476 Infos zu Claudia Henschke

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82 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Spiegel.de: Verdeckte Förderung: Tabakkonzern finanzierte Lungenkrebsstudie

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Wissenschaft] - Lungenkrebs ist in 90 Prozent der Fälle heilbar, verkündete im Jahr ein US-Forscherteam. Die Studie sorgte damals für Aufsehen und Streit unter Medizinern. Jetzt ist ein brisantes Detail publik geworden: Ein US-Zigarettenhersteller hat die Studie mit 3,6 Millionen Dollar unterstützt. 

Spiegel.de: Krebsrisiko: Rauchen gefährdet Frauenlungen stärker

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Wissenschaft] - Rauchen schadet der Gesundheit - der von Frauen allerdings mehr als der von Männern, wie eine neue Studie nahe legt. Demnach ist das Lungenkrebs-Risiko für Raucherinnen doppelt so hoch wie für Raucher. 

The Seattle Times

— In October 2006, Dr. Claudia Henschke of Weill Cornell Medical College in New York roiled the cancer world with a ...

Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Dr Claudia Henschke. Professor of Radiology Weill Medical College Cornell University Dept. of Radiology 525 East 68th Street J New York, NY chensch ...

16 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

: Claudia Henschke aus (Oder)

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: Claudia Henschke aus Hamburg

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: Claudia Henschke aus /Dithmarschen

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Facebook: Claudia Henschke | Facebook

27 Hobbys & Interessen

21 Fotos und hochauflösende Bilder zu Claudia Henschke

Claudia Henschke attends AMERICAN LEGACY FOUNDATION Honors Award Ceremony at The Pierre Hotel on March 10, in New York City.

Patrick McMullan

Claudia Henschke, Deborah Morosini, Cheryl Healton, Tom Peterson, April Wilkner, Bill Novelli, Jason Meza

Conversations in Imaging - Index

Read full-text medical journal articles from Medscape's Conversations in Imaging.

Early Lung Cancer Action Project - The Lancet

von H Kawabata · · Zitiert von: 9 — Claudia Henschke and colleagues. Henschke CI; McCauley DI; Yankelevitz DF; et al. Early lung cancer action project: overall design and ... › fulltext

2 Business-Profile

Xing: Claudia Henschke

Optometristin / Oranienburg / Kontaklinsenanpassung (weich & formstabil), Brillenanpassung, Optometrie, Führungskompetenz, Teamfähigkeit, Augenheilkunde, Augenoptik, lösungsorientiertes Denken & Arbeiten / , Fielmann AG & Co. OHG, Berlin, Augenklinik Berlin Marzahn, Berlin

Xing: Claudia Henschke - Computervalidierung - Vetter Pharma | XING

Berufserfahrung von Claudia Henschke. Bis heute 5 Jahre, seit Mai Computervalidierung Vetter Pharma. 4 Jahre und 5 Monate, Dez Apr SAP Beraterin. Schuler Pressen GmbH . 1 Jahr und 8 Monate, Apr Nov Programmer. Accenture ...

3 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Meet the Doctors - I-ELCAP

9. Juli · Claudia Henschke, PhD MD. A pioneer and leading expert in diagnostic radiology, Claudia Henschke has long believed that smokers and those exposed to second-hand tobacco smoke should be screened for early detection of lung cancer, when a tumor is still small enough to be cured.

Cigarette Company Paid for Lung Cancer Study - New York ...

In October 2006, Dr. Claudia Henschke of Weill Cornell Medical College jolted the cancer world with a study saying that. 80 percent of lung ...

Meet Our Team - Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

A pioneer and leading expert in diagnostic radiology, Claudia Henschke has long believed that smokers and former smokers should consider being screened with ... › research

9 Persönliche Webseiten

Lung Cancer Screening Dramatically Increases Long-term Survival...

22. Nov · “While screening doesn’t prevent cancers from occurring, it is an important tool in identifying lung cancers in their early stage when they can be surgically removed,” said the study’s lead author, Claudia Henschke, PhD, MD, Professor of Diagnostic, Molecular and Interventional Radiology and Director of the Early Lung and ...

Mount Sinai

Claudia Henschke on Fighting Lung Cancer. NBC Nightly News. Newsroom · Press ... Claudia Henschke, MD, Professor of Radiology at The Mount Sinai Hospital.

Claudia Henschke | Facebook

Claudia Henschke ist bei Facebook. Tritt Facebook bei, um dich mit Claudia Henschke und anderen Nutzern, die du kennst, zu vernetzen. Facebook ermöglicht ...

Dr. Claudia Henschke: “Trade-offs Seen with Higher Lung Cancer CT...

A more restrictive definition of a positive result in CT screening for lung cancer could reduce the rate of false-positives and unnecessary follow-up tests, ...

1 Infos zur Ausbildung

M.S. Graduates | SMU Dedman College of Humanities & Sciences

Claudia Henschke Mason. B. C. Thomas William Elwood. Gavin Gregory. George Hair. Don Hutcherson. C. J. Nelson. Wayne Williams Roberto Alanis. › Alumni

1 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker

IMDB Filmographie: IMDb

WMC Live 67: Amanda Hess, Soraya Chemaly, Dr. Claudia Henschke, Julia Maris. (Original Airdate ): With Robin Morgan.

1 Traueranzeigen

FindLaw Caselaw

Case opinion for NY Supreme Court, Appellate Division IN RE: Application of Claudia HENSCHKE. Read the Court's full decision on FindLaw.

1 Angaben zur Herkunft

Vera Claudia HENSCHKE b. 29 Dec Keyneton, SA, Australia: Bart...

Vera Claudia HENSCHKE b. 29 Dec Keyneton, SA, Australia: Bart Kakoschke's Extended Family Tree

1 Projekte

CT Scans And Smoke - Florida Lung, Asthma & Sleep Spe…tsfloridalungdoctors.com › projects › ct-scans-and-sm...

Florida Lung Doctors Applaud New Help For Old Lungs! Claudia Henschke, Ph.D., M.D., a radiologist at Mount Sinai Medical [...] By ...

41 Bücher zum Namen

Lung Cancer.

von Claudia I. (Ed.) Henschke, 2000, Gebundene Ausgabe

Nachhaltige Mobilität im Nationalpark: Potenziale für eine sanfte Anreise zum Besucherzentrum des Nationalparks Jasmund

von Claudia Henschke, VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2010, Taschenbuch

On The Applicability of Multivariate Statistical Techniques

von Claudia Henschke-Mason, Kenneth Kundert, Ming Min Chen and H.R.S. Baxi Carl F. Kossack, Aerospace Research Laboratories, 1973, Taschenbuch

American Health & Drug Benefits

Claudia I. Henschke, PhD, MD. Clinical Professor Radiology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai New York. Clinical Professor, Radiology, Icahn School of ...

14 Dokumente

Wileyhttps://www.wiley.com › L...Lung Cancer: Myths, Facts, Choices--and Hope

... Claudia Henschke's groundbreaking research on early diagnosis, published in Lancet, made headlines worldwide. Now, for the first time, she offers specific ,95 $

Claudia Henschke Match Results, Splits, and Analysis

Claudia Henschke [USA]. Date of birth: 03-Mar Results and stats on this page: Results, Seasons, Notable Events. Complete, filterable results: Go straight ... Claudia Henschke [USA]. Date of birth: 03-Mar Results and stats on this page: Results, Seasons, Notable Events. Complete, filterable results: Go straight ...

Journal of Thoracic Oncology

von CI Henschke · · Zitiert von: 8 — Claudia Henschke is a named inventor on a number of patents and patent applications relating to the evaluation of pulmonary nodules on CT scans of the chest ...

Montefiore Einstein

Claudia Henschke, MD. Director, International Early Lung Cancer Action Program. A pioneer and leading expert in the field of lung cancer screening, Dr ...

8 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen


von C Henschke · · Zitiert von: 5 — From the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer Early Detection and Screening Committee. Author links open overlay panel. Claudia Henschke MD a

Claudia I. Henschke, Icahn School of Medicine at

Read 43 articles by Claudia I. Henschke of Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai on ScienceDirect, the world's leading source for scientific, technical, and medical research.

World Trade Center responders with the greatest exposure to toxic...

Researchers have found evidence that World Trade Center responders had a higher likelihood of developing liver disease if they arrived at the site right after...

Balancing curability and unnecessary surgery in the context...

Claudia Henschke is also an inventor of the patents and pending patents owned by CRF. Since April 2009, she has divested herself of all royalties and other ...

3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

AGILE Conference Agenda w/QR code - iDNA

Claudia Henschke, PhD, MD. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. New York, NY. Matthijs Oudkerk, MD, PhD. University of Groningen. Groningen, Netherlands. Claudia Henschke, PhD, MD. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. New York, NY. Matthijs Oudkerk, MD, PhD. University of Groningen. Groningen, Netherlands.

Visual scoring of aortic valve calcifications on low-dose CT in lung...

Dr. Claudia Henschke is also a named inventor on a number of patents and patent applications relating to the evaluation of pulmonary nodules ...

HENSCHKE v. NEW YORK HOSP | 821 F.Supp (1993) | supp |...

MEMORANDUM AND ORDER PRESKA District Judge. Background Plaintiff Dr. Claudia Henschke is employed by The New York Hospital Cornell...supp

5 Video- & Audioinhalte

YouTube · I-ELCAPCa. 30 Aufrufe · vor 1 JahrUpdates and Goals of the Meeting - Claudia Henschke

Updates and Goals of the Meeting - Claudia Henschke. 35 views · 1 year ago ...more. I-ELCAP Subscribe.


Screening, surgical cure and new developments: How to avoid false positives in... Dr Claudia Henschke - Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, USA. Screening ...

Claudia Henschke and Bo Aldige - AGDQ YouTubeYouTube · Games Done Quick590+ Aufrufe · vor 10 Monaten

In this interview, we talk with Claudia Henschke and Bo Aldige about the history of lung cancer screening. For more information on AGDQ

How to avoid false positives in lung cancerecancer

— Dr Claudia Henschke - Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, USA. Dr Henschke talks to ecancertv at the Future Horizons In Lung Cancer conference ...

16 Meinungen & Artikel

Twitter-Nachrichten: X · oncodailyCa. 10 „Gefällt mir“-Angaben · vor 1 MonatDr. Claudia Henschke for her work on early lung cancer detection. ...

4⃣Joseph W. Cullen Award: Dr. Claudia Henschke for her work on early lung cancer detection. #EarlyDetection.

Twitter-Nachrichten: X · TischCancer1 „Gefällt mir“-Angabe · vor 1 MonatThe Tisch Cancer Institute

Congratulations to Dr. Claudia Henschke, recipient of @IASLC award. https://t.co/8fjRvSLebs @IcahnMountSinai.


von CI Henschke · — In the Viewpoint article by Claudia Henschke published in the August issue of Nature. Clinical Practice Oncology, it was not disclosed at the time of ...


Claudia Henschke from Mount Sinai Hospital. Both deal with Lung Cancer, one of the most degrading diseases, Dr. Ricardo as a Thoracic Surgeon and Dra. Claudia ...

223 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Google Scholar

Claudia Henschke. Professor of Radiology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. Verified email at mountsinai.org. Lung cancer screening.

Claudia Henschke - The Lung Cancer Policy Network

Claudia Henschke. Dr Henschke is a pioneer and leading expert in diagnostic radiology, with more than 25 years of clinical and research experience in low-dose computed tomography screening. She has led the implementation of numerous city, state, national and international lung screening programmes.

Claudia Henschke

— 14.4M posts. Discover videos related to Claudia Henschke on TikTok. See more videos about Christina Daschke, Annika Jaschke, Emma Purschke — 14.4M posts. Discover videos related to Claudia Henschke on TikTok. See more videos about Christina Daschke, Annika Jaschke, Emma Purschke.

Claudia Henschke's research works | Weill Cornell Medical ...

Claudia Henschke's 7 research works with 47 citations, including: Meeting Summary of the 12th International Conference on Screening for Lung Cancer: Nara, ... Claudia Henschke's 7 research works with 47 citations, including: Meeting Summary of the 12th International Conference on Screening for Lung Cancer: Nara, ...

Claudia Henschke, PhD, MD, Radiologist

Dr. Claudia Henschke is a board-certified diagnostic radiologist who sees patients at Mount Sinai Medical Center's ELCAP (Early Lung & Cardiac Screening ... Dr. Claudia Henschke is a board-certified diagnostic radiologist who sees patients at Mount Sinai Medical Center's ELCAP (Early Lung & Cardiac Screening ...

Claudia Henschke - Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

8. Jan · Henschke was a Professor of Radiology at Weill Cornell Medical College before joining Mount Sinai. Dr. Henschke has authored over 250 peer reviewed publications, two books and more than 30 chapters in books.

Prediction of Claudia Henschke vs Nancy Richey Head ...

Claudia Henschke vs Nancy Richey Important H2H Prediction Stats: Head-to-head: Henschke Richey. Second serve performance recent form: In recent form ... Claudia Henschke vs Nancy Richey Important H2H Prediction Stats: Head-to-head: Henschke Richey. Second serve performance recent form: In recent form ...

Claudia I. Henschke's research

AI-enabled Left Atrial Volumetry in Cardiac CT Scans Improves CHARGE-AF and Outperforms NT-ProBNP for Prediction of Atrial Fibrillation in Asymptomatic Individuals: Multi-Ethnic Study of ...

“Saving Lungs” - Dr. Claudia Henschke

“Saving Lungs” - Dr. Claudia Henschke. ABC: WCHS TV. Newsroom · Press Releases · In the News · Specialty Reports. “Saving Lungs” - Dr. Claudia Henschke. ABC: WCHS TV. Newsroom · Press Releases · In the News · Specialty Reports.

Claudia Henschke, PhD, MD, a Radiologist with Mount ...

— Get to know Radiologist Dr. Claudia Henschke, who serves patients in New York, New York — Get to know Radiologist Dr. Claudia Henschke, who serves patients in New York, New York.

Claudia Henschke, PhD, MD: A Pioneer and Leading ...

— Dr. Claudia Henschke, a dedicated radiologist with over 25 years of clinical and research experience, continues to revolutionize the field of diagnostic — Dr. Claudia Henschke, a dedicated radiologist with over 25 years of clinical and research experience, continues to revolutionize the field of diagnostic ...

International Society Of Business Leaders

Biography : Dr. Claudia Henschke is a professor and doctor at the College since She has been in the Division Chief of Chest Imaging in Radiology.


See what Claudia Henschke (claudia_henschke) has discovered on Pinterest, the world's biggest collection of ideas.


Claudia Henschke's 7 research works with 47 citations, including: Meeting Summary of the 12th International Conference on Screening for Lung Cancer: Nara, ...

The ASCO Post

— Ochsner Health has announced the recipient of the 37th Annual Alton Ochsner Award Relating Smoking and Disease: Claudia Henschke, PhD, MD.

Wham Now

Claudia Henschke. 25 June WHAM is dedicated to funding women's health research and investment to transform women's lives. LEARN MORE.


— This article is part of the Tobacco portal on Sourcewatch funded from by the American Legacy Foundation. Claudia Henschke. Dr.

Super Doctors

Claudia Henschke (New York, New York) Doctor Profile on SuperDoctors.com, practicing in Radiology. Contact Doctor Claudia Henschke.


Browse Claudia Henschke Conferences & Courses. Find upcoming conference details & earn CME/CE Credits.

Applehttps://podcasts.apple.com › ...Lung Cancer Screening with Low Dose CT

Claudia Henschke, Dr. Rowena Yip, and Dr. David Yankelevitz. A 20-year Follow-up of the International Early Lung Cancer Action Program (I-ELCAP). Henschke ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Claudia

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Italienisch, Spanisch, Skandinavisch): Claudia; der Hinkende; Lateinisch (Römischer Beiname); claudus = hinkend, lahmend; Information zur männlichen Form Claudius:; von einem altrömischen Familiennamen 'Claudius', der wiederum auf einen römischen Beinamen 'Claudus' (hinkend) zurückgeht kommt von Claudius, dem Lahmen, Kumpelnden. Daher wird die Bedeutung auf Claudia übertragen. Im Biblischen, die Geliebte der name claudia kommt aus dem griechischen und bedeutet "die Hinkende"

Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Henschke

Meiner Meinung nach stammt der Familienname "Henschke" aus dem Slawischen und bedeutet: der/die Kleine

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