56 Infos zu Cornelia Triebig

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2 Aktuelle Nachrichten

SOLI'03: Final Programme and Call for Participation

RASTA Homepage

MATES 2005: Third German Conference - Gesellschaft für Informatik ...

Cornelia Triebig , Tanja Credner, Peter Fischer, Titus Leskien, Andreas Deppisch, Stefan Landvogt. 18: :44 Regular bus to the city centre; ... › veranstaltung › mates third-g...

2 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Cornelia Triebig | Semantic Scholar

Semantic Scholar profile for Cornelia Triebig, with 1 highly influential citations and 7 scientific research papers.


— Cornelia Triebig, Tanja Credner, Franziska Klügl, Peter Fischer, Titus Leskien, Andreas Deppisch, Stefan Landvogt. › program

2 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Lehrstuhl für Informatik VI, Uni Würzburg

... Gustavo Kuhn Andriotti, Martin Schuhmann, Martin Atzmüller Petra Braun, Franziska Klügl-Frohnmeyer Cornelia Triebig, Nabil Al-Sabah.

Lehrstuhl für Informatik VI, Uni Würzburg - Universität Würzburg

Dipl.-Inform. Jochen Reutelshöfer (nicht im Bild) Dipl.-Inform. Martin Schuhmann · Dipl.-Inform. Cornelia Triebig · Dr. Sabine Timpf (nicht im Bild). › staff

7 Bücher zum Namen


ELEMENTS OF A DOCUMENTATION FRAMEWORK FOR AGENT-BASED SIMULATION MODELS | Triebig, Cornelia; Klügl, Franziska | download | BookSC. Download books for free....

IRMA-International.org: Multi-Agent Systems for Traffic and...

We are also grateful to Cornelia Triebig for the valuable work on the edition of the final version of this book. Finally we would like to thank the Alexander von ...

Multi-Agent Systems and Applications IV: 4th International Central...

Simulating Automatic High Bay Warehouses Using Agents Cornelia Triebig, Tanja Credner, Franziska Klügl, Peter Fischer, Titus Leskien, Andreas Deppisch, ...

Multiagent System Technologies: Third German Conference, MATES 2005,...

Agent-Based Simulation for Testing Control Software of High Bay Warehouses Cornelia Triebig, Tanja Credner, Peter Fischer, Titus Leskien, Andreas Deppisch, ...

7 Dokumente

Agent-based modeling and simulation tutorial - EASSS Giuseppe …

Tutorial on agent-based modeling and simulation I held in the context of EASSS summer school


CORNELIA TRIEBIG ET AL: "Agent-Based Simulation for Testing Control Software of High Bay Warehouses", 1 January 2005, MULTIAGENT ...

Elements of an Appropriate Documentation L.Int.Ar.

Cornelia Triebig – University of Würzburg – Elements of an Appropriate Documentation Framework for Agent-Based Simulation Models.


@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/mates/TriebigCFLDL05, author = {Cornelia Triebig and. Tanja ... {Multiagent System Technologies, Third German Conference, ...

9 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

dblp: Cornelia Triebig

List of computer science publications by Cornelia Triebig

Cornelia Triebig - dblpdblp.org › Persons

List of computer science publications by Cornelia Triebig.

dblp: Cybernetics and Systems

Bibliographic content of Cybernetics and Systems

KESE @ KI 2006

The second workshop on Knowledge Engineering and Software Engineering (KESE 2006) ... Cornelia Triebig, Franziska Kluegl (Coffee Break)

5 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Agent-Based Simulation for Testing Control Software of High Bay...

In this contribution we want to present a collaboration project in which multiagent technology is applied to an industrial problem: testing the control...

Multiagent System Technologies, Third German Conference, MATES 2005,...

[doi] · Agent-Based Simulation for Testing Control Software of High Bay WarehousesCornelia Triebig, Tanja Credner, Peter Fischer, Titus Leskien, ... › mates:2005

Simulating Automatic High Bay Warehouses Using Agents | SpringerLink

Computer and Automation Research Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Authors. Cornelia Triebig (21); Tanja Credner (21); Franziska Klügl (21); Peter ...

Elements of a Documentation Framework for Agent-Based Simulation...

@article{TriebigK09, title = {Elements of a Documentation Framework for Agent-Based Simulation Models}, author = {Cornelia Triebig and Franziska Klügl}, ...

22 Webfunde aus dem Netz

ABModSim at EMCSR08 | Semantic Scholar

19th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research. Cornelia Triebig. The EMCSR took place in Vienna (Aus- tria) from March 25th until 28th. The.

ABModSim Lintar - Bicoccawww.lintar.disco.unimib.it › ABModSim

Cornelia Triebig, Franziska Klügl Designing Components for Multiagent Simulation Adam Zagorecki, Louise Comfort, Kilkon Ko Information, Efficiency, and ...

ALLTAGSTAUGLICHKEIT VON ANWENDUNGSSYSTEMEN ...docplayer.org › Alltagstauglichkeit-von-anwendungssystem...

... by Microeconomics 307 Adrian Paschke, Alexander Kozlenkov A Rule-based Middleware for Business Process Execurion 309 Cornelia Triebig and Franziska ...

Agent-Based Simulation for Testing Control Software of High Bay...

Cornelia Triebig, Tanja Credner, +3 authors Stefan Landvogt; Published in MATES 2005; DOI: _22. In this contribution we want to present a ...


Cornelia Triebig, Tanja Credner, Franziska Klügl, Peter Fischer, Titus Leskien, Andreas Deppisch, Stefan Landvogt Simulating Automatic High Bay Warehouses ...

K nstliche Intelligenz, Band 22

Cornelia Triebig: MATES CiteSeerX · Google scholar · pubzone.org · BibTeX · bibliographical record in XML · Alexander Hinneburg: LWA › dblp › journals

CiteSeerX — Active Bibliography: Tonatiuh: An object oriented,...

... Terms Design – Shift Keys, Robert Biddle, Angela Martin, James Noble. Refactoring of Agent-based Simulation Models – Cornelia Triebig, Franziska Klügl.

Workshop 14: Agents in Traffic and Transportation. The Seventh...

... Germany) Joachim Wahle (TraffGo GmbH, Germany) Danny Weyns (KU Leuven, Belgium) Referees Alberto Fernández Gil Cornelia Triebig Dominik Grether ...

[PDF] Refactoring of Agent-based Simulation Models | Semantic Scholar

This contribution elaborate categorized refactoring methods for agentbased simulation models and relate them to an abstract methodology for developing reusable...

TWikiUserGroupsInGermany < Codev < TWiki

Cornelia Triebig · Cornelius Fischer · Cornelius Herzog · Cornelius Wasmund, Pforzheimer Linux User Group e.V., Pforzheim. › cgi-bin › view › Codev.TWikiUserGro...

Table of contents for Library of Congress control number

Table of contents

Thursday morning, 15 September. Tutorial T5 AOSE - PDF Free Download

... Simulating Automatic High Bay Warehouses Using Agents; Cornelia Triebig, Tanja Credner, Franziska Klügl, Peter Fischer, Titus Leskien, Andreas Deppisch, ...


CORNELIA TRIEBIG ET AL: "Agent-Based Simulation for Testing Control Software of High Bay Warehouses", 1 janvier ( ), ...

TDGS - "Franziska Klügl"

Cornelia Triebig, Tanja Credner, Franziska Klügl, Peter Fischer, Titus Leskien, Andreas Deppisch, Stefan Landvogt · CEEMASFetch | Report | ...

Refactoring of Agent-based Simulation Models | Sciweavers

Refactoring of Agent-based Simulation Models - : There is a general agreement that the design and development of multiagent simulation models is highly time...

Tanja Credner - researchr alias

Simulating Automatic High Bay Warehouses Using AgentsCornelia Triebig, Tanja Credner, Franziska Klügl, Peter Fischer, Titus Leskien, Andreas Deppisch, ...

Tagungsband - MKWI 2008

) sind in einem gemeinsamen Tagungsband veröffentlicht: ... Cornelia Triebig and Franziska Klügl. Self-describing Agents. Günther Görz, Bernd Ludwig, ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Cornelia

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Italienisch): Cornelia; Lateinisch (Römischer Familienname); cornu = das Horn; Information zur männlichen Form Cornelius:; von einem altrömischen Familiennamen, dem vielleicht das Wort 'cornu' (Horn) zugrundeliegt; verbreitet durch die Verehrung des hl. Cornelius, Papst von 251 bis 253

Verwandte Personensuchen

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Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Cornelia Triebig und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.