37 Infos zu Claus Rühland

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1 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Taz: TAZ

Peter-Claus Rühland, aber auch davon, daß in der Bundesrepublik agierende türkische Parteien das Unglück zum Anlaß genommen hätten, ihre politischen ...

3 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

: Claus Rühland aus Michelsneukirchen

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: Claus Rühland aus Vorstadt)

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Claus Ruehland | Semantic Scholar

Semantic Scholar profile for Claus Ruehland, with 1 highly influential citations and 6 scientific research papers.

1 Hobbys & Interessen

LandOfFree - Inventor - Claus Ruehland

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1 Business-Profile

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1 Infos zur Ausbildung

Scholars Portal Journals

Claus Ruehland · Thomas Schumacher · Wolf M. Bertling · Eugen Geuther · Christian O. A. Reiser · Christoph Reichel · Sandra Strich · Juergen Hess. Source ...

3 Bücher zum Namen

Google Books

Title, Funktionen von Decorin und seiner Glycosaminoglycan-Kette bei der Collagen-Fibrillogenese in einem dreidimensionalen Matrixmodell ; Author, Claus Rühland.

Claus Ruehland | XanEdu Customization Platform

Author: Claus Ruehland. Results. Murine polyomavirus-like particles induce maturation of bone marrow-derived dendritic cells and proliferation of T cells.

Funktionen von Decorin und seiner Glycosaminoglycan-Kette bei der...

... seiner Glycosaminoglycan-Kette bei der Collagen-Fibrillogenese in einem dreidimensionalen Matrixmodell. Front Cover. Claus Rühland pages.

1 Songs & Musik

Full text of "Advanced Antigen Delivery of Murine Survivin: Chimeric...

Note: Thomas Schumacher and Claus Ruehland contributed equally to this paper. The affiliation of most authors and the place where the study was completed, ...

3 Dokumente

Wiley Online Library

von C Ruehland · · Zitiert von: 2 — Claus Ruehland,. Claus Ruehland. responsif GmbH, Erlangen, Germany. Search for more papers by this author · Christoph Reichel,. Christoph ...


%0 Journal Article %A Thomas Schumacher %A Claus Ruehland %A Christine Schultheiss %A Marc Brinkman %A Franz Roedel %A Christian O. A. Reiser %A Juergen ...

Development of a vaccine marker technology: Display of B cell...

in piglets after vaccination. Markus Neugebauer. 1,. *, Birgit Walders. 1,2. , Marc Brinkman. 1,2. , Claus Ruehland. 2. , Thomas Schumacher. 2. ,. Wolf M. Bertling.

3 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Ingenta Connect

Claus Ruehland is Protein Engineering Scientist at responsif GmbH Erlangen, Germany. He studied chemistry at the University of Muenster, Germany and ...

Protein-Based Nanosystems: Virus-Like-Particles in Modern Vaccine...:...

Christoph Reichel, Claus Ruehland, Christian O. A. Reiser, and Juergen Hess∗ Claus Ruehland is Protein Engineering Scientist at responsif GmbH Erlangen ...

Heterologous Virus-Like-Particles: Recombinant Nanosystems as Ver...:...

Christoph Reichel, Marc Brinkman, Claus Ruehland, Christian O.A. Reiser and ... responsif GmbHD Erlangen, Germany.

3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen


von T Bickert · · Zitiert von: 26 — Claus Ruehland,; Christian O. A. Reiser,; Juergen Hess & … Klaus J. Erb ... Marc Brinkman, Claus Ruehland, Christian O. A. Reiser & Juergen Hess. Authors.

Murine polyomavirus-like particles induce maturation of bone...

... Brinkman (2); Claudia M. Trujillo-Vargas (1) (5); Claus Ruehland (2) ... University of Wuerzburg, Wuerzburg, Germany; 2. responsif GmbH, ...

Oalib search

Abstract: Success in cancer immunotherapy depends on the identification and efficient targeting of specific tumor-associated antigens.

15 Webfunde aus dem Netz


Claus Ruehland's 6 research works with 26 citations and 707 reads, including: Modified erythropoietin (EPO) with improved bioactivity.

AI Chat for scientific PDFs | SciSpace

Claus Rühland 1, Elke Schönherr 2, Horst Robenek 1, Uwe Hansen 1, Renato V. Iozzo 3, Peter Bruckner 1, Daniela G. Seidler 1 - Show less +3 more ...

Bentham Science

Author(s): Christoph Reichel, Marc Brinkman, Claus Ruehland, Christian O. A. Reiser and Juergen Hess. Interferons: Mechanisms, Biological Activities and ...


Author(s): Christoph Reichel, Marc Brinkman, Claus Ruehland, Christian O. A. Reiser, Juergen Hess. Previous Next. Go To. 1, 2. Results of 11. Filter ...


↑ Claus Ruehland, Christoph Reichel, Markus Neugebauer, Sandra Strich, Wolf M. Bertling: ImmunoTrack®: The novel antibody-based technology for tracing in ...

Grow Kudos

Claus Rühland, Elke Schönherr, Horst Robenek, Uwe Hansen, Renato V. Iozzo, Peter Bruckner, Daniela G. Seidler. FEBS Journal, July 2007, Wiley. DOI: j ...

National Institutes of Health (NIH) (.gov)

von C Ruehland · · Zitiert von: 2 — Claus Ruehland , Christoph Reichel, Markus Neugebauer, Sandra Strich, Wolf M Bertling, Christian O A Reiser, Juergen Hess. Affiliation. 1 responsif GmbH ...


Christine Schultheiss 5 Marc Brinkman 5 Christian O.A. Reiser 5 Claus Ruehland 1 Thomas Schumacher 1 Franz Roedel 2 Juergen Hess 3 Christoph Reichel 4;


Claus Ruehland,Christoph Reichel,Markus Neugebauer,Sandra Strich,Wolf M. Bertling,Christian O. A. Reiser,Juergen Hess 年/第6期《Biotechnology Journal》 ...

SpringerCitations - Details Page

The glycosaminoglycan chain of decorin plays an important role in collagen fibril formation at the early stages of fibrillogenesis. Claus Rühland, Elke Schönherr, ...

Heterologous Virus-Like-Particles: Recombinant Nanosystems as...

Biological protein-based entities that form nanostructures ranging from 8 to 50 nm in size represent promising candidates in the development of novel immun

Murine polyomavirus-like particles induce maturation of bone...

responsif GmbH. autor. Claudia M. Trujillo-Vargas. Center for ... Claus Ruehland. responsif GmbH. autor ... responsif GmbH. autor. Klaus J. Erb.


In 1991, Claus Ruehland of Windhoek donated a fine collection of about 300 pieces to the Swakopmund Museum on the occasion of its 40 th anniversary.

Method for Producing Virus-Type Particles Containing an Active...

Patent application title: Method for Producing Virus-Type Particles Containing an Active Substance Inventors: Christoph Reichel (Martinsried, DE) Claus Rühland

American Scientific Publishers

Christoph Reichel, Claus Ruehland, Christian O. A. Reiser, and Juergen Hess J. Biomed. Nanotechnol. 2, 186–200 (2006)

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Claus

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Claus; Altgriechisch (Wortzusammensetzung); seit dem Mittelalter verselbständigte Kurzform von 'Nikolaus'; erst seit dem 20. Jh. verbreitet

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