73 Infos zu Christof Beuselinck

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6 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Accounting seminar by Christof Beuselinck - Events - Research

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Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften - Nachricht - Vortrag von...

Christof Beuselinck ist seit Associate Professor für Audit and Control an der IESEG School of Management in Lille in Frankreich. Er hat bzw sein Bachelor- und Masterstudium mit dem Schwerpunkt Audit and Finance, Audit and Control an der Universität Gent abgeschlossen.

Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften - Nachricht - TAF Research...

2.00 p.m., Q5.245: Associate Professor Christoph Beuselinck, Ph.D. holds a presentation at the TAF Research Seminar with the titel...

Buisiness Groups, Taxes and Accruals Management - Events - Research -...

Buisiness Groups, Taxes and Accruals Management. Speaker. Christof Beuselinck. IESEG School of Management, IESEG International. Add Add to Calendar.

4 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Prof. Christof Beuselinck over Bitcoins - Facebook

LinkedIn: Christof Beuselinck - IÉSEG School of Management - LinkedIn

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LinkedIn: Christof Beuselinck | LinkedIn

Christof Beuselincks berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Christof Beuselinck ...

LinkedIn: Christof Beuselinck - Assistant Professor - IESEG School of LinkedIn

View Christof Beuselinck's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Christof has 3 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...

17 Bücher zum Namen

Earnings management within multinational corporations

Earnings management within multinational corporations. Christof Beuselinck, Stefano Cascino, Marc Deloof, Ann Vanstraelen ... Corporate governance and cash policies of multinational corporations. Christof Beuselinck, Marc Deloof & Ann Vanstraelen ... › Record

Essays on financial reporting quality, earnings management and...

Essays on financial reporting quality, earnings management and corporate disclosure. Christof Beuselinck (2005) PhD Series Ghent University.

Beuselinck, Christof Accounting Research Ranking

Main Rankings for Christof Beuselinck Claim Christof's Profile · Go to Citation-Based Rankings. Who is most recently affiliated with IESEG School of ...

International Earnings Comparability - Christof Beuselinck - Google...

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6 Dokumente

Earnings Management within Multinational Corporations by Christof...

... Last revised: 22 Aug Christof Beuselinck. Catholic University of Lille - IESEG School of Management ... Christof Beuselinck. Catholic University of Lille  ...

Christof Beuselinck (WU Research)

› research

(PDF) Christof BEUSELINCK - ieseg-it.frieseg-it.fr/academ/39.pdf ·...

Christof BEUSELINCK Ph.D. in Applied Economics Associate Professor, Audit and Control EDUCATION Ph.D. in Applied Economics,...

The Role of Foreign Shareholders in Disciplining Financial Reporting...

We investigate the role of foreign shareholders in improving the quality of accounting information provided by firms domiciled in countries with low de facto in

4 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

The International Journal of Accounting | Vol 49, Issue 1, Pages...

Christof Beuselinck, Marc Deloof. Pages : Download PDF. Article preview. select article Convergence of accounting standards and foreign direct ... › issue

2009 | Universität Mannheim

Dr. Christof Beuselinck: " Multinational Income Shifting, Tax Enforcement and Firm value " Tilburg University November 18. Dr. Nadine Riedel: „Corporate Tax Effects on the Quality and Quantity of FDI“ Oxford University December 2. Prof. Ralf Maiterth: „Inheritance Tax-exempt Transfer of German Businesses: Imperative or Unjustified Subsidy?

Journal of Corporate Finance | Vol 42, Pages (February 2017) |...

The value of government ownership during the global financial crisis. Original research article: Pages Christof Beuselinck, Lihong Cao, Marc Deloof, ...

4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Christof Beuselinck - EconPapers


Financial Reporting Quality in Private Equity Backed Companies: The...

We empirically show on a sample of 270 unquoted, private equity backed companies that the shareholder structure of private companies impacts the quality of

Publications de Christof Beuselinck | Cairn.info

Publications de Christof Beuselinck diffusées sur Cairn.info ou sur un portail partenaire. Articles de revues. couverture de [NUMERO_TITRE_ABREGE].

The Value of Government Ownership during the Global Financial ...

Christof Beuselinck. IESEG School of Management and LEM. Lihong Cao. *. Hunan University. University of Antwerp. Marc Deloof. University of Antwerp.

1 Meinungen & Artikel

PhD Students | Marc Deloof

Christof Beuselinck (Ghent University), 'Essays on financial reporting quality, earnings management and corporate disclosure', July 9, (co-supervisor) ...

29 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Christof Beuselinck - Google Scholar Citations

Marc DeloofProfessor of Corporate Finance, University of AntwerpGeverifieerd e- mailadres voor uantwerpen.be. Stefano CascinoLondon School of ...

Farooq Ahmad - Research

Journal of Banking and Finance, 2019, 99, "Employment Protection and Payout Policy" with Christof BEUSELINCK and ... › site › cur...

Publications from Christof Beuselinck | Cairn International Edition

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Seminario di Christof Beuselinck | Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche...


Author Page for Christof Beuselinck :: SSRN

Total downloads of all papers by Christof Beuselinck

Christof BEUSELINCK - Professor - IÉSEG

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Disclosures about intangible resources in M&A press releases and...

The authors gratefully acknowledge comments by Keren Bar-Hava, Sasson Bar-Yosef, Raúl Barroso, Christof Beuselinck, Jannis Bischof, Jeffrey Callen, Holger Daske, Yang Ding (discussant), Miles Gietzmann, Shai Levi, Reeyarn Li, Juliane Lotz, Tim Martens, Collins Ntim, Katherine Schipper, Ven Tauringana (discussant), Dennis Voeller, and workshop ...

Fair value accounting in financial institutions - Taylor & Francis

von C Beuselinck · — DOI link for Fair value accounting in financial institutions. Fair value accounting in financial institutions book. ByChristof Beuselinck, Arnt Verriest. › edit

Verein zur Förderung des Bilanz- u. Steuerrechts sowie der...

Neue Seite

Review of Accounting Studies | springerprofessional.de

Christof Beuselinck, Marc Deloof, Ann Vanstraelen | Issue Short sellers and the informativeness of stock prices with respect to future earnings

The Value of Government Ownership during the Global Financial Crisis....

1 The Value of Government Ownership during the Global Financial Crisis Christof Beuselinck IESEG School of Management and LEM Lihong Cao * Hunan ...

2008 CARE Conference // CARE // University of Notre Dame

Dr. Christof Beuselinck Assistant Professor in Accounting University of Tilburg. Firm structure, reporting incentives and international accounting research.

Mandatory Adoption of IFRS and Analysts Forecasts Information...

3 Mandatory Adoption of IFRS and Analysts Forecasts Information Properties Christof Beuselinck # Tilburg University and CentER Philip Joos Tilburg University ...

AAA > Meetings > > ATA Midyear Meeting > Program

Christof Beuselinck, IESEG School of Management Eva Eberhartinger, Vienna University of Economics and Business Reinald Koch, Catholic ...

9th Workshop on European Financial Reporting

christof beuselinck. IESEG School of Management. professor. Activities involved in: Expose Herding PIGS? The Role of Foreign Shareholders in Disciplining ...

Altmetric – The Role of Foreign Shareholders in Disciplining...

DOI, jbfa Authors. Christof Beuselinck, Belen Blanco, Juan Manuel García Lara, Beuselinck, Christof, Blanco, Belen, García Lara, Juan Manuel ...

Archive ouverte HAL - The value of government ownership during the...

Christof Beuselinck, Lihong Cao, Marc Deloof, Xinping Xia. The value of government ownership during the global financial crisis. Journal of ...

Konferenz | WHU

Christof Beuselinck von der IESEG School of Management, Lille, erörterte ihr Forschungspapier. Maximilian Todtenhaupt (Universität Mannheim) präsentierte ... › berlin-vallendar-conference › k...

Evidence of earnings management in a tax-biased and EIASM

Author: Christof Beuselinck. Other Authors: Marc Deloof - Sophie Manigart Article: While traditional earnings management studies are mainly ran in an ...

Cross-jurisdictional income shifting and tax enforcement: evidence...

Zeitschrift: Review of Accounting Studies > Ausgabe Autoren: Christof Beuselinck, Marc Deloof, Ann Vanstraelen. » Jetzt Zugang zum Volltext erhalten  ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Christof

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Christof; Christus tragend; Altgriechisch (Neues Testament); christos = der Geweihte, der Gesalbte; pherein = tragen, bringen; im Mittelalter verbreitet durch die Verehrung des hl. Christophorus (3. Jh.), Schutzpatron der Schiffer und Flösser, einer der 14 Nothelfer

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