78 Infos zu Cecil Wöbker
Mehr erfahren über Cecil Wöbker
Lebt in
- Bruegge
- Hagen
Infos zu
- Computer Science
- Hagen Schmidtchen
- Andreas Seitz
- David Hahn
- Julian Madrzak
- Munich
- Bernd Bruegge
- Kirill Krinkin
6 Aktuelle Nachrichten
#EXKLUSIV - Consumer-Good-Incubator sichert sich Millionen - Alle...Das Startup wird von David Hahn, Julian Madrzak, Hagen Schmidtchen und Cecil Wöbker geführt. Update (21. Oktober): Die genannten ...
10 junge Startups, die Fly Ventures zuletzt finanzierte -...In diesem und im vergangenen Jahr investierte das Team von Fly Ventures bereits in zehn Startups. In Deutschland stattete der Geldgeber pylot, remberg...
Die letzten Investments von Fly Ventures - MyNewsmynews.live-website.com › tag › risemlDas Münchner Unternehmen remberg, das von von David Hahn, Julian Madrzak, Hagen Schmidtchen und Cecil Wöbker geführt wird, digitalisiert “Serviceprozesse ...
2 Millionen für Industrie-4.0-Startup2 Millionen für Industrie-4.0-Startup
1 Bilder zu Cecil Wöbker

7 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
LinkedIn: Cecil Wöbker - Co-Founder & CTO - remberg / WunderX | LinkedIncommunity. Cecil has 3 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn ...
cwoebker (Cecil Wöbker) · GitHubEngineer 💻 • Maker of stuff 👨🏻💻 • Co-Founder & CTO @rembergtech 🐻 - cwoebker
Cecil Wöbker - TUMCecil Wöbker Kontakt Informationen Raumnummer: E-Mail: woebker (at) in.tum.de Telefon: + Kontakt ...
Cecil WöbkerLehrstuhl für Angewandte Softwaretechnik, Chair for Applied Software Engineering
2 Business-Profile
Xing: Cecil WöbkerCo-Founder & CTO / München / , Brainloop AG
Cecil Wöbker - Co-Founder & CTO @ remberg - Crunchbase Person...Cecil Wöbker . Save . Summary. Overview. Edit Overview Section. Number of Current Board & Advisor Roles 1. Number of Founded Organizations 1. Primary Job Title ...
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Academy Consult - Über UnsUnterstützen Sie unsere studentische Unternehmensberatung und bleiben Sie bei top engagierten Studenten in bester Erinnerung.
4 Persönliche Webseiten
About – Cecil Wöbker - Mediummedium.com › aboutAbout Cecil Wöbker on Medium. Hey! Connect with Cecil Wöbker. About · Help · Legal. Get the Medium app. A button that says 'Download on the App Store', ...
Impressum - rembergremberg Impressum -
Impressum – remberg | Für die digitale Zukunft in der Industriewww.remberg.de › imprintResponsible for the contents based on § 55 Abs. 2 RStV: David Hahn, Julian Madrzak, Hagen Schmidtchen, Cecil Wöbker Postal Address
Imprint - rembergen.industryarena.com › basis › rembergDavid Hahn, Julian Madrzak, Hagen Schmidtchen, Cecil Wöbker Postal Address Munich Germany. IndustryArena Icon IndustryArena Logo.
1 Projekte
CW | ProjectsCecil’s blog - insights on technology and science
1 Dokumente
Using Atlassian for State-of-the-Art Computer Science EducationYou've probably wondered about it, and they proved it: state-of-the-art software engineering can be taught using the Atlassian stack. Dora and Lukas will show …
7 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
dblp: Cecil WöbkerList of computer science publications by Cecil Wöbker
dblp: BibTeX records: Cecil WöbkerList of computer science publications by BibTeX records: Cecil Wöbker
dblp: ICSE Software Engineering Education and Training TrackBibliographic content of ICSE Software Engineering Education and Training Track
dblp: Bernd BrüggeList of computer science publications by Bernd Brügge
2 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Bernd Bruegge - Wikipediaen.wikipedia.org › wiki › Bernd_BrueggeBernd Bruegge (German: Bernd Brügge) (born 1951) is a German computer scientist, ... Irina Camilleri, Kirill Krinkin, Andreas Seitz and Cecil Wöbker.
Wikipedia: Bernd Bruegge - Wikipedia2018; Stephan Krusche, Bernd Bruegge, Irina Camilleri, Kirill Krinkin, Andreas Seitz und Cecil Wöbker. Chaordisches Lernen: Eine Fallstudie .
44 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Just a moment...CW-Technologies. Cecil Wöbker's Most Used Languages. Cecil Wöbker's GitHub Stats. Cecil Wöbker's repositories. cwoebker.
Cecil Wöbker (@cwoebker)`s Instagram Profile | StalktureList of (41) Instagram media taken by Cecil Wöbker (@cwoebker) | Bio: Researcher • Maker • Engineer WA '13 + TUM '17 + CDTM '18 GATech + ...
Cecil Wöbker - CDTM - Center for Digital Technology and ...www.cdtm.de › cdtm_team › cecil-wobkerCecil Wöbker. Computer Science. JOIN How to apply as a student? How to do a PhD at CDTM? How to collaborate with CDTM? How to become a lecturer at CDTM?
Cecil Wöbker – MediumDiscover all stories Cecil Wöbker clapped for on Medium. Hey!.
Cecil Wöbker's Email & Phone - CW Technologies Germany - Munich Area,...Cecil Wöbker's Email. Show email and phone number. Munich Area, Germany. Founder @ CW Technologies Germany. iOS Engineer @ Siemens. External...
cwoebker (Cecil Wöbker) | Keybasekeybase.io › cwoebkercwoebker (Cecil Wöbker) is now on Keybase, an open source app for encryption and cryptography.
Cecil Wöbker's profile on Product Hunt | Product HuntCecil Wöbker. Developer. #. Follow. Activity57 Following25 Followers. Upvotes (7). Nuclino Dark Mode · Experience a darker ...
CW | Research - Cecil WoebkerAndreas Seitz - An excerpt about me, my work and my life.My name is Andreas Seitz. I am a researcher and teacher at the Technical University of Munich Cecil Wöbker, Andreas Seitz, Harald Mueller and ...
Six YearsBy Cecil Wöbker. I do science during the day and develop or design at night. If you like my work, hire me. Feel free to follow me on Twitter or email me with any ...
ios Praktikum WS July 9, Info Meeting - PDF Free Download... Göhlen Uygar Tarakci Thomas Guenzel Chrysa Papadaki Marcus Höfer Henning Helmbrecht Cecil Wöbker Patrick Nieves Ulrike Niemann Torben Teepe Duc ...
@kang92318`s has Follower List on Instagram | StalktureCecil Wöbker. Cheng Chen (@cheng_ch) Instagram Profile Photo · cheng_ch. Cheng Chen. Cheng Ma (@chengxma) Instagram Profile Photo · chengxma.
CW | Homecwoebker.comMy name is Cecil Wöbker and I grew up in Germany and the United States. I am one of the Co-Founders and the CTO at Remberg. I studied computer science at ...
Digital Heroes in spe - StartingUp: Das GründermagazinFünf Newcomer, die mit ihren Innovationen rund um IoT, E-Mobility und KI das Zeug zu digitalen Start-up-Helden haben.
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING EDUCATION AND TRAINING | ICSE 2017... Andreas Seitz, Cecil Wöbker, Kirill Krinkin and Bernd Bruegge [preprint]; Effects of Facilitation on Collaborative Modeling Sessions with a Multi-Touch UML ...
Publications — the full list | Kirill Krinkin2020 Filatov, Anton and Kirill Krinkin.
Jūrų karšis Oksidas bėgikas cecil jobs berlin - melanietourangeau.comwww.melanietourangeau.com › cecil-jobs-berlinprimesti Tinginystė sandėliukas Cecil Wöbker (@cwoebker) | Twitter · Tikslumas Padalinti vyriausiasis Cecil B. DeMille, From the Archives - Stripes ...
uberping · PyPIuberping: ping tool for the uberstatus people
paff · PyPIpaff: path diff for chaotic humans
Zirkus Brigg Pekkadillo cecil jobs berlin Zusammenschluss ...notaria22qroo.com › deail › showGoodsDeailsFAVORS! by cbr' store by dan pearlman, Berlin – Germany. Cecil Wöbker (@cwoebker) | Twitter. Cecil Wöbker (@cwoebker) | Twitter ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Cecil
Männlicher Vorname (Englisch): Cecil; Lateinisch (Römischer Familienname); caecus = blind; Information zur weiblichen Form Caecilie:; weibliche Form des altrömischen Familiennamens 'Caecilius'; vielleicht etruskischen Ursprungs; volksetymologisch gedeutet als zu 'caecus' 'blind' gehörig; bekannt durch die Verehrung der hl. Cäcilie (3. Jh.)
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