222 Infos zu Chris Ofili
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- British
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- David Zwirner
- Manchester
- Turner
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- Brooklyn
14 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Chris Ofili | TIME› collection-post
Chris Ofili is weaving magic - BBC NewsHow the Turner Prize-winning artist has moved on from elephant dung to lyrical tapestry.
Guardian: Chris Ofili | Artanddesign | The Guardianwww.theguardian.com › artanddesign › chris-ofiliChris Ofili · Life Between Islands review – a mind-altering portrait of British Caribbean life through art · Life Between Islands review: displaying the power and ...
Imagine... Chris Ofili: The Caged Bird’s Song was a stimulating...A little too often, Alan Yentob’s Imagine… films focus on absolute legends in their slightly boring anecdotage.
73 Bilder zu Chris Ofili

6 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Chris OfiliFacebook: Chris OfiliFacebook: Jasmine Thomas-Girvan & Chris Ofili: Affinities - FacebookTwitter Profil: Chris Ofili (ofilichris)2 Hobbys & Interessen
158 Chris Ofili Bilder und Fotos - Getty Imageswww.gettyimages.ch › fotos › chris-ofiliOder starten Sie eine neue Suche, um noch mehr Stock-Fotografie und Bilder zu entdecken. Showing Editorial results for chris ofili. Lieber in Creative suchen?
Chris Ofili | Artist | Artfactsartfacts.net › artist › chris-ofiliChris Ofili is a british male artist born in Manchester, MAN, England (UK) in see all. Shows By Region ...
2 Infos zur Ausbildung
CHRIS OFILI: THE OTHELLO PRINTS | Wallach Art Gallery› chri...
Chris Ofili - Biography | David Zwirnerwww.davidzwirner.com › artists › biographyChris Ofili creates intricate, kaleidoscopic paintings and works on paper that deftly merge abstraction and figuration. Ofili rose to prominence in the ...
1 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
IMDB Filmographie: Chris OfiliSelf, This Is Modern Art
1 Projekte
Chris Ofili 'The Caged Bird's Song' tapestry - Dovecot Studiosdovecotstudios.com › tapestry-studio › projects › ch...Dovecot Studios collaborated with artist Chris Ofili to create a hand-woven tapestry, _The Caged Bird's Song_, which took two and a half years to co...
5 Bücher zum Namen
Chris Ofili Quotes - BrainyQuoteEnjoy the best Chris Ofili Quotes at BrainyQuote. Quotations by Chris Ofili, English Artist, Born October 10, Share with your friends.
Chris Ofili: Night and Day - Rizzoli New YorkChris Ofili: Night and Day. Edited by Massimiliano Gioni and Gary Carrion-Murayari and Margot Norton. A major survey including new and celebrated works by ...
Chris Ofili: Paradise Lost - Google Books-ErgebnisseitePublished by David Zwirner Books on the occasion of Chris Ofili: Paradise Lost David Zwirner, 533 West 19th Street, New York September 14–October 21, ...
William Shakespeare × Chris Ofili: Othello - William Shakespeare -...Othello remains one of Shakespeare's most contemporary and moving plays, with its emphasis on race, revenge, …, and lost love. Chris Ofili’s new edition...
1 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Hip-Hop Assemblage: The Chris Ofili Affair - JSTORwww.jstor.org › stablevon DJ Cosentino · · Zitiert von: 15 — or a while last fall, Chris Ofili was the most famous artist of. African descent who ever lived. And his painting The. Holy Virgin Mary (Fig. 1), ex-.
1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
A Study in Light: New Prints by Chris Ofiliartinprint.org › review › ten-lochs-one-moor-new-p...Printed and published by Two Palms, New York. . Chris Ofili, Loch Lomond (2018), etching, x inches. Edition of ...
8 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Chris Ofili — WikipédiaChris Ofili est un peintre britannique né le 10 octobre à Manchester. Controversé comme les autres membres du Young British Artists dont il fait partie, il est lauréat en du prix Turner. Biographie. Cette section est vide, insuffisamment détaillée ou incomplète. ...
Wikipedia: Chris Ofili - Wikipediaen.wikipedia.org › wiki › Chris_OfiliChris Ofili ; British · Chelsea School of Art · Royal College of Art · Painting · No Woman No Cry (1998), The Adoration of Captain Shit and the Legend of the Black ...
CHRIS OFILI - NIGHT AND DAY | IRIEDAILYwww.iriedaily.de › blog › chris-ofili-night-dayDer britische Künstler Chris Ofili (*1968, Manchester), Sohn nigerianischer Eltern, machte seinen Universitätsabschluss am Royal College of Art.
Chris Ofili - KUNSTFORUM Internationalwww.kunstforum.de › artikel › chris-ofili-3Michael Stoeber Chris Ofili. »The Blue Rider Extended Remix« Kestnergesellschaft, Hannover, – Vom Erhabenen zum Lächerlichen, wusste ...
105 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Chris Ofili - Nigeria | Professional Profile | LinkedInView Chris Ofili's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Chris has 1 job listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and ...
Chris Ofili — Google Arts & CultureChris Ofili, CBE ist ein britischer Maler und Bildhauer.
42 Chris Ofili ideas | chris ofili, chris, paintingNov 3, Explore mariekazalia's board "Chris Ofili", followed by people on Pinterest. See more ideas about Chris ofili, Chris, British artist.
Buy Chris Ofili - 5 Original Artworks for SaleAfter winning the prestigious Turner Prize, Chris Ofili (*1968) swiftly rose to prominence and was an integral part of YBAs which first flourished in the late ...
Buy Canvas Prints Chris Ofili - No Woman, No Cry Art & Photo Prints...Buy Canvas Prints Chris Ofili - No Woman, No Cry - Art & Photo Prints at Print-Services.com. Large selections of Canvas Prints - choose from Tate Britain theme...
Chris OfiliBorn in and educated at the Royal College of Art, Chris Ofili lives and works in Trinidad. He achieved recognition for his vibrant, technically ...
Chris Ofili - Cornerhouse PublicationsWithin Reach was published to accompany Chris Ofili's presentation at the 50th International Venice Biennale. The publication is presented in three volumes.
Chris Ofili - Wikipedia's Chris Ofili as translated by GramTransChris Ofili ĉe la Museum of Modern Art (Muzeo de Modern Art) Chris Ofili-paĝo, David Zwirner. Victoria Miro Gallery: Chris Ofili" Turner-Premio artistoj: Chris Ofili ", Tate." Chris Ofili-profilo ", BBC, 1 decembro 1998; Defendo de la Tate The Upper Room aĉeto. Kritiko de la Tate The Upper Room aĉeto. Stuckism.
Chris Ofili |Chris Ofili was born in Manchester, UK. He now lives and works in Port of Spain, Trinidad. Between and Ofili studied at the Chelsea School of Art in London, followed by a two-year stint at the Royal College of Art (1993). During his time there, Ofili …
Chris Ofili Articles | Widewalls› artists
Chris Ofili at David Zwirner New York - Artmap.comChris Ofili - Exhibition at David Zwirner, New York, 2007
Chris Ofili Artworks, Bio & Shows on Artsywww.artsy.net › artist › chris-ofiliChris Ofili's playful, kaleidoscopic canvases consider desire and identity, especially as related to African diasporic traditions. The artist's aesthetic and ...
Chris Ofili - ParagonChris Ofili. Ovid · Paradise by Night · North Wales. Ovid, 2012; Paradise by Night, 2010; North Wales, Close. Close. Loading…
Chris Ofili Artworks for Sale on Artsy› chris-ofili
Chris Ofili - Announcements - e-fluxwww.e-flux.com › announcements › chris-ofiliChris Ofili, Ovid-Desire, 2011–12. Oil, pastel, and charcoal on linen, 122 x inches. Courtesy the artist; David Zwirner, New York/London; ...
Chris Ofili - Art Baselwww.artbasel.com › catalog › artist › Chris-OfiliMiami Beach Othello. Chris Ofili · Othello, · Two Palms. Miami Beach Miami Beach Rainbow-Yellow Daydreamer. Chris Ofili.
Chris Ofili - The Naked Spirit of Captain Shit and the Legend of the...View The Naked Spirit of Captain Shit and the Legend of the Black Stars by Chris Ofili sold at 20th Century & Contemporary Art Evening Sale on New York Auction...
Chris Ofili - Artist - Saatchi Gallerywww.saatchigallery.com › artist › chris_ofiliChris Ofili Afrobluff, · Chris Ofili Flower Heads, · Chris Ofili Mouini Thi, · Chris Ofili The Holy Virgin Mary, · Chris Ofili Homage,
Chris Ofili - Artists - Two Palmswww.twopalms.us › artists › chris-ofiliChris Ofili (born 1968) is an English painter, sculptor and printmaker known for vibrant works that merge figuration and dreamlike abstraction.
Shop Chris Ofili Products | Third Drawer DownBuy Chris Ofili products online at Third Drawer Down! Click to shop our range of accessible art products featuring the work of British artist Chris Ofili...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Chris
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch): Chris; christliche Frau; Lateinisch (Neues Testament); christianus = christlich; christos = der Geweihte, der Gesalbte (Altgriechisch); Information zur männlichen Form Christian:; seit dem Mittelalter in Deutschland gebräuchlich, mittlerweile einer der beliebtesten VornamenMännlicher Vorname (Englisch): Chris; Christus tragend; Altgriechisch (Neues Testament); christos = der Geweihte, der Gesalbte; pherein = tragen, bringen; im Mittelalter verbreitet durch die Verehrung des hl. Christophorus (3. Jh.), Schutzpatron der Schiffer und Flösser, einer der 14 Nothelfer
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