37 Infos zu Caroline Hirning

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3 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Caroline Hirning Diehl obituary

— Clipping found in The Bismarck Tribune published in Bismarck, North Dakota on Caroline Hirning Diehl obituary — Clipping found in The Bismarck Tribune published in Bismarck, North Dakota on Caroline Hirning Diehl obituary.

Calvin Diehl Obituary

After his marriage to Caroline Hirning on Oct. 30, 1924, farming at Willa, the sontinued| until 1959, when he retired and moved into Elgin. He leaves his ... After his marriage to Caroline Hirning on Oct. 30, 1924, farming at Willa, the sontinued| until 1959, when he retired and moved into Elgin. He leaves his ...

The Ritzville Adams County Journal November 10, 1960:  Page 12

The Ritzville Adams County Journal Newspaper Archive Ritzville Washington; November Page Topics include line, ritzville, distance, thence, teams,...

2 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

LinkedIn: Caroline Hirning | LinkedIn

Caroline Hirnings berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Caroline Hirning dabei ...

LinkedIn: Caroline Hirning | LinkedIn

Sehen Sie sich das berufliche Profil von Caroline Hirning (Deutschland) auf LinkedIn an. LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- ...

5 Traueranzeigen

findagrave: Caroline Hirning Diehl ( ) – Find a Grave Gedenkstätte

Daughter of Heinrich Hirning and Elizabeth Klein; married October 30, 1924, at Willa, North Dakota, to Calvin Diehl.

findagrave: Calvin Diehl ( ) - GedenkstättenFind a Grave

Son of Henrich Diewhl Sr. and Fredricka Reister, husband of Caroline Hirning. Son of Henrich Diewhl Sr. and Fredricka Reister, husband of Caroline Hirning.

findagrave: Emma Hirning Hirning ( ) - Memorials

Caroline Hirning Diehl – Children. Emil Henry Hirning – Edna V. Hirning Okken – Flowers. In their memory. Plant Memorial Trees. Caroline Hirning Diehl – Children. Emil Henry Hirning – Edna V. Hirning Okken – Flowers. In their memory. Plant Memorial Trees.

findagrave: Henry G. Hirning ( ) - Memorials

Caroline Hirning Diehl – Children. Esther Hirning Walth –1996 · Erna F. Hirning Lange –2003 · Roland Hirning –1970 · Walter Hirning. Caroline Hirning Diehl – Children. Esther Hirning Walth –1996 · Erna F. Hirning Lange –2003 · Roland Hirning –1970 · Walter Hirning.

9 Angaben zur Herkunft

Alvina Hirning - Historical records and family trees

... Caroline Hirning. Alvina had 8 brothers: Arthur Hirning, Reinhart Hirning and 6 other siblings. Alvina lived in 1930, in address, North Dakota. Montana Caroline Hirning. Alvina had 8 brothers: Arthur Hirning, Reinhart Hirning and 6 other siblings. Alvina lived in 1930, in address, North Dakota. Montana ...

Anna Catherina (Trost) Hirning ( )

Mother of Gotlieb Hirning and Caroline Hirning. Died 4 Feb at about age 85 in Crows Nest, Queensland, Australia map. Problems/Questions Profile manager ... Mother of Gotlieb Hirning and Caroline Hirning. Died 4 Feb at about age 85 in Crows Nest, Queensland, Australia map. Problems/Questions Profile manager ...

Katherina Hirning (1905–1992)

Katherina Hirning. Female1905–1992 • Female. Caroline Hirning. Female– • Female. +4 More Children. View All. World Events (8) · Saving Food Labels. Katherina Hirning. Female1905–1992 • Female. Caroline Hirning. Female– • Female. +4 More Children. View All. World Events (8) · Saving Food Labels.

Caroline Hirning Ancestry®

Research genealogy for Caroline Hirning of Oakey Creek, Queensland, Australia, as well as other members of the Hirning family, on Ancestry®.

18 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Caroline Hirning | LinkedIn

View Caroline Hirning's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Caroline Hirning discover ...

Record details of Caroline Hirning - Family history research service

Marriage registration: Caroline Hirning. Marriage date: Spouse's name: Lewin Griffin. Registration details: C After checkout use the link ... Marriage registration: Caroline Hirning. Marriage date: Spouse's name: Lewin Griffin. Registration details: C After checkout use the link ...

City of Manitowoc - LIST OF BURIALS AT EVERGREEN CEMETERY - - country...


Biography of Karl Hirning

Family History & Pictures: Click here for a picture of Karl and Dorthea, along with Fredrick and Caroline Hirning. Karl was a ordained minister for the Evangelical and United Brethren Church in North Dakota.

Caroline Diehl: find all cemetery burial records | Rhedesium

Caroline Hirning Diehl (aged 77). Burial place: Emmaus Congregational Cemetery. Address: Carson, North Dakota. View Gravesite · Caroline Carrie ... Caroline Hirning Diehl (aged 77). Burial place: Emmaus Congregational Cemetery. Address: Carson, North Dakota. View Gravesite · Caroline Carrie ...

Platz Name Verein Jg Zeit - PDF Kostenfreier Download

m Volkslauf 2 Tanja Falkner GSV Hohenstein Born :55:36,2 3 Caroline Hirning SCN :59:57,4 4 Karla Schönfelder Nix :12:31,4 W50 1 Susanne Rost-Schröder ...

Fotos: Karl Hirning : Zimbelmann

Fotos: Karl Hirning : Zimbelmann

Record details of Caroline Annie Griffin

7 records · Mother's name: Caroline Hirning. Father/parent's name: Lewin Griffin. Registration details: C After checkout use the link on the receipt ...

Buck, Dorthea geb. 5 Jul Ritchville,, North Dakota, USA gest

Buck, Dorthea geb. 5 Jul Ritchville,, North Dakota, USA gest. 21 Feb McPherson, McPherson County, Kansas, USA: Zimbelmann

Hirning Family History, Hirning Family Tree - Snap Roots

Caroline Hirning , September 17, Queensland; Anna Barbara Hirning , June 27, 1921; Clarence Hartson Hirning , December Caroline Hirning , September 17, Queensland; Anna Barbara Hirning , June 27, 1921; Clarence Hartson Hirning , December

Fotos: Karolina Geigle : Zimbelmann

Fotos: Karolina Geigle : Zimbelmann

Record details of Florence Amy Griffin - Family history research service

Birth registration: Florence Amy Griffin · Birth date: · Mother's name: Caroline Hirning · Father/parent's name: Lewin Griffin · Registration details: ... Birth registration: Florence Amy Griffin · Birth date: · Mother's name: Caroline Hirning · Father/parent's name: Lewin Griffin · Registration details: ...

Hirning, Rev. Karl geb. 20 Mai Neuburg, Gebiet Großliebental,...

Hirning, Rev. Karl geb. 20 Mai Neuburg, Gebiet Großliebental, Region Odessa, Rußland gest. 18 Feb ,,, USA: Zimbelmann

Record details of Gordon Lewin Griffin

Birth registration: Gordon Lewin Griffin. Birth date: Mother's name: Caroline Hirning. Father/parent's ... Birth registration: Gordon Lewin Griffin. Birth date: Mother's name: Caroline Hirning. Father/parent's ...

Kennenlernen der Umgebung: Baugebiet Farnwiese und ...

— Vielen Dank an die engagierten Eltern für die Begleitung der Klasse! Caroline Hirning. Dieser Beitrag wurde unter Allgemein veröffentlicht — Vielen Dank an die engagierten Eltern für die Begleitung der Klasse! Caroline Hirning. Dieser Beitrag wurde unter Allgemein veröffentlicht ...

Person Page

AP — Caroline Hirning and Lewin Griffin appeared on the Electoral Roll in ... Caroline Hirning died on 17 December in Queensland at age AP — Caroline Hirning and Lewin Griffin appeared on the Electoral Roll in ... Caroline Hirning died on 17 December in Queensland at age 86.

Hirning, Friedrich geb. 15 Sep Neuburg, Gebiet Großliebental,...

Hirning, Friedrich geb. 15 Sep Neuburg, Gebiet Großliebental, Region Odessa, Rußland gest. 12 Mai Elgin, Grant County, North Dakota, USA: Zimbelmann

Wanderung Richtung Buchwaldskopf/ Vorklasse |

AP — Ein großes Lob auf diese Kinder! Caroline Hirning, Lehrerin der Vorklasse bis [1] Mit Blick auf den Schäfersberg, ins Tal und zur AP — Ein großes Lob auf diese Kinder! Caroline Hirning, Lehrerin der Vorklasse bis [1] Mit Blick auf den Schäfersberg, ins Tal und zur ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Caroline

Weiblicher Vorname (Französisch, Englisch): Caroline; Althochdeutsch (Wortzusammensetzung); karal = der Mann, der Ehemann; the variant 'Carol' is probably chosen by parents because of the common English word 'carol' (Christmas song); Information zur männlichen Form Karl:; alter deutscher Name; früh in Deutschland bekannt, z.B. durch Karl den Grossen (8./9.. Jh.); wurde aber erst im 19. Jh. in Deutschland beliebt

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