124 Infos zu Bojan Suzic
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Lebt in
- Graz
Infos zu
- Secure
- Security
- Austria
- Serbian
- Graz University
- University of Technology
- Institute
- DSpace
- Bernd Prünster
- Identity
- Processing
1 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Accepted papers at SECPID EU Symposium – ARES | Credential· Bojan Suzic, Andreas Reiter (Institute for Applied Information Processing and Communications, Austria). SECPID EU Symposium Agenda.
17 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Bojan SuzicFacebook: Bojan SuzicFacebook: Bojan Suzic | Facebooken-gb.facebook.com › bojan.suzic.5LinkedIn: Bojan Suzic - IT Security Expert & Researcher at A-SIT and IAIK ...View Bojan Suzic's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Bojan has 7 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn ...
1 Business-Profile
Xing: Bojan Suzic: Ausbildung und Berufserfahrung | XINGBerufserfahrung, Kontaktdaten, Portfolio und weitere Infos: Erfahren Sie mehr – oder kontaktieren Sie Bojan Suzic direkt bei XING.
1 Persönliche Webseiten
Bojan Suzic's Email & Phone - Institute for Applied Information ...contactout.com › Bojan-SuzicBojan Suzic's Email. Show email and phone number. Austria area. IT Security Expert & Researcher at A-SIT and IAIK (Austria) @ Institute for ...
2 Projekte
DSpace REST webapp - Google Melangewww.google-melange.com › projects › bojantugby Bojan Suzic for DSpace Foundation. In this project the REST webapp is to be developed, making possible easy integration and communication between DSpace ...
EU H2020 Project "SUNFISH (SecUre iNFormation FabioDisconziwww.fabiodisconzi.com › open-h2020 › projects2015, Bojan Suzic, Andreas Reiter, Florian Reimair, Daniele Venturi, Baldur Kubo Secure Data Sharing and Processing in Heterogeneous Clouds
7 Bücher zum Namen
Accompanying data set for the paper published at ACM SAC 2018graz.pure.elsevier.com › publications › structure-an...Structure and authorization management of RESTful APIs: Accompanying data set for the paper published at ACM SAC Bojan Suzic.
Information Systems Security: 14th International Conference, ICISS...This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Information Systems Security, ICISS 2018, held in Bangalore, India, in...
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM ConferencesThis volume constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Confederated International Conferences: Cooperative Information Systems, CoopIS 2016, Ontologies,...
books.google.cz › booksSecurity and Privacy in Communication Networks: 14th ...Institute of Applied Information Processing and Communications (IAIK), Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria bojan.suzic ...
8 Dokumente
DSpace RoadMap 2011DSpace software RoadMap as presented at the Open Repositories conference in Austin, Texas on June 10,
DSpace RoadMap SlideSharept.slideshare.net › tdonohue › dspace-roadmap-2011(Bojan Suzic); Mentors: Bojan Suzic, Mark Diggory – WebMVC UI Development • Student: Robert Qin Zhengquan, Mentors: Graham Triggs, Peter Dietz, ...
Zentrum für sichere Informationstechnologie - Austria Bojan Suzic...PowerPoint-Präsentation Bojan Suzic Open Identity Summit September 10th, Kloster Banz Secure Hardware-Based Public Cloud Storage Secure Information...
Challenges Emerging from Future Cloud Application Scenarios123dok.org › AltroBojan Suzic. g. , Zhiming. Zhao. h. aeuroCRIS, Anna van Saksenlaan 51, HW Den Haag, The Netherlands bNational Technical University of Athens, ...
5 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
dblp: Bojan SuzicList of computer science publications by Bojan Suzic
Bojan Suzic - DBLPdblp.org › Persons· List of computer science publications by Bojan Suzic Bojan Suzic, Milan Latinovic: Rethinking Authorization Management of Web-APIs.
dblp: Cloud Forward 2015Bibliographic content of Cloud Forward 2015
dblp: ARES 2016Bibliographic content of ARES 2016
9 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Challenges Emerging from Future Cloud Application Scenarioseconpapers.repec.org › RePEc:snv:dp2009:By Keith Jeferry, George Kousiouris, Dimosthenis Kyriazis, Jörn Altmann, Augusto Ciuffoletti, Ilias Maglogiannis, Paolo Nesi, Bojan Suzic and Zhiming Zhao; ...
Balancing Utility and Security: Securing Cloud Federations of Public...Following their practical needs and legal constraints, recent application of the cloud paradigm among public administrations has been focused on the deployment...
DSpace ClientUI built on RESTful API - GSoC Google Summer of...Bojan Suzic (lead) Mark Diggory ...
Security and Privacy in Communication Networks | SpringerLinkThis two-volume set LNICST constitutes the post-conference proceedings of the 14thInternational Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication...
2 Meinungen & Artikel
kcposch.wordpress.com › › sorry-gu...SkyTrust. Or: Sorry guys, we are not there yet. | kc poschActually, “SkyTrust” is carried out by a team, whose core consists of Sandra Kreuzhuber, Bojan Suzic, Florian Reimair, Andreas Reiter, and ...
skytrust | kc poschPosts about skytrust written by kcposch
68 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Bojan Suzic | LinkedInView Bojan Suzic's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Bojan Suzic discover inside Es fehlt: allianz
Zentrum für sichere Informationstechnologie - Austria Bojan Suzic...Agenda □Motivation □Related Work □Citizen Card and CCE-Software □Implementation □Comparison with existing Solutions □Conclusion and Future Work OID
svetska_zavera - Yahoo GroupsBojan Suzic. Sto se tice latinice i cirilice, niko ovdje ne govori da se treba latinica ukinuti. U Srbiji je 70% znakova na latinici. Prema tome, neka ...
Bojan Suzic | LinkedInBojan Suzic Broadcast Media Professional Location Austria Industry Broadcast Media Join LinkedIn and access Bojan Suzic’s full profile. As a LinkedIn member, you'll ...
Cloud Storage Security Survey Ryan Kiefer. Overview Google Drive...Google Drive Free - 15GB + uploaded files Extra storage available for subscription – Theoretically limited only by your budget drive.google.com – 128-bit...
Re: [Dspace-tech] REST API for DSpace... REST API for DSpace Bojan Suzic; Re: [Dspace-tech] REST API for DSpace Marianna Mühlhölzer. Re: [Dspace-tech] REST API for DSpace Chris Hawkins.
Bojan Suzic - PDF Free DownloadDownload "Bojan Suzic " in 8 OASIS Directry Service Markup Standard, which prvides a means fr representing directry structure r queries ...
PPT - Bojan Suzic Open Identity Summit September 10th ...www.slideserve.com › dawn › bojan-suzic-open-ide...Bojan Suzic Open Identity Summit September 10th, Kloster Banz. Secure Hardware- Based Public Cloud Storage. Secure Information Technology Center ...
Zentrum für sichere Informationstechnologie - Austria Bojan Suzic...Zentrum für sichere Infor...
Bojan Suzic | Graz University of Technology - Academia.eduAcademia.edu is a place to share and follow research.
Све поруке истог АутораАутор: Bojan Suzic - све поруке које се налазе у Архиви. Време, Наслов поруке :54:37, privremena odjava i od mene :36:
Questions : Bojan SuzicQuestions for Bojan Suzic. Bojan Suzic; Questions. by relevancy, by ... Expired Invalid. No questions involving Bojan Suzic found with the requested statuses.
Lecture Notes in Informatics... Bojan Suzic, Peter Teufl and Andreas Derler. Abstract. The storage of data on remote systems such as the public cloud opens new challenges in the field of data ...
Secure Data Sharing and Processing in Heterogeneous Clouds. Bojan...Secure Data Sharing and Processing in Heterogeneous Clouds Bojan Suzic, Graz University of Technology 1 Presentation Outline SUNFISH Project Cloud ...
git.mate-desktop.org# # Maintainer: Danilo Šegan # Reviewed on by: Danilo Šegan and Bojan Suzic # Reviewed on by: Danilo Šegan # Reviewed on by: ...
(PDF) Api094-asia-fertility | Bojan Suzic - Academia.eduBy Bojan Suzic.
ARES Conference >> International Conference on Availability,...International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security
Alumni US | Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz ( )Graduates of Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz - the names, photos, skill, job, location. Information on the Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz - contacts, students,...
Program | IEEE CNS09: : Opening 09: : Keynote talkProtecting Data Stored in the Cloud
An Overview of Cloud Identity Management-Models - PDF Free DownloadSecure Hardware-Based Public Cloud Storage Bernd Zwattendorfer 1, Bojan Suzic 2, Peter Teufl 2, Andreas Derler 3 1 E-Government Innovationszentrum ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Bojan
Männlicher Vorname (Tschechisch): Bojan; Altslawisch (Wortzusammensetzung); boi = die Schlacht, der Kampf
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