73 Infos zu Charis Rooda

Mehr erfahren über Charis Rooda

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1 Aktuelle Nachrichten

The Changelog: This is how we’re building Splice | by Alan Soon | The...

Updated our official brand color to #FF2DA1, compliant with #a11y contrast accessibility standards. · We sign up a fantastic Wordpress developer: Charis Rooda.

9 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

LinkedIn: Charis Rooda | LinkedIn

View Charis Rooda's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Charis Rooda discover inside ...

LinkedIn: Charis Rooda - Marketing & Social Media at LinkedIn

View Charis Rooda's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Charis has 9 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...

LinkedIn: Charis Rooda - Marketing & Social Media at SmashingConf LinkedIn

Bekijk het profiel van Charis Rooda op LinkedIn, de grootste professionele community ter wereld. Charis Rooda heeft 9 functies op zijn of haar profiel. Bekijk het ...

Charis Rooda | LinkedIn

Check out professional insights posted by Charis Rooda, ✨ Freelance front-end developer. Founder and producer of Webconf.asia events.

1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter


En verder… · Arno Hoogma. Front- en back-end ontwikkelaar · Saskia Schrijver. Contentstrateeg · Kars Alfrink. Interactieontwerper · Charis Rooda. Front-end ...

2 Persönliche Webseiten

About - foobartel.com - Holger Bartelfoobartel.com

Harbour Front turned into a regular event on web design and development that I ran with Charis Rooda, hosted at the Hive in Hong Kong.

Contact UsSmashingConf

Our Smashing Events Team: Amanda Annandale (Event Manager & AV), Charis Rooda (Event & Communications), Jan Constantin (Event Manager), Mariona Jones (Event ...

1 Bücher zum Namen

Bloghelden - Frank Meeuwsen - Google Books

Weblogs zijn vandaag de dag een niet meer weg te denken fenomeen in Nederland. Veel sites hebben een eigen weblog of nemen kenmerken van een weblog over. Maar...

2 Video- & Audioinhalte

Charis Rooda - YouTube

Teile deine Videos mit Freunden, Verwandten oder der ganzen Welt

6 Meinungen & Artikel

A Look Back At The Smashing Conference NYC 2018Troy Web Consulting

Organized by Vitaly Friedman (Creative Director), Amanda Annandale (Event Manager & AV), Charis Rooda (Marketing & Social Media), Markus Seyfferth (CEO), ...

And the BubbleConf tickets go to...Rails Girls Summer of Code

— We had a jury go through the crazy pictures you guys tweeted. And the winners are: Aneliya Evtimova · Moniek Kuipers · Charis Rooda

1827 days working on the webChen Hui Jing

— In the meantime, I got invited to my first speaking engagement outside of Singapore by Charis Rooda for Webconf.asia, as well as had my ...

48 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Charis Rooda email address & phone number | Smashing ...RocketReach

Get Charis Rooda's email address () and phone number () at RocketReach. Get 5 free searches.

Charis Rooda (@charisrooda)Instagram

0 Followers, 339 Following, Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Charis Rooda (@charisrooda)

Charis Rooda on CodePenCodePen

Please refresh the page. If this issue persists please contact . Refresh Close. Charis Rooda Follow. Love Run. Pen Editor Menu. Settings. Change View. Use Left Layout Use Top Layout Use Right Layout.

Charis RoodaAudacy

Charis Rooda is a Dutch web developer and conference organiser. A few years ago she moved from The Netherlands, where she had a pretty successful freelance ...

Postpone or cancel your in-person conference with Charis ...neonmoire.com

— Episode 36 of the Neon Moiré Show is with conference organizer Charis Rooda on postponing or cancel your in-person conference.

Charis RoodaCreativeMornings

UTR. Screen shot at Charis Rooda · Follow · Followers Following Watch later 0 Events attended in the past 6 months. Charis Rooda · Follow · Followers Following Watch later 0 Events attended in the past 6 months. Follow. Events attended. UTR. Utrecht. May 22,

Do we need to write markup?Art Equals Work

My experience both attending and speaking at Fronteers was top-notch. A big thanks to Charis Rooda, Flurin Egger, Michael Hastrich, Martijn van Duuren, and all ...

Elmina green six priceamfree.org

Current PSF range at City of Elmina : Elmina Green 6 is RM RM545. charis rooda Web0: :25 The Premiere of Elmina Green Six Sime Darby Property ...


Whatever happens: your hosts for the evening Peter van Grieken & Charis Rooda will make sure this will be the highlight of the conference.

Frozen Rockets — Inclusive Design en AccessibilityFrozen Rockets

... ANWB, Adrian Egger, Almero Steyn, Anneke Sinnema, Ask Atticus / Jeroen Hulscher, Autofferte, BeDataDriven, Centric, Charis Rooda, Content Design London, ...

Harbour Front - Web Design and Development MeetupMeetup

Harbour Front - Web Design and Development Meetup · Hong Kong · 1,432 members · Public group · Organized by Charis Rooda and 1 other. Share: Join this group.

Hidde: "I was sent a Dropbox link to a…"Front-End Social

vor 6 Tagen — Charis Rooda ✨ @ · @hdv At least the header, cookie banner and app banner have the right contrast. /me runs.

Neon Moire Show | Listen to Podcasts On Demand FreeTuneIn

Episode 36 of the Neon Moiré Show is with conference organizer Charis Rooda on postponing or cancel your in-person conference. Charis is part of the ...

Ohne Titelaccountedforhomes.com

Average refunds … charis robinson behance charis rooda Webb25 feb · If you have yet to file your tax return, now is the time to act.

Ons teamAziatische Keramiek

Charis Rooda. Front-end ontwikkeling. Profile picture for user Frodo. Frodo Schering. Vormgeving. Profile picture for user Patrick van Efferen.


Charis Rooda is the person who started this whole Webconf.asia thing and a developer herself too. Charis Rooda & Hui Jing Chen ...

Webconf.asia does a #02Medium

— While last year's conference featured 8 wonderful speakers and an all-day design seminar, organizer Charis Rooda has brought even more to ...

WooThemes | WordCamp ManchesterWordCamp Central

Charis Rooda @charis. @miss_jwo @paul_v_m @jetpack @34SP @wcmcr @wcedin @WordCampLondon @humanmadeltd @WWCLondon Yeah, sharpies are awesome!

A Love Letter to Filament Group—zachleat.comZach Leatherman

— ... Marco Hengstenberg Eli Andy Lincoln Jens Tangermann Charis Rooda ‍♀️ Jon Harvey Rob Hruska edmundo alberto morgado Brett Jankord Aftab ...

Adactio: Journal—Putting on a conferenceAdactio

— ... write up about putting up a conference: adactio.com/journal # Posted by Charis Rooda on Tuesday, July 25th, at 1:45pm ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Charis

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch): Charis; Anmut, Güte; Griechisch (Wortzusammensetzung); charis = die Anmut, die Freundlichkeit, die Güte, die Gnade

Personensuche zu Charis Rooda & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Charis Rooda und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.