29 Infos zu Constantin Lürenbaum
Mehr erfahren über Constantin Lürenbaum
Lebt in
- Münster
Infos zu
- Martin Winter
- Battery
- Brinkmann
- Jan-Paul
- Johannes Betz
- Marian
- Martin Kolek
- Roman Nölle
- Universität Münster
4 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Einfluss der Kathode auf die Lithium-Metallanode ergründet | Analytik...Die Nachfrage nach Hochenergie-Batterien, insbesondere für die Automobilbranche, steigt und damit auch das Forschungsinteresse an den Batterie-Technologien,
Forscher ergründen den Einfluss der Kathode auf die...Die Studie von Johannes Betz, Jan-Paul Brinkmann, Roman Nölle, Constantin Lürenbaum, Martin Kolek, Dr. Marian C. Stan, Prof. Dr. Martin Winter und Dr. Tobias Placke wurde in der Zeitschrift „Advanced Energy Materials“ veröffentlicht.
Influence of the cathode on the lithium metal anode discovered |...The demand for high-energy batteries, in particular for the automotive industry, is increasing, and with it the research interest in battery technologies, w
Influence of the cathode on the lithium metal anode | myScienceThe study by Johannes Betz, Jan-Paul Brinkmann, Roman Nölle, Constantin Lürenbaum, Martin Kolek, Dr. Marian C. Stan, Martin Winter and ...
1 Bilder zu Constantin Lürenbaum

2 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Constantin Lürenbaum - mobility-compass.euConstantin Lürenbaum. Latest publication: Lithium ion battery electrolyte degradation of field-tested electric vehicle battery cells – A comprehensive analytical study (2020)
Constantin Lürenbaum | Semantic ScholarSemantic Scholar profile for Constantin Lürenbaum, with 13 scientific research papers.
5 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
MEET - LMB Article Universität Münster23. Apr · Die Studie von Johannes Betz, Jan-Paul Brinkmann, Roman Nölle, Constantin Lürenbaum, Martin Kolek, Dr. Marian C. Stan, Prof. Dr. Martin Winter und Dr. Tobias Placke wurde in der Zeitschrift „Advanced Energy Materials“ veröffentlicht. DOI: aenm Zur Studie
Team MEET Constantin LürenbaumMünster Electrochemical Energy Technology
MEET - Berufsfelderkundungstag Universität Münsterwww.uni-muenster.de › MEET › presse › berufsfelder...Apr 10, · Das Organisationsteam (von links): Constantin Lürenbaum (Technischer Mitarbeiter am MEET), Nadine Rosell (Ausbilderin am MEET), ...Missing: Westf" | Must include:Westf" Apr 10, · Das Organisationsteam (von links): Constantin Lürenbaum (Technischer Mitarbeiter am MEET), Nadine Rosell (Ausbilderin am MEET), ... Missing: Westf" | Must include:Westf"
LMB Article uni-muenster.deThe study by Johannes Betz, Jan-Paul Brinkmann, Roman Nölle, Constantin Lürenbaum, Martin Kolek, Dr. Marian C. Stan, Prof. Dr. Martin Winter and Dr. Tobias Placke was published in the journal "Advanced Energy Materials". DOI: aenm Read more
1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Towards quantification of toxicity of lithium ion battery...Jenny Strehlau ,; Till Weber ,; Constantin Lürenbaum ,; Julia Bornhorst ... as well as nitrogen (purity 5.0) were obtained from Westfalen Gas (Münster, Germany).
12 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Constantin Lürenbaum's research works | University of Münster,...Constantin Lürenbaum's 16 research works with 335 citations and 3,302 reads, including: Fast sample preparation for organo(fluoro)phosphate quantification approaches in lithium ion battery ...
A study of selenoproteins in atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) using...... FOR THE INVESTIGATION OF LITHIUM AND TRANSITION METAL DEPOSITIONS FROM LITHIUM ION BATTERY ELECTRODES Constantin Lürenbaum 1, ...
8 th Nordic Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry - PDF Free Download... enjoy a genuine walking experience in beautiful West Norwegian surroundings and Uwe Karst 1 1 University of Münster, Institute of Inorganic and Analytical SPECTROMETRY (LA-ICP-OES) Constantin Lürenbaum, Britta Vortmann, ...
Abstract: A Study on the Decomposition of Lithium-Ion Battery...Verena Naber and Constantin Lürenbaum are acknowledged for their help during sample preparation and investigations with IC and GC.
Determination of lithium and transition metals in Li1 Ni1/3 CoDetermination of lithium and transition metals in Li1 Ni1/3 Co1/3 Mn1/3 O2 (NCM) cathode material for lithium-ion batteries by capillary electrophoresis. Britta Vortmann-Westhoven, Constantin Lürenbaum, Martin Winter, Sascha Nowak; Published in Electrophoresis. Save. View on PubMed. Abstract & Figures; Cited ...
Development of a method for direct elemental analysis of lithium ion...... by means of total reflection X-ray fluorescence. Marco Evertz, Constantin Lürenbaum, Britta Vortmann, Martin Winter, Sascha Nowak ... Constantin Lürenbaum ...
SpringerCitations - Details PageMarco Evertz, Constantin Lürenbaum, Britta Vortmann, Martin Winter and Sascha Nowak. Journal: Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 2015, ...
Investigating the lithium ion battery electrolyte additive tris...Investigating the lithium ion battery electrolyte additive tris (2,2,2-trifluoroethyl) phosphite by gas chromatography with a flame ionization detector (GC-FID). Tim Dagger,ab Jonas Henschel,ab Babak Rad,cConstantin Lürenbaum,a Falko M. Schappacher,a Martin Winterabc and Sascha Nowak*a. Author affiliations.
Fast sample preparation for organo(fluoro)phosphate quantification...Authors. Kristina Kösters , Jonas Henschel , Constantin Lürenbaum , Marcel Diehl , Laura Nowak , Martin Winter , Sascha Nowak ...
Quantitative spatially resolved post-mortem Agenparlagenparl.eu › quantitative-spatially...Constantin Lürenbaum, Britta Vortmann-Westhoven, Marco Evertz, Martin Winter, Sascha Nowak An LA-ICP-OES method was developed and applied to ...
Quantitative spatially resolved post-mortem analysis of lithium...Constantin Lürenbaum,†a Britta Vortmann-Westhoven,†a Marco Evertz,a Martin ... Argon (purity 4.8) was obtained from Westfalen Gas (Münster, Germany).
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Constantin
Männlicher Vorname (Französisch): Constantin; der Standhafte; Lateinisch (Römischer Beiname); constare = standhalten; geht auf einen römischen Beinamen 'Constantinus' zurück; verbreitet durch den Namen des römischen Kaisers Konstantins des Grossen (3./4. Jh.)
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Sascha Nowak
- Tobias Placke
- Roman Nölle
- Jan-Paul Brinkmann
- Johannes Betz
- Holger Thiel
- Jessica Bose
- Konstantin Thiel
Personensuche zu Constantin Lürenbaum & mehr
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