guieu 1
Impact of dust addition on the metabolism of Mediterranean plankton ...hal.sorbonne-universite.fr › LOMIC... Samir Alliouane 1 Christian Stolpe 1 Thierry Blasco 1 Nathalie Leblond 5 Birthe Zäncker 6 Anja Engel 6 Barbara Marie 7 Julie Dinasquet 7 Cecile Guieu 1
OS - Relations - From the chlorophyll a in the surface layer to its...Dennis Booge, Cathleen Schlundt, Astrid Bracher, Sonja Endres, Birthe Zäncker, and Christa A. Marandino Biogeosciences Discuss., 9, 1-28, https://doi.org bg , · Direct oceanic emissions unlikely to account for the missing source of atmospheric carbonyl sulfide (10 Jan 2017) Sinikka T. Lennartz ...
Mediterranean nascent sea spray organic aerosol and relationships...Ingrid Obernosterer 5 France van Wambeke 3 Anja Engel 6 Birthe Zäncker 6 Karine Desboeufs 7 Eija Asmi Hilka Timmonen Cecile Guieu 8. Détails.
Mediterranean nascent sea spray organic aerosol and HAL-IN2P3hal.in2p3.fr › LOMIC... Julie Dinasquet 4, 5 Ingrid Obernosterer 5 France van Wambeke 3 Anja Engel 6 Birthe Zäncker 6 Karine Desboeufs 7 Eija Asmi Hilka Timmonen Cecile Guieu 8
Mediterranean nascent sea spray organic aerosol and relationships ...hal.uca.fr › LOV_CHOC... Julie Dinasquet 4, 5 Ingrid Obernosterer 5 France van Wambeke 3 Anja Engel 6 Birthe Zäncker 6 Karine Desboeufs 7 Eija Asmi Hilka Timmonen Cecile Guieu 8
Obernosterer Ingrid - Laboratoire d'Océanographie Microbiennelomic.obs-banyuls.fr › ... › pages personnelles... G. Gregori, N. Haentjens, J. Dinasquet, I. Obernosterer, F. Van-Wambeke, A. Engel, Birthe Zäncker, K. Desboeufs, E. Asmi, H. Timmonen and C. Guieu.
Publications 2015Birthe Zäncker: Persistence and dispersal of microbial populations in subsurface marine sediments. 67 pp. University of Bremen. (2015). Caitlin Petro: Activity ...
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle in the Arctic Ocean With the Power of ...www.semanticscholar.org › paper › Reduce,-Reuse,-...Birthe Zäncker, R. Stern, +1 author M. Cunliffe; Published in Frontiers for Young Minds 15 July 2020; Environmental Science. Did you know that microbes, ...
AMT - Relations - Estimating chemical composition of atmospheric...Antonio Tovar-Sánchez, Araceli Rodríguez-Romero, Anja Engel, Birthe Zäncker, Franck Fu, Emilio Marañón, María Pérez-Lorenzo, Matthieu ...
The MILAN campaign: Studying diel light effects on the air-sea...... Matthew Salter, Maren Striebel, Nadja Triesch, Guenther Uher, Robert C. Upstill-Goddard, Manuela Van Pinxteren, Birthe Zäncker, Paul Zieger, Oliver Wurl.
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Birthe
Weiblicher Vorname (Skandinavisch, Deutsch): Birthe; die Erhabene; Keltisch (Religion); briganti = erhaben, göttlich; Name einer altirischen Lichtgottheit; die hl. Brighid ist die Nationalheilige Irlands
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Ingrid Obernosterer
- Astrid Bracher
- Sonja Endres
- Cathleen Schlundt
- Julia Uitz
- Anja Engel
- Marine Biological
- Oliver Wurl
- Paul Zieger
Personensuche zu Birthe Zäncker & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Birthe Zäncker und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.