191 Infos zu Cristina Garzillo
Mehr erfahren über Cristina Garzillo
Infos zu
- Sustainability
- Coordinator
- Cities in Transition
- Susanne Elsen
- Governance
- Informed Cities
- Stefan Kuhn
- Thomas Sauer
18 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Dans les forêts suédoises, Vaexjoe, la "ville la plus verte d'Europe"Ils sont très avancés et ambitieux", estime Cristina Garzillo, du Conseil international pour les initiatives écologiques locales (ICLEI), qui ...
ePaper TranCitCRISTINA GARZILLO LEEMHUIS, ICLEI: · TRANSFORMING CITIES PRAXIS + PROJEKTE Stadtraum Gleichgewicht auf ländliche Regi-onen und ihre Bewohner wirken. Das RURITAGE-Paradigma hat zum Ziel, das einzigartige Po-tenzial des vorhandenen Erbes weiter ...
Events Archives - Page 2 of 10CLIC ProjectCristina Garzillo Leemhuis, Senior Coordinator of CLIC Parner ICLEI Europe, participated in the session on the topic: “From right to city towards right to ... › page
Parution - SAGE - Université de StrasbourgUniversité de StrasbourgGovernance for Sustainability in European Cities, Cristina Garzillo and Matthew Bach. Version classique du site · Unistra Tous droits réservés. › publications
2 Bilder zu Cristina Garzillo

14 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Cristina Garzillo | FacebookFacebook: Cristina Garzillo | FacebookLinkedIn: Cristina GarzilloÜbersicht von Cristina Garzillo. Aktuell. Project Co-ordinator bei ICLEI. Früher. lecturer bei University of Parma; Expert in Environmental and sustainability ...
LinkedIn: Cristina Garzillo | LinkedInCristina Garzillo. Project Co-ordinator at ICLEI, Local Governments for Sustainability. Ort Freiburg und Umgebung, Deutschland Branche Öffentliche Ordnung
1 Business-Profile
Cristina GARZILLO | Senior Coordinator | ICLEI, Bonn | Governance...Cristina Garzillo This paper explores the debate around the pursuit of an integrated and participatory approach to environmental services within the Italian planning system, using the case of ...
2 Persönliche Webseiten
Stakeholder Board - plan4businesswww.plan4business.eu › about › stakeholder-board... Cristina Garzillo – ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability European Secretariat; David Lovell – Executive Director EuroGeographics ...
Rada interesariuszy - plan4businessplan4business Stakeholder Board
2 Infos zur Ausbildung
loci for knowledge and innovation creationStanford UniversityMaking research work for local sustainability in Europe (Anna Rok and Cristina Garzillo). (source: Nielsen Book Data). Publisher's summary: Regions and ... › ...
Informed cities : making research work for local sustainability in...Stanford Libraries' official online search tool for books, media, journals, databases, government documents and more.
2 Projekte
ICLEI Europe •• ProjectsICLEI EuropeCristina Garzillo . ICLEI - European Secretariat GmbH. Leopoldring Freiburg im Breisgau Germany. + › projects › publicati...
ICLEI Europe •• ProjectsThis publication was coordinated and edited by Cristina Garzillo, ICLEI European Secretariat. Other contributers: ... Pamela Lama, International Relations and Projects Office, Municipality of Bologna. - Raffaella Gueze ... Roberto Diolaiti, Director of the Environment and Energy Department, Municipality of Bologna. - Ashraful ...
39 Bücher zum Namen
Cristina Garzillo | Autorenprofil und WerkeBeck-Shop› Cristina Garzillo
AbeBooks: : Informed Cities: Making Research Work for Local...Informed Cities: Making Research Work for Local Sustainability at AbeBooks.co.uk - ISBN 10: ISBN 13: Routledge Hardcover
The role of cities in the socio-ecological transition ...EconBizContributors: Susanne Elsen, Cristina Garzillo, Johanna Hopp, Stefan Kuhn. Taking into account the potentially different starting and framework conditions ... › Record
Cities In Transition - Sauer Thomas (Curatore); Elsen Susanne...Cristina Garzillo is coordinator for Governance and Social Innovation at ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability. Previously contract professor at the University of Parma, she is recognized for her expertise in local sustainability processes, integrated management and governance, and her publications in the field of ...
22 Dokumente
Informed Cities Forum Opening Cristina GarzilloNaples, Italy October Informed Cities: Now is the time Dr Cristina Garzillo …
Plan4business newsletterNEWSLETTER NOTES FROM THE PLAN4BUSINESS PROJECT Dear Reader In April the plan4business project started its activities. Its main goal is to dev…
WU FidesWirtschaftsuniversität Wienauthor = {Asya Dimitrova and Markus Hametner and Tanja Srebotnjak and Cristina Garzillo and Stefan Kuhn and Luca Zambelli}, year = {2014}, › results
Belo Horizonte, Brazil, June 2012Cristina Garzillo, Project Coordinator, ICLEI European Secretariat, Freiburg, Germany 10 Presenter Guntur monitors urban services with ecobudget ...
2 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Mitarbeiter-Details - Universität OsnabrückUniversität Osnabrück
Ausgewählte Publikationen des FachgebietsUniversität Osnabrück— Barnebeck, Stephanie; Kalff, Yannick; Sauer, Thomas (2016): Institutional Diversity. In: Thomas Sauer, Susanne Elsen und Cristina Garzillo (Hg.): ... › ...
5 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
bol.com: bol.com | Cristina Garzillo artikelen kopen? Alle artikelen onlineOp zoek naar artikelen van Cristina Garzillo? Artikelen van Cristina Garzillo koop je eenvoudig online bij bol.com ✓ Snel in huis ✓ Veelal gratis verzonden
Artistic and Curatorial Power in Cities’ Historic SpacesCristina Garzillo — ICLEI (Germany) — Contact: Artistic and Curatorial Power in Cities’ Historic Spaces
Policy RecommendationsRuritageunder grant agreement No Author: Mr. Alexandru Matei Contributors: Cristina Garzillo, Sophia Silverton, Claudia de Luca, James Donlon ... › uploads › fv-contest
1 Video- & Audioinhalte
New European Bauhaus: Adaptive reuse of cultural heritageYouTube · icleieurope980+ Aufrufe · vor 2 Jahren... Cristina Garzillo, Senior Coordinator at ICLEI Europe 4:45 Borislava Woodford, Policy Analyst at the European Commission, New European ...
4 Meinungen & Artikel
Eltis interview: Accelerating the uptake of SUMPs around Europe |...This month, Eltis interviews Cristina Garzillo, the co-ordinator of the CIVITAS SUMPs-Up project. Please sum up the CIVITAS SUMPs-Up project in a sentence. SUMPs-Up's goal is to provide cities with training opportunities, tools and support to help them develop high-quality Sustainable Urban Mobility ...
Deeper City – ReviewsWordPress.comJoe Ravetz takes us on a profound journey into collaborative learning, thinking and exploring. Dr Cristina Garzillo Leemhuis. Senior Coordinator, ICLEI - Local ... › deep...
Informed Cities Forum Opening Cristina Garzillo - [PDF ...vdocuments.net › Travel1. Naples, Italy 26 October 2011Informed Cities: Now is the time Dr Cristina Garzillo Project Co-ordinator.
The human-centred development strategy to face the ...cbs.dk— Cristina Garzillo (Senior Coordinator ICLEI - Local governance for Sustainability, Freiburg). Re-inventing historic areas: an opportunity to ... › reflow › uploads ›
72 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Cristina Garzillo-Leemhuis PhD, MBA on LinkedIn: Local Voices for...Cristina Garzillo-Leemhuis PhD, MBA reposted this Report this post Report Report. Back Submit. ICLEI Europe 5,988 followers 5mo We're delighted to share that today ICLEI Europe ...
Cristina Garzillo-Leemhuis PhD, MBA’s Post - LinkedInCristina Garzillo-Leemhuis PhD, MBA Culture, Cultural Heritage & Sustainability 4mo Report this post On 8th December over 30 Ministers or government representatives and a large delegation of ...
Cristina Garzillo-Leemhuis PhD, MBA on LinkedInwww.linkedin.com › posts › cristina-garzillo-leemhu...Cristina Garzillo-Leemhuis PhD, MBA's Post. View profile for Cristina ... Cristina Garzillo-Leemhuis PhD, MBA Jordi Mallarach Sneška Quaedvlieg-Mihailović ...
Cristina Garzillo-Leemhuis PhD, MBA'S Post› posts
Cities in Transition: Social Innovation for Europe's Urban ...GoogleCities in Transition: Social Innovation for Europe's Urban Sustainability - Thomas Sauer, Susanne Elsen, Cristina Garzillo द्वारा लिखित ... › details
PLAN4BUSINESS – INTEGRATE AND ANALYSE YOUR SPATIAL PLANNING DATA...plan4business service platform INTEGRATION STORAGE ANALYSES Heterogeneous data sources USERS - access to spatial planning data and spatial analysis
Europe's 'greenest city' tests limits of sustainable livingYahoo— ... advanced and ambitious," said Cristina Garzillo, a sustainability expert at the local government network ICLEI in Freiburg, Germany. › news › eur...
Cristina Garzillo - Akateeminen Kirjakauppaakateeminenwebshop.com› ...
Cristina Garzillo (cristinagarzillo) - ProfilePinterest.de› cristinagarzillo
Cities in Transition - Jämför priser - Cristina Garzillo, Thomas...Cities in Transition. Cristina Garzillo, Thomas Sauer, Susanne Elsen. Häftad. Routledge, ISBN: ISBN-10: Priser för 1 ex. Ändra Antal ...
Cities in Transition : Cristina Garzillo, Susanne Elsen, Thomas ...Book2look› em...
D4 Green and inclusive urban economy: Integrating evnironmental...Cristina Garzillo, Project Coordinator, ICLEI European Secretariat, Freiburg, Germany Tools for mainstreaming poverty-environment into local planning;
NET4SOCIETY Research DirectoryNational University of Rosario Cristina Bloj: ... Cristina Garzillo: Germany: ... Mosconi Consulting Srl Valerio Mosconi: Italy:
Books by Cristina GarzilloBookshop.org› contributors
Kota Hijau Vaexjoe - Mind42Cristina Garzillo termasuk salah satu yang paling hijau di Eropa Ryan Provencher perubahan sesungguhnya ke revolusi hijau mendaur ulang hampir semuanya
PRIMUS | 21 | Bridging the gap between research and ...Taylor & Francis eBooksByCristina Garzillo, Kate Theobald, Ania Rok. BookKnowledge Brokerage for Sustainable Development. Click here to navigate to parent product. › p...
Governance for sustainability in European Taylor & Francis Groupwww.taylorfrancis.com › chapters › edit › governan...ByCristina Garzillo, Matthew Bach. BookSustainability Governance and Hierarchy. Click here to navigate to parent product. Edition 1st Edition.
(PDF) Temporary Permanence: the Intermittent CityAcademia.eduProfile image of Cristina Garzillo Cristina Garzillo The permanent and the temporary in cities are not at odds—everything lasts at least until its ... › Tem...
A trip to SUMP in Dubrovnikgreenyourmove... create high-quality products and services that local authorities can use to develop SUMPs,' said Cristina Garzillo, the SUMPs-Up project co-ordinator. › ...
Approaches to monitoring sustainable urban development ...abo.fiEditors, Marko Joas, Kate Theobald, David McGuinness, Cristina Garzillo, Stefan Kuhn. Publisher, Routledge. Pages, 20–39. ISBN (Print), › publications
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Cristina
Weiblicher Vorname (Italienisch, Spanisch): Cristina; christliche Frau; Lateinisch (Neues Testament); christianus = christlich; christos = der Geweihte, der Gesalbte (Altgriechisch); Information zur männlichen Form Christian:; seit dem Mittelalter in Deutschland gebräuchlich, mittlerweile einer der beliebtesten Vornamen
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Urban Governance
- Marko Joas
- Susanne Elsen
- Stefan Kuhn
- Yannick Kalff
- Asya Dimitrova
- Markus Hametner
- Yannick Noah
- Stephanie Barnebeck
- Melani Mathur
Personensuche zu Cristina Garzillo & mehr
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