260 Infos zu Dóra Maurer
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25 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Dóra Maurer exhibition in London24 May–9 July White Cube Gallery 25–26 Mason's Yard, London SW1Y 6BU EXHIBITION 6 out of 5 - Exhibition of Dóra Maurer's work in London at the ...
derstandard.at: Ringturmverhüllung: Ungarische Künstlerin Dóra Maurer setzt Zeichenwww.derstandard.at › Kultur › Kunst· Ringturmverhüllung: Ungarische Künstlerin Dóra Maurer setzt Zeichen. Nach Daniela Kostova und Gottfried Helnwein wird die Neo-Avantgardistin den ...
Guardian: Dóra Maurer review – the gentle art of subversion | Art | The GuardianMaurer excels in playful, experimental work born of modest means and quiet defiance
Dora Maurer: in the studioDora Maurer, 78, is a Hungarian artist who has been printmaking, drawing, film-making and taking photographs for 50 years.
5 Bilder zu Dóra Maurer

8 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: DÓRA MAURER Thinking in Proportions INDEX DVD Edition ...Facebook: Dóra Maurer: Timing - Experimentalfilme - FacebookDora Maurer - kunstaspekteDóra Maurer (b in Budapest / Hungary) is an artist, filmmaker and curator. She studied at the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, Department of Painting and ...
Dóra Maurer | ZKMResearch, production, exhibition: The ZKM dedicates itself to contemporary developments within art and society in all media formats and systems.
1 Hobbys & Interessen
Dóra Maurer | Artist | ArtFactsThe artist Dóra Maurer is ranked among the Top 1,000 on ArtFacts. Find out more...
2 Persönliche Webseiten
Dóra Maurerdoramaurer.comDÓRA MAURER · Stages · Art Basel Miami Beach · La Répétition · Sabine Schaschl: Zusammen / Together · Jihlava – Documentary Film Festival · Time Machine.
Biography - Dóra MaurerDora Maurer – Presahy. Galeria Z, Bratislava. Schwerelos. Museum der Wahrnehmung, Graz. Déploiements. Espace Topographie de l'Art, Paris Maurer.
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
Dóra Maurer - Central European Art Databasecead.space/index.php/Detail/people/id:46/view/biographyDóra Maurer is a Hungarian artist and she has actively combined photography, film, graphic design and painting. She has reflected objective geometrical, ...
1 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
IMDB Filmographie: Dóra MaurerDirector, Keressük Dózsát
1 Traueranzeigen
ANGRADA: Dora MaurerBad Soden am Taunus, *
21 Bücher zum Namen
dora maurer, Gebraucht - ZVABDora Maurer : Fotomunkak/Photoworks von Maurer, Dora und eine große Auswahl ähnlicher Bücher, Kunst und Sammlerstücke erhältlich auf ZVAB.com.
Dora Maurer in der Tate - Mode nach der Mode - Die ...www.perlentaucher.de › efeuDer Guardian lernt von Dóra Maurer, aus einem verrückten libertären Impuls heraus die Ordnung zu stürzen. Die taz ahnt mit Berthe Morisot, ...
: Dóra Maurer - AbeBooks - Maurer, Dora:AbeBooks.com: Dóra Maurer ( ) and a great selection of similar New, Used and Collectible Books available now at great prices.
Dora Maurer by Anna Balvanyos - Goodreadswww.goodreads.com › dora-maurerBewertung 4,5 (2) Dora Maurer ; Anna Balvanyos ratings0 reviews ; What do you ; Rate this book. Write a Review ; Friends & Following. Create a free account to discover what ... Bewertung 4,5 (2) Dora Maurer ; Anna Balvanyos ratings0 reviews ; What do you ; Rate this book. Write a Review ; Friends & Following. Create a free account to discover what ...
3 Dokumente
Maurer, Dóra [WorldCat Identities]Dóra Maurer : Snapshots : Museum Ritter, Sammlung Marli Hoppe-Ritter, by Dóra Maurer( Book ); Maurer Dóra : munkák/Arbeiten, ...
Abstraction as an Open Experiment. Dóra Maurer, Sirje Runge ...lugemik.ee › Abstraction-as-an-Open-Experiment-D...25,00 €Abstraction as an Open Experiment Dóra Maurer, Sirje Runge, Falke Pisano, Zofia Kulik Edited by Mari Laanemets Texts by Sabeth Buchmann, ,00 € Abstraction as an Open Experiment Dóra Maurer, Sirje Runge, Falke Pisano, Zofia Kulik Edited by Mari Laanemets Texts by Sabeth Buchmann,...
[PDF] INHALTSVERZEICHNIS. Amtliche Bekanntmachungen. Die nächste...Download INHALTSVERZEICHNIS. Amtliche Bekanntmachungen. Die nächste öffentliche Gemeinderatssitzung findet...
4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Dóra Maurer – WürzburgWikiLeben und Wirken . Dóra Maurer studierte von bis an der Hochschule für Bildende Künste in Budapest und dozierte an den dortigen Hochschulen für ...
Maurer Dóra | Ludwig Museumwww.ludwigmuseum.hu › publication › maurer-doraThe catalogue has been published on the occasion of Dóra Maurer's exhibition, "Concise Oeuvre", included are texts by Dieter Honisch and Dieter Bogner, "A ...
Dóra Maurer - Wikidatawww.wikidata.org › wikiDóra Maurer; Dora Tans; Dora Tans-Maurer. In more languages. Spanish. Dóra Maurer. artista húngara. Dora Maurer. Traditional Chinese. No label defined.
1 Video- & Audioinhalte
Dóra Maurer: Minimal Movements, Shifts, YouTube› watch
14 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Dóra Maurer - Wikipedia› wiki › Dóra_Maurer
Wikipedia: Dóra Maurer - Wikipediade.wikipedia.org › wiki › Dóra_MaurerDóra Maurer (* 11. Juni in Budapest) ist eine ungarische bildende Künstlerin, Filmemacherin, Ausstellungsorganisatorin und Vertreterin der ungarischen ...Biographie · Einzelausstellungen · Filme (Auswahl) · Literatur /Quellen (Auswahl) Dóra Maurer (* 11. Juni in Budapest) ist eine ungarische bildende Künstlerin, Filmemacherin, Ausstellungsorganisatorin und Vertreterin der ungarischen ... Biographie · Einzelausstellungen · Filme (Auswahl) · Literatur /Quellen (Auswahl)
Wikipedia: Dóra Maurer - Wikipediaen.wikipedia.org › wiki › Dóra_MaurerDóra Maurer (born in Budapest) is a Hungarian visual artist whose work has spanned a 50-year career She works in almost every medium, from film and ...Life · Works · Exhibitions · Solo exhibitions Dóra Maurer (born in Budapest) is a Hungarian visual artist whose work has spanned a 50-year career She works in almost every medium, from film and ... Life · Works · Exhibitions · Solo exhibitions
A Conversation with Dóra Maurer, Artist from Hungary | My Art GuidesDóra Maurer: I have never been regarded as a representative of Hungary and I have never felt myself to be one either. Thank God, an artist does not need to be ...
170 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Dóra Maurer — Google Arts & CultureDóra Maurer ist eine ungarische bildende Künstlerin, Filmemacherin, Ausstellungsorganisatorin und Vertreterin der ungarischen Neoavantgarde.
Dóra Maurer - Central European Art Database - Google Arts & Cultureartsandculture.google.com › asset › dóra-maurer-central-european-art-data...Dóra Maurer. Central European Art Database Olomouc Museum of Art Olomouc, Czechia. CEAD video portrait of the artist. Show lessRead more. Details.
Dóra Maurer - Central European Art Database — Google Arts & CultureCEAD video portrait of the artist
Dora MAURER - Artprice.comwww.artprice.com › artist › dora-maurerDora MAURER: worldwide auctions of art categories: Print-Multiple, Painting, Photography, Drawing-Watercolor. The artist's market, biography, price levels ...
8 Dora Maurer ideas | dora, female artists, art designExplore lili szabo's board "Dora Maurer" on Pinterest. | See more ideas about Abstract, Abstract art and Art pieces.
Dóra Maurer - WikiwandDóra Maurer ist eine ungarische bildende Künstlerin, Filmemacherin, Ausstellungsorganisatorin und Vertreterin der ungarischen Neoavantgarde. Sie ist Mitglied...
Art Changes: Dora MaurerCo-created with TATE to celebrate the opening of the new Tate Modern.
Dóra Maurer Artists, YC youngcollectors - Das besondere Objekt -...Dóra Maurer Artists - Die Edition großer Kunst in kleinen Auflagen, exklusiv von den Künstlern geschaffen mit Unikats-Charakter.
Artists - Dóra Maurer - White Cubewhitecube.com › artists › artist › dora_maurerIn her conceptual and multi-dimensional practice, Dóra Maurer focuses on themes of change and displacement. Incorporating painting, drawing, printmaking, ...
Artists: Dora Maurer - Collector Dailycollectordaily.com › artists › dora-maurerArchive: Dora Maurer. Photography Highlights from the Armory Show. In Art Fairs / September 12, Photography Highlights from the Armory Show.
Artistic work of Dora Maurer - Essay UK Free Essay Databasewww.essay.uk.com › Free essays › Photography and arts essaysThis free Photography and arts essay on Artistic work of Dora Maurer is perfect for Photography and arts students to use as an example.
Disciples of Dóra Maurer - Art Pluggedartplugged.co.uk › Exhibitions'Disciples of Dóra Maurer', a group exhibition dedicated to the young generation of artists taught by the iconic Hungarian artist.
Dora Maurer - Announcements - e-fluxDóra Maurer is one of the major figures in the Hungarian art scene since the 1970s, both through her art and her influence as a professor of the ...
Biography of Dora Maurer | WidewallsDora Maurer is a Hungarian artist engaged in the fields of photography, film, and graphic design. Her art is based on mathematical processes.
Dóra Maurer. Snapshots ( )Ausstellung bis : Dóra Maurer. Snapshots, Waldenbuch. Dóra Maurer hat in den vergangenen fünfzig Jahren ein kontinuierlich sich...
Disciples of Dóra Maurer - IM Magazine'si-m-magazine.com › disciples-of-dora-maurerBorn in in Budapest, Dóra Maurer is probably the most iconic Hungarian artist alive. With a career that spans over five decades, Dóra has worked with ...
Die 9 besten Bilder zu Dóra Maurer | Kunstinstallation ...www.pinterest.de › brigittafiesel › dóra-maurerDora Maurer, Reversible and changeable phases of movement etude 3, b-w photos, white calk, 70 x 100 cm Collection of the Hungarian Museum of ...
Dora Maurer - Thinking in ProportionsDóra Maurer once said that the theme central to her work is "movement in respect to the conceptual and factual effects of displacement". And indeed, her...
Dora Maurer - 2 Articles - Widewallswww.widewalls.ch › artists › dora-maurer › articlesCheck out the exhibition of Dora Maurer, the Hungarian artist whose work spans over 50 years and includes painting, prints, films, photographs, and drawings ...
Dóra Maurer. Snapshots: Sammlung Marli Hoppe-Ritter - Sammlung Marli...Dóra Maurer (*1937 in Budapest) is a pivotal figure of the Hungarian art scene and internationally known as one of the leading women representatives of concrete art.
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Dóra
Weiblicher Vorname (Ungarisch): Dóra; Gottesgeschenk; Altgriechisch (Neues Testament); doron = das Geschenk, die Gabe; theos = Gott; weibliche Form des lateinischen Namens 'Dorotheus', von griechisch 'Dorotheos'; Name verbreitet durch die hl. Dorothea (3./4. Jahrhundert)
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Maurer
Maurer bedeutet "Mason" in Deutsch, einmal Familien verwendet, um den Beruf als Nachnamen des Patriarchen zu benutzen.
Personensuche zu Dóra Maurer & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Dóra Maurer und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.