104 Infos zu Britta Swai
Mehr erfahren über Britta Swai
Infos zu
- Kilimanjaro
- Krawinkel
- Michael
- Tanzania
- Bartlett
- Daudi
- Mavura
- Sendui Ole Nguyaine
- Andreas Mueller
- Markus Hauser
- Nathan
- Boeree
1 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Zeitung der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen. 6Wie nach neuen...Britta Swai, Ärztin am Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (KCMC) in Tansania, ihren Patientinnen raten? Und deren Töchtern? Aus dem Studium weiß sie, dass ...
4 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
LinkedIn: Britta Swai | LinkedInBritta Swais berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Britta Swai dabei hilft, interne ...
Britta Swai Tanzania NOTE: Please login to see user detailsBritta Swai Tanzania. NOTE: Please login to see user details.
Author Search Resultsencore.uum.edu.my › find › Author › Homeby John A. Crump, Jakko van Ingen, Anne B. Morrissey, Martin J. Boeree, Daudi R. Mavura, Britta Swai, Nathan M. Thielman, John A. Bartlett, Henning Grossman ...
John Andrew Crump - .edu › person › johnCrump, John A., Jakko van Ingen, Anne B. Morrissey, Martin J. Boeree, Daudi R. Mavura, Britta Swai, Nathan M. Thielman, et al. “Invasive disease caused by ...
3 Hobbys & Interessen
Cleveland Clinic CME topic collection | British Journal of...BJO's Cleveland Clinic CME topic collection is an online eduational resource to help your continuing medical education in ophthalmology
Highlights from this issue | British Journal of Ophthalmologybjo.bmj.com › contentIrma Illyes Makupa Britta Swai William Uforo Makupa Valerie A White Susan Lewallen. British Journal of Ophthalmology 2011; Published Online ...
Clinical factors associated with malignancy and HIV status in...Britta Swai 2, William Uforo Makupa 1, Valerie A White 3, Susan
1 Business-Profile
Experts and Doctors on humans in Moshi, Kilimanjaro, TanzaniaLocale, Species, Genomes and Genes, Research Topics, Publications, Scientific Experts about Experts and Doctors on humans in Moshi, Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
4 Bücher zum Namen
Britta Swai | XanEdu Customization PlatformAuthor: Britta Swai. Results. Dietary patterns and breast cancer risk among women in northern Tanzania: a case–control study Springer ...
学术圈 – Daudi R. MavuraJohn A. Crump , Jakko Van Ingen , Anne B. Morrissey , Martin J. Boeree , Daudi R. Mavura , Britta Swai , Nathan M. Thielman , John A. Bartlett , Henning ...
Emerging Infectious Diseasesbooks.google.ch › books... Tanzania John A. Crump , Jakko van Ingen , Anne B. Morrissey , Martin J. Boeree , Daudi R. Mavura , Britta Swai , Nathan M. Thielman , John A. Bartlett ...
Emerging Infectious Diseases - Google Books... Anne B. Morrissey, Martin J. Boeree, Daudi R. Mavura, Britta Swai, Nathan M. Thielman, John A. Bartlett, Henning Grossman, Venance P. Maro, and Dick van ...
11 Dokumente
Proximal tubal obstruction associated with tubal schistosomiasisobgyn.onlinelibrary.wiley.com › doi › absBritta Swai, Gabriele Poggensee, Sabina Mtweve, Ingela Krantz, Female genital schistosomiasis as an evidence of a neglected cause for reproductive ill-health: a ...
International Society for Mountain Medicine VIWCMM Abstracts (Page...International Society for Mountain Medicine ... Survival > - International Society for Mountain Medicine VIWCMM Abstracts Page Britta Swai. 2, ...
Clinical factors associated with malignancy and HIV status in...status in patients with ocular surface squamous neoplasia at Kilimanjaro Christian Medical. Centre, Tanzania. Irma Illyes Makupa,. 1. Britta Swai,. 2.
Dietary patterns and breast cancer risk among women in northern ...www.scienceopen.com › documentAuthor(s): Irmgard Jordan , Antje Hebestreit , Britta Swai , Michael B. Krawinkel. Publication date (Electronic): 23 June
14 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
[PDF] pdf - COREcore.ac.uk › download › pdfDaudi R. Mavura, Britta Swai,. Nathan M. Thielman, John A. Bartlett,. Henning Grossman, Venance P. Maro, and Dick van Soolingen.
Kliniken_Institute_Klinikum_Saar...www.yumpu.com › view › kliniken-institute-klinikum-saarbrucken-2017· Britta Swai. Dr. Sibylle Tzonos. Tele
Female genital schistosomiasis as an evidence of a neglected cause...... of a neglected cause for reproductive ill-health: a retrospective histopathological study from Tanzania. Britta Swai ,; Gabriele Poggensee ,; […] ...
Dietary patterns and breast cancer risk among BioMedSearchwww.biomedsearch.com _2012_Article_398.pdfBritta Swai • Michael B. Krawinkel. Received: 1 September Accepted: 4 June Published online: 23 June © The Author(s) This article is ...
1 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Mount Kilimanjaro - Wikipediaen.wikipedia.org › wiki › Mount_KilimanjaroMarkus Hauser, Andreas Mueller, Britta Swai, Sendui Ole Nguyaine (2004). "Deaths Due to High Altitude Illness Among Tourists Climbing Mt Kilimanjaro".
60 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Britta Swai | LinkedInView Britta Swai's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network ... Britta Swai. Pathologin bei Klinikum Saarbrücken. Location ...
OTARG Email Group - Yahoo GroupsFrom: Dani Swai <dani_m_swai@...> To: Britta Swai <pathology@...>, Aika Swai <aikamonika@...>, Naike Swai <naike7@...>, Naike Swai ...
Britta Swai (Pathologie) in Saarbrücken | Doctenawww.doctena.de › praxis_reinhardt_reitnauer_swai_weimannBuchen sie einen Termin mit Britta Swai, Pathologie. Auch Telefonnummer, Öffnungszeiten, Ausbildung, Auszeichnungen, Empfehlungen und Feedback.
Dipl. - Med. Britta Swai in Saarbrücken FA für …Dipl. - Med. Britta Swai in Saarbrücken FA für Pathologie Bewertungen, Leistungen, Telefonnummern, Öffnungszeiten, Online Wunsch-Termin Jetzt klicken!
Britta Swai's research works | Tumaini University (TU), Arusha and ...www.researchgate.net › Britta-SwaiBritta Swai's 13 research works with 290 citations and reads, including: PEG1/MEST and IGF2 DNA methylation in CIN and in cervical cancer.
Gram-Positive Bacterial Infections: Swai, Britta - Expertscape.comMedical and scientific articles about Gram-Positive Bacterial Infections, written by Britta Swai
Dietary patterns and breast cancer risk among women in northern...... and breast cancer risk among women in northern Tanzania: a case–control study. Irmgard Jordan , Antje Hebestreit , Britta Swai , Michael B. Krawinkel.
GMS | MAINZ : 56. GMDS-Jahrestagung und 6. DGEpi-Jahrestagung |...Britta Swai - Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center, Moshi Michael B Krawinkel - Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Giessen Mainz Jahrestagung der ...
Adjusted odds ratios for the associations between mean DMR ...plos.figshare.com › articles › dataset ›... Brandi Vasquez, Brenda Hernandez, Britta Swai, Olola Oneko, Pendo Mlay, Joseph Obure, Marilie D. Gammon, John A. Bartlett, Susan K. Murphy.
Associations between Methylation of Paternally Expressed Gene 3...... Cathrine Hoyo, Zhiqing Huang, Adriana C. Vidal, Frances Wang, Francine vercash, Jennifer S. Smith, Brandi Vasquez, Brenda Hernandez, Britta Swai, Olola ...
Breast cancer risk among women with long-standing lactation Galego.gale.com › i.do... Krawinkel were principal investigators and contributed to the manuscript; Britta Swai conducted the study implementation and data entry in Tanzania.
Breast cancer risk among women with long-standing lactation and...Authors. Irmgard Jordan , Antje Hebestreit, Britta Swai, Michael B Krawinkel. Affiliation. 1 Institute of Nutritional Sciences, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, ...
Female genital schistosomiasis as an evidence of a neglected …dc.contributor.author: Swai, Britta: dc.contributor.author: Poggensee, Gabriele: dc.contributor.author: Mtweve, Sabina: dc.contributor.author: Krantz, Ingela
Dietary patterns and breast cancer risk among women in ProQuestsearch.proquest.com › openview › 1.pdfBritta Swai • Michael B. Krawinkel. Received: 1 September Accepted: 4 June Published online: 23 June © The Author(s)
Associations between Methylation of Paternally Expressed Gene 3...Britta Swai,. Affiliation Department of Pathology, Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre, Tumaini University, Moshi, Tanzania. ⨯. Olola Oneko,.
Dr. David Walmer, MD – Raleigh, NC | Obstetrics & Gynecologywww.doximity.com › ... › North Carolina › RaleighJoseph Obure, O Olola, Britta Swai, Pendo Mlay, Gileard Masenga, D Walmer> ;Tanzania journal of health research Feb 1; 87 citations.
Female genital schistosomiasis as an evidence of a neglected ...cyberleninka.org › articleSimilar topics of scientific paper in Clinical medicine , author of scholarly article — Britta Swai, Gabriele Poggensee, Sabina Mtweve, Ingela Krantz. Female ...
Dietary patterns and breast cancer risk among women in northern...Background Breast cancer is the second most common cancer among women in the Kilimanjaro Region of Tanzania. It was tested within a case–control study in this...
DataCite SearchIrmgard Jordan, Antje Hebestreit, Britta Swai & Michael B Krawinkel. ConferencePaper published via German Medical Science GMS Publishing House. Introduction: Breast cancer is the leading cause of death among women worldwide. Studies in industrialised countries identified age at menarche, age at first full-term ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Britta
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch): Britta; die Erhabene; Keltisch (Religion); briganti = erhaben, göttlich; Name einer altirischen Lichtgottheit; die hl. Brighid ist die Nationalheilige Irlands Britta leitet sich ab von Brittania ( Brittanien ). Das spätere Angelland wurde vor der Zeitenwende von hebräischen Missionaren (Nachfolger sind die keltischen Druiden) Brittanien genannt; abgeleitet von Brith/Bris -zelebrierte Mannbarkeitsrituale der Hebräer .
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Christian Medical
- Antje Hebestreit
- Gabriele Poggensee
- Irmgard Jordan
- Markus Hauser
- Andreas Mueller
- Britta Poggensee
- Tina Lubjuhn
Personensuche zu Britta Swai & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Britta Swai und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.