118 Infos zu Carlo Koos
Mehr erfahren über Carlo Koos
Infos zu
- Research
- Conflict
- Political
- Violence
- Africa
- Politics
- Evidence
- Michelsen Institute
- University of Konstanz
- Development
17 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Nigeria: Machtlos gegen die Gotteskrieger | DiePresse.comHunderte Menschen sollen bei dem jüngsten Anschlag der islamistischen Boko Haram ermordet worden sein, erneut wurden gestern Mädchen entführt. Die USA,...
Die Guerillataktik des Phantoms Boko Haram | Basler ZeitungEine scheinbar hilflose nigerianische Armee kann mehr als 200 entführte Mädchen nicht finden. Wie ist das nur möglich? Dazu Afrika-Kenner Carlo Koos.
Die Guerillataktik des Phantoms Boko Haram | Berner ZeitungEine scheinbar hilflose nigerianische Armee kann mehr als 200 entführte Mädchen nicht finden. Wie ist das nur möglich? Dazu Afrika-Kenner Carlo Koos.
Die Guerillataktik des Phantoms Boko Haram | Tages-Anzeigerwww.tagesanzeiger.ch › ... › Die Guerillataktik des Phantoms Boko Haram· ... hilflose nigerianische Armee kann mehr als 200 entführte Mädchen nicht finden. Wie ist das nur möglich? Dazu Afrika-Kenner Carlo Koos.
1 Bilder zu Carlo Koos

8 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
LinkedIn: Carlo Koos | Berufsprofil - LinkedInSehen Sie sich das Profil von Carlo Koos auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. Carlo Koos hat 7 Jobs im Profil angegeben. Sehen Sie ...
LinkedIn: Carlo Koos | LinkedInSehen Sie sich das berufliche Profil von Carlo Koos (Deutschland) auf LinkedIn an. LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und ... Es fehlt: tesium
LinkedIn: Carlo Koos - Senior Researcher - Chr. Michelsen Institute CMI ...no.linkedin.com › carlo-koos-5335a346Carlo Koos | Norge | Senior Researcher at Chr. Michelsen Institute CMI | 222 forbindelser | Se hele profilen til Carlo på LinkedIn og knytt kontakt.
User Profile StatalistUser Profile
3 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Carlo Koos - Chr. Michelsen InstituteHis research has appeared in leading journals including World Politics, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Journal of Peace Research, World Development, among others. Carlo has conducted field research and data collection in Liberia, the DR Congo, South Sudan, Burundi and Nigeria. Personal website. Poverty.
Dr. Carlo Koos - German Institute of Global and Area Studieswww.giga-hamburg.de › das-giga › team › koos-carloKurzer Lebenslauf · Seit 2016: Senior Research Fellow an der Universität Konstanz · Seit 2016: Associate am GIGA Institut für Afrika-Studie · 2015: Promotion an ...Kurzer Lebenslauf · Publikationen Kurzer Lebenslauf · Seit 2016: Senior Research Fellow an der Universität Konstanz · Seit 2016: Associate am GIGA Institut für Afrika-Studie · 2015: Promotion an ... Kurzer Lebenslauf · Publikationen
Dr. Carlo KoosShort CV · Since 2016: Senior Research Fellow at the University of Konstanz · Since 2016: Associat at the GIGA Instiute of African Affairs · 2015: PhD, University ...
2 Persönliche Webseiten
Carlo Koos – Research on Gender, Development and AfricaMy website has moved to: https://sites.google.com/view/carlokoos/
Carlo KoosWelcome, I am a Senior Researcher at the Chr. Michelsen Institute in Bergen. I am also affiliated with the Department of Politics and Public Administration at the ...
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
Does Violence Pay? The Effect of Ethnic Rebellion on Overcoming...Does Violence Pay? The Effect of Ethnic Rebellion on Overcoming Political Deprivation. Carlo Koos. March German Institute of Global and Area Studies ...
3 Projekte
Projects - alexander-dejuanApplicant and head of project (with Eva Wegner, Miquel Pellicer and Carlo Koos); volume: EUR 150,000; Impact evaluation of a EUR 50 million development ...
The Contributors - Project MUSEmuse.jhu.edu › article › pdfCARLO KOOS is a senior research fellow in the Department of Politics and Public Administration at the University of Konstanz.
16 Bücher zum Namen
Does violence pay? : the effect of ethnic rebellion on overcoming ...www.econbiz.de › Record › does-violence-pay-the-...Carlo Koos. Studies have found that politically deprived groups are more likely to rebel. However, does rebellion increase the likelihood of achieving ...
Environmental Peacebuilding | LibraryDeveloping, managing, and sharing knowledge on environment, conflict, and peace
Precolonial Legacies in Postcolonial Politics: Representation andWhy are some communities able to come together to improve their collective lot while others are not? Looking at variation in local government performance in...
Does uranium mining increase civil conflict risk? : evidence from a ...www.econbiz.de › Record › does-uranium-mining-i...Carlo Koos and Matthias Basedau. We employ a two-tier spatiotemporal analysis to investigate whether uranium operations cause armed conflict in Africa.
3 Dokumente
Does Violence Pay? The Effect of Ethnic Rebellion on Overcoming...Studies have found that politically deprived groups are more likely to rebel. However, does rebellion increase the likelihood of achieving political rights? Thi
5 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Dr. Carlo Koos - GEPRISgepris.dfg.de › gepris › personDr. Carlo Koos, Arbeitsgruppe für Internationale Politik und Konfliktforschung, Postfach 90, Konstanz.
World Development | Vol 116, Pages (April 2019) |...Alexander De Juan, Carlo Koos. Pages : Download PDF. Article preview. select article Return migration and violence. Research articleFull text access ...
Prof. Dr. De Juan - ZeDF - Zentrum für Demokratie- und ...www.zedf.uni-osnabrueck.de › das_zedf › personen2021 (with Carlo Koos): "Survey Participation Effects in Conflict Research"; online first, Journal of Peace Research (with Jan Pierskalla and Elisa ...
DFG - GEPRIS - Die langfristigen Konsequenzen von ...Antragsteller Dr. Carlo Koos Universität Konstanz Fachbereich für Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft Lehrstuhl für Internationale Politik und Konfliktforschung.
4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
EconPapers: Does Uranium Mining Increase Civil Conflict Risk?...By Carlo Koos and Matthias Basedau; Abstract: We employ a two-tier spatiotemporal analysis to investigate whether uranium operations cause ...
Carlo Koos - InterSciWikiintersci.ss.uci.edu/wiki/index.php/Carlo_KoosForwarded Message Subject: Re: Fwd: Rethinking Polygyny Date: Mon, 31 Jul :58:56 +0200 From: Carlo Koos &> To: ...
Carlo Kannewasser | Harry Potter Wiki | FandomCarlo koos, willekeurig, de Zweedse Stompsnuit uit met nummer 1 erop. Dit betekende dat hij als eerste aan de beurt was om tegen zijn draak te vechten.
3 Meinungen & Artikel
nomadian | carlo koos | Travel BlogThe travel blog of carlo koos, adventures around the world...
Womanstats Newsletterswomanstats.wordpress.com › womanstats-newslettersNew Co-Pi and new Associate: Carlo Koos, and Clara Neupert-Wentz. Emma Watson interviews Dr. Hudson. Updates about the coders and researchers of the ...
Regarding Item count technique and stata version of the list packgae...Dear all, I would like to know whether anyone in the statalist has developed a stata version of the 'list' package written in R by Graeme Blaire, Kasuke Imai
48 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Carlo Koos - Google ScholarAssociate Professor at University of Bergen - 339 lần trích dẫn - War & violence - Social/political behavior - Development aid
Carlo KoosWelcome, I am a Senior Researcher at the Chr. Michelsen Institute in Bergen and associated with the University of Konstanz and the University College London.
Carlo Koos | Universitetet i Bergenwww.uib.no › personer › CarloCarlo Koos. Institutt for sammenliknende politikk. ; Besøksadresse. Christies gate 15. Postadresse. Postboks BERGEN.
Dr. Carlo Koos - giga-hamburg.deDr. Carlo Koos. Associate. Short CV. Since 2016: Senior Research Fellow at the University of Konstanz. Since 2016: Associat at the GIGA Instiute of African Affairs : PhD, University of Hamburg : PhD candidate at the Graduate School of th ...
Carlo Koos | University of Konstanz, Germany - Academia.eduAcademia.edu is a place to share and follow research.
Koos, Carlo (Person) - Bowdoin College LibraryDoes Uranium Mining Increase Civil Conflict Risk? : Evidence from a Spatiotemporal Analysis of Africa from to 2010, Carlo Koos, (electronic resource).
▷ Carlokoos.com : Carlo Koos – Research on Gender, Development and...ℹ️ Welcome, I am a Senior Researcher at the Chr. Michelsen Institute in Bergen. I am also affiliated with the Department of Politics and Public...
20. Kolloquium Theorie und Quantitative Methoden in der Geographie -...... bewaffneten Konflikten in Afrika südlich der Sahara Matthias Basedau 2, Martin Kalinowski 1, Carlo Koos 2, Janina-Marie Laurent 1 1) Universität Hamburg, ...
Articles in peer-reviewed journals - alexander-dejuanwww.alexander-dejuan.de › publications2021 (with Carlo Koos): "Survey Participation Effects in Conflict Research," Journal of Peace Research, 58 (4), (with Eva Wegner and Miquel ...
Changes for the Future · Mission Santa Clara de Asísdh.scu.edu › exhibits › exhibits › show › changes-fo...The Effect of Ethnic Rebellion on Overcoming Political Deprivation,” Carlo Koos states that “the relative deprivation of groups has been viewed as a major ...
EconStor: Does Violence Pay? The Effect of Ethnic Rebellion on...EconStor ist ein Publikationsserver für wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fachliteratur und wird von der ZBW – Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft als...
Evidence from a Spatiotemporal Analysis of Africa from to 2010lib.ugent.be › catalog › ebk01:Evidence from a Spatiotemporal Analysis of Africa from to Carlo Koos Published by German Institute for Global and Area Studies GIGA).
Polygynous Neighbors, Excess Men, and Intergroup Conflict Purepure.au.dk › ... › Research › PublicationsCarlo Koos, UCL, University of London, University College London, Sch Publ Policy; ,; Clara Neupert-Wentz. We argue that polygyny creates a social imbalance ...
Service der Marabout-SeiteMarabout.de - Empfehlungen
Polygynous Neighbors, Excess Men, and Intergroup Conflict in Rural...author = "Carlo Koos and Clara Neupert-Wentz",. year = "2020",. month = feb,. doi = " ",. language = "English",. volume = "64",.
October | Nigeriaresolvenet.org › research › what-we-are-reading › o...... the need for more effective counter-strategies. Nigeria’s difficulties in defeating Boko Haram has sec... Publication. Carlo Koos and Jan Pierskalla.
Sascha Riazsaschariaz.comWorld War I, Nationalism, and the Rise of the Nazi Party (with Felix Haass, Alexander De Juan, Carlo Koos, and Thomas Tichelbaecker). [Abstract].
Decentralization, Counterinsurgency and Conflict ...Stability,” 13; Carlo Koos and Matthias Basedau, “Does Uranium Mining Increase Civil Conflict Risk? Evidence from a Spatiotemporal Analysis ...
Dertigers met bindingsangst - NRCBaciami ancora. Regie: Gabriele Muccino. Met: Stefano Accorsi, Vittoria Puccini. In: 11 bioscopen.** Zo zit je als kind op iemands nek en wordt je gevraagd…
Polygynous Neighbors, Excess Men, and Intergroup Conflict in Rural...Supplemental Material, Appendix_revised2 - Polygynous Neighbors, Excess Men, and Intergroup Conflict in Rural Africa. Carlo Koos.
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Carlo
Männlicher Vorname (Italienisch): Carlo; Althochdeutsch (Wortzusammensetzung); karal = der Mann, der Ehemann; alter deutscher Name; früh in Deutschland bekannt, z.B. durch Karl den Grossen (8./9.. Jh.); wurde aber erst im 19. Jh. in Deutschland beliebt
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