15 Infos zu Daniel Külls

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1 Aktuelle Nachrichten

2 Dokumente

Proceedings - Division of Speech, Music and Hearing - KTHwww.speech.kth.se › isadept › ISADEPT-proceedings

[41] Hansjörg Mixdorff, Daniel Külls, Hussein Hussein, Gong Shu,. Hu Guoping, and Wei Si. “Towards a computer-aided pronunciation.

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... Learners of Mandarin Chinese - Pronunciation Error Detection Hansjörg Mixdorff, Hussein Hussein Hue San Do, Daniel Külls, Si Wei, Shu Gong, Guoping Hu, ...

3 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

dblp: Hussein Hussein

List of computer science publications by Hussein Hussein

dblp: Daniel Külls

List of computer science publications by Daniel Külls

dblp: Hansjörg Mixdorff

List of computer science publications by Hansjörg Mixdorff

1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Towards a computer-aided pronunciation training system for German...

Towards a computer-aided pronunciation training system for German learners of Mandarin. Hansjörg Mixdorff, Daniel Külls, Hussein Hussein, Shu Gong, ...

8 Webfunde aus dem Netz

ESSV Archive

"Daniel Külls" in Authors Development of a Computer-Aided Language Learning Environment for Mandarin – First Steps. Hansjörg Mixdorff, Daniel Külls, ...

@INPROCEEDINGS{ESSV2009_309, TITLE = {Development ...www.essv.de › php › generateBibtex

TITLE = {Development of a Computer-Aided Language Learning Environment for Mandarin – First Steps}, AUTHOR = {Hansjörg Mixdorff and Daniel Külls and ...


... III: Grammatik 2 Daniel Külls Ü Chinesisch III: Lesen und Schreiben 2 Daniel ... VR China 2 Daniel Külls HS Entwicklungskonzepte und Armutsminderung in ...

ESSV Submission: Development of a Computer-Aided Language...

Title: Development of a Computer-Aided Language Learning Environment for Mandarin – First Steps. Authors: Hansjörg Mixdorff, Daniel Külls, Hussein Hussein.

Beuth« baut - Beuth Hochschule für Technik Berlin

Beuth« baut - Beuth Hochschule für Technik Berlin

Paper Title (use style: paper title) - MOAM.INFO

Hansjörg Mixdorff, Daniel Külls, Hussein Hussein, Gong Shu, Hu Guoping, and Wei Si. “Towards a computer-aided pronunciation training system for german ...

[PDF] Towards a computer-aided pronunciation training system for...

First investigations aimed to lay the groundwork for the development of computer-aided pronunciation training for teaching Mandarin to Germans by conducting a...

Archiv der Online-Vorlesungsverzeichnisse

Cornelia Eberlein S -, Einführung in die Geschichte des Mittelalters ( 2 SWS) (max. 40 Teiln.); Mo , A 124 (Übungsraum) ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Daniel

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Französisch, Englisch, Polnisch, Tschechisch, Skandinavisch, Spanisch, Portugiesisch): Daniel; Gott sei mein Richter; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); dan = der Richter; el = der Mächtige, Gott; in der Bibel ist Daniel ein grosser Prophet Hebräer: Daniel. Gott ist mein Richter.

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