155 Infos zu Christel Dillbohner
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- Lise Patt
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- Artist
- Berkeley
- Searching for Sebald
- Contemporary Art
- Cultural Inquiry
- Events
10 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Aktuelle Ausstellungen von Veronika DobersVeronika Dobers, Künstlerin in Bremen, Kunst und Malerei, Hinterglasmalerei, reverse painting on glass.
CircumNavigators, by Christel Dillbohner and Danae Matteswww.gtu.edu › events › exhibitions › library-galleryCircumNavigators, by Christel Dillbohner and Danae Mattes April Nov. 19, at the Graduate Theological Union Library. A reception for the artists ...
Aktuelles | LESON Perfektion aus Leidenschaft, Frankfurt am MainWhispering Ice ist eine Ausstellung neuer Arbeiten von der Künstlerin Christel Dillbohner, Berkeley/ Köln. Mit Whispering Ice stellt das ...
Christel Dillbohner: Recent Paintings | Art Practicalwww.artpractical.com › event › christel-dillbohner-r...· Christel Dillbohner: Recent Paintings "Fertile Bog", diptych, oil and cold wax on wood, 2014, 60" x 96". “Being observant of the natural ...
23 Bilder zu Christel Dillbohner

2 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Christel Dillbohner will offer Shakerag Workshops | FacebookChristel Dillbohner | LinkedInCheck out professional insights posted by Christel Dillbohner, Visual Artist and Associate of the Institute of Cultural Inquiry.
2 Hobbys & Interessen
Christel Dillbohner | ArtSlantArtSlant profile for contemporary artist Christel Dillbohner.
Christel Dillbohner | Artist | ArtFactsThe artist Christel Dillbohner is ranked among the Top 1,000,000 on ArtFacts. Find out more...
1 Business-Profile
Christel Dillbohner | ZoomInfo.comwww.zoominfo.com › Christel-DillbohnerView Christel Dillbohner's business profile as Closer at Don Soker Gallery. Find contact's direct phone number, email address, work history, and more.
7 Persönliche Webseiten
Christel Dillbohner | Köln, GermanyLob des Schattens, images of an exhibition in Cologne by Christel Dillbohner
Arts | Christel DillbohnerExhibitions by Christel Dillbohner
Christel Dillbohner | PaintingsPaintings by Christel Dillbohner
susanne schossig kunstPhilip Ringler und Christel Dillbohner Jörg Michaelis, Bremen. webdesign: pictor design jan carstensen Missing: Bad Zwischenahn" Philip Ringler und Christel Dillbohner Jörg Michaelis, Bremen. webdesign: pictor design jan carstensen Missing: Bad Zwischenahn"
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
Searching for Sebald : photography after W.G. Sebald in SearchWorks...Stanford Libraries' official online search tool for books, media, journals, databases, government documents and more.
16 Bücher zum Namen
monika verhuelsdonk christel dillbohner - ZVABZVAB ist ein weltweiter Internet-Marktplatz für neue, gebrauchte, antiquarische und vergriffene Bücher
monika verhülsdonk und christel dillbohner - ZVABBildwörterbuch für kölsche Pänz von Verhülsdonk Monika, Dillbohner Christel und eine große Auswahl ähnlicher Bücher, Kunst und Sammlerstücke erhältlich auf...
Searching for Sebald: Photography After W.G. Sebald by Lise PattSearching for Sebald book. Read 3 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. W.G. Sebald's books are sui generis hybrids of fiction, travelo...
Searching for Sebald photography after W.G. Sebald by...Searching for Sebald photography after W.G. Sebald by Lise Patt [Editor]; Christel Dillbohner [Editor]; Markus Zisselsberger [Contributor]; Christa-Maria ...
3 Dokumente
Astrid Erll, Ann Rigney (eds.), Mediation, Remediation And Thebaixardoc.com › DocumentsKG, D Berlin All rights reserved, including those of translation into foreign languages Paulus Bijl shows how the technical possibilities offered by the new medium encouraged the ... Patt, Lise, and Christel Dillbohner, eds But as soon as the futuristic operation at the institute with the telling name Lacuna Inc. sets ...
[PDF] Ge6 Module Descriptions and Reading Lists - Free Download PDFDownload Ge6 Module Descriptions and Reading Lists...
Within All This Can Happen: Artefact, Hypermediacy, and ...screendancejournal.org › viewJürgen Simpson, University of Limerick ... With the advent of digital technology, the boundaries between the ... Ed. S. Denham, Irene Kacandes, and Jonathan Petropoulos, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, Ed. Lise Patt & Christel Dillbohner.
5 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Austerlitz - dovegreyreader scribblesdovegreyreader.typepad.com › › this-post-sebalKENNEDY Richard ~ A Boy at the Hogarth Press ... for Cultural Inquiry, Searching for Sebald edited by Lise Patt with Christel Dillbohner.
christeldillbohner Publisher Publications - IssuuChristel Dillbohner. United States. I am a visual artist. www.dillbohner.de · Publications (2) · Follower (1). Show Stories insideNew. Cover of "A ...
News Release San Jose ICA Presents Ice Floe by Christel Dillbohner ...June 9, 2009, SAN JOSE, CA – Coming to the San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) in August is a solo exhibition featuring a large- scale installation, and multi-media prints and paintings by artist Christel Dillbohner. Referencing the melting glaciers of the Arctic and Antarctic regions, Dillbohner's Ice Floe ...
Lab Book #6: Christel Dillbohner by Institute of Cultural Inquiry -...Read Lab Book #6: Christel Dillbohner by Institute of Cultural Inquiry on Issuu and browse thousands of other publications on our platform. Start h...
5 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Christel Dillbohner - Wikipediaen.wikipedia.org › wiki › Christel_DillbohnerChristel Dillbohner (born 1956) is a German artist whose installations, paintings, and assemblages are deeply involved with the relationship between ...
Christel Dillbohner | Embracing Mixed MediaPosts about Christel Dillbohner written by embracingencaustic.
NUMU - Preview Party - Christel Dillbohner Marie Cameron ...mariecameronstudio.com › blog › attachment › wate...Waterlines – NUMU – Preview Party – Christel Dillbohner – Published October 6, at 656 × 492 in Waterlines Preview Party ...
Still Searching for Sebald | Vertigosebald.wordpress.com › › still-searching...· Detail from: Christel Dillbohner, Itinerary for a Walking Tour Through East Anglia I have wanted so badly to read the newly published book ...
77 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Christel Dillbohner | Professional Profile - LinkedInView Christel Dillbohner's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Christel has 1 job listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Christel's connections and jobs at similar companies.
German Literature - SebaldSebald began his university studies at Freiburg, but he was frustrated by the insufficient ... memory; trauma; modernity (visual technology, museum and archive spaces, ... W.G. Sebald: History, Memory, Trauma (Berlin: de Gruyter, 2006) ... with Christel Dillbohner, Searching for Sebald: Photography after W.G. Sebald (Los ...
Arctic Reflections: Christel Dillbohner's Ice Floe at SJICA - KQEDChristel Dillbohner's work offers something that is too often missing from any discussion about the environment: an expression of one's ...
CHRISTEL DILLBOHNER, Falling Through the Universe 2 - Bidsquarewww.bidsquare.com › crocker-art-museum › christe...Bid on CHRISTEL DILLBOHNER, Falling Through the Universe 2 for sale at auction by Crocker Art Museum 257 from 10th May to 6th June Christel Dillbohner ...
Christel Dillbohner R E S U M E. Selected Solo Exhibitions... Gallery 1821, Fresno, CA Blickwechsel, Zeitzone Berlin, Germany Lost Coast, ... WA SPACE Gallery, Kellogg University Art Gallery, Cal Poly Pomona, CA ... Berkeley, CA (monographs) , Christel Dillbohner and Inge Kamps, ICI, ... CHEM 401 or CHEM 306 Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College ...
Christel Dillbohner - Art in America Guideartinamericaguide.com › listing-tag › christel-dillbohnertagged "Christel Dillbohner"ResetRSS. Your browser does not support JavaScript, or it is disabled. JavaScript must be enabled in order to view listings.
Christel Dillbohner — Heather Marx Art Advisory :: Art Consultant in...Christel Dillbohner is a researcher and explorer of the visual world. States of being are the subject of her luscious painterly explorations that respond to ...
Christel Dillbohner - STEWART GALLERYwww.stewartgallery.com › christel-dillbohnerChristel Dillbohner's work is a reflection of the times we live in. Her paintings and site-specific installations reference natural and geographical ...
Christel Dillbohner - Sloan Miyasato Fine Artsloanmiyasatofineart.com › Michelle Belloimage 01a_christel_dillbohner-turbulence_iii_2011_66in_x_60in_oil_wax_on_canvas-jpg. turbulence-iii. Christel Dillbohner. Turbulence III, Oil, Wax on ...
Christel Dillbohner - Upcoming Exhibitions Gallery & Studioswww.1821gallery.com › my_portfolio › christel-dill...1821 Gallery & Studios is very pleased to be exhibiting the dynamic work “ICE FLOE JOURNALS” by Christel Dillbohner, September 4 – October 18.
Christel Dillbohner | RevolvyChristel Dillbohner (born 1956) is a German artist whose installations, paintings, and assemblages are deeply involved with the relationship between personal and cultural memory and the human struggle to live in threatened environments. Biography Christel Dillbohner was born in Cologne, Germany , where she studied ...
Christel Dillbohner and similar topics | Frankensaurus.comfrankensaurus.com › Christel_DillbohnerChristel Dillbohner is similar to these topics: John Lifton, Ann Agee, Katherine Knight (artist) and more.
Christel Dillbohner - EFG Private CollectionsChristel Dillbohner is a researcher and explorer of the visual world. She has presented her site-specific installations in many galleries and museums in the USA, Germany and Japan. Born in in Cologne, Germany, she studied painting with Renate Lewandoski and Karl Marx at the Kölner Werkschule (FHS Kunst + ...
Christel Dillbohner | FAMSF Search the CollectionsHome ›; Christel Dillbohner. Christel Dillbohner. Nationality: german. Gender: Female. Birth Date: Birth Place: Koln, Germany. Currently lives in Berkeley, ...
Christel Dillbohner | Marie Cameron StudioExhibiting artists include: Judith Belzer, Barbara Boissevain, Marie Cameron, Matthew Chase-Daniel, Christel Dillbohner, Linda Gass, Nancy ...
Christel Dillbohner | Contemporary Artist - Winfield Gallerywinfieldgallery.com › artists › christel-dillbohnerChristel Dillbohner Works Biography. # , Oil on wood, 40" x 36". View Larger. # , Oil on wood, 40" x 36".
Christel Dillbohner | Gallery & Studios, Fresno Art GalleryChristel Dillbohner | Gallery & Studios is very pleased to be exhibiting the dynamic work “ICE FLOE JOURNALS” by Christel Dillbohner, September 4 –...
Christel Dillbohner, Berkeley USA, November | kamps labChristel Dillbohner beschreibt ihre künstlerische Arbeit als visuelle Forschung, bei der spielerisches Ausprobieren, überraschende Entdeckungen und ...
San Jose ICA: 'Ice Floe' by Christel Dillbohner | Stark Insiderwww.starkinsider.com › › san-jose-ica-ice-f...· Of particular interest on this trip was a sneak peak of the upcoming large art installation of Christel Dillbohner entitled, “Ice Floe”.
IASLonline .: dynamic :.... W.G. Sebald. Image, Archive, Modernity. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press ... Berlin: Erich Schmidt ... Lise Patt / Christel Dillbohner (Hg ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Christel
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch): Christel; christliche Frau; Lateinisch (Neues Testament); christianus = christlich; christos = der Geweihte, der Gesalbte (Altgriechisch); Information zur männlichen Form Christian:; seit dem Mittelalter in Deutschland gebräuchlich, mittlerweile einer der beliebtesten Vornamen
Personensuche zu Christel Dillbohner & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Christel Dillbohner und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.