106 Infos zu Conrad Cantzen

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9 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Cantzen's Shoes

Talk story about the Conrad Cantzen Shoe Fund, which, through the Actors' Fund, provides shoes for needy, unemployed actors & actresses. Since 1948, …

Etwas mehr Normalität für junge Eltern

Das erleben auch Christin und Conrad Cantzen so, deren kleiner Sohn Jonte am 1. September kerngesund im Gronauer Kreißsaal zur Welt kam. Zusammen verbringen ...

21 Nov "Pauper" Leaves Fortune For Actors' Shoes

For nearly 50 years an almost unknown actor, Conrad Cantzen, wore his shoes thin trudging from one theatrical casting office to ...

From the E-Mailbag… – News From ME

— The number is a tribute to Conrad Cantzen, an actor who died in It was thought that Conrad was down on his luck, but when he died he ...

10 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Conrad Cantzen shoe fund Sagaftra Background | Facebook

Facebook: Karen Mason - In 1945, actor Conrad Cantzen bequeathed his...

LinkedIn: Conrad Cantzen - Winsch Consult GmbH

Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Conrad Cantzen auf LinkedIn, einer professionellen Community mit mehr als 1 Milliarde Mitgliedern, an.

Twitter Profil: Molly Thomas (@mcthomas) / X

This is a real thing and really works! Conrad Cantzen Shoe Fund.

1 Hobbys & Interessen

The New Secretary Original Broadway Unknown Cast 1913

Conrad Cantzen Headshot · Conrad Cantzen · Performer · Charles Cherry Headshot · Charles Cherry · Performer · Marie Doro Headshot · Marie Doro · Performer.

4 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker

Conrad Cantzen

Upcoming, new, and past Conrad Cantzen movies, TV shows, TV movies, appearances, specials, and more -- plus, a biography, news, awards, and nominations.

Conrad Cantzen

Conrad Cantzen. Інфо. Фільмографія. Відгуки. Відгуки · Форум. Conrad Cantzen. Актор. 50% % 0. Фільмографія. Driven by Fate (1915) ... актор. Повна ...

2 Traueranzeigen

findagrave: Conrad Cantzen ( )

Conrad Cantzen ; Birth: 26 Mar New Orleans, Orleans Parish, Louisiana, USA ; Death: 28 Jun (aged 78). New York, New York County, New York, USA ; Burial.

findagrave: Conrad Cantzen ( ) – Find a Grave Gedenkstätte

Birth: New Orleans Orleans Parish Louisiana, USA. Death: Jun. 28, New York New York County (Manhattan) New York, USA.

1 Angaben zur Herkunft

Maria Cantzen ( ) » Stambomen en vele Hollandgänger van...

Maria Cantzen wurde geboren im Jahr in Haren Emsland, Tochter von Conrad Cantzen und Catharina Achter. Sie heiratete mit Johann Heinrich Bernhard Beckman...

7 Bücher zum Namen

Renato Pincelli, Autor em hypercubic - Página 112 de 202

Ao morrer, em 1945, o ator Conrad Cantzen não se esqueceu de seus colegas de palco menos favorecidos. Em seu testamento, Mr. Cantzen deixou um fundo no ...

Administration of Wills, Trusts, and Estates - Gordon Brown, Scott...

ADMINISTRATION OF WILLS, TRUSTS, AND ESTATES, 5th edition employs a reader-friendly writing style that walks students through the legal maze of wills, trusts...

Audition Freedom: The Irreverent Wellness Guide for Theatre People -...

Imagine what your theatrical life would be like if you could walk into any audition room and find authentic freedom! Freedom to be human, freedom to be happy,...

Billboard - Google Books

In its 114th year, Billboard remains the world's premier weekly music publication and a diverse digital, events, brand, content and data licensing platform....

3 Dokumente

Blackstone Theatre Abraham Lincoln

Conrad Cantzen. Macintosh, a Delegate. Penwood Batkins. White, of the Southern Commission. James S. Barrett. Seward. John S. O'Brien. Jennings, of the Southern ...


Conrad Cantzen Shoe Fund. Funerals and Burials. Union/Partner Programs. Health Services. Artists Health Insurance. Resource Center. The Friedman Health Center.

2008 AnnuAl RepoRt

estate of conrad cantzen estate of nancy hamilton. 25,000+ estate of Joan Gilmore estate of sidney Kingsley estate of rhoda A. Pauley estate of sidney ...

5 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Guaranty Trust v. the N.Y. Com. Trust, 139 N.J. Eq. 144

Conrad Cantzen, a resident of Union City, New Jersey, departed this life on June 28th, 1945, leaving a holographic will dated August 4th, 1936, which was ...


Conrad Cantzen left money to create a fund to help out-of-work actors get shoes for auditions. One can get reimbursed for up to. $ for shoes. Contact the ...

OCTOBER 2010:OCT 2005NEW.qxd.qxd

Conrad Cantzen Shoe Fund. Conrad Cantzen left money to create a fund to help out-of-work actors get shoes for auditions. One can get reimbursed for up to.


The Fund is famous for its Conrad Cantzen Shoe Fund, which will pay up to $40 towards a new pair of shoes - begun by an individual who realized that actors ...

1 Video- & Audioinhalte

Night Of 100 Stars II Red Shoes Dancers Tribute! 4K Upscaled

... Conrad Cantzen bequeathed his estate worth over to The Actors Fund (now the Entertainment Community Fund) with the stipulation that ...

7 Meinungen & Artikel

answers.com: When was Conrad Cantzen born?

— Conrad Cantzen was born in c , in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

Conrad Cantzen Shoe Fund - Rogues & Vagabonds

— Conrad Cantzen was an actor who starred in films and performed on Broadway in an impressive 17 shows (check out this Playbill from when he ...

Arabesque (Sheik of Hammam, 1925) - Bride of the Atom

— Conrad Cantzen (as “Baba Youssef”); Chief Whitehawk; Curtis Cooksey (as “Ahmed Ben Tahar”); Bus Daniels; Ruth Daniels; Boyd Davis (as “Tall ...

Union Perks! SAG-AFTRA perks! | Struggles & Success

There are little ways you get your $3000 initiation fee back. Possible unknown perks of being a SAG-AFTRA Member -The SAG Foundation Don La Fontaine Voice Over...

54 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Conrad Cantzen

Conrad Cantzen. SDÍLET: Sdílet na Facebook Sdílet na Twitter Odeslat mailem. HEREC , Driven by Fate · Nejlepší filmy všech dob. Nejlepší filmy a seriály ...


Conrad Cantzen, veteran character actor who had appeared in productions of Charles Frohman, AH Woods, the Theatre Guild and others, died yesterday morning.

Conrad Cantzen Shoe Fund

In 1945, actor Conrad Cantzen bequeathed his estate to The Actors Fund (now the Entertainment Community Fund) with the stipulation that it should be used to ...

Conrad Cantzen | Kinobox.cz

Conrad Cantzen se proslavil filmem Driven by Fate.

Conrad Cantzen's Shoes - Podcast #41

The true story of Conrad Cantzen, who died in and is long forgotten, but his shoe fund still lives on.

Conrad cantzen shoe fund: Fill out & sign online

Edit, sign, and share Conrad Cantzen Memorial Shoe Fund Application online. No need to install software, just go to DocHub, and sign up instantly and for ...

Cantzen, Conrad

Herr Conrad Cantzen. Adresse. Alfertring 5, Gronau. Gremienzugehörigkeit. Ausschuss für Sicherheit, Ordnung und DigitalesSachkundiger Bürger.

AIA Program

... Conrad Cantzen Shoe Fund, Phyllis Newman Women's Health Initiative, The Actors Fund Home and The Samuel J. Friedman Health Center for the Performing Arts ...

About Equity

... Conrad Cantzen Shoe Fund, Phyllis Newman Women's Health Initiative, The Actors Fund Home and The Samuel J. Friedman Health Center for the Performing Arts ...

Abraham Lincoln – Broadway Play – Original

Conrad Cantzen. Hawkins. First Clerk. Duncan Cherry. Price. A Delegate. Herbert ... Cort Theatre (Dec 15, May 1920). Cast. Edwin Barry. William Scott.

Abraham-Lincoln_ Performing Arts Archive

... Conrad Cantzen (first played by Duncan Cherry) MacIntosh, a Delegate Penwood Batkins (original cast) White, of the Southern Commission ...

Actors Get 40 to Buy Shoes | Free MoneyFree Money

The Conrad Cantzen Memorial Shoe Fund offers entertainment professionals up to $40, once in every twelve-month period, for shoes costing no more than $80.

CDU-Fraktion im Rat der Stadt Gronau (Westf.)

Herr Conrad Cantzen · Herr Marius Deckers · Herr Hermann Dust · Herr Martin Dust · Herr Marc Frieler · Herr Sven Gabbe2. stellv. Fraktionsvorsitzende/r; Herr ...

Daniel Schultewolter - CDU Gronau und Epe

Conrad Cantzen. Pressereferent. Heinz Hüning. Mitgliederbetreuer. Ilse Hartung. stv. Mitgliederbetreuerin.

Driven by Fate

Drama / Krátký USA, Režie: John G. Adolfi Herci: Violet Mersereau, William Garwood, Vera Rial, Florence Crawford, Tammany Young, Conrad Cantzen

Martin Dust - CDU Gronau und Epe

Conrad Cantzen. Mitgliederbetreuer. Burkhard John. Mitgliederbetreuer. Leon Berges. Beisitzer. Aram Bisso.

Oddities Archives - Page 103 of 246

When actor Conrad Cantzen died in 1945, he left $226, in a special fund to enable performers to buy new shoes each year. “I leave the Conrad Cantzen ...

Sag shoe fund: Fill out & sign online

... conrad cantzen shoe fund sag-aftra relief fund actors fund fund assistance actors fund mental health the actors fund phone number actors fund social ...

Site Map - June 29, 1945

CONRAD CANTZEN, 78, A CHARACTER ACTOR · Miss Dorothy Adam Reeder Is Married To Capt. Charles B. Sudborough Jr., Army; Luhrs--Houston · N.TCHEREPNINE,72, RUSSIAN ...

Solitaire (Broadway, Waldorf Theatre, 1929)

Conrad Cantzen. The Shooting Gallery Man (Original). George Cowell. The Secretary (Original). Carl Eckstrom. The ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Conrad

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch): Conrad; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); kuoni = kühn; rat = der Rat, der Ratschlag, der Ratgeber; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name; kann interpretiert werden als 'kühner Ratgeber'; im Mittelalter einer der beliebtesten Vornamen in Deutschland; darum verwendet in der Redensart 'Hinz und Kunz'

Verwandte Personensuchen

Personensuche zu Conrad Cantzen & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Conrad Cantzen und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.