64 Infos zu Christof Zitt
Mehr erfahren über Christof Zitt
Lebt in
- Konstanz
Infos zu
- Nycomed
- Nycomed Gmbh
- Armin Hatzelmann
- Andrea Wohlsen
- Degenhard Marx
- Expression
- Keith
- Patents
- Novel
- PDE4
- Ulrich Kautz
1 Aktuelle Nachrichten
VerleihungenJürgen-Bierich-Gedächtnispreis gestiftet von der Firma Pharmacia & Upjohn, Erlangen, Dotation: DM, an Dr. rer. nat. Martin Werner Elmlinger,...
1 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Christof Zitt | Semantic ScholarSemantic Scholar profile for ,, with 6 scientific research papers.
5 Hobbys & Interessen
LandOfFree - Inventor - Christof ZittCheck out Christof Zitt. Rate and share your experience with other people.
Christof Zitt - PatentsNovel ep2 receptor agonists in which R1, R4, A and X have the meanings as given in the description, are novel effective EP2 agonists ...
Just a moment...Cloning and Functional Expression of a Human Ca2+-Permeable Cation Channel Activated by Calcium Store Depletion. Christof Zitt. Christof Zitt. Affiliations.
Nycomed Gmbh patent inventors (2011)A list of inventors with patent application filings associated with Nycomed Gmbh for Note: Some Nycomed ... Christof Zitt · Christopher Roy Pinto.
1 Business-Profile
patentbuddy: Christof ZittNYCOMED GMBH, Konstanz, DE
1 Besitz
MXPA/a NOVEL HETEROCYCLYL-SUBSTITUTED...This patent search tool allows you not only to search the PCT database of about 2 million International Applications but also the worldwide patent collections....
4 Bücher zum Namen
MP0250 IN COMBINATION WITH BORTEZOMIB AND DEXAMETHASONE IN...Access educational materials, eLearning activities, accredited Live webinar sessions with polls and chat on this fast Digital Library and Hybrid Virtual Event...
AACR Proceedings: Abstracts American Association for...The AACR Annual Meeting highlights the best cancer science and medicine from institutions all over the world. Attendees are invited to stretch their...
AACR Proceedings: Abstracts books.google.cz › books... Patricia Schildknecht,1 Julia Hepp,1 Elmar vom Baur,1 Hong Ji,1 Christof Zitt,1 Victor Levitsky,1 Keith M. Dawson,1 Michael T. Stumpp,1 Dan Snell1.
Isolierung, Expression und Charakterisierung zweier humaner...... Isolierung, Expression und Charakterisierung zweier humaner cDNA-Klone, die für Ca_1hn2_1hn+-permeable Kationenkanäle codieren. Author, Christof Zitt.
5 Dokumente
AACR Proceedings: Abstracts von CTI Meeting Technology...Lesen Sie AACR Proceedings: Abstracts von CTI Meeting Technology mit einer kostenlosen Testversion. Lesen Sie Millionen von eBooks und...
Comparison of an FAP-targeted, CD137 activating Meeting Librarymeetinglibrary.asco.org › record... Ivana Tosevski, Laurent Juglair, Patricia Schildknecht, Yvonne Kaufmann, Simon Fontaine, Ralph Bessey, Zita Arany, Christof Zitt, Keith M. Dawson, ...
SITC 2018Register today for the SITC Annual Meeting & Pre-Conference Programs!
EHA Multiple Myeloma Abstracts – Poster Presentations On ...... Artur Jurczyszyn, Norbert Grzasko, Jan Duerig, Barbara Gamberi, Angelo Vacca, Roberto Ria, Jutta haunschild, Christof Zitt, Frank Hermann, ...
4 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
US Patent Application for Novel 3-Oxa-10-Aza-Phenanthrenes Patent...Inventors: Dieter Flockerzi (Allensbach), Ulrich Kautz (Allensbach), Armin Hatzelmann (Konstanz), Christof Zitt (Konstanz), Andrea Wohlsen ...
Biochemical Pharmacology | Vol 79, Issue 3, Pages (1 February...Original research article: Pages Hongli Dong, Christof Zitt, Cornelia Auriga, Armin Hatzelmann, Paul M. Epstein. Download PDF.
Vol. 138, No. 6, Sep. 22, jstorwww.jstor.org › stableChristof Zitt, Alexander G. Obukhov, Carsten Strübing, Andrea Zobel, Frank Kalkbrenner, Andreas Lückhoff and Günter Schultz. https://www.jstor.org/stable/ ...
Patents Assigned to Nycomed AS - Justia Patents SearchJustia - Patents - Patents and Patent Application Resources
3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Regulation of TRPM2 channels in neutrophil granulocytes by...TRPM2 channels play an important role in the activation process of neutrophil granulocytes. One mechanism of TRPM2 channel gating is the binding of intrace
Günter Schultz - unserlexikon.deChristof Zitt, Andrea Zobel, Alexander G. Obukhov, Christian Harteneck, Frank Kalkbrenner, Andreas Lückhoff, Günter Schultz: Cloning and functional ...
Regulation of TRPM2 channels in neutrophil granulocytes by ...link.springer.com › article... in SFB 542 and DFG Lu in FOR ). We thank Dr. Christof Zitt (Altana Pharma, Konstanz, Germany) for a generous gift of BTP2.
1 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Günter Schultz – WikipediaGünter Schultz (* 23. Januar in Frankfurt am Main) ist ein deutscher Pharmakologe Hochspringen ↑ Christof Zitt, Andrea Zobel, Alexander G. Obukhov, Christian Harteneck, Frank Kalkbrenner, Andreas Lückhoff, Günter Schultz: ...
36 Webfunde aus dem Netz
BRPI A2 - Derivados de pirazolona Google Patents... P Feth: Rolf-Peter Hummel: Armin Hatzelmann: Christof Zitt: Andrea Wohlsen ... AR A Nycomed Gmbh HETEROCICLIC DERIVATIVES OF ...
US A1 - Novel 3-Oxa-10-Aza-Phenanthrenes Google...The compounds of formula I in which R1, R2 and R3 have the meanings as given in the description, are novel effective PDE4...
CA A1 - Amido-substituted 6-phenylphenanthridines... Maria Vittoria Chiesa, Armin Hatzelmann, Christof Zitt, Johannes Barsig, Degenhard Marx, Hans-Peter Kley filed Critical Nycomed Gmbh: Priority ...
Christof%20Zitt: मुफ़्त में डाउनलोड. ई-बुक पुस्तकालय. Z-Library में...Christof%20Zitt: मुफ़्त में डाउनलोड. ई-बुक पुस्तकालय. Z-Library में ऑन लाइन पुस्तकों की दुकान | BookSC. Download books for free. Find books
Christof Zitt, Konstanz DE - Patent applicationsPatent application number, Description, Published , Amido-Substituted 6-Phenylphenanthridines - Compounds of a certain formula (I),
Berlin WilmersdorfInformationen, Details, Straßenkarte und Bilder: Berlin Wilmersdorf Vergleich
US B2 - Pyrazolone derivatives as PDE4 inhibitors... Feth: Rolf-Peter Hummel: Armin Hatzelmann: Christof Zitt: Andrea Wohlsen ... Takeda GmbH: Nycomed Germany Holding GmbH; Original Assignee: Takeda GmbH ...
WO A2 - Novel 3-thia-10-aza-phenanthrene derivatives...... Ulrich Kautz: Armin Hatzelmann: Christof Zitt: Andrea Wohlsen: Degenhard Marx WO A Nycomed Gmbh Novel 3,4,4a ...
WO A1 - Novel ep2 receptor agonists Google Patents... Rainer Boer: Manuela HESSMANN: Andreas Pahl: Torsten Dunkern: Simone HARTUNG: Christof Zitt: Jürgen Volz: Christiane PRÄCHTER: Mahindra Makhija ...
Berlin WilmersdorfInformationen, Details, Straßenkarte und Bilder: Berlin Wilmersdorf Vergleich
(11) PL/EP PL/EP T3 - Urząd Patentowy ...CHRISTOF ZITT, Konstanz, DE. JOHANNES BARSIG, Ingelheim ...
nr 05/ NO årgang 102 ISSN - PDF Free Download1. nr 05/ NO årgang 102 ISSN BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE ... Prioritet: , EP, (86) Int.inndag: Nycomed GmbH, ... DE-Tyskland ZITT, Christof, ...
Publications — Carl von Ossietzky Universität OldenburgDieter Flockerzi, Ulrich Kautz, Armin Hatzelmann, Christof Zitt, Andrea Wohlsen, Degenhard Marx, Hans-Peter Kley, Jens Christoffers, Anna Rosiak Novel 3 …
Flockerzi — University of Oldenburguol.de › scientific-cooperations › floc...Patents with Dr. Dieter Flockerzi, Medicinal Chemistry, Nycomed Pharma (vorm. ALTANA Pharma), Konstanz Dieter Flockerzi, Ulrich Kautz, Armin Hatzelmann, Christof Zitt, Andrea Wohlsen, Degenhard Marx, Hans-Peter Kley, Jens ...
BSR-RecyclinghofChristof Zitt and girlfriend externer Link (von Ken_Mayer) Berlin Leuchten Reichsgetreidestelle von Ludwig Moshamer in
Inhibition of PDE3, PDE4 and PDE7 potentiates glucocorticoid-induced...Christof Zitt. Discovery Department, Nycomed GmbH, D Konstanz, Germany ... Discovery Department, Nycomed GmbH, D Konstanz, Germany ...
Christof Zitt, D, Konstanz, DE. 8. Andrea Wohlsen, Steubenring 6, Bonn, DE. 9. Degenhard Marx, Obere Reute 15, Moos, DE.
Differential Expression and Function of Phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4)...Daniel Peter, S. L. Catherine Jin, Marco Conti, Armin Hatzelmann and Christof Zitt. J Immunol April 15, 2007, 178 (8) ; DOI: ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Christof
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Christof; Christus tragend; Altgriechisch (Neues Testament); christos = der Geweihte, der Gesalbte; pherein = tragen, bringen; im Mittelalter verbreitet durch die Verehrung des hl. Christophorus (3. Jh.), Schutzpatron der Schiffer und Flösser, einer der 14 Nothelfer
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Andrea Zobel
- Andreas Lückhoff
- Frank Kalkbrenner
- Dieter Flockerzi
- Ulrich Kautz
- Degenhard Marx
- Rolf-Peter Hummel
- Armin Hatzelmann
- Andrea Wohlsen
- Hans-Peter Kley
- Edith Wehage
Personensuche zu Christof Zitt & mehr
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