58 Infos zu Carsten Dinske

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4 Aktuelle Nachrichten

[PDF] 伊藤 敏教授(共に地殻環境エネルギー研究分野)が岩の 学連合会論www.ifs.tohoku.ac.jp › news › _Ito

著者︓Yusuke Mukuhira, Carsten Dinske (Frei University Berlin), Hiroshi. Asanuma (FREA AIST), Takatoshi Ito, and Marcus O. Häring (Häring geoproject) ...

椋平助教歓迎会 & 熊澤君院試合格祝い | 伊藤・椋平研究室ifsachive.xsrv.jp › ito-lab › news › page

... Stanford, CA, United States), Carsten Dinske ( Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany), and Matthew Weingarten (Stanford University, School of Earth, ...

2. Dezember 2015: Talk on: „Statistical Analysis and Modelling of ...www.geo-x.net › news › archive › details › news › 2-dezember talk-...

· Invitation. Dr. Carsten Dinske Freie Universität Berlin, FR Geophysik AG Seismik / Seismologie. will give a talk on „Statistical Analysis ...

TISH: Carsten Dinske: Statistical Analysis and Modeling of Seismicity...

Dr. Carsten Dinske, Researcher at Freie U. Berlin, presents "Statistical Analysis and Modeling of Seismicity Related to the Production of Geothermal Energy ...

1 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Carsten Dinske | Facebookwww.facebook.com › carsten.dinske

1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

PHASE: team

Dr. Carsten Dinske He finished his PhD in Since 2003, he has been working in the KTB seismic monitoring team focusing on fluid-induced microseismicity.

2 Projekte

Bruchprozesse und Magnituden-Statistik von induzierten Erdbeben ...www.geo.fu-berlin.de › geophy › AG_Seismik › Projekte › suedafrika

Dr. Carsten Dinske. Förderung: DFG - Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, im Rahmen des ICDP-Schwerpunktprogramms Zeitraum:


Carsten Dinske, Berlin, Berlin, Germany, [STM]. Peter Dulski, Potsdam, Brandenburg, Germany, [PI,STM]. Annie Dunlop, Freiberg, Saxony, Germany, [SC].

3 Bücher zum Namen

Interpretation of microseismicity induced by time‐dependent ...library.seg.org › doi › abs

Interpretation of microseismicity induced by time‐dependent injection pressure · Carsten Dinske · Serge Shapiro · Markus Häring.

Fluid-Induced Seismicitybooks.google.com › books

These are also my colleagues from the Freie Universität Berlin: Carsten Dinske ...

Fluid-Induced Seismicity - Serge A. Shapiro - Google Books

The characterisation of fluid transport properties of rocks is one of the most important, yet difficult, challenges of reservoir geophysics, but is essential...

9 Dokumente

Probability of inducing given‐magnitude earthquakes by perturbing ...agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com › doi › abs › jgrb

· Carsten Dinske. Fachrichtung Geophysik, Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany.

[PDF] Fluid Induced Seismicity Pdf - TRILHOStrilhos.educacao.ma.gov.br › books

Reservoirs of Basel and Cotton Valley - Carsten Dinske Induced Seismicity Potential in Energy Technologies Achievements and New Frontiers in ...

[PDF] Rupture Imaging and Directivity of the M5.5 Earthquake Below ...meetingorganizer.copernicus.org › EGU2019 › EGU

Carsten Dinske (1), Marcel Müller (1), Maximilian Voigt (1), Jonas Folesky (1), Jörn Kummerow (1), Serge. Shapiro (1), and Hiroshi Ogasawara (2).

Seismogenic index and magnitude probability of earthquakes ...pubs.geoscienceworld.org › tle › article-abstract › se...

· Carsten Dinske. Freie Universität Berlin. Search for other works by this author on: GSW · Google Scholar. Cornelius Langenbruch;.

1 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

[PDF] 35. Sitzung der AG Seismologie Vortragsprogrammwww.uni-muenster.de › AGSeismologie › agseis_35_programm

· Serge Shapiro, Carsten Dinske, Berlin: Magnitude distribution of seismicity induced during hydraulic stimulation of rocks.

3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

[PDF] Numerical investigations of heat and mass transport in fractured ...core.ac.uk › download › pdf

[98] S. A. Shapiro and Carsten Dinske. “Scaling of seismicity induced by nonlinear fluid- rock interaction”. Journal of Geophysical Research 114.

Stress Drop, Seismogenic Index and Fault Cohesion of Fluid-Induced...

Sometimes, a rather high stress drop characterizes earthquakes induced by underground fluid injections or productions. In addition, long-term fluid operati

1 Meinungen & Artikel

The surge of earthquakes in Central Oklahoma has features of...

The recent surge of seismicity in Oklahoma and Kansas is related to fluid disposal. Evidences suggest that critical para… are the injection volume as well...

33 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Carsten Dinske | CiNii Research - 国立情報学研究所cir.nii.ac.jp › crid

Carsten Dinske · この人物について · 関連論文 · 関連研究データ · 関連図書・雑誌 · 関連博士論文 · 関連プロジェクト · 関連その他成果物 · 詳細情報.

(PDF) Seismogenic index and magnitude probability of earthquakes ...www.academia.edu › Seismogenic_index_and_mag...

... of earthquakes induced during reservoir fluid stimulations Serge A. Shapiro, Carsten Dinske, and Cornelius Langenbruch, Freie Universität Berlin, ...

68. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaftdocplayer.org › jahrestagung-der-deutschen-geophysikalisch...

... Carsten Dinske und Jörn Kummerow (FU Berlin) Help and risk of seismicity induced by reservoir stimulations: physical fundamentals 24.

BGR - MAGS - Vortrag Einzelprojekt 5 - Deutsche Rohstoffagenturwww.deutsche-rohstoffagentur.de › MAGS2_WS _Bochum_EP5

Vortrag Einzelprojekt 5 - Gemeinsamer Workshop MAGS2 + SHynergie, Bochum ( ) Carsten Dinske, Serge A. Shapiro, Nastasja Kilicer: EP5 - Einfluss der ...

DGG/EAGE Workshop - Geophysics for Deep Thermal Energywww.earthdoc.org › proceedings › Cologne2011

Quantitative Understanding of Microseismicity for Reservoir Characterization and Development. Authors Serge Shapiro, Carsten Dinske, Cornelius Langenbruch, ...

Dissertations / Theses: 'Hydrocarbon reservoirs' - Grafiatiwww.grafiati.com › ... › Hydrocarbon reservoirs

"Interpretation of fluid-induced seismicity at geothermal and hydrocarbon reservoirs of Basel and Cotton Valley / Carsten Dinske.

Identifying instability in the rock mass caused by water ingress into ...www.semanticscholar.org › paper › Identifying-inst...

Interactive comment on “Statistics of the Seismic Sequence and Rupture Directivity of the M5.5 Earthquake in Orkney, South Africa” by Carsten Dinske et al.

Mitglieder des Jugendausschusses - Berliner TSC e.V.berlinertsc.de › jugendausschuss › mitglieder-jugendausschuss

Abteilung: Abteilung Radsport; Kontakt: Carsten Dinske. Abteilung: Abteilung Rhythmische Sportgymnastik; Kontakt: Claudia Bergmann.

On stress drop, cohesion and seismogenic index of fluid-induced ...essopenarchive.org › doi › full › essoar

Shapiro, Carsten Dinske. On stress drop, cohesion and seismogenic index of fluid-induced seismicity. ESS Open Archive . January 03, DOI: essoar ...

Quarterly of Applied Mathematics - AMSwww.ams.org › qam

Serge A Shapiro and Carsten Dinske, Fluid-induced seismicity: Pressure diffusion and hydraulic fracturing, Geophysical Prospecting 57 (2009), no.

Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering OnlineFirst articleswww.springerprofessional.de › journal-603-onlinefi...

... and Rock Engineering Stress Drop, Seismogenic Index and Fault Cohesion of Fluid-Induced Earthquakes. verfasst von: Serge A. Shapiro, Carsten Dinske.

SM – Seismology - EGU EGUspherewww.egusphere.net › conferences › EGU2018

Lisa Johann, Carsten Dinske, and Serge Shapiro ... Carsten Dinske, Marcel Müller, Maximilian Voigt, Deborah Wehner, Jonas Folesky, Jörn Kummerow, ...

Seismotectonic state of reservoirs inferred from magnitude ...search.proquest.com › openview › 1.pdf

Carsten Dinske · Serge A. Shapiro. Received: 30 June Accepted: 1 March Published online: 22 March © Springer Science+Business Media B.V. ...

Statistics of the Seismic Sequence and Rupture Directivity of the M5 ...se.copernicus.org › preprints

Statistics of the Seismic Sequence and Rupture Directivity of the M5.5 Earthquake in Orkney, South Africa. Carsten Dinske, Jonas Folesky, Jörn Kummerow, ...

Stress Drop, Seismogenic Index and Fault Cohesion of X-MOLwww.x-mol.com › paper

· Serge A. Shapiro , Carsten Dinske. Sometimes, a rather high stress drop characterizes earthquakes induced by underground fluid injections or ...

Union Agency Lecturer THURSDAY. Marcia McNutt. Thursday, docplayer.net › Union-agency-lecturer-thursday-marcia-mcnutt-...

... T) Matthew Weingarten, Stanford University; Ryan Schultz, Alberta Geological Survey; Cornelius Langenbruch, Stanford University; Carsten Dinske, ...

[PDF] 75. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft : 23.gfzpublic.gfz-potsdam.de › rest › component › file_ › content

Ulrich Wegler, Margarete Vasterling, Carsten Dinske, Jan Becker. GT-P Seismische Echtzeitüberwachung der Geothermiekraftwerke. Landau und Insheim.

[PDF] Dynamic Rupture Modeling of Induced Earthquakes in Oklahomadigitalcommons.memphis.edu › cgi › viewcontent

Krüger, Carsten Dinske, Cornelius Langenbruch (2011) Magnitudes of induced earthquakes and geometric scales of fluid-stimulated rock volumes, Geophysics,. VOL.

[PDF] Modeling Household Earthquake Hazard Adjustment Intentionsscholarsarchive.library.albany.edu › cgi › viewcontent

Johann, L., S. A. Shapiro, and Carsten Dinske “The surge of earthquakes in central Oklahoma has features of reservoir-induced seismicity.

https://dspace.mit.edu/bitstream/handle dspace.mit.edu › handle › readme_

Geothermics 45, 1–17. https://doi.org j.geothermics Yusuke Mukuhira, Carsten Dinske, Hiroshi Asanuma, Takatoshi Ito,Markus O. Häring, ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Carsten

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Niederdeutsch): Carsten; Anhänger Christi, Christ; Lateinisch (Neues Testament); christianus = christlich; christos = der Geweihte, der Gesalbte (Altgriechisch); seit dem Mittelalter in Deutschland gebräuchlich, mittlerweile einer der beliebtesten Vornamen

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