91 Infos zu Brinja Meiseberg
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- Münster
Infos zu
- Thomas Ehrmann
- Management
- Wilhelms-Universität
- University
- Institut für Strategisches
- Franchising
- Conference
6 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Aktuelles & Pressemitteilungen | Internationales Centrum für ...www.franchising-und-cooperation.de/aktuelles?page=1Dr. Brinja Meiseberg verstärkt das Team des F&C im Bereich Internationaler ... Seit Januar verstärkt Frau Dr. Brinja Meiseberg das F&C-Team und ...
EMNet 2007: 3rd International Conference on ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT...3rd International Conference on Economics and Management of NetworksRotterdam School of ManagementErasmus University Rotterdam28, 29 and
BWL ist nach wie vor ein faszinierendes Fach - WiWowww.wiwo.de › Erfolg › Hochschule225, Brinja Meiseberg, Universität Münster, 4,78Stephan C. M. Henneberg, Queen Mary University of London, 4,77Martin ...
Das sind die Spitzen-Studis der Uni
1 Bilder zu Brinja Meiseberg

1 Infos zur Ausbildung
Carolin Decker, Dr. • DFG-Graduiertenkolleg "Pfade organisatorischer...... von Brinja Meiseberg und Thomas Ehrmann,Tagung der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Organisation im Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft ...
22 Bücher zum Namen
DNB, Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek... Brinja Meiseberg. IfHM, Institut für Handelsmanagement und Netzwerkmarketing. Dieter Ahlert (Hrsg.). [Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster] ...
Tendency to network of small and medium-sized enterprises : combining...Tendency to network of small and medium-sized enterprises : combining organizational economics and resource-based perspectives Meiseberg, Brinja, ...
Brinja Meiseberg | XanEdu Customization PlatformAuthor: Brinja Meiseberg. Results. Diversity in teams and the success of cultural products Springer Science+Business Media By: Brinja ...
Interfirm Networks: Franchising, Cooperatives and Strategic Alliances...The organization of interfirm networks, such as alliances, cooperatives, franchise and retail chains, has become an important research topic in the field of...
7 Dokumente
Superstar Effects in Deluxe Gastronomy – an Empirical Analysis of...University of Muenster. Brinja Meiseberg. University of Muenster - Institute of Strategic Management ... Brinja Meiseberg. University of Muenster ...
4th International Conference on Business and Economic ...University of Szeged, Hungary. Brinja Meiseberg. Institute of Strategic Management Westfälische Wilhelms-. Universität Münster, Germany.
29th Annual ISoF Conferencewww.unioviedo.es › ISOF2015 › P...System-Level-Outcomes. Brinja Meiseberg, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (Germany). Rozenn Perrigot, University of Rennes
Book Social Media Start With Social Media 46 Steps Social Media ...Facebook Twitter Youtube Linkedin And Instagram Social Media Social Media the role of customer capital . brinja meiseberg assistant professor institute of ...
12 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Auszeichnungen | Dr. Brinja Meiseberg | Institut für Strategisches...Dr. Brinja Meiseberg Akademische Oberrätin Institut für Strategisches Management. Leonardo Campus Münster. Telefon: + Fax: +
Vol. 34, No. 3/5, APRIL—JULY of Managerial and Decision...Managerial and Decision Economics
dblp: Brinja MeisebergList of computer science publications by Brinja Meiseberg
Carolin Decker, Dr. • Pfadkolleg research center • School of Business...Koreferat zum Beitrag “First We Take Manhattan – But We Won't Take Berlin: Social Capital Transfer and Performance in Franchising” von Brinja Meiseberg und ...
9 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
dpa-Basisdienst vomdpa-Basisdienst vom Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung vom Seite: N5 Seitentitel: Forschung und Lehre Ressort: Natur und
“Anything worth winning is worth cheating for EconPaperseconpapers.repec.org › RePEc:spr:j...By Brinja Meiseberg, Thomas Ehrmann and Aloys Prinz; Abstract: Abstract Previous literature discussing driving forces in students' decisions to ... Não encontrados: Scribner" | Precisa incluir: Scribner"
Trust the artist versus trust the tale: performance implications of...Based on a unique dataset of artists that are active in the German market for folk music—the third largest music genre in terms of popularity and sal
Journal of Product & Brand Management: Vol. 25 Iss. 7 | Emerald...Journal of Product & Brand Management - Volume 25 Issue 7
2 Meinungen & Artikel
展演行銷實務 | 創意產業暨流行音樂學分學程展演行銷實務 授課教師 白紀齡 英文名稱 Performance marketing practices 全/…
All Categories - ESPART II: ORGANIZATIONAL FORMS ; 5. A multi-national investigation of dual distribution structures in franchising / Brinja Meiseberg and Thomas Ehrmann ; 6.
30 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Dr. Brinja Meiseberg | igenda FRANCHISE VERBUNDGRUPPENInformationen zu Unternehmensnetzwerken Franchise, Verbundgruppen
Dr. Brinja Meiseberg verstärkt das Team des F&C im Bereich...Dr. Brinja Meiseberg studierte Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Recht an der Universität Münster und der BI Norwegian School of Management.
Conflict Dynamics in Interfirm Relationships: An Exploratory Analysis...The level of conflict present in interfirm relationships largely determines the partners’ ability to realize relationship performance goals because
Vorlesung Planung und Entscheidung. Prof. Dr. Thomas Ehrmann ...docplayer.org › Vorlesung-planung-und-e...Dr. Thomas Ehrmann Dr. Brinja Meiseberg Prof. Dr. Thomas Ehrmann Planung und Entscheidung 1 Termine: :15-21:45 Uhr Fürstenberghaus (F1) :15-21:45.
Inner Strength Against Competitive Forces: Successful Site Selection...For every franchise system, making the leap from the unknown to the commonplace requires a strategic plan for growth. The exogenous market
Performance Implications of Network Structure, Resource Investment,...This study offers a new framework for organizing a motion picture in such a way that chances for box-office success are enhanced. We combine and
Diversity in teams and the success of cultural products - ProQuestBrinja Meiseberg Thomas Ehrmann. Received: 19 January Accepted: 15 June Published online: 9 August Springer Science+Business Media ...
Drivers of demand for management literatureDrivers of demand for management literature. Brinja Meiseberg · Details · Contributors · Fields of science · Bibliography · Quotations · Similar · Collections ...
EGOS - SUB-THEMES: Programs - European Group for Organizational...Brinja Meiseberg. Corporate collaboration with family firms. Paola Angela Maria Mazzurana and Luca Zanin. The choice of the alliance governance structure in ...
Four communications at the International Society of Franchising...Brinja Meiseberg, Westfälische Wilhelms‐Universität Münster (Germany) Rozenn Perrigot, University of Rennes 1 (France); Franchising in the ...
IFERA 2016: ProgramSession DS6 - Performance Implications of Internal versus External Succession Decisions: The Case of VIP Family Firms Brinja Meiseberg
Knjižnično dokumentacijski centar - Rezultati pretraživanjaWe don't need another hero : implications from network structure and resource commitment for movie performance Brinja Meiseberg, Thomas Ehrmann, Julian ...
Performance Implications of Network Structure, Resource ...www.springerprofessional.de › performance-implicatio...Autoren: Brinja Meiseberg, Thomas Ehrmann. Verlag: Physica-Verlag HD. Erschienen in: Strategy and Governance of Networks. » Jetzt Zugang zum Volltext ...
Performance implications of centrality in franchisee advice networks...Although the literature has provided ample evidence for the decisiveness of the franchisor–franchisee relationship in explaining organizational success or...
Resale prices in franchising: insights from franchisee perspectives...Resale prices in franchising: insights from franchisee perspectives - Author: Rozenn Perrigot, Guy Basset, Brinja Meiseberg
Quality kills the mediastar? Career paths of intellectualswww.infona.pl › resource › bwmet...Quality kills the mediastar? Career paths of intellectuals. Brinja Meiseberg, Thomas Ehrmann, Jochen Lengers · Details · Contributors · Fields of science ...
Taking part in the 30th Annual Conference of the International...Brinja Meiseberg, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (Germany) Karim Mignonac, University of Toulouse 1 Capitole (France) Rozenn ...
Tausende Menschen durften in Münster kostenlos essen- Kirche+LebenDer Verein „Stop Food Waste for Peace, Münster“ brachte am Samstag die Münsteraner Abfallwirtschaftsbetriebe, die Gesamtschule Ost, Misereor, Brot für die...
Resale prices in franchising: insights from franchisee DOIsdoi.org › ... › Volume 25 Issue 7Dr Brinja Meiseberg is an Assistant Professor at the University of Münster, Germany. Her research interests are in managerial economics, B2B ...
Resale prices in franchising: insights from franchisee ...halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr › halshs...Rozenn Perrigot, Guy Basset, Brinja Meiseberg. Resale prices in franchising: insights from franchisee perspectives. Journal of Product and Brand Management, ...
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