46 Infos zu Daniela Dreymueller
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- Andreas Ludwig
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Daniela Dreymueller: researcher | Biography, Facts, Career, Wiki, LifeDaniela Dreymueller: researcher, Researcher | Biography, Facts, Career, Wiki, Life
3 Bücher zum Namen
OPUS 4 | SuchenFür diese Seite sind keine Informationen verfügbar.
Daniela Dreymueller | XanEdu Customization PlatformUse materials by this author in your textbook! AcademicPub holds over eight million pieces of educational content – such as case studies and journal articles ...
The DRF motif of CXCR6 as chemokine receptor PLOS ONEjournals.plos.org › plosone › article › authors › jour...Contributed equally to this work with: Andreas Ludwig, Daniela Dreymueller. Affiliation Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Medical Faculty, RWTH ...
5 Dokumente
Daniela Dreymueller - Academia.eduAcademia.edu is a place to share and follow research.
CX3CR1 is a gatekeeper for intestinal barrier integrity in mice:...Schneider, Kai Markus, Veerle Bieghs, Felix Heymann, Wei Hu, Daniela Dreymueller, Lijun Liao, Mick Frissen, Andreas Ludwig, Nikolaus ...
Leukocytes require ADAM10 but not ADAM17 for their ...pub.hematology.org › article-abstractDaniela Dreymueller,. Daniela Dreymueller. 1Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Medical Faculty, and. Search for other works by this ...
The perioperative time course and clinical significance of the...Author(s): Daniela Dreymueller Andreas Goetzenich , Christoph Emontzpohl , Josefin Soppert Andreas Ludwig , Christian Stoppe ,.
2 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
DFG - GEPRIS - Dr. Daniela DreymuellerDr. Daniela Dreymueller, Institut für Pharmakologie und ToxikologieAachen
OPUS 4 | Combination of cuprizone and experimental autoimmune...Bernhard Josef Rüther, Miriam Scheld, Daniela Dreymueller, Tim Clarner, Eugenia Kress, Lars-Ove Brandenburg, Tine Swartenbroekx, Chloé Hoornaert, Peter ...
3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Shear Stress Counteracts Endothelial CX3CL1 Induction and Monocytic...Flow conditions critically regulate endothelial cell functions in the vasculature. Reduced shear stress resulting from disturbed blood flow can drive the...
Daniela Dreymueller - Wikidataresearcher
(PDF) The Metalloproteinase ADAM8 Promotes LeukocyteThe Metalloproteinase ADAM8 Promotes Leukocyte Recruitment in Vitro and in Acute Lung Inflammation by Daniela Dreymueller, Jessica Pruessmeyer,
31 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Autor: "Daniela Dreymueller" - OpacWWW - Prolib IntegroTytuł : Shear Stress Counteracts Endothelial CX3CL1 Induction and Monocytic Cell Adhesion; Autorzy : Aaron Babendreyer · Lisa Molls · Daniela Dreymueller
(PDF) The role of ADAM-mediated shedding in vascular biology |...The role of ADAM-mediated shedding in vascular biology
(PDF) Requirements for leukocyte transmigration via the transmembrane...Requirements for leukocyte transmigration via the transmembrane chemokine CX3CL1
(PDF) Embryonic stem cell-derived M2-like macrophages delay cutaneous...Embryonic stem cell–derived M2-like macrophages delay cutaneous wound healing Daniela Dreymueller, PhD1; Bernd Denecke, PhD2; Andreas Ludwig, ...
Chloé Hoornaert | Research PortalResults of 20 · Authors: Bernhard Josef Rüther, Miriam Scheld, Daniela Dreymueller, Tim Clarner, Eugenia Kress, Lars-Ove Brandenburg, Tine ...
Distinct role of the intracellular C-terminus for subcellular...Michael G Andrzejewski, Anne Koelsch, Tanja Kogel, Daniela Dreymueller, Nicole Schwarz, Andreas Ludwig. Distinct role of the intracellular C-terminus for ...
LATE-BREAKING ABSTRACT: The metalloproteinase ADAM8 promotes acute...The ERS-education website provides centralised access to all educational material produced by the European Respiratory Society. It is the world’s largest CME...
Citation - PubAgSchwarz, Nicole, Jessica Pruessmeyer, Franz M Hess, Daniela Dreymueller, Elena Pantaler, Anne Koelsch, Reinhard Windoffer, et al. "Requirements for ...
DataCite SearchAaron Babendreyer, Lisa Molls, Daniela Dreymueller, Stefan Uhlig & Andreas Ludwig. Journal Article published via RWTH Aachen University. Mediators of ...
Combination of cuprizone and experimental autoimmune...This study underpins the significance of brain‐intrinsic degenerative cascades for immune cell recruitment and, in consequence, MS lesion formation. Main...
Leukocytes require ADAM10 but not ADAM17 for their migration and...... Kollert and {van der Vorst}, Emiel and Marjo Donners and Christian Martin and Stefan Uhlig and Paul Saftig and Daniela Dreymueller and Andreas Ludwig",.
Myeloid A Disintegrin and Metalloproteinase Domain 10 Deficiency ...cris.maastrichtuniversity.nl › publications › myeloid...... Anouk A. J. Hamers, Daniela Dreymueller, Stefan Rose-John, Menno P. J. de Winther, Andreas Ludwig, Paul Saftig, Erik A. L. Biessen, Marjo M. P. C. Donners.
OUCIouci.dntb.gov.ua › works... and Molecular Physiology, 2015, № 4, p. L325-L343. Publisher: American Physiological Society. Authors: Daniela Dreymueller, Stefan Uhlig, Andreas Ludwig ...
Papers with the keyword IRhom2 (Page 3) | Read by QxMDEsther Groth, Jessica Pruessmeyer, Aaron Babendreyer, Julian Schumacher, Tobias Pasqualon, Daniela Dreymueller, Shigeki Higashiyama, Inken Lorenzen, ...
FDI Lab - SciCrunch.org | Searching in LiteratureLiterature publication PMID:
PLOS ONE: The DRF motif of CXCR6 as chemokine receptor adaptation to...Daniela Dreymueller. PLOS. x. Published: March 7, 2017; https://doi.org journal.pone · Article · Authors · Metrics · Comments; Media Coverage ...
Systematic substrate identification indicates a central role for the...Peer-Hendrik Kuhn, Alessio Vittorio Colombo, Benjamin Schusser, Daniela Dreymueller, Sebastian Wetzel, Ute Schepers, Julia Herber, Andreas Ludwig, ...
Altmetric – Systematic substrate identification indicates a central...Peer-Hendrik Kuhn, Alessio Vittorio Colombo, Benjamin Schusser, Daniela Dreymueller, Sebastian Wetzel, Ute Schepers, Julia Herber, Andreas Ludwig, ...
Rescue of the DRY motif in CXCR6 does not affect ligand binding or...... Aaron Babendreyer Julian Schumacher Tobias Pasqualon Nicole Schwarz Anke Seifert Xavier Deupi Andreas Ludwig Daniela Dreymueller.
The role of ADAM-mediated shedding in vascular biologyDaniela Dreymueller, Jessica Pruessmeyer, Ester Groth, Andreas Ludwig · Details · Contributors · Fields of science · Bibliography · Quotations · Similar ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Daniela
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Italienisch, Portugiesisch, Polnisch, Tschechisch, Rumänisch): Daniela; Gott sei mein Richter; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); dan = der Richter; el = der Mächtige, Gott; Information zur männlichen Form Daniel:; in der Bibel ist Daniel ein grosser Prophet
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Josef Rüther
- Paul Saftig
- Nicole Schwarz
- Sebastian Wetzel
- Eugenia Kress
- Benjamin Schusser
- Julia Herber
- Tanja Kogel
- Julian Schumacher
- Stefan Uhlig
- Peer-Hendrik Kuhn
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