262 Infos zu Daniel Herskedal
Mehr erfahren über Daniel Herskedal
Infos zu
- Marius Neset
- Edition Records
- Norwegian
- Woods
- Music
- Slow Eastbound Train
- Taylor
- Helge
- Molde
- Artist
- Eyolf Dale
- Norway
- Voyage
37 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Spiegel.de: Butterbrote in 14 Variationen - DER SPIEGELHeute bleibt die Küche kalt, denn am 16. Oktober wird weltweit der
Review: Daniel Herskedal @ Holywell Music Room, Oxford: 'Arabic night...Colin May takes an unlikely musical journey to the Middle East, thanks to a Scandinavian tuba master
I takt med flokken | Klassekampenklassekampen.no › utgave › musikkmagasinet· Etter en over to år lang prosess kan hun endelig slå ut armene mot medkomponist Daniel Herskedal, trommis Jakop Janssønn og ...
Sterk debut, sterke oppfølgere - DagbladetEn sanger, en trompeter og en tubaist står fram med autoritet og skaperkraft på nye norske album.
23 Bilder zu Daniel Herskedal

7 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Daniel Herskedal | FacebookMySpace: Daniel Herskedal and Marius Neset (daniel.herskedal.and.mari)Twitter Profil: Daniel Herskedal (danielherskedal)Facebook: Daniel Herskedal | FacebookDaniel Herskedal is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Daniel Herskedal and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world ...
3 Hobbys & Interessen
lastFM: Daniel Herskedal music, videos, stats, and photos | Last.fmListen to music from Daniel Herskedal like The Mistral Noir, The Lighthouse & more. Find the latest tracks, albums, and images from Daniel Herskedal.
lastFM: Daniel Herskedal music, videos, stats, and photos | Last.fmwww.last.fm › music › Daniel+HerskedalNorwegian tubist and composer Daniel Herskedal is educated at the Conservatory of music in Trondheim (bachelor degree) and Copenhagen (master's degree).
5 Persönliche Webseiten
Voyage | Daniel HerskedalVoyage by Daniel Herskedal, released 08 March Batten Down The Hatches 2. Cut And Run 3. The Mediterranean Passage In The Age Of Refugees 4. The Great...
Daniel HerskedalDaniel Herskedal Norwegian composer and Tuba Player defies all conventions and preconceptions what is possible as a soloist on the tuba. He is adept with a ... Missing: Taylor Francis"
Harbour | Daniel HerskedalDaniel Herskedal is the epitome of brilliance – an esteemed composer of beautifully lyrical, rhythmically charged music and a world-class performer and ...
Foreningen For Animert FilmNettsted for det norske animasjonsmiljøet drevet av Foreningen For Animert Film
5 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
IMDB Filmographie: Daniel HerskedalMusic Department, Die Zirkus-Dynastie
IMDB Filmographie: Daniel Herskedal - IMDbm.imdb.com › name › filmotypeDaniel Herskedal. Filmography. Composer (3) · Soundtrack (1) · Music Department (1) · Thanks (1) · Get the IMDb App · Get the IMDb App · View Full Site ...
2 Bücher zum Namen
Romsdalsmuseet Årbok Google BooksLes om: • Kirkeskipet fra Vågøy• Grandfjæra• Gullfunnet på Tornes• Jomfru Maria i Tresfjorden• Prestenes rolle i lokalsamfunnet• Arkeologi på Veøya•...
Комсомольская Правда. Москва Редакция газеты Комсомольская...«Комсомольская правда» – информационная, общественно-политическая, развлекательная ежедневная газета, журналисты которой стараются быть интересными самому...
25 Songs & Musik
Amazon MP3: Neck of the Woodsvon Marius Neset Daniel Herskedal, Edition Records, 2012
Amazon MP3: The Christmas Songvon Daniel Herskedal Marius Neset, Edition Records, 2012
Amazon MP3: Preludiumvon Daniel Herskedal and Marius Neset, Edition Records, 2012
Amazon MP3: Lutra Lutravon Daniel Herskedal and Marius Neset, Edition Records, 2012
2 Dokumente
File:Daniel Herskedal Nasjonal Jazzscene ( ).jpg -...2017 ( ).jpg · Category:Daniel Herskedal ...
6 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Daniel Herskedal & Marius Neset – Neck Of The Woods – Jazz thing &...Zwei Norweger in Dänemark: Kennen gelernt haben sich der Tubist Daniel Herskedal und der Tenorsaxofonist Marius Neset während ihres Studiums am 'Rytmisk...
Daniel Herskedal - Slow Eastbound Train | Review | The Jazz MannDaniel Herskedal - Slow Eastbound Train. A major artistic statement. Herskedal skilfully merges jazz with elements of contemporary classical music to create a...
Daniel Herskedal - The Roc | Review | The Jazz Mannwww.thejazzmann.com › reviews › daniel-herskedal...· Daniel Herskedal - The Roc. Herskedal has again created a unique sound world that is evocative, thought provoking, and frequently downright ...
'Redfox' O'Sullivan DuoIron EyeThe FB Pocket ...Martin Taylor, Brecon Jazz Festival, I've always admired the playing of David Gordon, mainly because he's an An album that reveals Emily Francis to be a musician and composer with Daniel Herskedal.
16 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Daniel Herskedal - Wikipediade.wikipedia.org › wiki › Daniel_HerskedalDaniel Herskedal (* 2. April in Molde) ist ein norwegischer Jazzmusiker (Tuba, Komposition, auch Basstrompete).Leben und Wirken · Diskographische Hinweise
Wikipedia: Daniel Herskedal - WikipediaDaniel Herskedal (born 2 April 1982) is a Norwegian jazz tubist. He is regarded as one of the most talented jazz tubists in Norway.Instruments: TubaBorn: 2 April (age 39); Molde, Møre og Romsdal, Norway
Wikipedia: in jazz - WikipediaThis is a timeline documenting events of Jazz in the year Ralph Towner with Paolo Fresu, E. Eple Trio – In The Clearing / In The Cavern. H. Daniel Herskedal – City Stories. V. Very Much Alive by Paolo Vinaccia featuring Terje Rypdal, Ståle Storløkken ...
My interview of Daniel Herskedal is up at The Bandcamp Daily – Bird...I interviewed tubist Daniel Herskedal for The Bandcamp Daily. We talked about the challenges of adding an unconventional jazz instrument to the ensemble,...
131 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Daniel Herskedal Tickets, Tour Dates & Concerts & – SongkickBuy tickets for Daniel Herskedal concerts near you. See all upcoming tour dates, support acts, reviews and venue info.
Daniel Herskedal and Marius Neset: Neck Of The Woods album review @...Daniel Herskedal and Marius Neset: Neck Of The Woods album review by Bruce Lindsay, published on August 23, Find thousands jazz reviews at All About Jazz!
Artist "Daniel Herskedal" | HIGHRESAUDIOwww.highresaudio.com › artist › view › daniel-hers...Artist Daniel Herskedal Norwegian tubist and composer Daniel Herskedal is educated at the Conservotory of music in Trondheim (bachelor degree) and ...
Best of #28: Daniel Herskedal – “The Roc” (Edition Records) –...If there exists a societal opinion that tuba is incapable of being the source of beautiful music, then Daniel Herskedal has something to send that premise...
DANIEL HERSKEDAL - Harbour - Jazz Viewswww.jazzviews.net › daniel-herskedal---harbourDaniel Herskedal: tuba, bass trumpet; Eyolf Dale: piano, celesta; Helge Andreas Norbakken: drums, marimba. Recorded 4th-6th December by Henning Svoren at ...
Airelle Besson - Daniel Herskedal trio - Jazz sous les pommiersAirelle Besson invite le trio du tubiste norvégien Daniel Herskedal : un concert « surprise »… dans un lieu insolite à découvrir.
DANIEL HERSKEDAL - TINKA STEINHOFF BOOKINGtinkasteinhoff.com › ScheduleDaniel Herskedal, Norway - tuba - bass trumpet - composer - “exceptional" Concerto Magazine - "wonderfully sublime music” BBC Radio 3.
CD-Tipp Jazz: Daniel Herskedal - Artikel - kultur-tipp.chkonsuminfo.ch - das Schweizer Konsumentenportal mit vielen Informationen zu den Themen Geld, Gesundheit, Wohnen, Arbeit, Kommunikation, Versicherungen, Konsum...
DANIEL HERSKEDAL discography (top albums) and reviewsDANIEL HERSKEDAL is a third stream, world fusion, nu jazz post-fusion contemporary music artist. This page includes DANIEL HERSKEDAL's : biography, ...
Daniel Herskedal | Voyage | Edition Recordseditionrecords.com › releases › daniel-herskedal-voyageVoyage is the new album from Norwegian Tuba player and composer Daniel Herskedal following his acclaimed albums Slow Eastbound Train ( ... Missing: Taylor Francis"
Tourdaten, Konzertkarten & Live-Übertragungen von Daniel HerskedalFinde Tourdaten und Konzerte von Daniel Herskedal in deiner Stadt. Schau dir mit Bandsintown Live-Übertragungen an, erhalte Updates zu den Künstlern, kaufe...
DANIEL HERSKEDAL & MARIUS NESET by EDITION RECORDS | Free Listening...Stream DANIEL HERSKEDAL & MARIUS NESET, a playlist by EDITION RECORDS from desktop or your mobile device
DANIEL HERSKEDAL | salt peanuts*Tubaisten Daniel Herskedal kommer fra Molde, men har tilbragt mye tid i København, sammen med medstudent og fotballfiende Marius Neset (fra Os utenfor Bergen, og en ihuga Brann-supporter). Så skulle noen av dem i studio for å lage plate, så måtte det bli i sommerferien, da hverken Molde eller Brann ...
Daniel HERSKEDAL - The Roc - Edition – Audiophile AuditionDaniel HERSKEDAL, tuba & bass trumpet – The Roc – Edition 1084, 48:12 ( ) *****: (Daniel Herskedal – tuba and bass trumpet / Bergmund Waal Skaslien; viola/ Svante Henryson – cello and octobass/ Eyolf Dale – piano/ Helge Andreas Norbakken – percussion). Unprecedented musical journey ...
Daniel Herskedal - Call For Winter - Daily Play MPEdaily.plaympe.com › daniel-herskedal-call-for-winter· DANIEL HERSKEDAL Call For Winter – 26th June Call For Winter is an album with a sonorous beauty and majestic flow.
Daniel Herskedal Similar artists, top songs and much more -...Daniel Herskedal Similar artists, top songs and much more - similar-artists.com
Daniel Herskedal/Marius Neset: Neck Of The Woods (2012) | AboutJazzDaniel Herskedal und Marius Neset verschmelzen Jazz und Klassik mit diesem unvergleichlichen nordischen Folkloreton.
Daniel Herskedal & Marius NesetSahnede yalnızca iki üflemeli var bu konserde. Tubada Daniel Herskedal, saksafondaysa Marius Neset. Hepsi bu. Kafanızda canlandırmak o kadar kolay olmadı değil
Daniel Herskedal - Edition Recordseditionrecords.com › ArtistsDaniel Herskedal is a musician and composer of extraordinary ability who is pushing the boundaries of his instrument to the limit.
Daniel Herskedal - Jazz Messengerswww.jazzmessengers.com › albums-of-daniel-herske...List of products by manufacturer Daniel Herskedal. View: Grid; List. Sort by , Price: Lowest first, Price: Highest first, Product Name: A to Z ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Daniel
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Französisch, Englisch, Polnisch, Tschechisch, Skandinavisch, Spanisch, Portugiesisch): Daniel; Gott sei mein Richter; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); dan = der Richter; el = der Mächtige, Gott; in der Bibel ist Daniel ein grosser Prophet Hebräer: Daniel. Gott ist mein Richter.
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Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Daniel Herskedal und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.