98 Infos zu Cecilie Mauritzen

Mehr erfahren über Cecilie Mauritzen

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13 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Kon-Tiki2: Why would you cross the Pacific on a wooden raft? - BBC...

"The oceans are changing very fast and nobody is paying attention," says Dr Cecilie Mauritzen, an oceanographer who is the expedition's chief scientist. "This is a chance to give oceans a voice." Dr Mauritzen's work on the trip will focus on climate change, pollution from microplastics and the impact of the El ...

Meteorolog Cecilie Mauritzen er direktør for CICERO. – Dagsavisen

Cecilie Mauritzen tok over som direktør for CICERO senter for klimaforsking frå I eit intervju på tre sider i Teknisk ukeblad hevdar ho at ho vil...

Plastflasker er klimatrussel - Én million plastflasker kjøpes hvert...

- Idiotisk, for nedbrytbare flasker kan lages, sier norsk klimaekspert og oseanograf.


Despite what the government and car manufacturers would like you to believe, the fact is that global warming is really here.

7  Bilder zu Cecilie Mauritzen

Bild zu Cecilie Mauritzen
Bild zu Cecilie Mauritzen
Bild zu Cecilie Mauritzen
Bild zu Cecilie Mauritzen
Bild zu Cecilie Mauritzen
Bild zu Cecilie Mauritzen

6 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Cecilie Mauritzen | Facebook - Mbasic Facebookmbasic.facebook.com › cecilie.mau...

LinkedIn: Cecilie Mauritzen - Senior Scientist - Norwegian LinkedInca.linkedin.com › pub › cecilie-ma...

View Cecilie Mauritzen's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Cecilie has 7 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...

LinkedIn: Cecilie Mauritzen - Senior Scientist - Norwegian LinkedInno.linkedin.com › cecilie-mauritze...

Cecilie Mauritzen. Senior Scientist at Norwegian Meteorological Institute | Meteorologisk institutt. Oslo. 1 annen med navnet Cecilie Mauritzen er på LinkedIn.

LinkedIn: Cecilie Mauritzen | Profesjonell profil - LinkedIn

Vis Cecilie Mauritzens profil på LinkedIn, verdens største faglige nettverk. Cecilie har 6 jobber oppført på profilen. Se hele profilen på LinkedIn og finn Cecilies forbindelser og jobber i tilsvarende bedrifter.

1 Firmen-Beteiligungen

proff: Cecilie Mauritzen – 2 roller i norsk næringsliv

Proff.no gir deg rolleinformasjon om Cecilie Mauritzen. Se hennes roller (2) og relasjoner (14) i næringslivet - og hvilke bransjer Cecilie Mauritzen er aktiv i.

4 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Cecilie Mauritzen – The Nansen Legacy

Cecilie Mauritzen is leader of the work package 'Impact and legacy'. Mauritzen's fields of interest includes the role of oceans in the Earth climate, earth's energy ...

Cecilie Mauritzen | GRID-Arendal

My fields of interest include Earth's energy balance, state changes in the deep ocean, large-scale ocean circulation, autonomous observing technologies, ...

Cecilie Mauritzen | GRID-Arendal

GRID-Arendal is a Norwegian foundation working closely with the United Nations Environment. We are working on projects all around the world on biodiversity, ...

Publications – Dr. Michael S. McCartney

Journal of Physical Oceanography, 31(12), McCartney, Michael S., and Cecilie Mauritzen, On the origin of the warm inflow to the Nordic Seas.

1 Persönliche Webseiten

Contact persons in participation institutions and countries ...www.damocles-eu.org › contacts

Project co-leader Cecilie Mauritzen · Norwegian Meteorological Institute P.O. Box 43, Blindern - Norway + Project co-leader Ralf Döscher

1 Projekte

WHOI Arctic Group | Ice-Tethered Platform Workshop organizers

Cecilie Mauritzen, (), University of Oslo, Norway Eddy Carmack, (-mpo.gc.ca) Institute of Ocean Science, Canada

8 Bücher zum Namen

Working Group I Contribution to the IPCC Fifth …


Ocean Circulation and Climate: Chapter 17. The Arctic and Subarctic...

Observations made during the 1990s and 2000s indicate that the Arctic physical environment and associated ecosystem are undergoing remarkable changes. The...

Advances in Sponge Science: Physiology, Chemical and Microbial...

Advances in Marine Biology has been providing in-depth and up-to-date reviews on all aspects of marine biology since over 45 years of outstanding...

Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis: Working Group I

... Andrey Kostianoy (Russian Federation), Cecilie Mauritzen (Norway), Dean Roemmich (USA), Lynne D. Talley (USA), Fan Wang (China) Contributing Authors: ...

2 Dokumente

Category:Cecilie Mauritzen - Wikimedia Commons

Media in category "Cecilie Mauritzen". The following 3 files are in this category, out of 3 total. C.Mauritzen2018.jpg 1,070 × 1,190; 198 KB.

File:Cecilie Mauritzen.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

Original file ‎(2,576 × 1,932 pixels, file size: MB, MIME type: image/jpeg). File information. Structured data. Captions Edit. English. Add a one-line ...

2 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Kon Tiki 2 sets sail

The expedition follows Thor Heyerdahl's famous footsteps showing the world that a maritime culture at least a thousand years existed along the South Americans...

2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Cecilie Mauritzen | IPCC Wiki | Fandom

WG1 AR5 Ch3 Google Scholar CICERO Page Wikipedia page (in Norwegian)

The Impacts of the Oceans on Climate Change - CHARLIE ...charlie-gibbs.org › charlie › Submissions › OSPAR2008

... USA), Rick Matear (CSIRO, Australia), Cecilie Mauritzen (CliC, Norway), Mike Meredith (BAS, UK), Charlie Paull (MBARI, USA), Robin Pingree (MBA, PML, ...

5 Meinungen & Artikel

Wikipedia: Cecilie Mauritzen - Wikipedia

Cecilie Mauritzen (born 1961) is a Norwegian oceanographer who studies connections between ocean currents and climate change. She works as a researcher ...

Wikipedia: Сесили Мауритцен - Cecilie Mauritzen - qwe.wiki - QWERTY.WIKIru.qwe.wiki › wiki › Cecilie_Mauri...

Сесили Мауритцен - Cecilie Mauritzen. Из Википедии, свободной энциклопедии. Норвежский океанолог. Мауритцен в году. Сесили Мауритцен (род ...

Arctic freshwater | Nature Geoscience

The Arctic Ocean has become less saline, perhaps in response to climate change. Satellite and in situ observations reveal changes in the regional wind patterns...

Cecilie Mauritzen - den nye kosten på CICERO

Cecilie Mauritzen - den nye kosten på CICERO

43 Webfunde aus dem Netz

‪Cecilie Mauritzen‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

‪Norwegian Meteorological Institute‬ - ‪‪Cited by ‬‬ - ‪Ocean circulation‬ - ‪physics of climate‬ - ‪ocean state‬

1 of 27 Moored Current Observations from Nares Strait: Andreas...

2 2 of 27 Dilution of the northern North Atlantic Ocean in recent decades Ruth Curry and Cecilie Mauritzen (2005, Science): How much fresh ...

Cecilie Mauritzen Biography, Age, Height, Husband, Net Worth, Family

Cecilie Mauritzen was born on in Norwegian, is a Norwegian oceanographer. Discover Cecilie Mauritzen's Biography, Age, Height, Physical Stats,...

Cecilie Mauritzen fikk årets Frambelønning

Mandag 10. oktober, under feiringen av 150-årsdagen for Nansens fødsel, ble prisen tildelt klimaforsker og CSN-medlem Cecilie Mauritzen. Hun har etter ...

Norwegian Meteorological InstituteM/S Nordkapp Fall Pathways of...

Norwegian Meteorological InstituteM/S Nordkapp Fall Greenland-Scotland Ridge 60N 700m m Sinking Entrainment Nordic Seas Dense, but still shallow 6Sv

Cecilie Mauritzen og klimaproblemet i «Siffer»

Programleder Jo Røislien fikk assistanse av klimaforsker og CSN-medlem Cecilie Mauritzen til å forklare hvordan klimamodeller fungerer. Episoden går i reprise ...

Cecilie Mauritzen is New GoMRI Research Board Member | GoMRI

The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative welcomes Dr. Cecilie Mauritzen as the newest member of its Research Board, an independent and academic board of twenty...

Cecilie Mauritzen | Revolvywww.revolvy.com › page › Cecilie...

Cecilie Mauritzen Mauritzen in Cecilie Mauritzen (born 1961) is a Norwegian oceanographer who studies connections between ocean currents and ...

Cecilie Mauritzen - The Irish Times

Get up to date with the latest news and stories about the person Cecilie Mauritzen at The Irish Times. Breaking News at IrishTimes.com.

Samfunnsvitenskapelig klimaforskning. Cecilie Mauritzen, Direktør...

Samfunnsvitenskapelig klimaforskning Cecilie Mauritzen, Direktør CICERO Senter for Klimaforskning 4-6 C 2 C Source: Peters et al a; Global Carbon Project CICERO s research Global Health & Environment.

Et svar på kommentar til heftet fra direktørene Eystein Jansen ved...

Download "Et svar på kommentar til heftet fra direktørene Eystein Jansen ved Bjerknessenteret og Cecilie Mauritzen, CICERO."

About us

About the Blue Garden. "The Blue Garden Network will address the challenges and opportunities of running small aquaculture farms growing macroalgea in the circular economy philosophy, creating delicious niche specialties". For more information please contact: Cecilie Mauritzen. .

Person # Cecilie Mauritzen - Cristin

Breivik, Øyvind; Rabault, Jean; Hole, Lars R; Christensen, Kai Håkon; Müller, Malte; Jensen, Atle; Mauritzen, Cecilie , Forskning.no. UIO ...

Cecilie Mauritzen | Norsk Hydro | Norway - OMICS Internationalbiography.omicsonline.org › norway

Research Director, Oceans and Climate, NIVA Norwegian Institute for Water Research Bekræftet e-mail på niva.no ..

Cecilie Mauritzen har fått Nobelprisen! - Miljø og Klima - VG Nett...

Harstad Tidende kan virkelig by på en skikkelig godbit: Nobelprisvinner til klima-lørdag. "Harstad Tidendes sjefredaktør Kjell Rune Henriksen styrer ordskiftet ..." Det ville jo være svært pinlig å være ordstyrer i hallelujamøtet og måtte innrømme at hans egen avis bringer løgner ;). (Innlegget ble redigert ...

Mrs. Cecilie Mauritzen

Director at CICERO, Center for Climate and Environmental Research - Oslo, Norway

Leben an Bord - scinexx | Das Wissensmagazin

Es ist ein Abenteuer und gleichzeitig eine wissenschaftliche Expedition: Die beiden Flöße der Kon-Tiki 2 segeln mit einfachsten Mitteln von Peru zur Osterinsel...

2003 Polar Marine Science Conference GRCwww.grc.org › polar-marine-scienc...

8:35 pm - 9:30 pm, Cecilie Mauritzen (Norwegian Meteorological Institute, Norway) "On the relationship between the northward-flowing warm waters and the ...

Arctic Ocean Warming Contributes to Reduced Polar Ice Cap - ePrints...

Author: Jean-Claude Gascard. Author: Edmond Hansen. Author: Vladimir V. Ivanov. Author: Seymour Laxon. Author: Cecilie Mauritzen. Author: Don Perovich.

Chapter 1. Impacts of the oceans on climate change - PubMed

... Mike Kendall, Sabine Kasten, Ralph Keeling, Corinne Le Quéré, Fred T Mackenzie, Gill Malin, Cecilie Mauritzen, Jón Olafsson, Charlie Paull, Eric Rignot, Koji ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Cecilie

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch): Cecilie; Lateinisch (Römischer Familienname); caecus = blind; weibliche Form des altrömischen Familiennamens 'Caecilius'; vielleicht etruskischen Ursprungs; volksetymologisch gedeutet als zu 'caecus' 'blind' gehörig; bekannt durch die Verehrung der hl. Cäcilie (3. Jh.)

Personensuche zu Cecilie Mauritzen & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Cecilie Mauritzen und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.