116 Infos zu Christos Argirusis

Mehr erfahren über Christos Argirusis

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6 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Europäische Experten entwickeln neue Materialien für die...

Der Koordinator des Projektes, Dr. Christos Argirusis, Leiter der AG Funktionale Schichten in der Abteilung Thermochemie und Mikrokinetik des Institutes für Metallurgie der TU Clausthal, überzeugte mit seinem Konzept und der Qualität des Konsortiums die Gutachter der Europäischen Kommission und wird die nächsten drei Jahre bei einem Gesamtprojektvolumen von 2,43 Mio ? eine ...

BioICEP - Dissemination

Novel packaging films and textiles with tailored end of life and performance based on bio-based copolymers and coatings

Guest Lecturers from Europe, Asia and America at UrFU

The series of lectures at the Chemistry Department will be started by Christos Argirusis, Assistant Professor for Technology of Inorganic ...

How Greek researchers are making clean energy from ...www.eib.org › microbial-fuel-cell

The project is supported by four professors: Gerasimos Lyberatos, Christos Argirusis, Vassilis Stathopoulos and Ioannis Ieropoulos. , DR ...

4 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

LinkedIn: Christos Argirusis | LinkedIn

Christos Argirusis' berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Christos Argirusis dabei  ...

LinkedIn: Christos Argirusis | Berufsprofil - LinkedIn

größten beruflichen Netzwerk. Zu Christos Argirusis' Berufserfahrung zählt: National Technical University of Athens, National Technical University of Athens und Clausthal University of Technology. Christos Argirusis hat folgende Hochschule ...

LinkedIn: Christos Argirusis | LinkedIn

View Christos Argirusis' professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Christos Argirusis discover ...

1 Business-Profile

Xing: Christos Argirusis - Prof. - National Technical University of Athens...

Berufserfahrung, Kontaktdaten, Portfolio und weitere Infos: Erfahren Sie mehr – oder kontaktieren Sie Christos Argirusis direkt bei XING. Skip navigation. XING – For a better working life Das Profilbild sehen Sie, wenn Sie sich bei XING einloggen. Christos Argirusis Prof. ...

1 Infos zur Ausbildung


Tamara Kharlamova, Svetlana Pavlova, Vladislav Sadykov, Tamara Krieger, Galina Alikina, Jorge Frade, and Christos Argirusis, Anode Composites Based on  ...

11 Bücher zum Namen

Journal of Chemical Physics, 2004, V 121, N 11, 15 September.

... Lanthanide transport in stabilized zirconias: Interrelation between ionic radius and diffusion coefficient Martin Kilo, Marcela A. Taylor, Christos Argirusis

Sonochemistry: New Opportunities For Green Chemistry - Gregory Chatel...

The application of ultrasound waves to chemical reactions — sonochemistry — has huge potential for innovation in eco-friendly and eco-efficient chemistry....

Untersuchungen zur gemeinsamen Hydrierung einer hydrothermal...

Ihre Fachbuchhandlung im Internet und vor Ort. Bücher, Fortsetzungen, Abonnements online bestellen, portofreie Lieferung innerhalb...

Advanced Materials Forum V - Google Books

... Chia Kok Seng Christian Leinenbach Christopher M. A. Brett Christos Argirusis Claudinei dos Santos Claus Thomy Damián Pérez Quintanilla Dariusz Oleszak ...

8 Dokumente

Christos Argirusis - Academia.eduindependent.academia.edu › ChristosArgirusis

Christos Argirusis studies Plasma, Plasma Engineering, and Wood science and technology. I am.

Christos Argirusis - Academia.edu

Academia.edu is a place to share and follow research.

Buzzing with Activity

Ed it o r ia l 10 www.MaterialsViews.com www.advenergymat.de In my opinion, Impact Factors should always be taken with a grain of salt â I recommend sapiensium...

Creep in scandia stabilized zirconia

stabilized zirconia orchardt a, Santonu Ghosh b, Atul H. Chokshi b Clausthal, Robert , D Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany itute of Science,...

14 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

DFG - GEPRIS - Professor Dr.-Ing. Christos Argirusis

Professor Dr.-Ing. Christos Argirusis, School of chemical Engineering, Iroon Polytechneiou 9, Zografou, Athens, Griechenland

Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster

Clausthal-Zellerfeld . Banhatti, Dr. Radha D. SFB458. Institut für Physikalische Chemie. WWU Münster.

Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects |...

Kirsten Moritz, Reinhard Herbig, Tanja Damjanović, Christos Argirusis, Günter Borchardt. Pages : Download PDF. Article preview. Research article ...

TU Clausthal - Atom- und Molekülphysik an Oberflächen ...

Christos Argirusis, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Maus-Friedrichs | BMBF (Reference number: ENMAT ) Researcher: M.Sc. John Meuthen Funding period: –

7 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Christos Argirusis | PubFacts

Christos Argirusis

Synthesis and Characterization of Strontium Titanate Nanoparticles as...

We present a simple and highly reproductive method for the preparation of thin films consisting of strontium titanate nanoparticles. The films are produced by...

theses.fr – Neila Sellami , Oxydes pyrochlores : de l’élaboration aux...

Le président du jury était Frederico Garrido. Le jury était composé de Gaël Sattonnay, Frederico Garrido, Christos Argirusis, Nathalie Moncoffre, ...

Oalib search

1991 ( 1 ). Search Results: of 787 matches for " Christos Argirusis " ... Damjanovi ,Günter Borchardt,Christos Argirusis,Wolfgang Maus-Friedrichs

1 Meinungen & Artikel

People | LIMT ~ School of Chemical Engineering

Assis. Prof. Christos Argirusis, Assis. Prof. PhD Candidates Pavlos K. Pandis, ...

59 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Thermochemie und Mikrokinetik und Mikrokinetik Martin Kilo, Institut...

Thermochemie und Mikrokinetik und Mikrokinetik Martin Kilo, Institut für Metallurgie, TU Clausthal Fuel Cell Research Symposium ETH Zürich Switzerland 18/ Open...

Christos Argirusis - Electrophoretic Deposition

Christos Argirusis. Suche. Suche: Sie befinden sich hier: Electrophoretic Deposition - International Network. Who is who in EPD. Christos Argirusis. Sprungmarken. Zum Inhalt springen. Zur Navigation springen. Zu den allgemeinen Informationen springen. Zielgruppennavigation. Navigation.

Prof. Dr. Christos Argirusis – L I M T – N T U A

Dr.-Ing. Christos Argirusis is professor for Inorganic Materials Technology with emphasis on ceramic materials at the School of Chemical Engineering of the ...

Complex Electrochemical Processes in Materials Science: Case Studies...

Oliver Schneider Diplom Chemiker Institute of Metallurgy Clausthal University of Technology Clausthal Zellerfeld, Germany June Fachgebiet: Angewandte Physikalische ... Christos Argirusis for the sonoelectrochemical work, and Dr. Gabriel Ilevbare, Ms. Jackie Williams, Prof. R. G. Kelly, and Prof. J. R. Scully for the ...

(PDF) Apatite type lanthanum silicate and composite anode half ...www.academia.edu › Apatite_type_lanthanum_silica...

Apatite type lanthanum silicate and composite anode half cells. Svetlana Pavlova · Vladislav Sadykov. Christos Argirusis. Ezhil Jothinathan. Kim Vanmeensel.

(PDF) The influence of protecting polyelectrolyte layers on the...

The influence of protecting polyelectrolyte layers on the temperature behavior of NaBD 4

Application of Ionic Liquids in the Electrophoretic Deposition of...

Jana Grosse-Brauckmann, Virginie Lair, Christos Argirusis. Key Engineering Materials, June 2009, Trans Tech Publications; DOI: www.scientific.net/ kem The author haven't finished explaining this publication. Read Publication.

"ELECTROPHORETIC DEPOSITION AS A METHOD FOR THE ...dc.engconfintl.org › electrophoretic_vi

In this study, we present the preparation of different ceramic fuel cells by electrophoretic deposition. Recommended Citation. Christos Argirusis, " ...

"Electrophoretic deposition of carbon nanotubes on carbon fibers ...dc.engconfintl.org › electrophoretic_vi

Christos Argirusis, National Technical University of Athens, GreeceFollow · Elias P. Koumoulos, National Technical University of Athens, Greece · Constantinos ...

3 rd International Conference on Electrophoretic Deposition:...

... Christos Argirusis, Clausthal University of Technology, Institute of Metallurgy, Germany 11:20 11:40 ALUMINA AND ZIRCONIA BASED COMPOSITES: PART

Und täglich grüßt die Wissenschaft - Manche mögen es heiß...

Hier neue günstigere Materialien zu finden ist das Ziele eines millionenschweren Projektes der Europäischen Union, an dem europaweit sechs Forschungseinrichtungen und zwei Industrieunternehmen beteiligt sind und das von Dr. Christos Argirusis vom Institut für Metallurgie der Technischen Universität Clausthal koordiniert wird.

(PDF) Electrochemical Characterization of a La | Vassilis N...

δ Electrode Interfaced with La9.83Si5Al0.75Fe0.25O26{plus minus} δ Apatite-type Electrolyte Hripsime Gasparyan, Christos Argirusis, Christian Szepanski, ...

Catalysis Research - LIDSEN Publishing Inc.丨The Open Access ...www.lidsen.com › journals

Guest Editors: Christos Argirusis and Pavlos K. Pandis. Deadline: December 15, (Open). Development of Photocatalytic Reactor Models. Guest Editor: Shu ...

Open Courses

Glikeria Kakali, Christos Argirusis National Technical University of Athens School of Chemical Engineering. Practical Training in Industry. George Angelopoulos

Who is who in EPD - Electrophoretic Deposition

Who is who in EPD This list is constantly updated . Senior Researchers. Christos Argirusis Ana Arizmendi Morquecho Carlo Baldisserri Stephan Barcikowski Laxmidhar Besra Aldo R. Boccaccini Cullen R. Buie Maria Cannio Mª Yolanda Castro Martin Filiâtre Claudine Dennis Desheng Meng James H. Dickerson Mathieu Etienne Guido Falk

Impedance study of the electrophoretic deposition of yttrium silicate...

Oliver Schneider. Institut für Metallurgie, Technische Universität Clausthal, D Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany ... Christos Argirusis. School of Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Iroon Polytechneiou 9, Zografou , Athens, Greece ...

APACELL – L C M Tlcmt.teiste.gr › ...

National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece Person in Charge: Prof. Christos Argirusis Foundation for Research and Technology (ICE-HT​), Greece ...

Collaboration | Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaceswww.mpikg.mpg.de › ...

Jorge Frade, Dr. Vladislav Kharton, Dr. Mikhail Zheludkevich) Belarusian State University (Prof. Dmitry Sviridov) TU Clausthal-Zellerfeld (Dr. Christos Argirusis)

Conferences – L C M T

Asimina Tremouli, Pavlos K. Pandis, Theofilos Kamperidis, Vassilis N. Stathopoulos, Christos Argirusis, Gerasimos Lyberatos International Conference on ...

Executive Board - European Society of Sonochemistry -www.europeansocietyofsonochemistry.eu › executiv...

Treasurer. Christos Argirusis Assoc. Professor National Technical University of Athens. SHARE Facebook · Twitter · Google · LinkedIn · Pinterest · Digg · Reddit ...

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