64 Infos zu Carolin Hannusch
Mehr erfahren über Carolin Hannusch
Infos zu
- University of Debrecen
- Mathematical
- Figula
- Pál Dömösi
- Algebraic
- Decoding
- Giovanni Falcone
- Géza Horváth
- HL-codes
- Halasi
1 Aktuelle Nachrichten
2 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Carolin Hannusch | FacebookCarolin HannuschSemantic ScholarSemantic Scholar profile for Carolin Hannusch, with 5 highly influential citations and 18 scientific research papers.
2 Hobbys & Interessen
Jugendfastnacht Drachhausen 2016Jugendfastnacht in Drachhausen Samstag Am Samstag treffen wir uns um Uhr am Begegnungs...
Männerzampern DrachhausenAusgelassene Männerzampern in Drachhausen mit viel guter Laune und genresprengende Party Musik
1 Business-Profile
Carolin Hannusch University of DebrecenResearchGateCarolin Hannusch currently works at the Faculty of Informatics, University of Debrecen. Carolin does research in Coding Theory and Cryptography.
1 Angaben zur Herkunft
Carolin Hannusch - The Mathematics Genealogy ProjectCarolin Hannusch. MathSciNet. Ph.D. University of Debrecen Hungary. Dissertation: Monomial Codes in the Radical of Modular Group Algebras and their ...
2 Bücher zum Namen
Cryptography and Coding: 18th IMA International Conference, ...google.de... Erin Hales Carolin Hannusch Daniel Kales Shabnam Khanna Matluba Khodjaeva Simon-Philipp Merz Anderson Nascimento Jiaxin Pan Edoardo Persichetti Albrecht ...
7 Dokumente
Decoding algorithm for HL-codes and performance of the ...arXivvon C Hannusch · — Decoding algorithm for HL-codes and performance of the DHH-cryptosystem -- a candidate for post-quantum cryptography. Authors:Carolin Hannusch, ...
Goppa codes over hyperelliptic curvesu-szeged.huCarolin Hannusch. University of Debrecen (Hungary). This is joint work with Giovanni Falcone (Palermo) and ´Agota Figula (Debrecen).
[ ] The largest character degrees of the symmetric and...Title:The largest character degrees of the symmetric and alternating groups. Authors:Zoltán Halasi, Carolin Hannusch, Hung Ngoc Nguyen.
Lehre der Trigonometrie anhand realistischer Aufgaben im ...ProQuestvon K Ficzere · — Kornélia Ficzere und ´Agota Figula und Carolin Hannusch und Emese Kása. Abstract. The aim of our study was to explore the effects of the active use of ...
7 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Vol. 144, No. 5, May 2016JSTORZoltán Halasi, Carolin Hannusch and Hung Ngoc Nguyen. https://www.jstor.org/stable/procamermathsoci Cite.
dblp: Carolin HannuschList of computer science publications by Carolin Hannusch
Carolin HannuschDBLPCarolin Hannusch, Giuseppe Filippone: Decoding algorithm for HL-codes and performance of the DHH-cryptosystem - a candidate for post-quantum cryptography.
dblp: On monomial codes in modular group algebras.Bibliographic details on On monomial codes in modular group algebras.
3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Algorithm for the generation of complement-free sets*COREvon D Fülöp — Dániel Fülöp, Carolin Hannusch. Faculty of Informatics, University of Debrecen, Hungary .hu.
Rotation on the digital planeSpringervon C Hannusch · — Rotation on the digital plane. Carolin Hannusch &; Attila Pethő. Periodica Mathematica Hungarica (2022)Cite this article Accesses.
On components of a Kerdock code and the dual of the BCH ...DeepAI— In this paper, we introduce the neighborhood of binary self-dual codes Carolin Hannusch, et al. ∙. share.
1 Meinungen & Artikel
Twitter-Nachrichten: arXiv math.AG Algebraic GeometryTwitterGiovanni Falcone, Ágota Figula, Carolin Hannusch: Explicit bases of the Riemann-Roch spaces on divisors on hyperelliptic curves ...
33 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Carolin Hannusch - Google ScholarCoauteurs. Piroska LakatosUniversity of DebrecenAdresse e-mail validée de science.unideb.hu. Suivre. Carolin Hannusch. PhD fellow, University of Debrecen.
Carolin Hannusch - Google AcadémicoSenior Lecturer, University of Debrecen - Citado por 25 - Coding Theory - Cryptography - Discrete Mathematics
Carolin HannuschGoogleCarolin Hannusch. Senior Lecturer, University of Debrecen. Bekræftet mail på science.unideb.hu. Coding TheoryCryptographyDiscrete Mathematics.
Carolin Hannusch, Ph.D.Carolin Hannusch (carolinhannusch) – Profil | Pinterest
Sieh dir an, was Carolin Hannusch (carolinhannusch) auf Pinterest entdeckt hat – die weltweit größte Ideensammlung.
Carolin Hannusch - ODT Personal data sheetdoktori.huGiovanni Falcone, Ágota Figula, Carolin Hannusch: Explicit Bases of the Riemann-Roch Spaces on Divisors on Hyperelliptic Curves, type of document:
Carolin Hannusch, Piroska Lakatos, “Construction of self-dual ...mathnet.ruОбразец цитирования: Carolin Hannusch, Piroska Lakatos, “Construction of self-dual binary [2^{2k},2^{2k-1},2^k]-codes”, Algebra Discrete Math., 21:1 (2016), ...
Dr. Carolin HANNUSCH | University of Debrecenof Debrecen, Faculty of Informatics, Department of Computer ...
Carolin Hannusch, Piroska Lakatos, “Construction of self-dual binary...Construction of self-dual binary $[2^{2k},2^{2k-1},2^k]$-codes
Krebsregister ggmbh der LÄKB gegründet. LÄKB: Neue Telefon- und...Barbara Raubold Cornelia Bräuer Carolin Hannusch Romy Scharfenberg Jennifer Winkler Büro für Öffentlichkeitsarbeit Brandenburgisches Ärzteblatt Telefax: ...
AMS :: Proceedings of the American Mathematical SocietyAmerican Mathematical Societyvon Z Halasi · · Zitiert von: 8 — by Zoltán Halasi, Carolin Hannusch and Hung Ngoc Nguyen PDF: Proc. Amer. Math. Soc (2016), Request permission ...
Algebraic structures gained from rough approximation in ...Annals of Computer Science and Information Systemsvon C Hannusch · — Carolin Hannusch, Tamás Mihálydeák ... Abstract. We give an algebraic approach for defining rough sets on incomplete information systems. The constructed ...
Pin on Unbedingt kaufenWenn Sie verschiedene Farben... Mehr dazu. Gemerkt von: Carolin Hannusch.
Codes, Cryptology and Information SecuritySpringer Professional... application in a smart home environment, especially for opening the entrance door to a house by using a mobile device. Hussain Ahmad, Carolin Hannusch.
Institute of Mathematics and Informaticsnye.huCarolin Hannusch (Debrecen University) work together in this research project in the last 5 years. The mainstream of this Research is to develop symmetric ...
65 Kuchen-Ideen | kuchen, kochen und backen, kuchen und tortenKuchen. Sammlung von Carolin Hannusch Pins. Carolin Hannusch. Folgen. Wir sehen diese Frage immer wieder. Was soll ich zum Kindergeburtstag im ...
JALC | Journal of Automata, Languages, and CombinatoricsJournal of Automata, Languages, and Combinatoricsvon C Hannusch · · Zitiert von: 1 — Properties of Hash Functions based on Gluškov Product of Automata. Carolin Hannusch, Géza Horváth. Pages 55–65. Download Abstract
Journal of the Ramanujan Mathematical SocietyMathJournalsvon G Falcone · — Authors: Giovanni Falcone, Agota Figula and Carolin Hannusch Author institution:Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Palermo, ...
Hung's researchHung Ngoc Nguyen
Links of interestThe University of AkronHall, Carolin Hannusch, Frank Himstedt, Thomas M. Keller, Paul Lescot, Mark L. Lewis, Gunter Malle ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Carolin
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch): Carolin; Althochdeutsch (Wortzusammensetzung); karal = der Mann, der Ehemann; the variant 'Carol' is probably chosen by parents because of the common English word 'carol' (Christmas song); Information zur männlichen Form Karl:; alter deutscher Name; früh in Deutschland bekannt, z.B. durch Karl den Grossen (8./9.. Jh.); wurde aber erst im 19. Jh. in Deutschland beliebt
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Hannusch
Hannusch ist die slawische Form von "Johannes", ähnlich ist die polnische Variante Janosch.
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