85 Infos zu Brendan Haug

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8 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Luther College opens papyri exhibit Oct Decorah Newspapersdecorahnewspapers.com › Social › Social › Article

· Brendan Haug, University of Michigan assistant professor of classical studies and archivist of the university's Papyrology Collection, will give a ...

Old papers - Undeceptionsundeceptions.com › podcast › old-papers

Dr Brendan Haug is the archivist at the University of Michigan's Papyrology Collection and Assistant Professor in the Department of Classical Studies. He is ...

Observer and Eccentric Newspapers and Hometown Weeklies

Saturday, Aug. 29, featured a lecture by University of Michigan assistant professor Brendan Haug on "Early Christian Papyrology" at the church.

Ya'ssoo Greek Festival of Ann Arbor

Brendan Haug, Assistant Professor of Classical Studies and Archivist, Papyrology Collection at U-M. Guided tours of our Byzantine-style church with new ...

1  Bilder zu Brendan Haug

Bild zu Brendan Haug

12 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Brendan Haug

Facebook: Brendan Haug - kick some ass girls! | Facebook

Facebook: Brendan Haug | Facebook

LinkedIn: Brendan Haug - AME Cat E Avionics - Apprentice - None | LinkedIn

View Brendan Haug's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Brendan has 1 job listed on their profile. See the complete profile on  ...

2 Hobbys & Interessen

lastFM: (brendan_haug)

Alter: 30, männlich

Brendan Haug, Triangular Landscapes: Environment, Society, and the...

Triangular Landscapes: Environment, Society, and the State in the Nile Delta under Roman Rule by Katherine Blouin · Brendan Haug.

1 Business-Profile

Faculty Profile: Brendan Haug - UC Berkeley Department of Classics

Brendan Haug Graduate Student Instructor. Group: Contact information. · Home ... Copyright statement ... Contact Classics.

1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Brendan Haug at University of Michigan - RateMyProfessors.com

Rating and reviews for Professor Brendan Haug from University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI United States.

1 Persönliche Webseiten

Servant to Servant

The tour will be led by collection archivist Dr. Brendan Haug, who will speak to us about the codex and other early Christian documents.

2 Infos zur Ausbildung

classmates: Brendan Haug, Class of Reynolds High School ...

Brendan Haug graduate of Reynolds High School in Victoria, BC is on Classmates.com. Get caught up with Brendan Haug and other high school alumni ...

classmates: Margaret Haug - Lars Haugaard - Classmates.comwww.classmates.com/directory/members/h/h

... Brendan Haug · Michele Haug · Patti Haug · Dennis Haug · Gretchen Haug · Janet Haug · Heather Marie Haug (Cressman) · Heather Marie Haug (Cressman) ...

2 Projekte


in the Nile Delta under Roman Rule by Katherine Blouin. (review). Brendan Haug. American Journal of Philology, Volume 136, Number 3 (Whole Number 543),.

Project MUSE - American Journal of Philology-Volume 136, Number 3...

... Society, and the State in the Nile Delta under Roman Rule by Katherine Blouin (review). pp | DOI: ajp Brendan Haug. html icon ...

15 Bücher zum Namen

Law and Legal Practice in Egypt from Alexander to the Arab Conquest

Cambridge Core - Egyptology - Law and Legal Practice in Egypt from Alexander to the Arab Conquest

A Companion to Ancient Agriculture - Google Books

The first book-length overview of agricultural development in the ancient world A Companion to Ancient Agriculture is an authoritative overview of the history...

Law and Legal Practice in Egypt from Alexander to the Arab ...books.google.com › books

Brendan Haug, Andrea Jördens, and Sitta von Reden Introduction This chapter is concerned with the contractual relationship between laborers and employers.

Living the End of Antiquity: Individual Histories from Byzantine to...

Haug (2014): Brendan Haug, “Dependent labor. The case of the enapographoi geôrgoi”, in: Keenan et al. (2014), 430–441. Hickey (2012): Todd M. Hickey, ...

1 Dokumente

A collection of chreiai: P.Mich. inv. 41 Revisited, Archiv für...

Abstract New readings in P.Mich. inv. 41 suggest that the fragment has transmitted a catalogue of chreiai attributed to different well-known people.

4 Meinungen & Artikel

Exclusive Interview: University of Michigan's Papyrology Detroitdetroitbookfest.com › exclusive-interview-university...

· University of Michigan Papyrology Collection with Brendan Haug (photo by: Ryan M. Place). The University of Michigan's Papyrology Collection ...

Karanis – Page 3 – The Kelsey Blog

Posts about Karanis written by cperson01 and plourie

Manuscript Survey in Ann Arbor (Michigan) - Blog - CoptOT Public

Thanks to the generous assistance and cooperation by the curators, Monica Tsuneishi, Brendan Haug, and Pablo Alvarez, Alin and Frank were able to see and ...

EHW 2019: Programme – Environmental History Workshop

Flows Second Annual Environmental History Workshop Northumbria University, Newcastle Friday 13 September Room 201, 207, Sandyford Building, City Campus,...

30 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Brendan Haug - Assistant Professor - University of Michigan ...

View Brendan Haug's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Brendan has 1 job listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...

Brendan Haug | LinkedIn

View Brendan Haug's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Brendan Haug discover ...

Brendan Haug | University of Michigan Library

I am the Archivist of the Papyrology Collection and work to facilitate research, publication, and conservation of the collection. On the digital side, I oversee and help ...

Brendan J. Haug | Transparent California

Search California public, government employee, workers salaries, pensions and compensation

2018 Oratorical Festival - St. Nicholas Church Schoolchurchschool.stnickaa.org › oratorical › orator...

Timekeeper: Brendan Haug. Speaker Order/Room Coordinators: Pam Petropoulos, Ioana Nadra. Photography: Jennifer Patselas. Oratorical Festival Poster: ...

St. Nicholas Church School Oratorical Festival

Nick Chapekis Jr., Dr. Sophia Grias,. Robert Templeman, Cindy Templeman. Brendan Haug, Ioana Nadra, Deno Prokos. Opening Prayer & Video: Deno Prokos.

Farewell, His Beatrice - The American Conservative

The little way of Andrea Dawn Miller

LEADERSHIP – The Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts

... Brendan Haug - Assistant Professor of Classical Studies and Archivist of the Papyrology Collection, University of Michigan; Larry Hurtado - Emeritus Professor​ ...

Map – Rural Society in Medieval Islam - Londonprojects.history.qmul.ac.uk › ruralsocietyislam › map

Cronelia Römer, and Dr Brendan Haug for providing us with their sound advice about the topography and geography of the Fayyum. Any faults are entirely ours.

Old papers – Undeceptions with John Dickson – Podcast – Podtail

Thousands of scraps of paper that have been buried in the sands of Egypt for over two millennia are now stored in museums and universities all around the...

Check out this podcast episode, featuring papyrology archivist...

John enters the climate-controlled vault housing the earliest manuscripts of the epistles of Paul with our first guest, Brendan Haug, head archivist @UMichLibrary ...

Rivers and the Power of Ancient Rome. Studies in the History of...

Brendan Haug, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University. . In a programmatic article on the writing of environmental ...

Text in Context - Leiden University

Dr. Brendan Haug: Archivist of the Papyrology Collection and Assistant Professor in the Department of Classical Studies at the University of Michigan.

Bryn Mawr Classical Review:

On irrigation, cf. now Brendan Haug, "Water and Power: Reintegrating the State into the Study of Egyptian Irrigation," History Compass

Water Scarcity, Local Adaptability, and the Changing Landscape of the...

Brendan Haug. It is easy to allocate resources that exist in sufficient quantities to satisfy the needs of all of their users. If constant, unregulated use poses no ...

Find People Living at 815 N Main St Pendleton OR

Related to: Daniel Haug • Brendan Haug • Brynne Haug • Deborah Forte • Gareth Haug · View Free Details · Dusty Pace Pendleton, OR. Age: 63. Full Name: Mr ...


Provisional papyri.info output Brendan HAUG, "Military Pork: Two Receipts for Rations.," Zeitschrift fur Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 160 (2007).

Dr. Lajos Berkes — Institut für Christentum und Antike

[mit Brendan Haug:] Villages, Requisitions, and Tax Districts: Two Greek Lists from the Eighth-Century Fayyūm, Bulletin of the American Society ...

Kennel Boy

Kennel Boy has been performed once at the Social Spaces show by Brendan Haug. At the event before it was closed down by the authorities Brendan had ...

5 things to do around Ann Arbor this weekend: Shakespeare in the Arb,...

Looking for things to do this weekend? Here are a few suggestions to get your planning started. Shakespeare in the Arb's

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Brendan

Männlicher Vorname (Englisch, Irisch): Brendan; Prinz (?); Altirisch (Wortzusammensetzung); von der latinisierten Form 'Brendanus' eines alten irischen Namens 'Bréanainn', vielleicht mit der Bedeutung 'Prinz'; bekannt durch den hl. Brendan, einem bekannten irischen Mönch (6. Jh.)

Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Haug

Haug(k), 980 Hug, 1341 an dem Hauge, 1363 Hauk. Rufname (Koseform) Hugo zu althochdeutsch hugu "Geist, Sinn, Gesinnung, Mut", z. T. auch Wohnstättenname zu mittelhochdeutsch houc "Hügel" für einen , der auf dem Hügel wohnt.

Personensuche zu Brendan Haug & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Brendan Haug und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.