139 Infos zu Claus Weinholdt

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4 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Mannschaften (Maenner)archiv.gwuthleben.de › Mannschaften

Jens Großmann. David Schlegel. Patrick Egelkraut. Fabian Ludwig. Marc Amling. Stephan Knabe. Chris Oppenberger. Claus Weinholdt. Robert Knopp ...


Kreisliga Spiele in dieser Saison: 0 Spiele letzte 5 Jahre: 0

Zwei Neue verstärken Wacker 90 : , Uhr

Aus den A-Junioren rücken Claus Weinholdt, Christian Ketzmann, Matthias Emde, Steve Schnause, Christian Missbach und Steve Jochmann ...

Inner clock: Biologists research the mechanis

— Katja Meyer, Tino Köster, Christine Nolte, Claus Weinholdt, Martin Lewinski, Ivo Grosse and Dorothee Staiger: Adaptation of iCLIP to plants ...

4 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

LinkedIn: Claus Weinholdt – Bioinformatician, Data Scientist – Institute ...

Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Claus Weinholdt auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. 4 Jobs sind im Profil von Claus Weinholdt ...

Claus Weinholdt aehr2

Claus Weinholdt aehr2. :octocat: Follow · 9 followers · 27 following ... in/claus-weinholdt · https://orcid.org · Achievements.

Claus Weinholdt

Causes and Consequences of A Glutamine Induced Normoxic HIF1 Activity for the Tumor Metabolism. · Matthias Kappler · Ulrike Pabst · Claus Weinholdt · Helge Taubert ...

Loop | Claus Weinholdt

Claus Weinholdt. Diploma. Doctorate Student / Research Assistant. Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg. Halle, Germany. View All. mini profile avatar ...

1 Business-Profile

Xing: Claus Weinholdt

Bioinformatician; Data Analyst / Halle / Bioinformatik, Data Analysis, R, Molekularbiologie, Java, Maschinelles Lernen, Statistik, snakemake / , Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg

1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

Claus Weinholdt. Orcid icon · View Researcher. Researcher. Michael Sekania. Orcid icon · View Researcher. Researcher ...

1 Infos zur Ausbildung

Forschungsseminar Bioinformatik und Bildverarbeitung

Claus Weinholdt: Detecting paralog-specific gene expression associated with floral induction in the allopolyploid Brassica napus: 22. Jun. Yvonne Pöschl: Unity in defence: honeybee workers exhibit conserved molecular responses to diverse pathogens: 29. Jun. Vsevolod Makeev

1 Projekte

PP-6: Grosse, Hinneburg, Zimmermann — SPP 1530: Flowering Time...

PhD Students: Ioana Lemnian. Contact: ioana.lemian(at)informatik.uni-halle.de. Claus Weinholdt. Contact: claus.weinholdt(at)informatik.uni-halle.de. Deblina Patra

3 Bücher zum Namen

Advances in Applied Bioinformatics in Crops - Google Books

We thank all the members of the Bioinformatics Group of HalleWittenberg University, especially Alexander Gabel, Jan Grau, Claus Weinholdt, Silvio Weging, and ...

9 Dokumente

Changes in Conformational Dynamics of mRNA upon AtGRP7 ...

von M Schüttpelz · · Zitiert von: 62 — Katja Meyer, Tino Köster, Christine Nolte, Claus Weinholdt, Martin Lewinski, Ivo Grosse, Dorothee Staiger. Adaptation of iCLIP to plants ...

Whole‐transcriptome analysis reveals genetic factors ...

von S Shah · · Zitiert von: 52 — Claus Weinholdt,. Claus Weinholdt. Institute of Computer Science, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle (Saale), Germany. Search for ...

Appendix 1: Initial signatures

... Claus Weinholdt | Prof. Dr. Johannes Weinig | Prof. Florian Weininger | Dr. Helmut Weinläder | Dr. Silke Weinlich | Dr. Tobias Weinmann | Dr. Gudrun ...

Shedding of Soluble Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (sEGFR) Is ...pubs.acs.org › doi › abs

· ... Claus Weinholdt, Henri Wichmann, Johanna Kotrba, David H. Ardell, Matthias Kappler, Alexander W. Eckert, Dirk Vordermark, Ivo Grosse.

25 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

BMC Plant Biology reviewer acknowledgement | BMC Plant Biology |...

Claus Weinholdt. Germany. Jim Weller. Australia. Ralf Welsch. Germany. Neele Wendler. Germany. Yiqun Weng. USA. Diego Wengier. USA.

dblp: Claus Weinholdt

List of computer science publications by Claus Weinholdt

Mittelerde Meeting th Central German Meeting on ...webapp.biotec.tu-dresden.de › event › timetable

Claus Weinholdt (Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg Institute of Computer Science). 18:10 Linking exposure data to transcriptomic effects for the ...

Dipl.-Bioinform. Claus Weinholdt

Contact Claus Weinholdt Institut für Informatik Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. room Halle phone: +

4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

A Detailed Analysis of the BR1 Locus ...

von C Tränkner · · Zitiert von: 26 — Melzer, and Claus Weinholdt for help and intensive discussions, and thank Christopher Somes for reading the manuscript. SUPPLEMENTARY ...

German Conference on Bioinformatics DROPS - Schloss ...www.yumpu.com › document › view › german-con...

· Claus Weinholdt. Stephan Weise. Dirk Willrodt. ong>German ong> ong>Conference ong> on Bioinformatics (GCB'12).

Prediction of regulatory targets of alternative isoforms of the...

Claus Weinholdt Email author; Henri Wichmann; Johanna Kotrba; David H. Ardell; Matthias Kappler; Alexander W. Eckert; Dirk Vordermark ...

RNA-Seq Data Analysis for Studying Abiotic Stress in ...

Claus Weinholdt at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg · Claus Weinholdt · Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg · Ivo Grosse at Martin Luther ...

3 Meinungen & Artikel

Wikipedia: Tomato-bushy-stunt-Virus

Claus Weinholdt, Ivo Grosse, Jana Schuck, Sven-Erik Behrens, Vitantonio Pantaleo, Torsten Gursinsky: Highly efficacious antiviral protection of plants by ...

Anderson Silva | Desiccation & Diversity in Dryland Mossesdrylandmoss.wordpress.com › melvin-oliver › ander...

Hajk-Georg Drost, Julia Bellstädt, Diarmuid S. Ó'Maoiléidigh, Silva AT, Alexander Gabel, Claus Weinholdt, Patrick T. Ryan, Bas J. W. Dekkers, ...

81 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Claus Weinholdt posted on LinkedIn

More Relevant Posts. View profile for Claus Weinholdt, graphic · Claus Weinholdt. Focus on the gain not on the gap. 12mo. Report this post; Close menu. I am ...

Claus Weinholdt

Claus Weinholdt. Researcher at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg;. Email confirmado em informatik.uni-halle.de - Página inicial · RNA ...

Hi, my name is Martin Lewinski, - ppt download

Julian König Claus Weinholdt With this i want to thank … Acknowledgements Prof. Dr. Dorothee Staiger Katja Meyer. 12 Thank you for your attention! And thank ...

Claus Weinholdt - MDPI, Genome Biology, bioRxiv

Find Claus Weinholdt's articles, email address, contact information, Twitter and more.

Claus Weinholdt (aehr2) - Libraries.io

Claus Weinholdt. Tracking 1 commits to 1 open source packages. Last synced: :24:31 UTC. Login to resync this page. Libraries.io helps you find ...

Claus Weinholdt - 中国教育图书进出口有限公司socolar.com › Search

共9 条结果, 检索条件:( ( *(AU:("Claus Weinholdt")) ) ). 全选 排序:. 相关度, 出版日期降序, 出版日期升序. 导出:. BibTex, RIS, CSV. 标题; 作者; 作者单位

Cover Art: Leibniz-Institut für Pflanzenbiochemie

... Alexander Gabel, Claus Weinholdt, Patrick T. Ryan, Bas J. W. Dekkers, Leónie Bentsink, Henk W. M. Hilhorst, Wilco Ligterink, Frank Wellmer, ...

GCB 2010: German Conference on Bioinformatics 2010

25th German Conference on Bioinformatics GCB Program Talks will be ... Jens Keilwagen, Manolis Maragkakis, Claus Weinholdt & Stefan Posch:

62. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Institute für...

... Gruppengröße die Genexpression in Hummeln Helbing, Sophie; Claus Weinholdt, Ivo Grosse, H. Michael, G. Lattorff Institut für Biologie, Molekulare Ökologie, ...

62. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der SlideDocument

... Claus Weinholdt, Ivo Grosse, H. Michael, G. Lattorff Institut für Biologie, Molekulare Ökologie, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, ...

Posters - GCB – German Conference on Bioinformatics 2013

Claus Weinholdt, Nazgol Emrani, Ioana Lemnian, Nicole Jedrusik, Carlos Molina, Christian Jung and Ivo Grosse P 44 Towards an optimal transcriptome assembly of …

(PDF) Post-embryonic hourglass patterns mark ontogenetic ...

... Claus Weinholdt, Patrick T. Ryan, Bas J. W. Dekkers, Le onie Bentsink,4,5 Henk W. M. Hilhorst,4 Wilco Ligterink,4 Frank Wellmer,3 Ivo Grosse,1,6 and Marcel ...

Additional file 1 of Prediction of regulatory targets of alternative...

posted on , 21:26 by Claus Weinholdt, Henri Wichmann, Johanna Kotrba, David Ardell, Matthias Kappler, Alexander Eckert, Dirk Vordermark, Ivo ...

Artemis G. Hatzigeorgiou - researchr alias

... HMMJan Grau, Daniel Arend, Ivo Grosse, Artemis G. Hatzigeorgiou, Jens Keilwagen, Manolis Maragkakis, Claus Weinholdt, Stefan Posch. gcb 2010:

A Detailed Analysis of the BR1 Locus Suggests a New ...

... Claus Weinholdt for help and intensive discussions, and thank Christopher Somes for reading the manuscript. SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL The Supplementary ...

BMC Plant Biology reviewer acknowledgement CyberLeninkacyberleninka.org › article

Clemens Van De Wiel Eric Von Wettberg Claus Weinholdt. Netherlands USA Germany. Harrold Van Den Burg Eva Vranova Jim Weller. Netherlands Slovakia Australia.

Additional file 2: Table S1. of Adaptation of iCLIP to plants Figsharefigshare.com › articles › dataset › Additional_file_2_Table_S1_of_Adaptat...

posted on , 22:00 by Katja Meyer, Tino KĂśster, Christine Nolte, Claus Weinholdt, Martin Lewinski, Ivo Grosse, Dorothee Staiger. Preprocessing of ...

Additional file 1: Figure S1. of Adaptation of iCLIP to plants...

posted on , 22:00 by Katja Meyer Tino Köster Christine Nolte Claus Weinholdt Martin Lewinski Ivo Grosse Dorothee Staiger. Monitoring for UV stress ...

Additional file 2: Table S1. of Adaptation of iCLIP to plants ...

Claus Weinholdt, Martin Lewinski, Ivo Grosse, Dorothee Staiger. Preprocessing of the iCLIP sequencing libraries at LL36 and mapping statistics. Table S2 ...

BMC Plant Biology reviewer acknowledgement Galelink.gale.com › apps › doc › AONE

Claus Weinholdt. Germany. Jim Weller. Australia. Ralf Welsch. Germany. Neele Wendler. Germany. Yiqun Weng. USA. Diego Wengier. USA. Elizabeth Weretilnyk.

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Claus

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Claus; Altgriechisch (Wortzusammensetzung); seit dem Mittelalter verselbständigte Kurzform von 'Nikolaus'; erst seit dem 20. Jh. verbreitet

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