134 Infos zu Daniela Balslev
Mehr erfahren über Daniela Balslev
Lebt in
- Tübingen
Infos zu
- University
- Andrews
- Research
- Chris Miall
- Psychology and Neuroscience
- Finn Årup Nielsen
- Jonathan Cole
- Lars Kai
- Paulson
- Mining
4 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Neurowissenschaftler ausgezeichnet - Innovations ReportDaniela Balslev hat an der Universität Kopenhagen studiert. Von bis war sie Marie-Curie-Stipendiatin am Zentrum für Neurologie der Universität Tübingen und leitet jetzt am Institut für Psychologie in Kopenhagen ein Forschungsprojekt des dänischen „Medical Research Councils“.
Young Investigator Award for Daniela BalslevDaniela Balslev was granted a Young Investigator Award.
Neurowissenschaftler ausgezeichnetDer Attempto-Preis geht an Daniela Balslev und Dr. Henry C. Evrard. Die Attempto-Preise der Universität Tübingen gehen in diesem Jahr an die ...
Neurowissenschaftler ausgezeichnet - uni-protokolle.deNeurowissenschaftler ausgezeichnet (idw) Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen Der Attempto-Preis geht an Daniela Balslev und Dr. Henry C. Evrard.
10 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Daniela Balslev - Hi, I will be moving to St Andrews in ...Facebook: Daniela Balslev - The service for my MTB was prompt and...Facebook: Daniela Balslev - It was a great pleasure to meet you... | FacebookLinkedIn: Daniela Balslev - LinkedIn上领英,在全球领先职业社交平台查看Daniela Balslev的职业档案。Daniela的职业档案列出了7 个职位。查看Daniela的完整档案,结识职场人脉和查看相似公司的 ...
2 Persönliche Webseiten
Daniela BalslevAlthough the focus of gaze and the focus of attention can be dissociated, people normally look where they attend. My current research shows that things can happen
Contact | St Andrews UCUstandrewsunions.org › ucu › contactTom Jones, Chris Hooley, Ishbel Duncan (not available S ), Daniela Balslev, Anindya Raychaudhuri, Gillian Brunton and Mike Arrowsmith.
3 Infos zur Ausbildung
Cognition, brain, and consciousness : introduction to cognitive...Stanford Libraries' official online search tool for books, media, journals, databases, government documents and more.
Fwd: PhD position, cognitive neuroscience (fMRI), University of St...... Regards, Daniela --- Daniela Balslev, MD, PhD Lecturer School of daniela.balslev at st-andrews.ac.uk <mailto:daniela.balslev at ...
PhD position advertsThe student will be supervised by Dr Daniela Balslev from the University of St Andrews and Dr Ian Cavin from the University of Dundee & NHS ...
13 Bücher zum Namen
Abnormal Center–Periphery Gradient in Spatial Attention in ...af.booksc.eu › book... D. B. Reprint requests should be sent to Daniela Balslev, School of Psychology and Neuroscience, University of St Andrews, St Maryʼs Quad, South Street, ...
Daniela Balslev - ROB-aigaion - Aigaion 2.0Dear guest, welcome to this publication database. As an anonymous user, you will probably not have edit rights. Also, the collapse status of the topic tree will not ...
Cognition, Brain, and Consciousness - 1st EditionPurchase Cognition, Brain, and Consciousness - 1st Edition. Print Book & E-Book. ISBN ,
Cognition, Brain, and Consciousness: Introduction to Cognitive...Cognition, Brain, and Consciousness, Second Edition, provides students and readers with an overview of the study of the human brain and its cognitive...
8 Dokumente
Download - iBrarianwith Daniela Balslev and Lars Kai Hansen Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain, June 19–22, 2003, New York, NY.
How to reach full human potential: take care of the brain. Newborns ...[My paper] Daniela Balslev , Jonathan Cole , R Chris Miall The ability to recognize visually one's own movement is important for New York: Schirmer Books.
Inter-individual variability in optimal current direction for transcranial ...Daniela Balslev. ∗. , Wouter Braet, Craig McAllister, R. Chris Miall. Behavioural Brain Sciences Centre, School of Psychology, University of Birmingham, Birmingham B152TT, UK. Received 26 July 2006; received in revised form 10 January 2007; accepted 29 January Abstract. We evaluated inter- individual variability ...
Proprioceptive deafferentation slows down the processing of visual ...Daniela Balslev. School of Psychology, University of Birmingham, UK. R. Chris Miall. Poole Hospital and University of Bournemouth, UK.
9 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
dblp: Daniela BalslevList of computer science publications by Daniela Balslev. refinements active! zoomed in on ?? of ?? records. dismiss all constraints. view refined list in
Abteilung Allgemeine Psychologie | Journal ClubDaniela Balslev, Marc Himmelbach, Hans-Otto Karnath, Svenja Borchers, and Bartholomaeus Odoj (2012) Eye Proprioception Used for Visual Localization Only If in Conflict with the Oculomotor Plan The Journal of Neuroscience, 20 June 2012, 32(25): ;. Martina Jakesch & Claus-Christian Carbon (2012)
dblp: Daniela BalslevList of computer science publications by Daniela Balslev
dblp: BibTeX records: Daniela BalslevList of computer science publications by BibTeX records: Daniela Balslev
7 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Orienting of Attention - Daniela Balslev - Yumpuwww.yumpu.com › document › view › orienting-of-attention-daniela-balslevDaniela Balslev (Center of Neurology, University of Tuebingen, Germany ... Rhythms of the Brain, First Edition (New York, NY: Oxford. University Press).
Mining for associations between text and brain activation in a ...link.springer.com › articleACM Press, New York, pp Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain, New York, NY, June 19–22, Finn Årup Nielsen & Daniela Balslev.
Daniela Balslev - Wikidataneuroscientist, University of St Andrews
Balslev MagazinesYumpu releases magazines, documents and catalogs on the internet. Publish for free. Gain new readers and costumers worldwide.
1 Video- & Audioinhalte
Daniela Balslev - YouTubewww.youtube.com › channelAboutPressCopyrightContact usCreatorsAdvertiseDevelopersTermsPrivacyPolicy & SafetyHow YouTube worksTest new features. © Google LLC ...
11 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia:WikiProject Women in Red/Missing articles by occupation ...en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Missing_articles_by_occupation › NeuroscientistsAll new articles must satisfy Wikipedia's notability criteria; red links on this ... Daniela Balslev, neuroscientist, University of St Andrews, 20th century ...
JISCMail - AVA ArchivesI am advertising a BBSRC studentship: http://vislab.wp.st-andrews.ac.uk/ales-harris-eastbio-studentship Daniela Balslev ([log in to unmask] ) The student ...
Daniela Balslev « Finn Årup Nielsen's blogPosts about Daniela Balslev written by Finn Årup Nielsen
PhD position in Cognitive Neuroscience Division of Neuropsychology ...The PhD student will work with Dr. Daniela Balslev on the project "How do cortical representations of eye position impact on spatial cognition". this project is funded by a Marie Curie fellowship for career development from the EU and a research grant from the Danish Medical Research Councils. We will be based in two ...
65 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Daniela Balslev - Google ScholarLecturer, School of Psychology and Neuroscience, University of St Andrews - Cited by 941 - proprioception - vision - attention - fMRI - TMS
Daniela Balslev - اقتباسات الباحث العلمي من Googleمتابعة المقالات الجديدة. متابعة الاقتباسات الجديدة. إنشاء تنبيه إلغاء. Daniela Balslev. Lecturer, School of Psychology and Neuroscience, University of St Andrews.
Finn Årup Nielsen - Google AcadêmicoAssociate Professor, DTU Compute, Technical University of Denmark - Citado por - Neuroinformatics - Wikipedia - meta-analysis - data mining...
Psychophysics Toolbox - Yahoo GroupsDaniela Balslev. Hello, Because of a special micropointer I use I need to run my experiment under Windows 98/matlab When using screen ...
Daniela Balslev | MIT CogNetJournal Articles by this Author ; Volume 19, Issue 9 (September 2007) · Daniela Balslev, Jonathan Cole, R. Chris Miall ; Volume 23, Issue 3 (March 2011) · Daniela ...
Følelser og kognition | bibliotek.dkEn række artikler der introducerer en nyere forståelse for følelsernes rolle i mange former for adfærd, der tidligere klassificeredes som kognitive, f.eks....
Finn Årup Nielsen - Google 学术搜索Associate Professor, DTU Compute, Technical University of Denmark - 引用次数:7,023 次 - Neuroinformatics - Wikipedia - meta-analysis - data mining -...
Tanja Kassuba - Google Scholar CitationsGesa Hartwigsen,; Corinna Klinge,; Maurice Ptito,; John Rothwell,; Olaf B. Paulson,; Fabien schneider,; Klaus Opwis,; Daniela Balslev,; Finn Årup Nielsen ...
Psychtoolbox-3 on Windows98, matlab 6.5 : problem with ...Daniela Balslev. Hello, Because of a special micropointer I use I need to run my experiment under Windows 98/matlab When using screen command the ...
Daniela Balslev | University of St Andrews | United Kingdombiography.omicsonline.org › united-kingdom › dani...Daniela Balslev. Lecturer School of Psychology & Neuroscience University of St Andrews United Kingdom. Biography. I have graduated as an MD/PhD from the ...
How to pronounce Daniela Balslev | HowToPronounce.comwww.howtopronounce.com › daniela-balslevBewertung 5, · Rezension von guest · How to say Daniela Balslev in English? Pronunciation of Daniela Balslev with and more for Daniela Balslev. Bewertung 5, · Rezension von guest · How to say Daniela Balslev in English? Pronunciation of Daniela Balslev with and more for Daniela Balslev.
Daniela Balslev - University of St AndrewsDaniela Balslev · Distorted gaze direction input to the attentional priority map in spatial neglect · Errata to Role of Oculoproprioception in Coding the Locus of ...Missing: New York" Daniela Balslev · Distorted gaze direction input to the attentional priority map in spatial neglect · Errata to Role of Oculoproprioception in Coding the Locus of ... Missing: New York"
Daniela Balslev - Research publications - University of St AndrewsDaniela Balslev. Person. Overview · Research publications out of 20Page size: ; 20 · 50 · Sort by: Publication year. Publication year · Title ...
Anxiety Disorders: Balslev, Daniela - Expertscape.comMedical and scientific articles about Anxiety Disorders, written by Daniela Balslev
Daniela BalslevMining for associations between text and brain activation in a functional neuroimaging database · Finn Nielsen, Lars Hansen, Daniela Balslev.
Neurotree - Daniela BalslevNeurotree: mentors, trainees, research areas and affiliations for Daniela Balslev, School of Psychology and Neuroscience, University of St Andrews
PsychTree - Daniela BalslevPsychTree: mentors, trainees, research areas and affiliations for Daniela Balslev, School of Psychology and Neuroscience, University of St Andrews
Daniela Balslev - PublicationsNeurotree: publications by Daniela Balslev, School of Psychology and Neuroscience, University of St Andrews
WOPER: Daniela BalslevDenmark Affiliation: Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance, Hvidovre ...
Neurotree - Daniela Balslev Family TreeNeurotree: academic genealogy for Daniela Balslev, School of Psychology and Neuroscience, University of St Andrews
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Daniela
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Italienisch, Portugiesisch, Polnisch, Tschechisch, Rumänisch): Daniela; Gott sei mein Richter; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); dan = der Richter; el = der Mächtige, Gott; Information zur männlichen Form Daniel:; in der Bibel ist Daniel ein grosser Prophet
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Balslev
Balslev stammt aus einem Ortsnamen. Balslev ist ein Dorf auf der Insel Fünen in Dänemark.
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