119 Infos zu Carsten Burstedde

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8 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Forschung Aktuell: Plattentektonik im Supercomputer - Spektrum der...

Ein neues Computermodell ermöglicht, die Strömungen im Erdmantel und die daraus resultierenden Plattenbewegungen so detailliert und wirklichkeitsgetreu wie ...

Carsten Burstedde, University of Texas at Austin - IAMCS Workshop in...

Carsten Burstedde from then University of Texas at Austin provided this abstract for the talk titled 'Scalable Algorithms for Large-Scale Inverse Problems...

CBC Workshop on Dynamic Adaptivity - December 9-10, | Simula

Total number of participants: 21 Total number of guests outside of CBC: 8 Number of different nationalities represented: 7 Total number of speakers: 9 Total...

Clelia Albrecht Erhält Ada-Lovelace-Preis | myScience

Nachwuchsförderung von Frauen: Beste Masterarbeit am Institut für Numerische Simulation der Universität Bonn - Das Institut für Numerische...

3  Bilder zu Carsten Burstedde

Bild zu Carsten Burstedde
Bild zu Carsten Burstedde
Bild zu Carsten Burstedde

4 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

HCM: Prof. Dr. Carsten Burstedde

Prof. Dr. Carsten Burstedde: E-Mail: burstedde(at)ins.uni-bonn.de: Telefon: + : Homepage: http://burstedde.ins.uni-bonn.de/ Raum: : Standort ...

BIGS: Faculty

Faculty; Faculty. Name Phone Email; Prof. Dr. Sergio Albeverio + : albeverio(at)uni-bonn.de: ... Prof. Dr. Carsten Burstedde + : burstedde ...

People - ISPDC-2017

Carsten Burstedde, Universität Bonn, Germany Alfonso Capozzoli, Politecnico di Torino, Italy Aniello Castiglione, Department of Computer Science, University of ...

1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Prof. Dr. Carsten Burstedde | Group C. Burstedde | Institute for...

Prof. Dr. Carsten Burstedde. Address: Bonn: Office: We : Phone: + : Fax: + : E-Mail: burstedde ins.uni-bonn.de ...

1 Persönliche Webseiten

Prof. Dr. Carsten Burstedde

Homepage of Carsten Burstedde

3 Projekte

OpenVPN / Mailing Lists

James Carsten Burstedde <bursted@...> said: > Thanks James. > > These was the MTU information I was missing (and on second reading, I > found it in the ...

VTun - Virtual Tunnels / Re: [Vtun-Users] udp/tcp

Carsten Burstedde wrote: > This sounds like I have to allow incoming udp on the firewall of my > client machine. If the UDP connection also came first from ...

Re: [Vtun-Users] udp/tcp | VTun - Virtual Tunnels

Carsten Burstedde wrote: > Hello, > > whether I put > > proto udp > > into my server config or not, the server opens a tcp listen socket. > Secondly, the doc says ...

16 Bücher zum Namen

Scalable Adaptive Mantle Convection Simulation on Petascale

Scalable Adaptive Mantle Convection. Simulation on Petascale Supercomputers. Carsten Burstedde. ∗. , Omar Ghattas. ∗¶. , Michael Gurnis. †. , Georg Stadler.

Grand Challenges in Earthquake Engineering Research: A ...google.com

... Carsten Burstedde, Georg Stadler, and Lucas Wilcox; and Table 2 is the work of Tim Warburton and Lucas Wilcox. This work was supported by AFOSR grant FA

Traffic and Granular Flow ’01 - Seite Google Books-Ergebnisseitegoogle.com

... Carsten Burstedde , Ansgar Kirchner , and Kai Klauck for their input and many inspiring discussions . References 1. D. Chowdhury , L. Santen and A ...

Grand Challenges in Earthquake Engineering Research: A Community...

As geological threats become more imminent, society must make a major commitment to increase the resilience of its communities, infrastructure, and citizens....

8 Dokumente

Burstedde, Carsten [WorldCat Identities]

A wavelet-based nested iteration : inexact conjugate gradient algorithm for adaptively solving elliptic PDEs by Carsten Burstedde( Book ) 3 editions published in ...

File:Global Seismic Wave Propagation Simulation.gif - Wikimedia...

Contributors from ICES, The University of Texas at Austin: Carsten Burstedde, Omar Ghattas, James R. Martin, Georg Stadler, Lucas C. Wilcox.

[ ] A tetrahedral space-filling curve for non-conforming...

Title: A tetrahedral space-filling curve for non-conforming adaptive meshes. Authors: Carsten Burstedde, Johannes Holke. (Submitted on


... and inverse Helmholtz equation. This is a joint work with Carsten Burstedde, Omar Ghattas, James Martin, Georg Stadler, and Lucas Wilcox.

19 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

DFG - GEPRIS - Professor Dr. Carsten Burstedde

Professor Dr. Carsten Burstedde, Institut für Numerische Simulation (INS)Bonn.

dblp: Carsten Burstedde

List of computer science publications by Carsten Burstedde

09: :00 Carsten Burstedde: Erzeugung von Nanostrukturen durch...

09: :00 Carsten Burstedde: Erzeugung von Nanostrukturen durch Atomlithographie - Problemstellung und Lösungsansätze

Professor Dr. Carsten Burstedde

Professor Dr. Carsten Burstedde. Projekte. Als Teilprojektleiter laufende Projekte. Parallele Simulation variabel gesättigter Strömung mit adaptiver ...

2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

theses.fr – Carsten Burstedde

Carsten Burstedde

IOS Press Ebooks - ForestClaw: Hybrid forest-of-octrees AMR for...

ForestClaw: Hybrid forest-of-octrees AMR for hyperbolic conservation laws. Authors. Carsten Burstedde, Donna Calhoun, Kyle Mandli, Andy R. Terrel. Pages.

7 Meinungen & Artikel

Wikipedia: Wissenschaftliches Rechnen – Wikipedia

Wissenschaftliches Rechnen oder Simulationswissenschaft versteht sich als Interdisziplinärer ... Carsten Burstedde: Was ist eigentlich Wissenschaftliches Rechnen? In: Forschung & Lehre. März 2013, S. 216–217. Richard Crandall: Topics in ...

Sarge debootstrap

To: .org; Subject: Sarge debootstrap; From: Carsten Burstedde &>; Date: Thu, 28 Aug

Burstedde dissertation – Education on the internet essay

Burstedde dissertation My Best Friend is Dead I first met Chipper Gleason when I was 5 or 6, when my mother was working with. Published in Journal of...

Re: [gnet-dev] Possible Memory Leak - Carsten Burstedde -...

I experience the following: 1. valgrind does not like the glib mem profile functions, so I removed them. 2. the memory seems to be allocated in ...

42 Webfunde aus dem Netz

p4est: Parallel Adaptive Mesh Refinement on Forests of Octrees

[1] Carsten Burstedde, Lucas C. Wilcox, and Omar Ghattas, p4est: Scalable Algorithms for Parallel Adaptive Mesh Refinement on Forests of Octrees.

Carsten Burstedde - Köln - Online-Handelsregister Auskunft

In Zusammenhang mit phi3 Gesellschaft für Management- und IT-Beratung mbH,

Carsten Burstedde (cburstedde) - Developer | DevHub.io

Development Tools Repositories Developers Hub

Angela Kunoth - Google Scholar Citations

Google Scholar. Zitationsindexe Alle Seit 2011; Zitate: 1771: 494: h-index: 21: 11: i10-index: 35: 13: ... Carsten Burstedde, Daniel Castaño-Díez, Ronald DeVore ...

‪Laura Alisic‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

‪Postdoctoral Research Associate, Bullard Laboratories, University of Cambridge‬ - ‪‪Cited by 504‬‬ - ‪Mantle convection‬ - ‪Com…tional geodynamics‬ -...

‪Johannes Holke‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

123. Co-authorsView all… Carsten Burstedde,; Tobin Isaac · Title1–4, Cited by, Year · A Tetrahedral Space-Filling Curve for Nonconforming Adaptive Meshes.

'Carsten Burstedde ' posts - MARC

Viewing messages posted by 'Carsten Burstedde <c () burstedde ! de>' (28 msg) [1] Re: key_press_event for drawing area. gtk-app-d 2.

Carsten Burstedde

FENICS'16: THE FENICS WORKSHOP. PROGRAMINDEXES. Carsten Burstedde. Organization: INS, Universitaet Bonn. Pages in this Program. Program.

Omar Ghattas - Citações do Google Académico

Georg Stadler,; George Biros,; Lucas C. Wilcox,; Tan Bui-Thanh,; Carsten Burstedde,; Bart van Bloemen Waanders,; Karen Willcox,; Michael Gurnis,; Jonathan ...

Prof. Dr. Carsten Burstedde | Hausdorff Center for Mathematics |...

My research over the past years has been ..

CO Meeting Organizer EGU2013

Carsten Burstedde: 13:45–14:00 EGU MUTILS - a set of efficient modeling tools for multi-core CPUs implemented in MEX Marcin Krotkiewski and Marcin

"Constrained Optimization Schemes for 1D inverse propagation...

By Carsten Burstedde, Anibal Sosa, Omar Ghattas, et al., Published on

#HPC Matters: TACC Enters the SC14 Video Challenge - insideHPC

In this video, the good folks at TACC in Austin submit their entry into the SC14 HPC Matters Video Challenge.


[BGG+08] Carsten Burstedde, Omar Ghattas, Michael Gurnis, Georg Stadler, Eh Tan, Tiankai Tu, Lucas C Wilcox, and Shijie Zhong. Scalable adaptive mantle ...

[PDF] Large-scale adaptive mantle convection simulation | Semantic...

A new generation, parallel adaptive-mesh mantle convection code, Rhea, is described and benchmarked, demonstrating scalability to compute cores and...

April Spektrum der Wissenschaft

Die Suche nach der zweiten Erde kommt ihrem Ziel immer näher. Überraschend viele Exoplaneten ähneln unserer kosmischen Heimat, wie Dimitar D. Sasselov und ...

Johann Rudi @ Argonne National Laboratory

Hari Sundar, George Biros, Carsten Burstedde, Johann Rudi, Omar Ghattas, and Georg Stadler, Parallel Geometric-Algebraic Multigrid on Unstructured Forests ...

Large-scale adaptive mantle convection simulation — NYU Scholars

Large-scale adaptive mantle convection simulation. Carsten Burstedde, Georg Stadler, Laura Alisic, Lucas C. Wilcox, Eh Tan, Michael Gurnis, Omar Ghattas.

NA Digest, V. 14, # 37

http://icl.cs.utk.edu/na-digest From: Carsten Burstedde -bonn.de. Date: October

Parallel scalable adjoint-based adaptive solution of...

Carsten Burstedde, Omar Ghattas, Georg Stadler, Tiankai Tu, Lucas C. Wilcox. Mathematics. Research output: Contribution to journal › Article ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Carsten

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Niederdeutsch): Carsten; Anhänger Christi, Christ; Lateinisch (Neues Testament); christianus = christlich; christos = der Geweihte, der Gesalbte (Altgriechisch); seit dem Mittelalter in Deutschland gebräuchlich, mittlerweile einer der beliebtesten Vornamen

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Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Carsten Burstedde und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.