101 Infos zu Christof Külske
Mehr erfahren über Christof Külske
Lebt in
- Bochum
Infos zu
- Aernout
- Probability
- University
- Gibbs-non-Gibbs
- Gibbsian
- Stochastic
- Groningen
- Ising
- Field
- Models
- Statistical
- Codina Cotar
3 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Oberseminar Darmstadt - Veranstaltungen - Stochastik Rhein ...... and give precise exponential estimates on the influence of boundary conditions. This is joint work with Christof Külske from the Ruhr-University Bochum. › details
Colloquium Mathematics, Prof.dr. C. Külske (Bochum University) | News...Join us for coffee and tea at p.m.. Date: Tuesday, November 19th Speaker: Christof Külske Room: (Bernoulliborg)
TU Berlin: Personalia JuliDr. Christof Külske, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter beim Weierstraß-Institut Berlin, für das Fachgebiet "Mathematik", am Institut für Mathematik in der Fakultät II Mathematik ...
1 Bilder zu Christof Külske

3 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
MySpace: Christof Kuelske ( )W. König, BlnLeipSem11: :30: Christof Külske(University of Bochum) Spin dynamics, generalized Gibbs measures and multiple histories
HCM: Prof. Dr. Anton BovierChristof Külske (2001 (Professor, Bochum); Barbara Gentz (2003), Professor, Bielefeld) Véronique Gayrard (1992), CNRS, Marseille; Christof Külske (1993), ...
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
Percolation and Spin Systems - Mathematik - TU Dortmund— Dr. Christof Külske (Bochum). The lecture will be held in english and is aimed at PhD students and Masters students with advanced knowledge ... › ...
2 Angaben zur Herkunft
Christof Külske - The Mathematics Genealogy ProjectAccording to our current on-line database, Christof Külske has 5 students and 5 descendants. We welcome any additional information. If you have additional
Sjoert Fleurke - The Mathematics Genealogy ProjectAdvisor 1: Herold G. Dehling Advisor 2: Christof Külske Advisor 3: Aernout Coert Daniël van Enter. No students known. If you have additional information or
14 Bücher zum Namen
Christof Külske — On the Gibbsian Nature of the Random Field Kac...Название: On the Gibbsian Nature of the Random Field Kac Model under Block-Averaging Автор: Christof Külske Язык: en. Тип: Статья
Analogues of Non-Gibbsianness in Joint Measures of ...Analogues of Non-Gibbsianness in Joint Measures of Disordered Mean Field Models. Christof Külske. यह पुस्तक आपको कितनी अच्छी लगी? Relative Entropy and Variational Properties of Generalized Gibbsian Measures · Christof Külske, Arnaud Le Ny and Frank Redig. › book › ...
Interacting Stochastic Systems | E-kirja | Ellibs E-kirjakauppaEllibs E-kirjakauppa - E-kirja: Interacting Stochastic Systems - Tekijä: Deuschel, Jean-Dominique - Hinta: 111,54€
Dynamics & Stochastics: Festschrift in Honour of M.S. Keane - Michael...We thank Christof Külske for helpful advice on the manuscript . A. C. D. v . E. and K. N. thank Igor Medved ' for their related earlier collaboration which ...
5 Dokumente
Existence of random gradient statesarxiv.org › mathExistence of random gradient states. Authors:Codina Cotar, Christof Külske · Download PDF. Abstract: We consider two versions of random gradient models. In ...
[math ] Nonexistence of random gradient Gibbs measures in...... Nonexistence of random gradient Gibbs measures in continuous interface models in $d=2$. Authors: Aernout C. D. van Enter, Christof Külske.
[ v2] Uniqueness of gradient Gibbs measures with disorderAuthors: Codina Cotar, Christof Külske. (Submitted on 6 May (v1), last revised 14 Sep (this version, v2)). Abstract: We consider - in uniformly strictly ...
[ ] Uniqueness of gradient Gibbs measures with disorderAuthors: Codina Cotar, Christof Külske. (Submitted on 6 May 2014). Abstract: We consider - in uniformly strictly convex potential regime - two ...
11 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
DFG GEPRIS - Professor Dr. Christof KülskeProfessor Dr. Christof Külske, Arbeitsgruppe Mathematische Physik/StochastikBochum
dblp: Random Structures and Algorithms, Volume 50Bibliographic content of Random Structures and Algorithms, Volume 50
dblp: Christof KülskeList of computer science publications by Christof Külske
Professor Dr. Christof Külske - gepris.dfg.deProfessor Dr. Christof Külske € Projekte Als Antragsteller abgeschlossene Projekte Wechselwirkende Stochastische Modelle auf Small-World Graphen …
7 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Gibbs–non-Gibbs properties for n -vector lattice and mean-field ...core.ac.uk › MUCC (Crossref)By Aernout C. D. van Enter, Christof Külske, Alex A. Opoku and Wioletta M. Ruszel. Cite. BibTex; Full citation. No static citation data.
Coarse-Graining Techniques for (Random) Kac Models | SpringerLinkWe review our recent results on the low temperature behavior of Kac models. We discuss translation-invariant models and the Kac version of the random field...
Christof Külske - Wikidata› wiki
On the Gibbsian nature of the random field Kac model COREOn the Gibbsian nature of the random field Kac model under block-averaging. Authors. Christof Külske. Publication date: 31 December Publisher. › display
54 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Members - Research training group /Graduiertenkolleg 2131Christof Külske, RUB; Prof. Dr. Johannes Lederer, RUB (since ); Prof. Dr. Christoph Thäle, RUB ... › rtg2131
Prof. Dr. Christof KülskePostanschrift. Prof. Dr. Christof Külske Ruhr-Universität Bochum Fakultät für Mathematik Raum IB D Bochum
Christof Külske - Stochastic Processes and their Applications› ...
Prof. Dr. Christof Külske (Co-Authoren)Prof. Dr. Christof Külske. Fakultäten der RUB » Fakultät für Mathematik » Lehrstühle » Mathematische Physik / Stochastik. Startseite; Personen.
Christof Külske. Discrete approximations to massless models - PDF...Outline Discrete Approximations to massless models Christof Külske (1) Discretizations of two types for rotator models (2) Gibbs under local Transforms?
Prof. Dr. Christof Külske (Lebenslauf)Oct Present: University Bochum Professor in Mathematical Physics: Mar Sept 2009: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen: Associate Professor in Probability and ...
Internet Archive Search: creator:"Christof Külske"Existence of random gradient states - Codina Cotar We consider two versions of random gradient models. In model A the interface feels a bulk term of random ...
PublikationslisteList of Publications [66] C.Külske, P.Schriever, Non-robust phase transitions in the generalized clock model on trees Preprint available at, arXiv:
A symmetric entropy bound on the non-reconstruction regime of Markov...A symmetric entropy bound on the non-reconstruction regime of Markov chains on Galton-Watson trees
Committees - www.gpsd deHerold Dehling (Chair) Holger Dette Peter Eichelsbacher Sabine Jansen Christof Külske Angelika Rohde Christoph Thäle
Continuous spin models on annealed random graphs: Modifying the...Christof Külske (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) Continuous spin models on annealed random graphs: Modifying the modified mean-field exponents
Elektronische UnterschriftenlisteChristof Külske (PrivatdozentIn); WIASBerlin. Christof Martin (Andere); BDBiolKiel. Christof Rumpf (DoktorandIn ...
ForschungProf. Dr. Christof Külske Mathematische Physik / Wechselwirkende Stochastische Systeme / Gibbsmaße / Phasenübergänge ...
ParticipantsHomepage of the Richard-von-Mises-Lecture 2010
3 rd LA PIETRA WEEK IN PROBABILITYChristof Külske (University of Groningen). What disorder can do to continuous interfaces. We consider statistical mechanics models of continuous spins in a ... › users › paf
AMS :: Transactions of the American Mathematical SocietyChristof Külske and Arnaud Le Ny, Spin-flip dynamics of the Curie-Weiss model: loss of Gibbsianness with possibly broken symmetry, Comm. Math. Phys. › journal-getit...
A symmetric entropy bound on the non-reconstruction regime of Markov...Electronic Communications in Probability
The Posterior metric and the Goodness of Gibbsianness for...The Posterior metric and the Goodness of Gibbsianness for transforms of Gibbs measures
Board snapshots and slidesChristof Külske: slides. Eunghyun Lee: slides. Ioan Manolescu: slides. Chiranjib Mukherjee: slides. Mikhail Poplavskyi: slides. Elena Pulvirenti: slides. › ~biskup
Concentration Inequalities for Functions of Gibbs Fields with ...research.rug.nl › publications › exportConcentration Inequalities for Functions of Gibbs Fields with Application to Diffraction and Random Gibbs Measures. Christof Külske.
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Christof
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Christof; Christus tragend; Altgriechisch (Neues Testament); christos = der Geweihte, der Gesalbte; pherein = tragen, bringen; im Mittelalter verbreitet durch die Verehrung des hl. Christophorus (3. Jh.), Schutzpatron der Schiffer und Flösser, einer der 14 Nothelfer
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