599 Infos zu Chantal Akerman
Mehr erfahren über Chantal Akerman
Infos zu
- Director
- Regisseurin
- Belgian
- Jeanne Dielman
- Retrospective
- Artist
- Bruxelles
- Amours
- Books
- Filmmaker
- Media
- Paris
- London
- Museum
80 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Spiegel.de: Chantal Akerman: Belgische Künstlerin ist tot - SPIEGEL ONLINESie war eine Schlüsselfigur des feministischen Avantgarde-Kinos. Jetzt ist die Regisseurin, Schauspielerin und Autorin Chantal Akerman gestorben.
Taz: Buch über Regisseurin Chantal Akerman: Lebenslange Wunde› Kultur › Buch
"Es ist eine Frau!" - nw.deBielefeld. Chantal Akerman ist nicht nur eine eigensinnige Regisseurin. Sie ist auch eigensinnig, wenn es um Preisverleihungen geht...
Belgian director Chantal Akerman is dead at Washington TimesThe Belgian avant-garde filmmaker Chantal Akerman, whose patient, personal reflections on the lives of women made her a leading figure of arthouse cinema, has...
78 Bilder zu Chantal Akerman

10 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Chantal Akerman Legacy | FacebookMySpace: Chantal Akerman (chantalakerman)Twitter Profil: chantal Akerman (hannachant)Chantal Akerman | The Deleuze Seminars› ch...
6 Hobbys & Interessen
Skateboard-Fahrerinnen, Selbsthilfe und Suffragetten – kurz verlinkt...„Sie gab dem Publikum Freiheit“, schreibt die FAZ zum Tod der feministischen Videokünstlerin und Filmemacherin Chantal Akerman (u.a. ...
MIFF 2016: Chantal Akerman's No Home Movie an enduring epitaph for...There have been few filmmakers as uncompromising as Chantal Akerman, whose reconciliation of revealing material with formal rigour pointed ...
Chantal Akerman | Artist | ArtFactsThe artist Chantal Akerman is ranked among the Top 10,000 on ArtFacts. Find out more...
Der letzte Film, den ich gesehen habe (Vol. II) – Seite –...... Rossellini * * * * * Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, Bruxelles - Chantal Akerman * * * * ½ ... Lief er im Fernsehen? On demand via Netflix wie kommt's? Einer der besten Filme der letzten Jahre, in my book.
2 Persönliche Webseiten
Fondation Chantal AkermanFondation Chantal Akerman - A reference and a key resource for all those who study, ... read, publish all Chantal Akerman's works, being they films, books, ...
Chantal Akerman – Lecture & Film – Die Erfinderin der ...chantal-akerman.deMit Godard wird das Kino historisch, mit Akerman fängt es neu an: Das Werk der belgischen Regisseurin, Installationskünstlerin und Schriftstellerin Chantal ...
2 Infos zur Ausbildung
Chantal Akerman - The European Graduate School› biography › chant...
Media Art Net | Akerman, Chantal: BiographyChantal Akerman * in Brussels (B). Chantal Akerman is a filmmaker whose work gives new meaning to the term "independent film". Strong themes in her films include ...
13 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
IMDB Filmographie: Chantal AkermanDirector, Ich, du, er, sie
IMDB Filmographie: Chantal Akerman, de cá (2010) - IMDbChantal Akerman, de cá: Directed by Gustavo Beck, Leonardo Luiz Ferreira. With Chantal Akerman. The renowned Belgian filmmaker sits down for an hour-long...
4 Projekte
Chantal Akerman’s Art Retrospective in London - artnet NewsThis Friday, the first large-scale exhibition in the UK of installation works by the celebrated Belgian filmmaker Chantal Akerman is opening in London.
Project MUSE - Weariness, Waiting: Enduration and Art Cinema’s Tired...... Mona to Pedro Costa's Vanda, and from Chantal Akerman's Jeanne Dielman ... You must be logged in through an institution that subscribes to this journal or ...
53 Bücher zum Namen
Afterall London - Los Angeles: A Journal of Art, Context and Enquiry: Issuevon Laylah; Akerman, Chantal; Ruppersberg, Allen; Snyder, Sean; Levitt, Helen Ali, Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, 2002, Taschenbuch
Eine Couch in New York.von Chantal Akerman, SuhrkampBroschiert
Spectaculum Moderne Theaterstücke (Sophies Nacht; Buster, Bestie; Tätowierung; Und gib uns die Schatten; Erben und Sterben; Naro lässt grüßen oder Selbstporträt des Künstlers als Kaiser; Der Erdbebenforscher.)von Akerman Chantal Reinhold Batberger und Dea Loher, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt am Main.Gebundene Ausgabe
Spectaculum 62: Sechs moderne Theaterstückevon Chantal Akerman, Suhrkamp VerlagGebundene Ausgabe
8 Dokumente
Chantal akermanChantal Akerman
Category:Chantal Akerman - Wikimedia Commonscommons.wikimedia.org › wikiSubcategories. This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total. A. ▻ Allée Chantal-Akerman (Paris) (1 F). G. ▻ Grave of ...
Chantal Akerman | PDF - Scribd› document › chantal-akerman
Chantal Akerman | CCCBwww.cccb.org › participants › fileChantal Akerman. Film-maker. She was a film-director, but has also exhibited her work in museums and galleries. In 'The Film-makers' City', the CCCB ...
9 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Identity and memory : the films of Chantal Akerman - WorldCat› oclc
Chantal Akerman - Passages by nai Issuu› docs › pdf_chantal_akerman_-_issuu
Chantal Akerman: Die Gefangene (OmU) (DVD) – jpc►►Die DVD Chantal Akerman: Die Gefangene (OmU) jetzt für 17,99 Euro kaufen.
Chantal Akerman - Wikidata› wiki
3 Video- & Audioinhalte
Búsqueda de "Chantal Akerman" - FilmAffinityFilmaffinity, tu página personalizada de votación y recomendación de películas y series
Chantal Akerman à propos de "Jeanne Dielman" - Vidéo Ina.frChantal AKERMAN et Delphine SEYRIG évoquent leur film
Chantal Akerman, La chambre - Video & Film - e-fluxChantal Akerman (1950–2015) is considered to be one of the most important directors of her generation. The author of almost fifty films, she is ...
25 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Chantal Akerman - WikipediaChantal Anne Akerman (French: ; 6 June – 5 October 2015) was a Belgian film director, screenwriter, artist, and film professor at the City College of New York. She is best known for her three hour magnum opus Jeanne Dielman, 23 quai du Commerce, Bruxelles (1975), which was dubbed a "masterpiece" by The New York Times.According to film scholar Gwendolyn Audrey Foster, …
Wikipedia: Tchéky Karyo — Wikipédiafr.wikipedia.org › wiki › Tchéky_Ka...Baruh Djaki Karyo, dit Tchéky Karyo, né le 4 octobre à Istanbul (Turquie), est un acteur et ... En 1982, Tchéky Karyo apparaît pour la première fois au cinéma dans Toute une nuit de Chantal Akerman Va où ton cœur te porte (Va dove ti porta il cuore) de Cristina Comencini : Ernesto; To Have and to Hold de John ...
Chantal Akerman: An Interview | vdb.org› collection
Interview mit Chantal AkermanChantal Akerman meldet sich zurück: In der freien Proust-Adaption "Die Gefangene" [...] erzählt sie von einer Obsession aus männlicher Perpsektive [sic], von ...
304 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Celebrating Chantal Akerman - Google› doodles › celebrating-chantal-a...
I Don't Belong Anywhere: The Cinema of Chantal Akerman Reviews -...I Don't Belong Anywhere: The Cinema of Chantal Akerman movie reviews & Metacritic score: I Don't Belong Anywhere: The Cinema of Chantal Akerman explores some...
Acclaimed Filmmaker Chantal Akerman Dead at 65au.finance.yahoo.com › news › acclaimed-filmmaker-c...Chantal Akerman By Beatrice Verhoeven, The Wrap Chantal Akerman, ... of high growth tech-driven companies in sectors including software, mobility, ... Virginia Producer Earns Top Award in Southeastern Hay Contest.
Chantal Akerman - Infogalactic: the planetary knowledge coreChantal Akerman scholar Ivone Margulies says the picture is a filmic paradigm for uniting feminism and anti-illusionism. The film was named the 19th-greatest film of the 20th century by J. Hoberman of the Village Voice .
Chantal Akerman Dies: Pioneering Belgian Filmmaker Was 65finance.yahoo.com › news › chantal-akerman-dies-pion...Le Monde has reported that Akerman committed suicide Monday night. She was 65. Akerman ... A November for the market record books ... A director, cinematographer, writer, editor and sometime actress, Belgian-born filmmaker Chantal Akerman has died Jim Cramer: Here Comes the 'Pent-Up Demand' Bull Market.
Free PDF Download - "Unbelonging Interior: Chantal Akerman's "La Bas"..."Unbelonging Interior: Chantal Akerman's "La Bas"
Chantal Akerman, From Here | Internet Video Archive - Yahoo ScreenIn CHANTAL AKERMAN, FROM HERE, the renowned Belgian filmmaker sits down for an hour ...
A Nos Amours: Chantal Akerman Retrospective | Institute of...A complete retrospective of the films and videos of Chantal Akerman.
Chantal Akerman at Marian Goodman Paris - Artmap.comChantal Akerman - Exhibition at Marian Goodman, Paris, 2009
5 things you might not know about Chantal Akerman | The List1 In 1968, as an 18-year-old film school dropout, she funded her first short film by selling shares on the Antwerp diamond exchange. 2 She then relocated to...
Addio a Chantal Akerman, grande regista sperimentale - Il Sole 24 ORESi è spenta a sessantacinque anni Chantal Akerman, una delle autrici sperimentali più importanti della storia del cinema.
Aussprache von Chantal Akerman: Wie man Chantal Akerman auf...Ausspracheführer: Lernen Sie Chantal Akerman auf Niederländisch muttersprachlich auszusprechen. Englische Übersetzung von Chantal Akerman.
‘Chantal Akerman: Maniac Shadows’ at The Kitchen | ObserverChantal Akerman’s new three-channel video installation Maniac Shadows is a kaleidoscopic complication of double bluffs and autobiographical preoccupations that...
CHANTAL AKERMAN | Cinematheque› series › spring › chantal-aker...
A Nos Amours: Chantal Akerman 14: Three Films | Institute of...Three films made between and 1992, Les Trois Dernières Sonates de Franz Schubert, Trois Strophes sur le nom de Sacher, and Le Déménagement.
CHANTAL AKERMAN | YU - Yale Union's› chantal-ake...
Actividad - Nothing Happens, Everything Changes - A Chantal Akerman...Letter from a filmmaker: Chantal Akerman was a commission by the French television program Cinéma, cinémas ( ), which asked ...
A Nos Amours: Chantal Akerman 3: Jeanne Dielman, 23 quai du Commerce,...A Nos Amours continues a retrospective of the complete film works of Chantal Akerman, with her celebrated second feature film Jeanne Dielman, 23 quai du...
A Tribute To Chantal Akerman, Cinema's Pioneer Of Modern ...theculturetrip.com › ... › Film & TVConsidered one of the greatest minds to come out of European cinema, Chantal Akerman died at the age of ...
Sjećanje na Chantal Akerman - Ciklusi i festivali | Raspored...početna → program → ciklusi Sjećanje na Chantal Akerman. Imat ćemo priliku pogledati odabrane filmove redateljice koju kritika smatra jednom od najsmjelijih ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Chantal
Weiblicher Vorname (Französisch): Chantal;; vom Familiennamen der französischen Heiligen Jeanne Françoise Frémont de Chantal; der Familienname kommt vom Namen einer Stadt in Frankreich, mit einer möglichen Bedeutung 'Felsblock'
Personensuche zu Chantal Akerman & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Chantal Akerman und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.