68 Infos zu Dana Sisak

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7 Aktuelle Nachrichten

globo: Cautela é a maior arma do empreendedor de sucesso - Época Negócios |...

Estudo defende que bem-sucedidos vencem justamente pelo medo de perder aquilo de que estão abrindo mão

CESifo Newsletter - John Morgan

This is the main finding of a study – “On the Merits of Meritocracy” – conducted by John Morgan together with Felix Vardy (Berkeley) and Dana Sisak (Erasmus ...

Entrepreneurs Aren’t Overconfident Gamblers, Study Finds | Haas News...

A new study finds entrepreneurs are also concerned about what they might lose in the transition from steady employment to startup. In Entrepreneurship and Loss-Aversion in a Winner-Take-All Society, Prof. John Morgan and co-author Dana Sisak, assistant professor at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, ...

Pittwater Online News

in digitising over 100 million artworks, books and audio-visual items in a Winner-Take-All Society," Professor John Morgan at UC Berkeley's Haas School of Business and co-author Dana Sisak, assistant professor at the ...

5 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

LinkedIn: Dana Sisak | LinkedIn

Dana Sisaks berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Dana Sisak dabei hilft, interne ... Es fehlt: bosch ‎bv

LinkedIn: Dana Sisak - Forschungsstipendiatin - Tinbergen Institute | LinkedIn

Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Dana Sisak auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. Dana Sisak hat 2 Jobs im Profil angegeben. Sehen Sie sich auf LinkedIn das vollständige Profil an und erfahren Sie mehr über die Kontakte von Dana Sisak und über Jobs bei ähnlichen Unternehmen.

Dana Sisak

Kellogg Insight is the research & ideas magazine of Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. Find tools to grow your career and business here.

volg ons op: our twitter page · our linkedin page · our facebook page. MENU. Tinbergen · Prospective Students · Why Tinbergen Institute? MPhil and PhD programs · Application, admission & deadlines · Tuition fees, scholarships and financial support · Locations, housing & research facilities · Facts and Figures about TI ...

1 Hobbys & Interessen

NN Marathon Rotterdam | Uitslag Dana Sisak

Naam, Dana Sisak. Woonplaats, Rotterdam. Afstand, 1/4 Marathon Rotterdam. Categorie, Vrouw. Totaal plaats, Categorie plaats, Snelheid, 11,895 km/uur. Bruto tijd, 54:21. Netto tijd, 54:

1 Business-Profile

Do Polls Create Momentum in Political Competition? - Alexandria

nach neuen Publikationen · erweitertes Filtern. Do Polls Create Momentum in Political Competition? Philipp Denter & Dana Sisak. Volltext etc.

1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Ehemalige Mitarbeiter | FGN-HSG | Universität St.Gallen

FGN-Alumni können erfolgreiche Karrieren in Politik, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft vorzeigen. Förderung und Qualifizierung durch FGN-HSG

6 Bücher zum Namen

Essays on political economy contests - EconBiz

Meine Dissertation hat vier Kapitel. In allen Kapiteln benutze ich Wettkampfmodelle um politökonomische Fragestellungen zu untersuchen. In Kapitel 1...

Multiple-prize contests : the optimal allocation of prizes - EconBiz

Multiple-prize contests : the optimal allocation of prizes. Dana Sisak. Year of publication: Authors: Sisak, Dana. Published in: Journal of economic surveys. - Oxford [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell, ISSN , ZDB-ID x. - Vol , 1, p Subject: Preisverleihung | Award | Wettbewerb | Competition ...

"Who's the thief?" : asymmetric information and the creation of...

Property rights are undoubtedly among the most important institutions for economic efficiency. Still, by looking at reality we usually see property rights only...

On the Merits of Meritocracy - John Morgan, Dana Sisak, Felix Vardy -...

books.google.comhttp://books.google.com/books/about/On_the_Merits_of_Meritocracy.html?id=w29-MwEACAAJ&utm_source=gb-gplus-shareOn the Merits of ...

6 Dokumente

Risk in entrepreneurship

Strategic and Natural Risk in Entrepreneurship: An Experimental Study by John Morgan, Henrik Orzen, Martin Sefton, and Dana Sisak Abstract We report on the res…

On the Merits of Meritocracy by John Morgan, Dana Sisak, Felix Várdy...

We study career choice when competition for promotion is a contest. A more meritocratic profession always succeeds in attracting the highest ability types, wher

EBSCOhost | | (In)efficient public-goods provision through...

Martin Kolmar · Dana Sisak. Received: 21 August Accepted: 18 September Published online: 2 October © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg ...

The Ponds Dilemma by John Morgan, Dana Sisak, Felix Várdy :: SSRN

Is it better to be a big fish in a small pond or a small fish in a big pond? To find out, we study self-selection into contests among a large population of hete

3 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

dblp: Dana Sisak

List of computer science publications by Dana Sisak

Talks and Lectures - Department of Economics, University of Mannheim

Christian Toft, University of Kassel: Pension Reform Dana Sisak, Universität St. Gallen : Where Ignorance is Bliss, Guido Bünstorf, Universität Kassel:

Biased contests for symmetric players Munich Personal RePEc Archive

Denter, Philipp, and Dana Sisak "Head starts in dynamic tournaments?" https://sites.google.com/site/philippdenter/research-1. Dixit, Avinash "Strategic Behavior in Contests." American Economic Review, 77(5): Dukerich, Janet, Keith Weigelt, and Andrew Schotter "A game ...

2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

(In)efficient public-goods provision through contests | SpringerLink

We ask if awarding multiple prizes in a contest can be used to provide efficient incentives for the production of a public good with heterogeneous producer

Group contest success functions | SpringerLink

Comments by Dan Kovenock significantly improved the paper and are gratefully acknowledged. I would also like to thank Pavlo Blavatskyy, Aron Kiss, Kai Konrad, Florian Morath, Dana Sisak, participants of the SFB/TR 15 meeting in Gummersbach 2004, the meeting of the Verein für Socialpolitik in Dresden, and two ...

7 Meinungen & Artikel

Hrvatska povijest. Drugi dio (Šišić)/Poglavlje III. – Wikizvor

Ljutit ostavi Hasan paša za nekoliko dana Sisak i podje u Petrinju. Odavle odasla svoje čete na plijen ; sada poharaše Turci Turopolje i ...

Dana Sisak, University of Rotterdam – Københavns Universitet

MRU seminar

Optional Reading

Morgan, John, Dana Sisak, and Felix Vardy. On the merits of meritocracy. No. TI Tinbergen Institute, Evolution of Experts in Question Answering ...

Entrepreneurs: Bears in Bulls’ Clothing? - Nordic Business Report

Are entrepreneurs the risk-baiting business commandos everyone seems to believe they are? Or is there a more prudent and cautious side to these beasts?

26 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Dana Sisak | LinkedIn

View Dana Sisak's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Dana Sisak discover inside ... Es fehlt: bosch ‎thermotechnik



Vrijeme 10 dana Sisak | MeteoCRO.com

Prognoza vremena za 10 dana po djelovima dana za Sisak. Provjerite vrijeme i temperature za 10 dolaznih dana za Sisak.

Curriculum Vitae

... Henrik Orzen, Martin Sefton, and Dana Sisak), Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, forthcoming "Clicks, Discontinuities, and Firm Demand Online" (with Michael Baye, J. Rupert J. Gatti, and Paul PUBLICATIONS IN BOOKS:.

WRF-NMM prognoza 3 dana Sisak

0 / 1, vrlo hladno. Utorak Noć , vrlo hladno. Prijepodne , vrlo hladno. Poslijepodne , hladno. Večer , hladno. Srijeda

Working Papers, Center on Law, Business, and Economics, Faculty &...

Privacy in Online Markets: A Welfare Analysis Using Demand Rotations Daniel P On the Antitrust Economics of the Electronic Books Industry Dana Sisak, Erasmus University Rotterdam and Tinbergen Institute.

gesy: Guests

Dana Sisak, ERASMUS University Rotterdam. Social Preferences or Collusion? Experimental Evidence Nagore Iriberri, Universitat Pompeu Fabra.

CiteSeerX — A Micro Foundation of Generalized Multi-Prize Lottery...

... Gordon Fisher , Benny Moldovanu , Johannes Münster , Motty Perry , Ivan Png , John Quah , Larry Samuelson , Aner Sela , Xianwen Shi , Dana Sisak , Stergio ...

Research: Research Seminar - Department of Economics

University of Oxford, State Dependence in Labor Market Fluctuations: Evidence, Theory and Policy Implications , Daniel Kraehmer Universität Bonn , Giacomo Ponzetto CREI/Pombeu Fabra , Dana Sisak Erasmus University Rotterdam , Timo Boppart IIES , Stephan ...

Dust uitslagen | Monk bouldergym

20, Dana Sisak, volwassenen, vrouwSterre Tolenaar, volwassenen, vrouwSusanne Ormel, volwassenen, vrouwNuray Cakici, volwassenen, vrouwMichelle Singerling, volwassenen, vrouwAnia Molenda, volwassenen, vrouwCorrine M'elkinney, volwassenen, vrouw ...

Entrepreneurs And The Fear Of Loss | mba50

Leaving one’s job to become an entrepreneur is inarguably risky. But it may not be the fear of risk that makes entrepreneurs more determined to succeed. A new

KIT - ECONVorträge

Dec 15th, · The Political Economy of University Tuition Fees: Information Provision and Income Contingency in Representative Survey Experiments · Ludger Wößmann (LMU Munich/ ifo Institute) · Jan 19th, · An experiment on group complex problem solving · Dana Sisak (University Rotterdam) · Feb 2nd,

MassPoliticsProfs| How Polls Influence The Campaign

My post last week Polling as a Commodity in a Saturated Market generated some interesting comments in the 140 character world of Twitter.

Information Asymmetry and Hybrid Advertising - PDF

... adopted by advertising providers including Google, Facebook, and Linkedin (see Ganesh Iyer, Shachar Kariv, John Morgan, Miklos Sarvary, Dana Sisak, ...

Podsusedu derbi, Zrinjevac i Petrinja uvjerljivi, Sisak bolji od...

Danas su igrane preostale četiri utakmice 11. kola B lige Centar. U derbiju Podsused je kao gost bio bolji od Medveščaka. Petrinja je bila uvjerljiva u Otočcu,

Working Papers

"On the Merits of Meritocracy" (with Dana Sisak and Felix Vardy). "Majority Rule and Utilitarian Welfare" (with Vijay Krishna). "Experiments on the Social Value of ...

Re:Think ponovo uljepšava Sisak - Sisak.info portal

Re:Think traje od 15. lipnja do 15. srpnja i u tih mjesec dana Sisak će biti bogatiji za sedam murala.

Rukomet - Završnica PH: Dječaci Poleta prvaci Hrvatske, Karlovcu...


Seminars Seminaris Seminaris - Investigació -...

Seminaris Departament d'Economia de l'Empresa. Seminars

Završio zvjezdani Star Film Fest | X-ica

U posljednja tri dana Sisak je bio centar filmskog zvjezdanoga neba jer se Star Film Festival još jednom pokazao kao kvalitetan i zabavan filmski festival.

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Dana

Weiblicher Vorname (Englisch): Dana; die Dänin; Altenglisch (Familienname als Vorname); dhen = niedrig, flach (Indoeuropäisch); von einem Familiennamen, der wiederum auf eine Bezeichnung für jemanden aus Dänemark zurückgeht; der Name der Dänen geht wahrscheinlich auf eine indoeuropäische Wurzel 'dhen' (niedrig, flach) zurückMännlicher Vorname (Englisch): Dana; der Däne; Altenglisch (Familienname als Vorname); dhen = niedrig, flach (Indoeuropäisch); von einem Familiennamen, der wiederum auf eine Bezeichnung für jemanden aus Dänemark zurückgeht; der Name der Dänen geht wahrscheinlich auf eine indoeuropäische Wurzel 'dhen' (niedrig, flach) zurückWeiblicher Vorname (Deutsch): Dana; Gott sei mein Richter; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); dan = der Richter; el = der Mächtige, Gott; Information zur männlichen Form Daniel:; in der Bibel ist Daniel ein grosser Prophet

Verwandte Personensuchen

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