176 Infos zu Christine Kirmaier
Mehr erfahren über Christine Kirmaier
Infos zu
- Dewey Holten
- David
- Zitiert
- Bocian
- Washington University
- Photosynthetic
- Science
- Louis
- Department of Chemistry
- Jonathan
13 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Raymond A KirmaierNewspapers.comOther survivors include two daughters, Christine Kirmaier of Seattle, Wash., and Karen Kirmaier, stationed in the Air Force Base at Myrtle Beach, S.C.; ...
Photosynthesis Mystery Unraveled - Science and Technology Newswww.iqsanews.com › photosynthesis-mystery-unrav...· Christine Kirmaier is the project leader and a chemist from Washington University. She says, "It is remarkable that we have managed to switch ...
Electrons choose another path in photosynthesis proteinChristine Kirmaier (left) and Dewey Holten making adjustments in their sophisticated laser laboratory in Louderman Hall. The husband-wife ...
Chemists get electrons to 'break on through to the other side' |...In the famous Robert Frost poem,
10 Bilder zu Christine Kirmaier

3 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
personal_website/publications.html at master ·...Contribute to michelleaharris/personal_website development by creating an account on GitHub.
Christine Kirmaier | AIChEChristine Kirmaier. Citation name: Kirmaier, C. Affiliation: Washington University. State: MO. Country: USA. Authored: (85c) Colloidal Inp Quantum Wires and ...
David F. BocianPapers With Code— ... Rhiannon Willow, Philip D. Laible, David F. Bocian, Christine Kirmaier, Dewey Holten, Tomáš Mančal, Jennifer P. Ogilvie.
1 Firmen-Beteiligungen
Josef Kirmaier und Christine Kirmaier GbR Landwirtschaft, Siegenburg...Josef Kirmaier und Christine Kirmaier GbR Landwirtschaft, Siegenburg | Firmenauskunft & Bonitätsauskunft | Branche: Gemischte Landwirtschaft
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Team | Staatliche Schulämter in der Stadt und im Landkreis LandshutFrau Christine Kirmaier Tel.: +49 (0) Dienstzeit: Di. am Nachmittag/Mi. ganztags: Frau Monika Zundberg
2 Infos zur Ausbildung
Photosynthesis - The Boxer LabStanford University"Electric Field Effects on the Initial Electron-Transfer Kinetics in Bacterial Photosynthetic Reaction Centers", David J. Lockhart, Christine Kirmaier, ...
BiospectroscopyScholars Portal JournalsAuthors. Kazimierz Czarnecki · Agnes Cua · Christine Kirmaier · Dewey Holten · David F. Bocian. Source Information. January 1999, Volume5(Issue6)Pages, ...
1 Traueranzeigen
Rosemary Holten - Kurrus Funeral Home in Belleville, IllinoisKurrus Funeral Home in Belleville, IllinoisSon: J. Dewey Holten, III (Christine Kirmaier) of University City, Missouri · Daughters. Julia Holten Roberts (John D. · Three grandchildren. Jonah Everest Allen ...
13 Bücher zum Namen
Christine Kirmaier - SCHOLAR - CNKI学术搜索 - 中国知网eng.scholar.cnki.net › resultAuthor:... Dewey Holten , Philip D. Laible , Christine Kirmaier. Data Source:[J]. Photosynthesis Research(IF 3.15), 2019, Vol.141 (3), pp Springer.
Christine Kirmaier | Papers With Codepaperswithcode.com › author › christine-kirmaier· Christine Kirmaier. Author page based on publicly available paper data. 0. papers with code. 1. papers. 0. results ...
Glycoimmunology - Seite Google Books-Ergebnisseitegoogle.comGary S. Jacob,' Joe K. Welply," Peter R. Scudder, Christine Kirmaier.” S. Zaheer Abbas, Susan C. Howard,' Jeffery L. Keene,' Jon J. Schmuke,' Kay Broschat,' ...
Current Research in Photosynthesis: Proceedings of the VIIIth...These four volumes with close to one thousand contributions are the proceedings from the VIIIth International Congress on Photosynthesis, which was held in...
15 Dokumente
Search | arXiv e-print repositoryStrongly Coupled Bacteriochlorophyll Dyad Studied Using Two-dimensional Phase-modulated Fluorescence-detected Electronic Spectroscopy.
EBSCOhost | | Amphiphilic, hydrophilic, or hydrophobic...Amphiphilic, hydrophilic, or hydrophobic synthetic bacteriochlorins in biohybrid light-harvesting architectures: consideration of molecular designs. Jianbing Jiang • Kanumuri Ramesh Reddy • M. Phani Pavan • Elisa Lubian •. Michelle A. Harris • Jieying Jiao • Dariusz M. Niedzwiedzki • Christine Kirmaier •.
[ ] Hidden Vibronic and Excitonic Structure and ...arXivvon VR Policht · · Zitiert von: 18 — Authors:Veronica R. Policht, Andrew Niedringhaus, Rhiannon Willow, Philip D. Laible, David F. Bocian, Christine Kirmaier, Dewey Holten, ...
Excited-State Photodynamics of Perylene-Porphyrin Dyads ...Christine Kirmaier,‡ Hee-eun Song,‡ Eunkyung Yang,‡ Jennifer K. Schwartz,‡ Eve Hindin,‡. James R. Diers,§ Robert S. Loewe,| Kin-ya Tomizaki,| Fabien ...
8 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Evidence that a Distribution of Bacterial Reaction Centers ...JSTORvon C Kirmaier · · Zitiert von: 255 — CHRISTINE KIRMAIER AND DEWEY HOLTEN. Department of Chemistry, Washington University, Saint Louis, MO Communicated by George Feher, February 20, ...
A Step Toward Artificial PhotosynthesisOSTI.GOV (.gov)Dewey Holten, Professor of Chemistry at Washington University, and collaborator Christine Kirmaier, Research Professor of Chemistry, are part of a team that ...
Scientists unravel mystery of photosynthesis -- ScienceDailyScientists have solved a critical part of the mystery of photosynthesis, focusing on the initial, ultrafast events through which photosynthetic proteins...
Excitations: First steps of photosynthesis -- ScienceDailyPhotosynthesis has driven life on this planet for more than 3 billion years -- first in bacteria, then in plants -- but we don't know exactly how it works.
4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Christine Kirmaier and Dewey HoltenSpringervon C Kirmaier · Zitiert von: 19 — Christine Kirmaier and Dewey Holten. Department of Chemistry. Washington University. St. Louis, MO USA. It has been a general finding that the rates ...
Primary photochemistry of reaction centers from the photosynthetic ...link.springer.com › articlePrimary photochemistry of reaction centers from the photosynthetic purple bacteria. Christine Kirmaier &; Dewey Holten. Photosynthesis Research volume 13, ...
Temperature Effects on the Ground State Absorption Spectra and...It has been a general finding that the rates of many of the electron transfer processes in bacterial reaction centers are rather insensitive to temperature.1,2...
Quinone Substituted Porphyrin Dimers: New Photosynthetic Model...Jonathan L. Sessler (2); Martin R. Johnson (2); Stephen E. Creager (2); James Fettinger (3); James A. Ibers (3); Juan Rodriguez (4); Christine Kirmaier (4) ...
4 Meinungen & Artikel
Twitter-Nachrichten: BiochemistryTwitter— Adam Cohen Simonsen, Christine Kirmaier,. @theshawlab. , Tatyana Igumenova, Joydip Das, Srinivasarao Raghothama, Konkallu Hanumae Gowd,.
Augmenting light coverage for photosynthesis through YFP ...Nature Journalvon KJ Grayson · · Zitiert von: 37 — Kaitlyn M. Faries, Preston Dilbeck, Jonathan M. Yuen, Dewey Holten & Christine Kirmaier. Photosynthetic Antenna Research Center, ...
스크래치로 일광을 수확하는 안테나 만들기 : 네이버 블로그화학부 교수인 Dewey Holten 박사, 연구 교수인 Christine Kirmaier 박사 등이 연구팀에 참여하여 합성 클로로좀을 만드는 연구를 수행 중이다.
Augmenting light coverage for photosynthesis through YFP Naturewww.nature.com › ... › articles › article· ... Dewey Holten & Christine Kirmaier. Photosynthetic Antenna Research Center, Washington University, St. LouisMissouri, USA.
98 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Christine Kirmaier | FrogHeartenhance solar energy capture and delivery by Michelle A. Harris, Pamela S. Parkes-Loach, Joseph W. Springer, Jianbing Jiang, Elizabeth C. Martin, Pu Qian, Jieying Jiao, Dariusz M. Niedzwiedzki, Christine Kirmaier, John D. Olsen, David F .
Christine Kirmaier: H-index & Awards - Academic ProfileResearch.comChristine Kirmaier mostly deals with Photochemistry, Electron transfer, Photosynthetic reaction centre, Excited state and Chromophore.
Josef Kirmaier und Christine Kirmaier Landwirtschaft, SiegenburgCreditreformKurzbeschreibung der Josef Kirmaier und Christine Kirmaier Landwirtschaft. Das Unternehmen wird derzeit von 2 Managern ( 2 x persönlich haftender ...
Christine Kirmaier | Platforma Informacji o Nauce Politechniki...... w systemie informacji o pracownikach PG dostępnym pod linkiem http://www.pg.gda.pl/infos/. Tu jesteś: Strona główna » Pracownik B+R » Christine Kirmaier.
christine kirmaier (chkirmaier) - ProfilePinterest - DeutschlandBenutzeravatar. christine kirmaier. @chkirmaier. 0 Follower. ·. 0 folge ich. Folgen. chkirmaier hat sich noch keine Pins gemerkt.
Christine KirmaierChristine Kirmaier. Details · Publications ... Christine Kirmaier, Dewey Holten, William W. Parson · FEBS Letters 185 , 1 ,
Christine Kirmaier - PS16stlouisCheck out what Christine Kirmaier will be attending at PS16stlouis
Precise measurement of phenomenon advances solar cell understandingResearchers at Washington University in St. Louis have shed light on a basic process that could improve future solar cells.
搜索页_+Christine+Kirmaiercglhub.com作者:Brett Carter ; Steven G. Boxer ; Dewey Holten ; Christine Kirmaier. 刊名:The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 出版年:
搜索页_Christine+Kirmaiercgl.org.cn作者:Brett Carter ; Steven G. Boxer ; Dewey Holten ; Christine Kirmaier. 刊名:The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 出版年:
Chemists get electrons to 'break on through to the other side' | The ...source.wustl.edu › › pageDewey Holten, Ph.D., professor of chemistry in Arts & Sciences, and Christine Kirmaier, Ph.D., research associate professor of chemistry, first got bacteria to use ...
"Nature of the Lowest Energy Excited State in Vanadium(II) ...LSU Digital Commonsvon AW Maverick · · Zitiert von: 11 — By Andrew W. Maverick, S. Sadiq Shah, Christine Kirmaier, et al., Published on
2002 Photosynthesis Conference GRCGordon Research Conferences8:45-9:30, Christine Kirmaier Discussion Bacterial Reaction Centers. TUESDAY. SESSION 4: Photosystems: Biogenesis and Dynamics.
"Dynamic photophysical properties of conformationally distorted ...digitalcommons.lsu.edu › chemistry_pubsCharles Michael Drain · Christine Kirmaier · Craig J. Medforth · Daniel J. Nurco · Kevin M. Smith · Dewey Holten ...
Award # Mechanism and Macromolecular ...National Science Foundation (.gov)Brett Carter, Steven G. Boxer, Dewey Holten and Christine Kirmaier "Trapping the P+BLâ?? Initial Intermediate State of Charge Separation in Photosynthetic ...
1 public record of Paul Kirmaier - Find Phone, Email, Address ...www.locatepeople.org › paul-kirmaierMost Popular in Kirmaier. Andrea Kirmaier · Karen Kirmaier · Heidi Kirmaier · Christine Kirmaier · James Kirmaier. Most searched Names. Lian Zeitz · Paul Gnatt ...
Engineering of B800 bacteriochlorophyll binding site ...University of East Angliavon DJK Swainsbury · · Zitiert von: 33 — ... Adam J. Flinders, Daniel P. Canniffe, Gaozhong Shen, Donald A. Bryant, Christine Kirmaier, Dewey Holten, C. Neil Hunter.
A light-harvesting antenna created from scratch - Research ...www.rdworldonline.com › RD World Postsin Arts & Sciences, and collaborator Christine Kirmaier, PhD, research professor of chemistry, are part of a team that is trying to make synthetic chlorosomes.
ASAP Origin of Panchromaticity in Multichromophore –Tetrapyrrole...The Journal of Physical Chemistry ADOI: acs.jpca.8b
Biomimetic Antenna May Transform Solar Devices | Research &...A newly developed light-harvesting antenna modeled on the chlorosome found in green bacteria could transform solar-powered devices and give silicon an
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Christine
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Französisch, Englisch): Christine; christliche Frau; Lateinisch (Neues Testament); christianus = christlich; christos = der Geweihte, der Gesalbte (Altgriechisch); Information zur männlichen Form Christian:; seit dem Mittelalter in Deutschland gebräuchlich, mittlerweile einer der beliebtesten Vornamen
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Kirmaier
Kirmaier kommt aus dem Bayerischen. Da Konsonanten häufig nicht gesprochen werden, ist der Sinn: Zusammensetzung aus Kirch-Maier zu Kirmaier. Das bedeutet: Der Maier, also "Bauer" , der neben der "Kirch"e wohnt. Neben der Kirche wohnte im alten Bayern der finanziell gut gestellte Bürger
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