68 Infos zu Christof Burek
Mehr erfahren über Christof Burek
Lebt in
- Würzburg
Infos zu
- Andreas Rosenwald
- University of Wuerzburg
- Elena Hartmann
- German Ott
- Gene Expression Profiling
- Profiling by Microarrays
1 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Evaluation of a low density DNA microarray for small B-cell non ...dial.uclouvain.be › boreal › object › boreal:... HARTMANN ELENA MARIA, CHRISTOF BUREK, OTT GERMAN, ROSENWALD ANDREAS, Diagnostic and prognostic significance of gene expression profiling in lymphomas, ...
9 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
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Facebook: Christof Burek - Facebookde-de.facebook.com › people › Christof-BurekLinkedIn: Christof BurekChristof Burek (Deutschland) auf LinkedIn an. LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und ...
LinkedIn: Christof Burek | Berufsprofil - LinkedInChristof Burek. Dr. at University of Wuerzburg. Standort: Würzburg und Umgebung, Deutschland; Branche: Gesundheit, Wellness & Fitness. Aktuell. University of Wuerzburg. 0 Kontakte. Sehen Sie sich Christof Bureks vollständiges Profil an. Es ist kostenlos. Ihre Kollegen, Kommilitonen und 500 Millionen weitere Fach- und ...
9 Bücher zum Namen
DiVA - Search resultBurek, Christof Burek. Institute of Experimental Dermatology, University of Muenster, Germany. Mier, Walter. Department of Immunology and Cell Biology, ...
Gene Expression Profiling by Microarrays - Cambridge University ...www.cambridge.org › core › books › gene-expressi...By Christof Burek, Institute of Pathology, University of Wuerzburg, Germany, Elena Hartmann, Institute of Pathology, University of Wuerzburg, Germany, ...
Staff View: Gene expression profiling by microarrays :|t Gene expression profiling in lymphoid malignancies / |r Christof Burek, Elena Hartmann, Zhengrong Mao, German Ott and Andreas Rosenwald -- |g 8. |t mRNA ...
Gene Expression Profiling by Microarrays: Clinical Implicationsgoogle.deClinical Implications Wolf-Karsten Hofmann. 7. Gene. expression. profiling. in. lymphoid. malignancies. Christof Burek, Elena Hartmann, Zhengrong Mao, German ...
3 Dokumente
Cytochrome c is rapidly extruded from apoptotic cells and ...www.diva-portal.org › smash › recordBurek, Christof Burek. Institute of Experimental Dermatology, University of Muenster, Germany. Mier, Walter. Department of Immunology and ...
Christof Schch University Of Wrzburg Academia - mx.tlolx.mx.tl › christof-schch-university-of-wrzburg-acad...academia Big? Smart? Clean? Messy? Data In. The Humanities Journal. Gene expression profiling by microarrays christof burek, university of wuerzburg,.
5 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
NK-like homeodomain proteins activate NOTCH3-signaling in ...bmccancer.biomedcentral.com › articles· We thank Dr Robert Geffers (HZI, Braunschweig, Germany) and Dr Christof Burek (University of Würzburg, Germany) for expert assistance with ...
Documents and Data of Christof Burek | isidore.scienceDocuments écrit par Christof Burek (1) | parle de Christof Burek (0). Application of integrated transcriptomic, proteomic and metabolomic profiling for the ...
Polycomb repressor complex 2 regulates Molecular Cancermolecular-cancer.biomedcentral.com › articles· Christof Burek (University of Würzburg, Germany) and Dr. Robert Geffers (HZI, Braunschweig, Germany) for technical assistance with analysis of ...
Publications et données de Claude Guillou | isidore.scienceisidore.science › guillou_claudeMuireann Coen · 1 · Malcom R. Clench · 1 · Donatella Carpi · 1 · Christof Burek · 1 · Bas J. Blaauboer · 1 · Chris Bielow · 1 · Patricia Bellwon · 1 · Lydia Aschauer.
3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Cytochrome c is rapidly extruded from apoptotic cells and detectable...ANDREA RENZ, CHRISTOF BUREK, *W ALTER MIER, MALGORZA TA. MOZOLUK, KLAUS SCHULZE-OSTHOFF and MAREK LOS. Dept. Immunology & Cell ...
The transcript release factor PTRF augments BioMedSearchwww.biomedsearch.com/attachments GKE141.pd...–429. The transcript release factor PTRF augments ribosomal gene transcription by facilitating reinitiation of RNA polymerase I. Petr Jansa, Christof Burek, ...
IgVH mutational status and clonality analysis of Wikidatawww.wikidata.org › wiki25 July Jens Krugmann. series ordinal reference. stated in · Europe PubMed Central · PubMed ID · · retrieved. 25 July Christof Burek.
34 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Christof Burek | LinkedInView Christof Burek's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Christof Burek discover inside ...
Volume 10, Issue 4, Pages (October 2006) - ppt downloadslideplayer.com › slide... Nicole Hüttinger- Kirchhof, Claudia Oswald, Peter Friedl, Stefan Gattenlöhner, Christof Burek, Andreas Rosenwald, Thorsten Stiewe Cancer Cell Volume 10, ...
christof burek: ᐅ Pronunciation, Meaning & Origin | AudioNamesaudionames.com › christof-burek· The right ✓ way to pronounce the name christof burek audio pronunciation, meanings, origins, popularity and phonetic spelling by an ...
Christof J. Burek: pobierz za darmo. Biblioteka elektroniczna Z-Librarypl.booksc.xyz › ...... Thomas Kerkau, Olaf Elert, Astrid Murumägi, Niko Sillanpää, Pärt Peterson, Vera Hummel, Peter Rieckmann, Christof Burek, Berthold Schalke, Wilfre. Journal:.
The 19th International Symposium on Microsomes and Drug Oxidations...... Philipp Hewitt, Merck- Serono; Stefan O. Mueller, Merck- Serono; Paul Jenning, Innsbruck Medical University; Christof Burek, Institut fuer Toxikologie; ...
Application of integrated transcriptomic, proteomic and metabolomic ...hal.archives-ouvertes.fr › ineris... Donatella Carpi Silke Ruzek Andreas Handler Olga Schmal Karin Herrgen Patricia Bellwon Christof Burek Germaine L. Truisi Philip Hewitt Emma Di Consiglio ...
C-terminal diversity within the p53 family accounts for differences...Christof Burek. Dataset Statistics. info. Citations per year. Dataset publication. call_split. C-terminal diversity within the p53 family accounts for ...
C-terminal diversity within the p53 family accounts for PubMedpubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › ...Markus Sauer , Anne Catherine Bretz, Rasa Beinoraviciute-Kellner, Michaela Beitzinger, Christof Burek, Andreas Rosenwald, Gregory S Harms, Thorsten Stiewe ...
CoCites - CoCited Articles PageSilvia Bea, Andreas Zettl, George Wright, Itziar Salaverria, Philipp Jehn, Victor Moreno, Christof Burek, German Ott, Xavier Puig, Liming Yang,[...]. Blood
Damen und Herren Andrès, Dr. Artz, Beschorner, Dr. Burek, Janka,...... Herr Dr. Christof Burek Herr Andreas Hellbach Frau Corinna Kaup Frau Britta ... Kassenprüfung Kassenführer: Christof Burek einstimmig/1 Stimmenthaltung.
E-GEOD < Experiments matching "p53" < ArrayExpress ...www.ebi.ac.uk › arrayexpress › E-GEOD-5447EMBL-EBI
Diagnostic and prognostic significance of gene expression profiling ...ouci.dntb.gov.ua › worksВидання: APMIS, 2007, № 10, с Видавець: Wiley. Автори: ELLEN LEICH, ELENA MARIA HARTMANN, CHRISTOF BUREK, GERMAN OTT, ANDREAS ROSENWALD ...
E-GEOD < Experiments matching "cancer" < ArrayExpress ...EMBL-EBI
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma subgroups have distinct genetic...Silvia Bea, Andreas Zettl, George Wright, Itziar Salaverria, Philipp Jehn, Victor Moreno, Christof Burek, German Ott, Xavier Puig, Liming Yang, ...
GSE Tumor biopsies from 71 untreated patients with mantle cell...untreated patients with mantle cell lymphoma. INSTRUMENT(S): NCI/Staudt human 15K v13. ORGANISM(S): Homo sapiens. SUBMITTER: Christof Burek.
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma subgroups have PubMedpubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › ...Authors. Silvia Bea , Andreas Zettl, George Wright, Itziar Salaverria, Philipp Jehn, Victor Moreno, Christof Burek, German Ott, Xavier Puig, Liming Yang, Armando ...
GEO Accession viewerContact name, Christof Burek. E-mail(s), -wuerzburg.de. Phone, ++49 (0) Organization name ...
E-GEOD Transcription profiling of DeltaNp73 alpha expressing...SUBMITTER: Christof Burek. PROVIDER: E-GEOD | ArrayExpress | SECONDARY ACCESSION(S): GSE5447GDS2420PRJNA
Cross Reference Logo Citations to this article as recorded by ...Anja Wilmes, Alice Limonciel, Lydia Aschauer, Konrad Moenks, Chris Bielow, Martin O. Leonard, Jeremy Hamon, Donatella Carpi, Silke Ruzek, Andreas Handler, Olga Schmal, Karin Herrgen, Patricia Bellwon, Christof Burek, Germaine L. Truisi, Philip Hewitt, Emma Di Consiglio, Emanuela Testai, Bas J. Blaauboer, Claude ...
GSE p53 family members in myogenic differentiation ...www.omicsdi.org › GEO › GSE5447SUBMITTER: Christof Burek. PROVIDER: GSE5447 | GEO | SECONDARY ACCESSION(S): PRJNA REPOSITORIES: GEO. ACCESS DATA.
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Christof
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Christof; Christus tragend; Altgriechisch (Neues Testament); christos = der Geweihte, der Gesalbte; pherein = tragen, bringen; im Mittelalter verbreitet durch die Verehrung des hl. Christophorus (3. Jh.), Schutzpatron der Schiffer und Flösser, einer der 14 Nothelfer
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Gene Expression
- Chris Bielow
- Patricia Bellwon
- Wolf-Karsten Hofmann
- Olga Schmal
- Andreas Handler
- Karin Herrgen
- Philip Hewitt
- Victor Moreno
- Andreas Zettl
- Elena Hartmann
Personensuche zu Christof Burek & mehr
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