30 Infos zu Carolin Wais

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5 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Company projects: a powerful teaching method challenging students to...

... TERRAGNI, Quentin TUAL, Gianfranco VESTITA, Edoardo VILLA, Carolin WAIS, Cedric WERKMANN, Matteo ZAPPATA and Zhendong ZUO.

eTail Germany Connect | Worldwide Business - Qwotedapp.qwoted.com › opportunities › event-etail-germa...

Carolin Wais Director & Investor, Plug and Play. Georg Sobczak Regional VP Sales DACH, Mirakl. Nick Everitt Director of Advisor - EMEA, Edge by Ascential.

London’s Fashion District announces the fourteen tech start-ups...

Retail Futures 2020: Fashion District Innovation Challenge Prize sponsored by Unibail

New Retail Fest Summer Jul 21 | Hopin

Get tickets to New Retail Fest Summer 2021, taking place Hopin is your source for engaging events and experiences.

3 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

LinkedIn: Carolin Wais | LinkedIn

Carolin Wais' berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Carolin Wais dabei hilft, ... Es fehlt: heidenheim ‎brenz

Carolin Wais User | Scale Cities

Carolin Wais. (Is this you? Contact us). Munich Germany (HQ). https://www.​linkedin.com/in/carolin-wais dealroom icon Joined dealroom before

Carolin Wais - Nachtleben in Germany

Nachtleben von Carolin Wais. Lieblingsclubs: favourite_clubs. Letzte Party: WHITE ISLAND pres. by NACHTAGENTEN

1 Hobbys & Interessen

Gift giving campaign: Escp Europe x Refugee center Wilmersdorf

Dear All it s the season of love and giving You want to put a smile on a child s face It s very simple Pack a present tod...

1 Meinungen & Artikel

Episode 7: „Die ultimative Innovationsplattform PLUG AND PLAY“www.trendforum-retail.de › TrendAKADEMIE

· Carolin Wais zeigt auf, wie StartUps sich erfolgreich auf der PLUG AND PLAY Plattform positionieren und qualifizieren können.

19 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Carolin Wais | LinkedIn

View Carolin Wais' professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Carolin Wais discover inside  ...

LinkedIn Namecardwww.linkedin.com › wnc › carolin-wais

Carolin: Director & Investor @Plug and Play: Munich, Bavaria, Germany. Work Experience. expand icon. Education Experience. Me.

Carolin Wais - Grace Acceleratorwww.grace-accelerator.de › mentorsreader › carolin...

Carolin Wais. Investor Plug and Play Germany. #scaling #fundraising #metrics #network #expansion #retailtech #deeptech #industrialtech #marketplaces #D2C.

Carolin Wais | eTail Germany 2023

Carolin Wais. Director & Investor Plug and Play. Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Carolin. Download The Latest Agenda ...

Fashion District - Carolin Wais

Skip to main content. Home · About · What we do · Spaces · Investment · Innovation · Connections · Skills · Who We Work With · Festival · Opportunities.


Carolin Wais, Molly McLaughlin. Önskar du att vi tar bort en bild? Maila assistent @finest.se och ange nattklubb, datum, samtliga namn under bilden samt en länk  ...

Park & Cube | Candyfest

@Carolin Wais, oops forgot: Germany, Herzogenaurach. Sharnaz. April 5, at 12:01 pm. I love you! (In a totally non-stalkery kinda way…uhm, yeah.).

Claus-Jürgen Wais (@CJ_Wais)|nitter

Carolin Wais on LinkedIn: Tomorrow Q-Summit by University of Mannheim is ... Carolin Wais on LinkedIn: CLUBHOUSE TALK Join us tonight for an exciting ...

Mentors - Grace

Geschäftsführerin und Gründerin RatePAY · Carolin Wais. Investor Plug and Play Germany · Svenja Lassen. Managing Director primeCROWD Deutschland ...

Fashion District - RETAIL FUTURES 2020

Carolin Wais. As Venture Associate, Carolin leads the investment and sourcing activities for the Brand & Retail vertical at Plug and Play in Munich. Besides ...

Speakers | START Summit 2021

Speakers | START Summit 2021

The Iot Chair goes to Stockholm on Strikingly

... Florian STADLER, Luca TERRAGNI, Quentin TUAL, Gianfranco VESTITA, Edoardo VILLA, Carolin WAIS, Cedric WERKMANN and Matteo ZAPPATA. Voir plus ...

TrendAKADEMIE Retail - Episode 7 - TrendAKADEMIE Retail | Lyssna här

· Carolin Wais betreut in ihrer Rolle als Venture Associate die StartUps und spricht mit uns über die Voraussetzungen erfolgreicher Early ...

Lone Design Club Wins Fashion Districts Retail Futures Innovation...

· ... CTO at Depop; Carolin Wais, Venture Associate – Retail, Plug and Play; Matthew Drinkwater, Head of Fashion Innovation Agency at London ...

Podcast Trendakademie des Trendforum Retail - iXtenso – retail trends

Diskussionen mit Opinion Leaders und Retail-Insidern

The Fashion District Announces Tech Start-Ups Shortlist - BFTTbftt.org.uk › the-fashion-district-announces-tech-star...

· ... CTO at Depop; Carolin Wais, Venture Associate – Retail, Plug and Play; Matthew Drinkwater, Head of Fashion Innovation Agency at London ...

giveaway : win tickets for fashion week | shiggers on street

· Carolin Wais . Sava Nald! Antworten · Anni sagt: um 5:38 Uhr. Sava Nald. Anna Papenbrock.

| ESCPwww.cdelade.com › node

· ... TERRAGNI, Quentin TUAL, Gianfranco VESTITA, Edoardo VILLA, Carolin WAIS, Cedric WERKMANN, Matteo ZAPPATA and Zhendong ZUO.

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Carolin

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch): Carolin; Althochdeutsch (Wortzusammensetzung); karal = der Mann, der Ehemann; the variant 'Carol' is probably chosen by parents because of the common English word 'carol' (Christmas song); Information zur männlichen Form Karl:; alter deutscher Name; früh in Deutschland bekannt, z.B. durch Karl den Grossen (8./9.. Jh.); wurde aber erst im 19. Jh. in Deutschland beliebt

Personensuche zu Carolin Wais & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Carolin Wais und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.