48 Infos zu Claudia Baittinger

Mehr erfahren über Claudia Baittinger

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1 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Fifth Workshop „Historical Wood Utilization: Woodworking“ |...


3 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

LinkedIn: Claudia Baittinger – museumsinspektør – Nationalmuseet | LinkedIn

Danmark. Museer og institutioner. Nationalmuseet. 47 forbindelser ...

About Claudia Baittinger: onderzoeker | Biography, Facts, Career, Life

Claudia Baittinger: onderzoeker, Researcher

1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter


Claudia Baittinger Diplom-Biologin, projoktforsker. Administration. E-mail: claudia .. Tel: Dendro Lab:

1 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker

IMDB Filmographie: Claudia Baittinger - IMDb

Claudia Baittinger, Self: Das Mädchen von Egtved

5 Bücher zum Namen

Care and Conservation of Manuscripts 8: Proceedings of the Eighth

Much work is required to ensure the well-being of the manuscripts in the care of libraries, archives and other collections. The international seminars held in...

Care and Conservation of Manuscripts 9: Proceedings of the Ninth

Much work is required to ensure the well-being of the manuscripts in the care of libraries, archives, and other collections. International seminars held in...

Kaupang in Skiringssal: Excavation and Surveys at Kaupang and Huseby,...

In this, the first of six volumes, the main results of the excavations that the University of Oslo carried out at Kaupang from to are presented. A...

Modern Humans: Their African Origin and Global Dispersal - John F....

Oxford: British Archaeological Reports, van Geel, Bas, André Aptroot, Claudia Baittinger, Hilary H. Birks, Ian D. Bull, Hugh B. Cross, Richard P. Evershed, ...

5 Dokumente

Baittinger, Claudia f [WorldCat Identities]

Most widely held works by Claudia Baittinger. Nordlige Verdener - ændringer og udfordringer : rapport fra workshop 1 på Nationalmuset 29. september 2010( ...

EBSCOhost | | Consistent Dendrochronological Response of the...

Claudia Baittinger'\X. Johannes KollmannX and. Mads C. Forchhammer*^. * Department of Arctic Environment,. National Environmental Research. Institute ...

EBSCOhost | | Reconstructing Century-long Snow Regimes Using...

Claudia Baittinger and. Mads C. Forchhammerà§. *Department of Ecology, Zoology Group,. Royal Veterinary and Agricultural. University, Thorvaldsensvej

PROGRAMME & BOOK OF ABSTRACTSmedia.valdovurumai.lt › renginiai

identify woodland management: new developments Claudia Baittinger. Different kinds of 'under-water-fences' in the Baltic from various periods.

2 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Büsche/Sträucher - Fakultät - Universität Greifswald

Universität Greifswald

Tundra study uncovers impact of climate warming in the Arctic

Significant changes in one of Earth's most important ecosystems are not only a symptom of climate change, but may fuel further warming, research suggests. One...

3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Claudia Baittinger | PubFacts

Claudia Baittinger

Claudia Baittinger - Wikidata

No description defined. In more languages. Spanish. Claudia Baittinger. No description defined. Traditional Chinese. No label defined. No description defined.

SNorwQ - Cybis Wiki

Some recent samples and all the historical are from several dendrochronological dating reports mainly by Claudia Baittinger and Orla ...

2 Meinungen & Artikel

Wikipedia: Kraut-Weide – Wikipedia

Die Kraut-Weide (Salix herbacea) ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Gattung der Weiden (Salix) Bas van Geel, André Aptroot, Claudia Baittinger, Hilary H. Birks , Ian D. Bull, Hugh B. Cross, Richard P. Evershed, Barbara Gravendeel, Erwin J. O. ...

Climate sensitivity of shrub growth across the tundra biome | Nature...

... Christian Rixen ,; Esther Lévesque ,; Niels Martin Schmidt ,; Claudia Baittinger ,; Andrew J. Trant ,; Luise Hermanutz ,; Laura Siegwart Collier ...

24 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Claudia Baittinger – Activities — The Ministry of...

Claudia Baittinger (Editor). 20 May → 11 Jun Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Peer review of manuscripts › Research

Claudia Baittinger — Kulturministeriets Pure-Konsortium for...

Environmental Archaeology (Tidsskrift). Aktivitet: Publikation af peer-review og redaktionelt arbejde › Peer reviewer/fagfællebedømmer af manuskripter › ...

‘Small trees' from Northeast Greenland - Research - Aarhus University

title = "'Small trees' from Northeast Greenland",. author = "Claudia Baittinger and Forchhammer, {Mads C.} and Johannes Kollmann and Schmidt, {Niels Martin}",.

Claudia Baitinger - Nordlige Verdener

Claudia Baittinger. Diplom-Biologin (equealent to cand.scient.) from University of Hohemheim (D) Since I've worked within the dendrochronological ...

Altmetric – Climate sensitivity of shrub growth across the tundra...

... Claudia Baittinger, Andrew J. Trant, Luise Hermanutz, Laura Siegwart Collier, Melissa A. Dawes, Trevor C. Lantz, Stef Weijers, Rasmus Halfdan Jørgensen, ...

East germanic subgroup of whorls

'Small trees' from North East Greenland | Claudia Baittinger. • Kitchen The Weather War: The German operation 'Bassgeiger' on Shannon spindle whorl (fig.

Members | ShrubHub

Laia Andreu* Sandra Angers-Blondin* George Argus · Jakob Assmann* Claudia Baittinger · Jonathan Barichivich* Andres Baron* Pieter Beck* Logan Berner*

Local variability in growth and reproduction of Salix arctica in the...

author = "N. Boulanger-Lapointe and E. L{\'e}vesque and Claudia Baittinger and Schmidt, {Niels Martin}",. year = "2016",. language = "English",. volume = "35",.

Netzwerk - Platform Geosciences (SCNAT) - Plattform Geowissenschaften

... Noémie Boulanger-Lapointe, Christian Rixen, Esther Lévesque, Niels Martin Schmidt, Claudia Baittinger, Andrew J. Trant, Luise Hermanutz, Laura Siegwart ...

Nedl North European Dendro Lab V Claudia C/o Claudia...

Nedl North European Dendro Lab V Claudia - Denmark business overview: agent, contacts, address, registration date, reports and more. Denmark company code:...

Now Available - May Issue of "Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research"...

By: Niels M. Schmidt, Claudia Baittinger, and Mads C. Forchhammer. Nitrogen Fixation, Denitrification, and Ecosystem Nitrogen Pools in

Quaternary Research: Volume Issue 3 | Cambridge Core

Cambridge Core - Quaternary Research - Volume Issue 3


MRI community and Proclim expert database. The MRI experts database comprises 9'600 entries of people involved in mountain research, management, governmental...

The Ecological implications of a Yakutian mammoth's last mealwww.cambridge.org › core › article

... André Aptroot, Claudia Baittinger, Hilary H. Birks, Ian D. Bull, Hugh B. Cross, Richard P. Evershed, Barbara Gravendeel, Erwin J.O. Kompanje, Peter Kuperus, ...

The ecological implications of a Yakutian mammoth's last meal —...

author = "{van Geel}, Bas and Andre Aptroot and Claudia Baittinger and Birks, {Hilary H.} and Bull, {Ian D.} and Cross, {Hugh B.} and Evershed, {Richard P.} and ...

The ecology of a Pleistocene mammoth’s last meal

While Scandinavia was covered in ice during the last glacial maximum, a mammoth lived and died in a very different climate and vegetation in unglaciated...

Turabian - Polar Researchpolarresearch.net › polar › get › tu...

Boulanger-Lapointe, Noémie, Esther Lévesque, Claudia Baittinger, and Niels M. Schmidt. “Local Variability in Growth and Reproduction of <em>Salix ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Claudia

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Italienisch, Spanisch, Skandinavisch): Claudia; der Hinkende; Lateinisch (Römischer Beiname); claudus = hinkend, lahmend; Information zur männlichen Form Claudius:; von einem altrömischen Familiennamen 'Claudius', der wiederum auf einen römischen Beinamen 'Claudus' (hinkend) zurückgeht kommt von Claudius, dem Lahmen, Kumpelnden. Daher wird die Bedeutung auf Claudia übertragen. Im Biblischen, die Geliebte der name claudia kommt aus dem griechischen und bedeutet "die Hinkende"

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