176 Infos zu Corinna Hoose

Mehr erfahren über Corinna Hoose

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18 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Kaffee oder Tee - SWR Ferns. BW | programm.ARD.de

Themen: * Gute Reise: Wintersport auf dem Balkan - Zabljak * Tagesthema: Rentensprechstunde, mit Wilhelm Schild, Deutsche Rentenversicherung * Staunen im...

Atemnot bei Kindern: Wenn die Luft knapp wird | Freie Presse -...

Bronchitis oder Asthma? Warum die Diagnose bei kleinen Kindern so schwierig ist und was gegen Atemnot hilft | Ratgeber Gesundheit

IAMAS Early Career Scientist Medal Award - Waves to ...

Sep 18, · Prof. Corinna Hoose received the IAMAS (International Association for Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences) Early Career Scientist Medal Award. This award is given to scientists in their first career phase (less than 40 years old and max. 10 years after the PhD) who have obtained excellent research results in an area of atmospheric science and have shown the potential to make a ...

Wolken-Wissenschaft: Im Trüben forschen - Erde & Klima - FAZ

Langsam beginnt der Winter zu nerven. Wegen der Wolken. Doch die sind so interessant, dass Forscher sich selbst welche machen. Ein...

2  Bilder zu Corinna Hoose

Dr. Corinna Hoose
Für ihre Forschung zur Wolkenphysik erhält Corinna Hoose, Professorin für ...

10 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Am war Prof. Corinna Hoose vom Institut für ...

Facebook: Physikerinnen - Physikerin Corinna Hoose erhält ERC... | Facebook

Facebook: IAMAS "Early Career Scientist" Medaille für Corinna Hoose Prof ...www.facebook.com › photos

LinkedIn: Corinna Hoose | LinkedIn

Corinna Hoose. Helmholtz-University Young Investigators Group Leader at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Ort Mannheim und Umgebung, Deutschland

1 Business-Profile

Corinna HOOSE | Professor | Professor of Theoretical Meteorology...

Corinna HOOSE, Professor | Cited by 9,196 | of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe (KIT) | Read 150 publications | Contact Corinna HOOSE

2 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

METOS Seminar, Jan Department of Geosciences - UiOwww.mn.uio.no › metos › events

Title: Glaciation of Convective Clouds. Speaker: Corinna Hoose, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Time and place: METOS Seminar, Jan.

Oslo joint seminar in atmospheric, ocean and climate science, Jan 12www.mn.uio.no › geo › organisation › metos › events

· Speaker: Corinna Hoose, KIT. Time and place: Jan. 12, :15 PM – 1:00 PM , Room 2320, Kristine Bonnevies hus.

2 Persönliche Webseiten

Contact - Waves to Weather - LMU Munich

Please send an informal request with a short description of your needs to one of the persons below: Equal Opportunity co-representatives. Corinna Hoose (KIT)

Different contact angle distributions for heterogeneous ice...

Wyoming. Corinna Hoose - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology ...

2 Auszeichnungen

Für ihre Forschung zur Wolkenphysik erhält Corinna Hoose, Professorin...

Für ihre Forschung zur Wolkenphysik erhält Corinna Hoose, Professorin für Theoretische Meteorologie am KIT, einen ERC Starting Grant. abitur-und-studium.de » Bilder » Für ihre Forschung zur Wolkenphysik erhält Corinna Hoose... Für ihre Forschung zur Wolkenphysik erhält Corinna Hoose, Professorin für Theoretische ...

Karlruher Persönlichkeiten aus Wissenschaft und Kultur: Silvia...

Karlruher Persönlichkeiten aus Wissenschaft und Kultur: Silvia Bächli, Künstlerin, Corinna Hoose, Theoretische Meteorologin, Britta Nestler, Physikerin in der ...

2 Projekte

Participants - Universität Greifswaldphysik.uni-greifswald.de › ag-von-savigny › projects

Dr. Corinna Hoose, Dr. Ali Hoshyaripour, Dr. Bernhard Vogel. Max-Planck-Institute of Meteorology, Dr. habil. Claudia Timmreck (VolImpact co-lead), Dr. Urlike ...

Topics and lecturers - Physik - Universität Greifswaldphysik.uni-greifswald.de › ag-von-savigny › projects › summer-school-2020

Terry Deshler (U Wyoming, U.S.A.); Prof. Roy Grainger (U Oxford, UK); Dr. Thor Hansteen (Geomar Kiel, Germany); Prof. Corinna Hoose (KIT, ...

25 Bücher zum Namen

Primary biological aerosol particles in the atmosphere: a reviewwww.tandfonline.com › ... › Volume 64, Issue 1

Corinna Hoose Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Karlsruhe Germany. ,. AleksandrS.

Cloud Physics and Dynamics: Showers and Shade Goodreadswww.goodreads.com › book › show › cl...

Sylvia Sullivan (Editor), Corinna Hoose (Editor) ratings0 reviews. Want to read. Buy on Amazon. Rate this book. Role of Clouds and their radiation, ...

Corinna Hoose | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | Related Authorstypeset.io › Author Directory

Corinna Hoose is an academic researcher from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. The author has contributed to research in topic(s): Ice nucleus & Aerosol.

Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XX - Google Books

Recent developments in air pollution modelling are explored as a series of contributions from researchers at the forefront of their field. This book on air...

4 Dokumente

Gezielte Eingriffe in das Klima? Eine Bestandsaufnahme der Debatte zu...

Heintzenberg. Sylvia Hiller. Corinna Hoose. Thomas Leisner.

[PDF] Aerosol Indirect Effects: Tiny Atmospheric Particles Influence Clouds ...www.jsps.go.jp › general › j-bilat › fos_jg › data › jshi_07 › abs_09

Corinna Hoose. Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology,. Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany.

[PDF] Atmospheric Dynamics: Past, Present and Futurewww.ifgeo.uni-bonn.de › sommerkolloquium-meteorologie-2022

· Dr. Corinna Hoose. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Challenges in modelling convective clouds. ***********************.

7 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

DFG - GEPRIS - Professorin Dr. Corinna Hoose

Professorin Dr. Corinna Hoose, Department Troposphärenforschung (IMK-TRO)Karlsruhe


Corinna Hoose: KIT: Arctic mixed-phase clouds: Simulation and comparison with in situ measurements: Alberto De Lózar: MPI Hamburg: Droplet-size distributions ...

Dust in the clouds: Cirrus clouds form around mineral dust and...

Cirrus clouds influence global climate, cooling the planet by reflecting incoming solar radiation and warming it by trapping outgoing heat. Understanding the...

Professorin Dr. Corinna Hoose - gepris - DFG

Professorin Dr. Corinna Hoose. Projekte. Als Antragstellerin laufende Projekte. Statische Analyse der Bedingungen für Eisnukleation in Mischphasenwolken. (Forschergruppen). Als Teilprojektleiterin laufende Projekte. Mikrophysikalische Unsicherheiten in hochreichenden konvektiven Wolken und ihre. Bedeutung für die ...

5 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

CV (pdf) - AIDA - Yumpuwww.yumpu.com › document › view › cv-pdf-aida

· Corinna Hoose, Dr. sc. ETH. Professor of Theoretical Meteorology. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). Street Address: KIT Campus South.

Corinna Hoose - theses.frwww.theses.fr › ...

Corinna Hoose. a été rapporteur pour 1 thèse. Climat -- Changements Densités INAS Expériences de laboratoire de nucléation hétérogène Glaciation ...

Corinna Hoose - Wikidatawww.wikidata.org › wiki

No description defined. In more languages. Spanish. Corinna Hoose. No description defined. Traditional Chinese. No label defined. No description defined.

Here - Micro-DICE

Ottmar Möhler, Naruki Hiranuma, Kristina Höhler, Corinna Hoose, Monika Niemand,. Thea Schmitt, Isabelle Steinke, Romy Ullrich, and Robert ...

1 Video- & Audioinhalte

Corinna Hoose: Wolken – Wasser, Eis, Wetter, Klima - YouTubewww.youtube.com › watch

· Corinna Hoose: Wolken – Wasser, Eis, Wetter, Klima.Dauer: 1:05:07Gepostet:

8 Meinungen & Artikel

Twitter-Nachrichten: Ali Hoshyaripour on Twitter: "#job #JobAlert There are two PhD ...twitter.com › Hoshyaripour › status

· #job #JobAlert There are two PhD positions open in my and Corinna Hoose 's groups at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) within the.

Tackling the challenge of weather prediction from days to weeks ...www.yess-community.org › waves-to-weather-inter...

Corinna Hoose, Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany. As the spokesperson of the Equal ...

Biological ice formation | Nature Geoscience

Ice clouds significantly affect the Earth's radiative forcing, but which particles lie at the core of the ice crystals is a matter of debate. In-flight...

"Fange an zu schreiben, komme, was da wolle. Das Wasser fließt nicht,...

Das Jahr der Klasse 6a des Edith-Stein-Gymnasiums Bretten

84 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Corinna Hoose - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) - LinkedInwww.linkedin.com › pub › corinna-hoose

Corinna Hoose | Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germany | Professor of Theoretical Meteorology at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) | 479 connections ...

‪Corinna Hoose‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

i10-index Corinna Hoose. Professor of Theoretical Meteorology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Verified email at kit.edu - Homepage. Atmospheric Physics Cloud Physics.

‪Corinna Hoose‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬scholar.google.com › citations

Corinna Hoose. Professor of Theoretical Meteorology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Verified email at kit.edu - Homepage.

Associate Member Corinna Hoose - Arctic Amplificationwww.ac3-tr.de › Committees

Dr. Corinna Hoose. Title. Professor of Theoretical Meteorology, Head of the cloud physics group. Contact. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

Corinna Hoose: H-index & Awards - Academic Profile - Research.com

Corinna Hoose mainly investigates Atmospheric sciences, Environmental science, Ice nucleus, Aerosol and Meteorology. Her Atmospheric sciences research is multidisciplinary, incorporating elements of Mineral dust, Atmospheric model, Radiative forcing and Ice crystals. Her research in Ice nucleus intersects with topics in Classical nucleation ...

Corinna Hoose - FORCeSforces-project.eu › Participants

Participants. Home>; Participants>; Corinna Hoose. Corinna Hoose. Professor. KIT. Principal Investigator. WP2 · Personal webpage, Karlsruhe Institute of ...

About IMK-TRO - Staff

Prof. Dr. Corinna Hoose: Office Hours: nach Vereinbarung. Room: Phone: + Fax: + corinna hoose Uwa9 ∂kit edu: Institute of ...

KIT - YIN - Wir sind YIN - Wir sind Alumni

Klimatologie, Alumni

Wolkenphysik - Prof. Corinna Hoose - KIT - SEK

Wolkenphysik - Prof. Corinna Hoose. Die Rolle der Wolken für Wetter und Klima untersucht die Physikerin am Institut für Meteorologie und Klimaforschung. Ein Schwerpunkt ihrer Arbeit ist es, die Eisbildung innerhalb von Wolken besser zu verstehen, um genauere Wettervorhersagen zu ermöglichen und Klimamodelle zu verbessern.

KIT - YIN - Young Investigator Network

Prof. Dr. Corinna Hoose [sci.] Professor at the Institut of Theoretical Meterology Earth Science climatology Room: Deutschland, KIT Phone: + bzw

Forschung - Arbeitsgruppen - Wolkenphysik - Team

Prof. Dr. Corinna Hoose: Sprechstunden: nach Vereinbarung. Raum: Tel.: + , + Fax: + corinna hoose Mfn0 ∂kit edu

About ProClim | ProClim − Forum for Climate and Global Change...

Corinna Hoose. Dr. Corinna Hoose Atmospheric Aerosol Research Department ( IMK-AAF) Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research

[Bolincentret-at-su.se] Seminar - Sep Corinna Hoose

SEMINAR *Name* Corinna Hoose Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany *Title* Ice formation in mixed-phase clouds: constraints on small and large scales * **Time and place* Tuesday 29 September 2015, Room C609, Arrhenius Labo0ratory, 6th floor *Abstract* Between 0 and -37°C, ice formation in clouds is ...

Corinna Hoose - AD Scientific Index 2023www.adscientificindex.com › scientist

Corinna Hoose AD Scientific Index * Jan 07, According to Total H. BETA VERSION. Subject field ranking in world, region, country and university is ...

KIT - SEK - Medien/Public Relations - Presseservice - KIT-Expertinnen...

KIT-Expertenservice: Wissenschaftler des KIT als kompetente Ansprechpartner für Journalisten

KIT - SEK - Gesamtkommunikation - Presse Service - Pressemappen -...

KIT - Strategische Entwicklung und Kommunikation

Über IMK-TRO - Personen

Croft, B., J. R. Pierce, R. V. Martin, C. Hoose, and U. Lohmann (2012): Uncertainty associated with convective wet removal of entrained aerosols in a global climate model

KIT - IMK-AAF - Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research ...

corinna hoose ∂ does-not-exist. kit edu Prof. Dr. Corinna Hoose Corinna Hoose KIT _302.php Corinna Hoose leads the Helmholtz-University Young Investigators Group "Aerosol effects on cloud ice, precipitation and climate" at IMK-AAF and is also Professor of Theoretical Meteorology at IMK-TRO.

CO Meeting Organizer EGU21

Hyunju Jung 1, Peter Knippertz 1, Corinna Hoose 1, Yvonne Ruckstuhl 2, Robert Redl 2, and Tijana Janjic 2. Hyunju Jung et al.,,,,, 1 Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany; 2 Institute of Meteorology, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich ...

ACP - Peer review - Long-resident droplets at the stratocumulus top

Corinna Hoose: Search articles . Special issue. VERDI – Vertical Distribution of Ice in Arcti... Download. Short summary. We follow 1 billion ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Corinna

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch): Corinna; Mädchen, Jungfrau; Altgriechisch (Wortzusammensetzung); kore = das Mädchen, die Jungfrau; vom griechischen Namen 'Korinna', der auf das Wort 'kore' (Mädchen, Jungfrau) zurückgeht

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