65 Infos zu Corinna Streitner
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Lebt in
- Bielefeld
Infos zu
- Dorothee Staiger
- RNA-binding
- Switzerland
- Zurich
- Institut
- Biology
- Fabian Rudolf
- Annual Plant Reviews
- Anton
- Danisman
- Alcatraz
6 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Der Profi gibt Tipps - nw.de... Ute Schönbeck, Victoria Große-Gödinghaus, Corinna Streitner und Jana Schöwerling (v. l.) waren mit dem Ablauf des Tages zufrieden. | © FOTO: ...
Brake, Dressur-und Springturnier equi-score.beresults.equi-score.be › event › startlistCorinna Streitner. Anton W / Holst / Db Alcatraz / Caletto I / O: Streitner,Corinna / B: Streitner,Nadine ...
Die Familie fiebert mit | nw.deSpenge. Die kleine Tour des Reit- und Fahrvereins
Brake, Dressur-und Springturnier - Logo equi-score.comresults.equi-score.be › event › startlistCorinna Streitner. Anton W / Holst / Db Alcatraz / Caletto I / E: Streitner,Corinna / F: Streitner,Nadine ...
2 Bilder zu Corinna Streitner
2 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
PUB - Publikationen an der Universität BielefeldSmall changes in ambient temperature affect alternative splicing in Arabidopsis thaliana Streitner C, Simpson CG, Shaw P, Danisman S, Brown JWS, Staiger D (2013)
Verfasser SuchresultateTreffer von 7 für Suche: 'Corinna Streitner', Suchdauer: 0.36s. Sortieren. Relevanz, Nach Datum, absteigend, Nach Datum, aufsteigend, Signatur, Verfasser ...
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
Results | Scholars Portal Journalsjournals.scholarsportal.info › searchResults of 105 · Authors. Holger Schielzeth · Corinna Streitner · Ulrike Lampe; et al Holger Schielzeth · Corinna Streitner · Ulrike Lampe; et al.
8 Bücher zum Namen
Annual Plant Reviews, Endogenous Plant Rhythms / Edition 1 by ...m.barnesandnoble.com › Textbooks· Dorothee Staiger and Corinna Streitner, Institut für Pflanzenwissenschaften, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland, and. Fabian Rudolf, Institut für Biochemie ...
Annual Plant Reviews von Anthony JW Hall - LehmannsDorothee Staiger and Corinna Streitner, Institut fur Pflanzenwissenschaften, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland, and. Fabian Rudolf, Institut fur Biochemie, ETH, ... › ... › Biologie › Botanik
authors:"Corinna Streitner" - Search | PaperityPaperity: the 1st multidisciplinary aggregator of Open Access journals & papers. Free fulltext PDF articles from hundreds of disciplines, all in one place
5 Dokumente
Transient activity of the florigen complex during the floral...Read Transient activity of the florigen complex during the floral transition in Arabidopsis thaliana
Genome size variation affects song attractiveness in grasshoppers:...Corinna Streitner,. 3,4. Ulrike Lampe,. 1. Alexandra Franzke,. 1,5. and Klaus Reinhold Department of Evolutionary Biology, Bielefeld University,
Technical Comment: Response to Camacho, Evolution | evoTECHNICAL COMMENT. doi: evo Technical Comment: Response to Camacho. Holger Schielzeth,. 1,2. Corinna Streitner,. 3,4. Ulrike Lampe,. 1.
[PDF] strona 1.CDR - AZSLIDE.COMazslide.com › ...P50. STREITNER CORINNA . SULKOWSKA ALEKSANDRA . P19. SURA WERONIKA wsura@amu. edu.pl.
5 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Global transcript profiling of transgenic BMC Plant Biologyvon C Streitner · · Zitiert von: 58 — Global transcript profiling of transgenic plants constitutively overexpressing the RNA-binding protein AtGRP7. Corinna Streitner,; Lars Hennig, ... › ...
eKVV: SOSE Spezialmodul "Molekulare Physiologie der...Frau Dr. Corinna Streitner · Detailseite einer Person Frau Prof. Dr. Dorothee Staiger. Klicken Sie auf den Namen um Kontaktdaten wie die E-Mailadresse zu ...
Arbeit Gesamtdokument PostKorr - Technische Universität ...haben. Ebenfalls bedanke ich mich bei Kristin Schnettler, Corinna Streitner, Fabian Machens und. Malte Ringleb, die mit ihren experimentellen Ergebnissen im ...
5 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Small changes in ambient temperature affect alternative COREcore.ac.uk › displayBy Corinna Streitner, Craig G. Simpson, Paul Shaw, Selahattin Danisman, John W. S. Brown and Dorothee Staiger. Cite. BibTex; Full citation. No static citation ...
Global transcript profiling of transgenic plants constitutively...Background The clock-controlled RNA-binding protein AtGRP7 influences circadian oscillations of its own transcript at the post-transcriptional level. To...
[PDF] Abstracts European Society for Evolutionary Biologyeseb.org › wp-content › uploads › › 2015_AbstractsHolger Schielzeth, Corinna Streitner, Ulrike Lampe, Alexandra Franzke, Klaus Reinhold. Bielefeld University. Genome size evolution is affected by a conflict ...
BMC Plant Biology - oalibwww.oalib.com › journalGlobal transcript profiling of transgenic plants constitutively overexpressing the RNA-binding protein AtGRP7 · Corinna Streitner, Lars Hennig, ...
29 Webfunde aus dem Netz
DE A1 - Verfahren und Konstrukte zur gezielten...Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft Verfahren und Konstrukte zur gezielten Veränderung einer Nukleinsäure-Zielregion in einer pflanzlichen Zielstruktur....
Global transcript profiling of transgenic plants constitutively...Global transcript profiling of transgenic plants constitutively ... Corinna Streitner, 1 Lars Hennig, 2, 3 Christin Korneli, 1 and Dorothee Staiger 1
Table of contents for Endogenous plant rhythmsTable of Contents for Endogenous plant rhythms / edited by Anthony J.W. Hall and Harriet McWatterss, available from the Library of Congress.
: 免费的Z-Library数字图书馆: 免费的Z-Library数字图书馆 | BookSC. Download books for free. Find books
riding horses of Corinna Streitner - rimondowww.rimondo.com › rider-horses › Corinna-Streitnerriding horses of Corinna Streitner riding horses of Corinna Streitner. Anton Alcatraz / Caletto I. profile Videos result horses ...
Corinna Streitner - rimondoPferde, Erfolge, Ergebnisse, Videos und vieles mehr von Corinna Streitner
"The small glycine-rich RNA binding protein AtGRP7 promotes floral...The RNA binding protein AtGRP7 is part of a circadian … oscillator in Arabidopsis thaliana that negatively autoregulates its own mRNA, and affects the...
A glycine-rich RNA-binding protein affects gibberellin biosynthesis...... RNA-binding protein affects gibberellin biosynthesis in Arabidopsis}, author={Bernhard L{\"o}hr and Corinna Streitner and Alexander Steffen and Theo ... › ...
An hnRNP-like RNA-binding protein affects alternative splicing by in ...Corinna Streitner, Tino Köster, Craig G. Simpson, Paul Shaw, Selahattin Danisman, John W.S. Brown, Dorothee Staiger. Research output: Contribution to ... › an...
NGS Bioinformatics Training and SeminarsDefinitly will improve the comunication with our bioinformatics colleagues for perfom the proper analysis and understanding of ... Corinna Streitner, KWS Saat AG, ...
DataCite Searchsearch.datacite.org › works › dryadHolger Schielzeth, Corinna Streitner, Ulrike Lampe, Alexandra Franzke & Klaus Reinhold. Data File published via Dryad Digital Repository. No citations ...
Wiley-VCH - Annual Plant Reviews, Volume 21, Endogenous Plant RhythmsDorothee Staiger and Corinna Streitner, Institut fürPflanzenwissenschaften, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland, and. Fabian Rudolf, Institut für Biochemie, ETH, ... › naturwissenschaften › annu...
R. v. Sengbusch - PreisCorinna_Streitner, Molekulare Zellbiologie, Universität Bielefeld; Anne Bohner, Molekulare Pflanzenernährung, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart;
MBP Molecular Biology of Plants - PDF Free Downloaddocplayer.net › Mbp molecular-b...... (MPI Golm) Andrea Werner (Freie Universität Berlin) Corinna Streitner (Universität Bielefeld) Frederique Breuers (Universität Düsseldorf).
Annual Plant Reviews door Anthony J. W. Hall - Managementboek.nlA contemporary account of endogenous plant rhythms, taking account of the major advances of recent yearsOf interest to plant scientists more generally, in view...
DataCite SearchHolger Schielzeth, Corinna Streitner, Ulrike Lampe, Alexandra Franzke & Klaus Reinhold. Dataset published via Dryad. › dryad
Global transcript profiling of transgenic plants constitutively ...Similar topics of scientific paper in Biological sciences , author of scholarly article — Corinna Streitner, Lars Hennig, Christin Korneli, Dorothee Staiger. › article
Plant Sciences | Open Access Articles - Digital Commons ...... In Arabidopsis Thaliana, Corinna Streitner, Selahattin Danisman, Franziska Wehrle, Jan C. Schoning, James R. Alfano, Dorothee Staiger Jan › plant...
The small glycine-rich RNA binding protein AtGRP7 promotes floral...Corinna Streitner, Selahattin Danisman, Franziska Wehrle, Jan C. Schöning, James R. Alfano, Dorothee Staiger. Plant Pathology.
Sengbusch Poster Prize: Awarded Scientists - Sektion ...Corinna Streitner: AtGRP7 - ein circadian reguliertes RNA-Bindeprotein als neuer Stein im Mosaik der Blühinduktion Universität Bielefeld. › poster-pri...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Corinna
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch): Corinna; Mädchen, Jungfrau; Altgriechisch (Wortzusammensetzung); kore = das Mädchen, die Jungfrau; vom griechischen Namen 'Korinna', der auf das Wort 'kore' (Mädchen, Jungfrau) zurückgeht
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Christin Korneli
- Klaus Reinhold
- Ulrike Lampe
- Holger Schielzeth
- Lars Hennig
- Paul Shaw
- Silke Streitner
- Astrid Streitner
- Stephanie Streitner
- Nadine Streitner
- Tina-Mareike Kötter
Personensuche zu Corinna Streitner & mehr
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