291 Infos zu Boris Sket
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- 30 July
7 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Heise.de: Philips 49PUS6412 Bewertungen heise online Preisvergleich /...Boris Sket. Bewertung bereitgestellt und verifiziert durch via Mediamarkt.de am , 00:00. Toller Smart TV mit Ambilight. Der Fernseher hat eine super Qualität.
Google News - Boris Sket - AktuellMit Google News kannst du zum Thema Boris Sket vollständige Artikel lesen, Videos ansehen und in Tausenden von Titeln stöbern.
Boris Sket - Hyperleaphyperleap.com › topic › Boris_SketBoris Sket (born 30 July in Ljubljana) is a Slovenian zoologist and speleobiologist. His research focuses on the faunistics of troglobionts and ...
Umrl akad. Boris Sket - LjubljanaSlovenska Akademija Znanosti in UmetnostiSporočamo žalostno novico, da nas je 7. maja zapustil akademik biolog Boris Sket. Žalna seja bo v četrtek, 18. maja 2023, ob 11. uri v akademijski ... Sporočamo žalostno novico, da nas je 7. maja zapustil akademik biolog Boris Sket. Žalna seja bo v četrtek, 18. maja 2023, ob 11. uri v akademijski ...
19 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Boris Sket - Public Figure | FacebookFacebook: Boris Sket | FacebookFacebook: Boris Sket | FacebookLinkedIn: Boris Sket | LinkedInBoris Skets berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Boris Sket dabei hilft, interne ...
1 Hobbys & Interessen
The ecology of anchihaline cavesCellvon B Sket · · Zitiert von: 168 — Boris Sket. Boris Sket. Contact. Affiliations. Boris Sket is at the Oddelek za biologijo, Biotehniška fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani, p.p. 95, Ljubljana ...
1 Business-Profile
Boris Sket University of Ljubljana · Department of BiologyBoris SKET | Cited by | of University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana | Read 278 publications | Contact Boris SKET. Boris SKET | Cited by | of University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana | Read 278 publications | Contact Boris SKET.
1 Persönliche Webseiten
What Does The Name Sket Mean?What is the meaning of Sket? How popular is the baby name Sket? Learn the origin and popularity plus how to pronounce Sket
1 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
Boris Sket - Wikispecies— Boris Sket (b ), Slovene zoologist. Professor, Department of Biology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana. Boris Sket — Boris Sket (b ), Slovene zoologist. Professor, Department of Biology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana. Boris Sket ...
2 Angaben zur Herkunft
Boris SKET (1908–1943) • FamilySearchWhen Boris SKET was born on 6 July 1908, his father, Dr. Ivan Sket, was 38 and his mother, Katarina "Kata" Kramberger, was 30. He married Ada KRALJIČ. When Boris SKET was born on 6 July 1908, his father, Dr. Ivan Sket, was 38 and his mother, Katarina "Kata" Kramberger, was 30. He married Ada KRALJIČ.
Boris Sket Ancestry®Research genealogy for Boris Sket of GoricaItalija, as well as other members of the Sket family, on Ancestry®.
1 Projekte
MorphobankResearchers from Dept. of biology, Biotechnical faculty, University of Ljubljana: Cene Fišer, Peter Trontelj and Boris Sket. Copyright information. Permission to ...
50 Bücher zum Namen
Polymer-Supported Boron TrifluorideTaylor & Francis Onlinevon B Sket · · Zitiert von: 18 — Polymer-Supported Boron Trifluoride. Boris Sket Department of Chemistry and “J. Stefan” , Institute “E. Kardelj” University of Ljubljana Ljubljana ...
Professor Boris Sket (1936–2023): the SpeleoBiologist and much …WEBBProfessor Boris Sket (1936–2023): the SpeleoBiologist and much more Cene Fišer, Gregor Bračko, Teo Delić, Žiga Fišer, Jure Jugovic, Ajda Moškrič, Simona Prevorčnik, …
Boris Sket - BioNamesbionames.org › authorsBoris Sket. Coauthors Coauthors. Alberto Sendra · Benjamin Zwittnig · Branko Jalžić · Cene Fišer · Charles Oliver Coleman · Damià Jaume ...
Boris Sket, Kazimir Tarman, Savo Brelih, Rajko Rakovecbooks.google.com › Ključi_za_določevanje_živaliKljuči za določevanje živali: Mnogočlenarji. Polymeria, Volume 3. Front Cover. Boris Sket, Kazimir Tarman, Savo Brelih, Rajko Rakovec. Inštitut za biologijo ...
24 Dokumente
[2 + 2] Photoaddition of acetylenes to hexafluorobenzene. Isolation ...pubs.acs.org › doi › abs· Boris sket, Natasˇa Zupancˇicˇ, Marko Zupan. Regiospecifity of acetylene photocycloadditions to fluorosubstituted benzenes. Tetrahedron
Sket, Boris [WorldCat Identities]Most widely held works by Boris Sket. Kemija za gimnazije 2 by Nataša Bukovec( Book ) 6 editions published between and in Slovenian and held by ...
Category:Boris SketWikimedia Commons— Media in category "Boris Sket". The following 3 files are in this category, out of 3 total. Boris Sket jpg 1,849 × 2,725; MB — Media in category "Boris Sket". The following 3 files are in this category, out of 3 total. Boris Sket jpg 1,849 × 2,725; MB.
Boris Sket - PDFSEARCH.IO - Document Search EngineDavid C. Culver and Boris Sket - Hotspots of Subterranean Biodiversity in Caves and Wells. Journal of Cave and Karst Studies 62(1):[removed]HOTSPOTS OF ...
12 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Anchihaline (Anchialine) caves and faunaScienceDirect.comvon B Sket · · Zitiert von: 5 — ... caves and fauna. Author links open overlay panel. Boris Sket. Show more. Outline. Add to Mendeley. Share. Cite. https://doi.org B von B Sket · · Zitiert von: 5 — ... caves and fauna. Author links open overlay panel. Boris Sket. Show more. Outline. Add to Mendeley. Share. Cite. https://doi.org B
IN MEMORIAM profesor dr. Boris Sket (1936 – 2023) - Novice10. Mai · V nedeljo, 7. maja 2023, se je poslovil naš cenjeni profesor dr. Boris Sket. Bil je doktor bioloških znanosti in redni profesor zoologije na Oddelku za Biologijo, Biotehniške fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani.
High Biodiversity in Hypogean Waters and Its EndangermentJstorvon B Sket · · Zitiert von: 124 — BORIS SKET nur der Krebse, ist). Slovenien hat mit etwa 200 Stygobionten ... BORIS SKET. Table I. Comparison of epigean and hypogean aquatic faunas for Europe ... von B Sket · · Zitiert von: 124 — BORIS SKET nur der Krebse, ist). Slovenien hat mit etwa 200 Stygobionten ... BORIS SKET. Table I. Comparison of epigean and hypogean aquatic faunas for Europe ...
IN MEMORIAM profesor dr. Boris Sket (1936 – 2023)Biotehniška fakultetaAP — maja 2023, se je poslovil naš cenjeni profesor dr. Boris Sket. Bil je doktor bioloških znanosti in redni profesor zoologije na Oddelku za ...
15 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Distribution of Asellus aquaticus (Crustacea: Isopoda - SpringerLinklink.springer.com › HydrobiologiaBoris Sket. Hydrobiologia volume 287, pages 39–47 (1994)Cite this article Boris Sket. Authors. Boris Sket. View author publications. You can also search ...
Boris Sket, Matija Gogala, Valika Kuštor (ur.) 2003WorldCatBoris Sket, Matija Gogala, Valika Kuštor (ur.) 2003: Živalstvo Slovenije ... | WorldCat.org. Boris Sket, Matija Gogala, Valika Kuštor (ur.) 2003: Živalstvo Slovenije ... | WorldCat.org.
INTERVJU: Boris SketIssuuNenavadno bi bilo spoznati slovenskega biologa, ki ne bi vedel, kdo je akademik prof. dr. Boris Sket, torej edini biolog, ki je bil rektor Univerze v ... Nenavadno bi bilo spoznati slovenskega biologa, ki ne bi vedel, kdo je akademik prof. dr. Boris Sket, torej edini biolog, ki je bil rektor Univerze v ...
Boris Sket - Wikidatawww.wikidata.org › wikiBoris Sket. Slovene zoologist (1936–2023). B. Sket; Sket. In more languages. Spanish. Boris Sket. zoólogo esloveno. Traditional Chinese. No label defined. No ...
8 Meinungen & Artikel
Twitter-Nachrichten: Polychaeta SpeciesX · WPolyDb1 „Gefällt mir“-Angabe · vor 2 Wochen"He was one of the giants, whose shoulders allow us seeing further." An in-memoriam piece dedicated to Professor Boris Sket, who passed away ... "He was one of the giants, whose shoulders allow us seeing further." An in-memoriam piece dedicated to Professor Boris Sket, who passed away ...
Twitter-Nachrichten: Umrl akademik biolog Boris SketX · STAkrogvor 8 MonatenUmrl akademik biolog Boris Sket https://t.co/daac97hRiX #znanost #biologija.
Wikipedia: Boris SketBoris Sket (30 July – 7 May 2023) was a Slovenian zoologist and speleobiologist Sket obtained his doctorate at the University of Ljubljana in and ... Boris Sket (30 July – 7 May 2023) was a Slovenian zoologist and speleobiologist Sket obtained his doctorate at the University of Ljubljana in and ...
Wikipedia: Boris Sket - Wikipedija, prosta enciklopedijaBoris Sket, slovenski biolog in akademik, * 30. julij 1936, Ljubljana, † 7. maj Sket je leta diplomiral, leta pa doktoriral na takratni Prirodoslovno-matematični fakulteti s področja zoologije nevretenčarjev.
144 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Boris Sket | LinkedInView Boris Sket's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Boris Sket discover inside ...
LT3274B - Process for preparing 1-substituted 6-fluoro Google PatentsBoris Sket: Marko Zupan: Pavel Zupet: Marjeta Globokar. Worldwide applications YU. Application number: YU A. Filing date: Legal status:. Boris Sket: Marko Zupan: Pavel Zupet: Marjeta Globokar. Worldwide applications YU. Application number: YU A. Filing date: Legal status:.
Boris Sket (Kunsthandel) in Nersingen Bayern Branche …WEBBInformationen an Boris Sket in Nersingen, Bayern,
Boris Sket - Alchetron, The Free Social EncyclopediaAlchetron.comAP — Boris Sket (born 30 July in Ljubljana) is a Slovene zoologist. Sket obtained his doctorate at the University of Ljubljana in and ...
Boris Sket - sazu.siBoris Sket was born on 30 July in Ljubljana. Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of Zoology and Invertebrate Speleobiology at the biological section of the Faculty of Biotechnology of the University of Ljubljana. He was raised and educated in Ljubljana, and spent some years in Bjelovar, Karlovac and Belgrade. He studied biology at the former Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the University of Ljubljana.
Boris Sket - WikiwandBoris Sket is a Slovenian zoologist and speleobiologist.[1]
Sket - Names EncyclopediaFamous people: Boris Sket Writers: Dusan Sket Faces of people named Sket. Rating:1. Submit. Rating:0. Submit. Rating:0. Submit. Rating:0. Submit. Rating:0 ...
Boris Sket's neue Frisur (February 2020)Fotos und alle wichtigen Infos über Boris Sket's neue Hairstyles und eine detailierte Anleitung wie man eine Frisur wie Boris Sket stylen kann.
In memoriam: Akademik prof. dr. Boris Sket (1936–2023)In memoriam: Akademik prof. dr. Boris Sket (1936–2023) Vsak človek je zase svet, čuden, svetal in lep kot zvezda na nebu. (T. Pavček)
Umrl akademik biolog Boris Sket, po katerem so poimenovali...9. Mai · Umrl je akademik biolog Boris Sket. Med drugim je bil profesor zoologije nevretenčarjev in speleobiologije na biološkem oddelku Biotehniške fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani, prodekan biotehniške fakultete in rektor ljubljanske univerze.
Boris Sket: Ecology and Evolution H-index & AwardsDiscover the latest information about Boris Sket - D-Index & Metrics, Awards, Achievements, Best Publications and Frequent Co-Authors. Discover the latest information about Boris Sket - D-Index & Metrics, Awards, Achievements, Best Publications and Frequent Co-Authors.
Boris Sket - oglejte si vse knjige na Emka.siwww.emka.si › servlet › emkasi › boris-sketBoris Sket - oglejte si vse knjige na Emka.si, ISKANJE IZVORA: EVOLUCIJA ZA GIMNAZIJE - UČB., učbenik za biologijo gimnazijah (NOVO)...
Boris Sket, Življenje v kraškem podzemljuAntikvariat | AlefBoris Sket, Življenje v kraškem podzemlju ... Življenje v kraškem podzemlju [fotografije: Valika Kuštor et al.] Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga, – 32 str. : ... Boris Sket, Življenje v kraškem podzemlju ... Življenje v kraškem podzemlju [fotografije: Valika Kuštor et al.] Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga, – 32 str. : ,00 €
Boris SketTheInfoList.com - (boris sket) BORIS SKET (born 30 July in Ljubljana ) is a Slovene zoologist . Sket obtained his doctorate at the University of Ljubljana in ...
Boris Sket's research works | University of Ljubljana ResearchGatewww.researchgate.net › Boris-SketBoris Sket's 13 research works with 56 citations and reads, including: Phylogenetic relationships of Sphaeromides Dollfus, (Crustacea: Isopoda: ...
Ivo Lučić: Boris Sket: Vjetrenica pogled u dušu zemljeAntikvarijat VremeplovKnjiga Ivo Lučić: Boris Sket: Vjetrenica pogled u dušu zemlje pisca Lučić Ivo u Antikvarijat Vremeplov web shopu. Kliknite na naš web i saznajte više! Knjiga Ivo Lučić: Boris Sket: Vjetrenica pogled u dušu zemlje pisca Lučić Ivo u Antikvarijat Vremeplov web shopu. Kliknite na naš web i saznajte više! 13,27 €
boris sket, zadnje novice - N1n1info.siboris sket · Sledite nam · Kategorije · NAJBOLJ BRANO · Skrbimo za vašo zasebnost · O vaši zasebnosti. boris sket · Sledite nam · Kategorije · NAJBOLJ BRANO · Skrbimo za vašo zasebnost · O vaši zasebnosti.
Prof. dr. Boris Sket named honorary member of SubBioLabsubbio.net— Boris Sket, a founder and a previous leader of the Group for zoology and speleobiology (now SubBioLab). His contributions to scientific — Boris Sket, a founder and a previous leader of the Group for zoology and speleobiology (now SubBioLab). His contributions to scientific ...
Boris Sket Resource | Learn About, Share and Discuss Boris Sket At...Get Boris Sket essential facts. View Videos or join the Boris Sket discussion. Add Boris Sket to your PopFlock.com topic list or share. Boris Sket at popflock.com.
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Boris
Männlicher Vorname (Russisch, Bulgarisch): Boris; Wolf (?); Unbekannt (Wortzusammensetzung); üblicherweise erklärt als Kurzform des slawischen Namens 'Borislaw'; wahrscheinlich aber ein eigenständiger Name, verwendet im Altbulgarischen, mit türkischer Herkunft, vielleicht mit der Bedeutung 'Wolf'
Personensuche zu Boris Sket & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Boris Sket und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.