188 Infos zu Corinna Gries
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Infos zu
- Lichen
- Environmental
- Thomas
- Center for Limnology
- Research
- University of Wisconsin
- Arizona
- Bryophyte
- Grimm
- Nancy
- Nash III
- Diane
6 Aktuelle Nachrichten
SEINet: A desert plant guide online[Arizona State University] Peter McCartney, Nancy Grimm, Charles Redman, Timothy Craig and Corinna Gries, starting in 1999, with grants from National Science Foundation.
A fresh look at freshwaters: Researchers release a 50,000 lake...A new “geography of lake water quality,” known as LAGOS, allows scientists to understand entire populations of lakes to better inform water policy and...
SEINet offers desert plant guide online... of ASU faculty, including Les Landrum, Peter McCartney, Nancy Grimm, Charles Redman, Timothy Craig and Corinna Gries, starting in 1999, ...
Sustainable Data Mgt ESIP Summer Meeting - SchedCorinna Gries · avatar for Margaret O'Brien · Margaret O'Brien. Data Manager, University of California, Santa Barbara. Tuesday July 17, :00pm - 3:30pm
15 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
: Corinna Gries aus HamburgStayFriends - Schulfreunde wiederfinden
Facebook: Corinna Gries | FacebookLinkedIn: Corinna Gries – Strategischer EinkäuferCorinna Gries' vollständiges Profil ansehen. Herausfinden, welche gemeinsamen Kontakte Sie haben. Sich vorstellen lassen. Corinna Gries direkt kontaktieren.
Twitter Profil: Corinna Gries (corinnagries)1 Business-Profile
Xing: Corinna GriesFinanzdienstleistungen / Kaiserslautern / Kommunikationsfähigkeit, Organisationstalent, Zuverlässigkeit / , Steigenberger Hotel Der Sonnenhof
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Corinna GriesCorinna Gries. Credentials: she/her. Position title: Scientist III, NTL-LTER. . Website. Site footer content.
1 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
Opegrapha corinnae - WikispeciesSubstratum: on dry, rough bark; on Euphorbia misera, Harfordia fruticosa, ... Etymology: named for Dr. Corinna Gries, an editor of Lichen Flora of the Greater ...
1 Traueranzeigen
Trauer.de: Wolfgang GriesJan & Corinna Gries. Zweibrücken, im Mai Wir danken allen, die ihm im Leben ihre Freundschaft schenkten, die sich in stiller Trauer mit uns verbunden ...
1 Projekte
EU H2020 Project "BIOCHANGE (Biodiversity Change: an open ...www.fabiodisconzi.com › open-h2020 › projects... William A. Gould, Corinna Gries, Gary D. Grossman, Julio R. Gutierréz, ... not embedded into any word file), twitter account, linkedin page, etc.
27 Bücher zum Namen
Untersuchungen zum pflanzlichen Wasserhaushalt von Corylus avellanavon Corinna Gries, Gebundene Ausgabe
HEIDI: Proceedings of the Environmental Information Management...Andere Formate. (JavaScript). BibTeX · RIS (Endnote). Proceedings of the Environmental Information Management Conference Corinna Gries ... (eds
Corinna Gries (Author of A Revision of the Lichen Genus...Corinna Gries is the author of A Revision of the Lichen Genus Xanthoparmelia in South America (0.0 avg rating, 0 ratings, 0 reviews)
Corinna GriesCorinna Gries, Renée Brown, Mary Gastil-Buhl, et al. January 21, Connecting Lake Observatories to Space-Based Missions: Global Lakes Ecological Observ ...
5 Dokumente
Biodiversity Informatics: An Interdisciplinary Challenge... American Lichens and Bryophytes: Sensitive Indicators of Environmental Quality and Change<br />PI (Principal Investigator): Corinna Gries, ...
Collaborative Project Database Margaret O’Brien, Corinna Gries, Wade...Collaborative Project Database Margaret O’Brien, Corinna Gries, Wade Sheldon, Jonathan Walsh, John Porter, Sven Bohm, James Brunt, Suzanne Remillard, Ken...
Schoeninger, Robin*, Corinna Gries, and Thomas H. Nash.SCHOENINGER, ROBIN*, CORINNA GRIES, and THOMAS H. NASH. Lichen Herbarium, Department of Plant Biology, Arizona State University, P.O. Box ...
Using observational data models to enhance data ...Phillip C. Dibner, Corinna Gries, Matthew B. Jones, Deborah L. McGuinness, Steve Kelling, Huiping Cao, Ben Leinfelder, Margaret O’Brien, Carl Lagoze, Hilmar
18 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Ecological Informatics | Article collections | ScienceDirect.com by...The journal Ecological Informatics is …ed to the publication of high quality, peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of com…tional ecology, data science…
Building a multi-scaled geospatial temporal ecology database from...Additional file 6. LAGOS database design . Ed Bissell, Corinna Gries, Pang-Ning Tan, Patricia Soranno, Sam Christel. Overview. Our research goal was to produce an ...
dblp: Corinna GriesList of computer science publications by Corinna Gries
Corinna Gries - dblpdblp.org › Persons· Corinna Gries , Mark R. Gahler, Paul C. Hanson, Timothy K. Kratz, Emily H. Stanley: Information management at the North Temperate Lakes ...
8 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Spatial variation in soil inorganic nitrogen across an arid urban ...link.springer.com › articleDiane Hope & Corinna Gries. Biological Sciences, SUNY, Binghamton, NYUSA. Weixing Zhu. Department of Math & Statistics, ASU, Box , ...
www.wikidata.org › wikiCorinna Gries - Wikidatareferences. Mendeley person ID · corinna-gries. 0 references. Library of Congress authority ID · no
Spatial variation in soil inorganic nitrogen across an arid ...Weixing Zhu; Corinna Gries; Jacob Oleson; Jason Kaye; Nancy B. Grimm; Lawrence A. Baker. Diane Hope. 1. Email author; Weixing Zhu. 2. Corinna Gries. 1.
Soil Characteristics and the Accumulation of Inorganic Nitrogen in an...Soil Characteristics and the. Accumulation of Inorganic Nitrogen in an Arid Urban Ecosystem. Wei-Xing Zhu,. 1. * Diane Hope,. 2. Corinna Gries,. 2 and Nancy B.
8 Meinungen & Artikel
Google Groups: DEIMS backlog - update google dataset... or spaghetti, and EML did not really conquer the world; just the wallet of the NSF DEB and decades of effort. Cheerio,. Inigo. Corinna Gries's profile photo ...
Wikipedia: Data Infrastructure Building Blocks - Wikipedia... Capacity in Lake Sciences, with Implications for the Broader Environmental Science Community, led by Corinna Gries of the University of Wisconsin-Madison ...
Wikipedia: William L. Stefanov – Wikipediade.wikipedia.org › wiki › William_L._Stefanov151–165. Elizabeth A. Wentz, William L. Stefanov, Corinna Gries, Diane Hope: Land use and land cover mapping from diverse data sources for an arid ...
Wikipedia: Thomas Hawkes Nash III - WikipediaThomas Hawkes Nash III (born November 13, 1945) is an American lichenologist Thomas Nash is married to Corinna Gries, who is a professional in ...
92 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Corinna Gries on LinkedIn: Great people to work with. NSF funded.Corinna Gries' Post · Data Manager · More Relevant Posts · Effects of nutrient enrichment on grassland biomass and plant diversity across the globe · LTER Digital ...
Corinna Gries - Lead Information Manager - Center for Limnology ...Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Corinna Gries auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. 1 Job ist im Profil von Corinna Gries aufgelistet. Sehen ...
Corinna Gries | LinkedInView Corinna Gries' professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Corinna Gries discover inside ...
Corinna Gries - 导致信息管理- Center for Limnology, University of ...上领英,在全球领先职业社交平台查看Corinna Gries的职业档案。Corinna的职业档案列出了1 个职位。查看Corinna的完整档案,结识职场人脉和查看相似公司的 ...
Edward Gilbert Corinna Gries Thomas H. Nash III Robert Anglin. - ppt... Lichen Consortium Started in 24 Collections ~ 797,916 Records Bryophyte Consortium Started in 16 Collections 1,059,
Corinna Gries – Digging in the DriftlessPosts about Corinna Gries written by Denise Thornton
Crowd Sourcing and Community Management Capabilities Available within...Crowd Sourcing and Community Management Capabilities Available within Symbiota Data Portals Nico Franz 1, Corinna Gries 2, Thomas Nash III 2 & Edward Gilbert.
Meet Corinna Gries, PI and head of the North American ...Dr. Corinna Gries is PI and head of the North American Lichens and Bryophytes Thematic Collections Network. An accomplished researcher and programmer.
IT Working Group Report Moderators: Barbara Benson Fang-Pang LinIT Working Group Report Moderators: Barbara Benson Fang-Pang Lin.
Information Management. Corinna Gries - PDF Free DownloadInformation Management Corinna Gries Data Management Best Practices Information Management Considerations for Collaborative Projects Data Publication ...
Corinna Gries | RDAwww.rd-alliance.org › users › corinna-griesCorinna Gries's picture. Dr Corinna Gries. Member since: :55. Professional title: Programme Manager/Project Manager.
Information Management using Ecological Metadata SlidePlayerslideplayer.com › slideInformation Management using Ecological Metadata Language Corinna Gries - CAP Margaret O'Brien - SBC. Published byMelissa Crawford Modified over 5 years ago.
How to pronounce Corinna Gries | HowToPronounce.comwww.howtopronounce.com › corinna-griesHow to say Corinna Gries in English? Pronunciation of Corinna Gries with and more for Corinna Gries.
Introduction to DELSA and DEAP Thanks to: Gordon & Betty Moore ...slideplayer.com › slideProject 2: Data Set Accessibility Project Lead: Corinna Gries Goal: Make high quality life sciences data ... Possible examples are VIVO and Linkedin.
Edward Gilbert Corinna Gries Thomas H Nash III - SlideToDoc.comslidetodoc.com › edward-gilbert-corinna-gries-thom...Edward Gilbert Corinna Gries Thomas H. Nash III Robert Anglin Integrating OCR and NLP to Digitize Million Lichen and Bryophyte Specimens.
Train Corinna Gries on exploring tasks - ODS Training Wikiwww.organicdatascience.org › training › index.phpCorinna Gries. Participants. Not defined! Expertise. participating. exploring. Legend: M Mandatory | States: □ Not defined, □ Valid, □ Inconsistent with parent.
Members: View: Corinna Gries - hubkiYou are here: Home › Members › Corinna Gries › Collections. Corinna Gries. The profile picture for Corinna Gries. Profile · Collections · Blog. Select .
bio - gries | Water Sustainability and ClimateCorinna Gries. Research Scientist Center for Limnology. email. research areas: Information Management. Gries is responsible for the data and information ...
Corinna Gries | LTER ASMCorinna Gries · View · Track. Personal Info. LTER Affiliation: NTL; First Name: Corinna; Last Name: Gries. History. Member for: 11 years 27 weeks. User login.
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Corinna
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch): Corinna; Mädchen, Jungfrau; Altgriechisch (Wortzusammensetzung); kore = das Mädchen, die Jungfrau; vom griechischen Namen 'Korinna', der auf das Wort 'kore' (Mädchen, Jungfrau) zurückgeht
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Gries
Zu dem Ursprung dieses Namens gibt es einen Hinweis: in Thüringen (schon zu früheren Zeiten) wurden der feine Sand, der sich in den Flußläufen in den Kurven ansammelte -Gries - genannt. Möglich, dass sich auch der Name des Nahrungsmittels "Griess" darauf bezog und ableitete. P.S. unser Familienursprung liegt in Thüringen .
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Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Corinna Gries und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.