64 Infos zu Christian Stehning
Mehr erfahren über Christian Stehning
Lebt in
- Hamburg
Infos zu
- Radunski
- Gerhard Adam
- Mehmet Akcakaya
- Research
- Bernhard Schnackenburg
- Gunnar
- Philips
- Sebastian Bohnen
- Stefan Blankenberg
1 Aktuelle Nachrichten
A way to magnetically control individual members of a robot swarmIn their paper published in the journal Science Robotics, Jürgen Rahmer, Christian Stehning and Bernhard Gleich describe their approach and ...
3 Hobbys & Interessen
Christian Stehning - PatentsRecent bibliographic sampling of Christian Stehning patents listed/published in the public domain by the USPTO (USPTO Patent Application #,Title): ...
Male Triathletes May Be Putting Their Heart Health at Risk... M.D., Alexandra von Stritzky, M.D., Julia Muench, M.D., Maxim Avanesov, M.D., Julius Weinrich, M.D., Christian Stehning, Sebastian Bohnen, ...
Koninklijke Philips N v patent inventors (2015)Christian Stehning · Christianne Rossette Maria De Witz Lars Christian Casper · Lars Dabringhausen · Lars Schmitt ... Marijn Kessels · Marina D'angelo.
1 Business-Profile
patentbuddy: Christian StehningKONINKLIJKE PHILIPS ELECTRONICS N.V., Hamburg, DE
4 Infos zur Ausbildung
A segmented modified look-locker inversion recovery (MOLLI) sequence...author = "Maryam Nezafat and Markus Henningsson and Christian Stehning and Mehmet Akcakaya and Andrea Protti and Rene Botnar",. year = "2015",.
Techniques for imaging the heart and great vessels | NASCIEugene C Lin, MD Medscape Website. a) Wall motion studies and ... Christian Stehning, Peter Boernert, Kay Nehrke Magnetic Resonance in Medical Sciences ...
Interleaved T-1 and T-2 Relaxation Time Mapping for Cardiac...author = "Ulrike Blume and Timothy Lockie and Christian Stehning and Stephen Sinclair and Sergio Uribe and Reza Razavi and Tobias Schaeffter",.
Free-breathing post-contrast three-dimensional T1 mapping - Research...author = "Sebastian Weingärtner and Mehmet Akçakaya and Sébastien Roujol and Tamer Basha and Christian Stehning and Kissinger, {Kraig V} and Beth ...
1 Projekte
mrmap-users Mailing List for MRmapMOLLI variants from Andreas Greiser (Siemens VA25 and VBxx), Sebastian Kozerke (Philips ) and Christian Stehning (Philips ) are currently ...
7 Bücher zum Namen
HEIDI: Weingärtner, Sebastian: Free-breathing post-contrast...Verf.angabe: Sebastian Weingärtner, Mehmet Akçakaya, Sébastien Roujol, Tamer Basha, Christian Stehning, Kraig V. Kissinger, Beth Goddu, Sophie Berg, ...
authors:"Christian Stehning" - Search | PaperityPaperity: the 1st multidisciplinary aggregator of Open Access journals & papers. Free fulltext PDF articles from hundreds of disciplines, all in one place
Electro-magnetic Tissue Properties Mri - Jin Keun Seo, Eung Je Woo,...Furthermore, we would like to thank, for many fruitful discussions: Christian Findeklee, Christian Stehning, and Philipp Karkowski, all of Philips Research ...
Quantifying Morphology and Physiology of the Human Body Using MRI -...Acknowledgments The authors thank for many fruitful discussions with Christian Findeklee, Christian Stehning, and Iochen Keupp. References Akoka, S.
5 Dokumente
ViewChristian Stehning. (74) Agent and/or Address for Service: Elkington and Fife LLP . Prospect House, 8 Pembroke Road, SEVENOAKS,.
[PDF] ISMRM-ESMRMB Joint Annual. Meeting Stockholm, Sweden May...1 ISMRM-ESMRMB Joint Annual Meeting Stockholm, Sweden 1-7 May Volume 4 of 6 ISBN:2 VOLUME Supraaortic MRA and ...
Acute Myocarditis: Multiparametric Cardiac MR Imaging, Radiology |...This study was an evaluation of the diagnostic value of a multiparametric cardiac MR imaging approach at 3 T, including T1 relaxation time as an additional...
Dylan Kuo Ebook - bennie-vennegoor.nlbennie-vennegoor.nl/dylan-kuo.pdfgeneration - kuan-hao (dylan) su, jung-wen (gloria) kuo, lingzhi hu, christian stehning, michael helle, _aapm_pennohio_pseudoct_generation ...
9 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Multiparametric mapping in the diagnosis and management of cardiac...Christian Stehning. Royal Brompton and Harefield, London, UK. Vassilis Vassiliou & Sanjay Prasad. Heart Transplant unit, St. Vincent's ...
dblp: Christian StehningList of computer science publications by Christian Stehning
Search results for "Astrid Franz" – FacetedDBLPAstrid Franz, Henriette Tschampa, Andreas Müller, Stefanie Remmele, Christian Stehning, Jochen Keupp, Jürgen Gieseke, Hans Heinz Schild, Petra Mürtz:
Cardiac T2-mapping using a fast gradient echo spin echo sequence -...Bettina BaeßlerEmail author,; Frank Schaarschmidt,; Christian Stehning,; Bernhard Schnackenburg,; David Maintz and; Alexander C. Bunck.
3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Fiber Optic Sensor Technology and Applications | (2002) |...* Available as a photocopy reprint only. Allow two weeks reprinting time plus ... Author(s): Christian Stehning; Gerhard A. Holst
Sodium (23Na) ultra-short echo time imaging in the human brain using...Bhavana S. Solanky. NMR Research Unit, Department of Neuroinflammation, Queen Square MS CentreUCL Institute of Neurology. Christian Stehning, ...
27 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Christian Stehning (born December 23, 1975), German researcher,...Christian Stehning, German biomedical engineer, researcher. Achievements include patents for einrichtung zur messung von lagerdaten.
Meßtechniken und Schaltungsentwürfe. zur hochpräzisen...Projektarbeit zum Thema: Meßtechniken und Schaltungsentwürfe zur hochpräzisen Abstandsmessung mit Ultraschall von Christian Stehning Universität Bremen …
(PDF) Quantification of inflow effects in 3D cardiac imaging:...2123 Quantification of inflow effects in 3D cardiac imaging: implications for 3D whole-heart coronary artery and vein imaging
A segmented modified look-locker inversion recovery (MOLLI) sequence...Maryam Nezafat, Markus Henningsson, Christian Stehning, Mehmet Akcakaya, Andrea Protti, Rene Botnar. Electrical and Computer ...
A segmented modified look-locker inversion recovery (MOLLI) sequence...Citation. Nezafat, Maryam, Markus Henningsson, Christian Stehning, Mehmet Akcakaya, Andrea Protti, and Rene Botnar “A segmented modified ...
Native T 1 Mapping in the Diagnosis of Cardiac Allograft Rejection: A...Myocardial tissue characterization with T1 mapping displays excellent negative predictive capacity for the noninvasive detection of cardiac allograft rejection...
Altmetric – Native T1 Mapping in the Diagnosis of Cardiac Allograft...Muhammad Imran, Louis Wang, Jane McCrohon, Chung Yu, Cameron Holloway, James Otton, Justyn Huang, Christian Stehning, Kirsten Jane Moffat, Joanne ...
Altmetric – Performance of T1 and T2 Mapping Cardiovascular Magnetic...Sebastian Bohnen, Ulf K. Radunski, Gunnar K. Lund, Reinhard Kandolf, Christian Stehning, Bernhard Schnackenburg, Gerhard Adam, Stefan Blankenberg, Kai ...
Cardiac T2-mapping using a fast gradient echo spin echo sequence -...Bettina Baeßler, Frank Schaarschmidt, Christian Stehning, Bernhard Schnackenburg, David Maintz, Alexander C. Bunck ... Christian Stehning. Philips Research ...
Comparison of short and long axis T1 and ECV maps in patients with...less. Sebastian Bohnen, Ulf Radunski, Gunnar Lund, Lena Wilmink, Christian Stehning, Gerhard Adam, Stefan Blankenberg, Kai Muellerleile · Details · Authors ...
Diagnostic Value of Quantitative Tissue Markers Including...Ulf K. Radunski, Gunnar K. Lund, Christian Stehning, Bernhard Schnackenburg, Sebastian Bohnen, Gerhard Adam, Stefan Blankenberg, Kai Muellerleile.
CiteSeerX — PurposeBibTeX. @MISC{Duckett_purpose, author = {Simon G Duckett and Peter Koken and Anoop K Shetty and Christian Stehning and Tobias Schaeffter and Andrea J ...
DSP-based measuring system for temperature-compensated fiber optical...SPIE Digital Library Proceedings
Free-breathing post-contrast three-dimensional T1 mapping: Volumetric...Sebastian Weingärtner, Mehmet Akçakaya, Sébastien Roujol, Tamer Basha, Christian Stehning, Kraig V. Kissinger, Beth Goddu, Sophie Berg, ...
CiteSeerX — Model-based Compressed Sensing reconstruction for MR...by Mariya Doneva , Christian Stehning , Peter Börnert , Holger Eggers , Alfred Mertins ... author = {Mariya Doneva and Christian Stehning and Peter Börnert and ...
Inflow quantification in three-dimensional cardiovascular MR imaging...Reza Nezafat, Daniel Herzka, Christian Stehning, Dana C. Peters, Kay Nehrke, Warren J. Manning. Research output: Contribution to journal › Article ...
List of Scientific Contributions - Perkins Consultative Resources, LLCJulien Sénégas, Thomas G. Perkins, Jochen Keupp, Christian Stehning, and Shahid M. Hussain, “Organ-specific Optimization of b-values for the Simplified IVIM ...
Remote magnetic actuation using a clinical scale systemRemote magnetic actuation using a clinical scale system
Reproduzierbarkeit der Größenbestimmung von Läsionen nach akutem...author = "Enver Tahir and Martin Sinn and Maxim Avanesov and Joshua Wien and Dennis Säring and Christian Stehning and Radunski, {Ulf Konrad} and Kai ...
Detailanzeige der Metadaten - Open Access Netzwerk (OAN)Christian Stehning. Publisher/Institution: Universität Karlsruhe. Abstract: Classification: DDC: Ingenieurwissenschaften (620); DINI: doc-type: doctoralThesis.
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Christian
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch): Christian; Anhänger Christi, Christ; Lateinisch (Neues Testament); christianus = christlich; christos = der Geweihte, der Gesalbte (Altgriechisch); seit dem Mittelalter in Deutschland gebräuchlich, mittlerweile einer der beliebtesten VornamenWeiblicher Vorname (Englisch): Christian; Anhänger Christi, Christ; Lateinisch (Neues Testament); christianus = christlich; christos = der Geweihte, der Gesalbte (Altgriechisch); obwohl an sich männlich, in den USA in dieser Form 'Christian' auch weiblich in Gebrauch, wenn auch nicht häufig Christian ist der Bekennername der frühen Christen (christianus sum = ich bin ein Christ). Eine Bedeutung von Christian ist “Anhänger Christi”. Der griechische Ursprung des Namens bedeutet “der Gesalbte”
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Frank Schaarschmidt
- Sebastian Weingärtner
- Andrea Protti
- Rene Botnar
- Tobias Schaeffter
- Markus Henningsson
- Ulrich Katscher
- Bernhard Schnackenburg
- Gunnar Lund
- Dennis Säring
- Gerhard Adam
Personensuche zu Christian Stehning & mehr
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