60 Infos zu Dario Egloff
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Infos zu
- Martin
- Plenio
- Thomas Theurer
- Andrea Smirne
- Quantum
- Dahlsten
- Oscar
- Susana
- Physics
- Lijian
- María García Díaz
1 Aktuelle Nachrichten
4 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
LinkedIn: Dario Egloff | LinkedInDario Egloffs berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Dario Egloff dabei hilft, ...
LinkedIn: Dario Egloff | LinkedInSehen Sie sich das berufliche Profil von Dario Egloff (Deutschland) auf LinkedIn an. LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und ...
LinkedIn: Dario Egloff - Área metropolitana de Bogotá DC | Perfil profesionalco.linkedin.com › dario-egloff-205b3868Ve el perfil de Dario Egloff en LinkedIn, la mayor red profesional del mundo. Dario tiene 2 empleos en su perfil. Ve el perfil completo en LinkedIn y ...
Zi-Wen Liu | Perimeter InstitutePostdoctoral Researcher
2 Bücher zum Namen
Entropic equality for worst-case work at any protocol speed· We are grateful to comments on a draft by Dario Egloff. We acknowledge funding from the EPSRC (UK), the Templeton Foundation, the ...
Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium Aspects of Phase Transitions in...In particular, I would like to thank Mehdi Abdi, Jorge Casanova, Felipe Caycedo-Soler, Dario Egloff, Pelayo Fernández-Acebal, Myung-Joong Hwang, Oliver ...
16 Dokumente
[ ] A measure of majorisation emerging from single-shot...... Dario Egloff, Oscar C. O. Dahlsten, Renato Renner, Vlatko Vedral (Submitted on 2 Jul 2012) Abstract: Standard thermodynamics is associated with the von Neumann ...
A measure of majorisation emerging from single-shot statistical...Authors: Dario Egloff, Oscar C. O. Dahlsten, Renato Renner, Vlatko Vedral. Publication date (Created): Publication date (Updated):
Quantum Physics authors/titles Jul 2012... Dario Egloff, Oscar C. O. Dahlsten, Renato Renner, Vlatko Vedral. Comments: 13 pages (5+8), 2 figures. Comments welcome Subjects: Quantum Physics (quant-ph ...
BOOK OF ABSTRACTSCo-authors: Dario Egloff, Maria G. Diaz, Martin B. Plenio and Susana F. Huelga. Quantum coherence is a basic trait of quantum mechanics, but the presence of ...
7 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
dblp: Dario EgloffList of computer science publications by Dario Egloff
Dario Egloff - DBLPdblp.org › PersonsMaría García Díaz , Benjamin Desef , Matteo Rosati , Dario Egloff , John Calsamiglia , Andrea Smirne , Michalis Skotiniotis , Susana F. Huelga :
Dario Egloff - Ulm University· Email: dario.egloff[at]uni-ulm.de. Tel: + Room O Institute for Theoretical Physics Ulm University Albert-Einstein Allee ...
Department Physik - Publications (Universität Paderborn)Website of the University of Paderborn
2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Work cost of thermal operations in quantum thermodynamics |...69, 386 (1978)CrossRefADS. 6. Dario Egloff, Oscar C.O. Dahlsten, Renato Renner, Vlatko Vedral, arXiv: (2012). 7. R. Landauer, IBM ...
Laws of thermodynamics beyond the von Neumann regime : Dario Egloff :...A recent development in information theory is the generalisation of quantum Shannon information theory to the operationally motivated smooth entropy...
3 Meinungen & Artikel
Quantum coherence and state conversion: theory and experiment | npj...The resource theory of coherence studies the operational value of superpositions in quantum technologies. A key question in this theory concerns the efficiency...
Beyond standard Thermo Laws | Physics ForumsSo one can even have
References For: Phys. Rev. X 10, (2020) - When Is a...· When Is a Non-Markovian Quantum Process Classical? Simon Milz, Dario Egloff, Philip Taranto, Thomas Theurer, Martin B. Plenio, Andrea ...
25 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Dario Egloff - Citations Google Scholarscholar.google.com.pe › citations... University of UlmAdresse e-mail validée de uni-ulm.de. Lijian ZhangNanjing UniversityAdresse e-mail validée de nju.edu.cn. Suivre. Dario Egloff. TU Dresden.
Dario Egloff - Google ScholarTU Dresden - Cited by 580 - quantum physics
Dario Egloff - محقق GoogleTU Dresden - ۴۷۴ مقاله نقلقول کرده است - quantum physics
A Diamond Quantum Simulator - ppt download... Lim Mark Mitchison Julen Pedernales Andrea Smirne Zhenyu Wang PhD students Dario Egloff Pelayo Fernandez-Acebal Jan Haase Milan Holzäpfel Matthias ...
.ch | Class Web Site | Quantum Systems for...Home page of Andreas Wallraff, Department of Physics, ETH Zurich, Switzerland focusing on research on quantum information processing, cavity quantum...
A measure of majorisation emerging from single-shot statistical ...researchain.net › archives › pdf › A-Measure-Of-Ma...A measure of majorisation emerging from single-shot statistical mechanics. Dario Egloff, Oscar C. O. Dahlsten, Renato Renner, Vlatko Vedral. Abstract.
Contributed talks - TQC 2017tqc2017.lip6.fr › contributionsThomas Theurer, Nathan Killoran, Dario Egloff and Martin Plenio; Local Pauli stabilizers of symmetric hypergraph states. David Lyons, Scott Walck, ...
Group Meeting - the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex ...www.pks.mpg.de › finite-systems › seminars › grou...Graham Brown, In Situ techniques and recollision in complex systems (ZOOM). 10 December, Dario Egloff, Can a quantum random walk be simulated classically?
A Diamond Quantum Simulator - PDF Free Download... Lim Mark Mitchison Julen Pedernales Andrea Smirne Zhenyu Wang PhD students Dario Egloff Pelayo Fernandez-Acebal Jan Haase Milan Holzäpfel Matthias ...
Altmetric – Quantifying Operations with an Application to Coherence... Letters, May DOI, physrevlett Pubmed ID Authors. Thomas Theurer, Dario Egloff, Lijian Zhang, Martin B. Plenio ...
Guaranteed energy-efficient bit reset in finite time. - PDF Download...Landauer's principle states that it costs at least kBTln2 of work to reset one bit in the presence of a heat bath at tem...
MateraTheory of resources for systems that exchange quantum information. Juan Mauricio Matera, Dario Egloff, Thomas Theurer, Martin Bodo Plenio ...
Altmetric – Of Local Operations and Physical Wires... and Physical Wires. Published in. arXiv, July DOI, physrevx Authors. Dario Egloff, Juan M. Matera, Thomas Theurer, Martin B. Plenio ...
When Is a Non-Markovian Quantum Process Classical? - ProQuestsearch.proquest.com › openview › 1.pdfSimon Milz ,1,2,* Dario Egloff ,3,4,† Philip Taranto ,2 Thomas Theurer,3 Martin B. Plenio,3. Andrea Smirne ,3,5,6 and Susana F. Huelga3,‡.
au:Egloff_D in:quant-ph - SciRate SearchDario Egloff, Oscar C. O. Dahlsten, Renato Renner, Vlatko Vedral. Jul quant-ph cond-mat.stat-mech arXiv: v3. Scited Scite!
Quantifying Operations with an Application to Coherence - PubMedTo describe certain facets of nonclassicality, it is necessary to quantify properties of operations instead of states. This is the case if one wants to...
Experimental Quantification of Coherence of a Tunable Quantum...Quantum coherence is a fundamental resource that quantum technologies exploit to achieve performance beyond that of classical devices. A necessary prerequisite...
Maximal Coherence and the Resource Theory of Purity - GroundAIwww.groundai.com › project › maximal-coherence-...· Acknowledgements. We thank Gerardo Adesso, Kaifeng Bu, Dario Egloff, Xueyuan Hu, Martin Plenio, and Alexey Rastegin for discussions.
Quantum Physics authors/titles Sep (195 skipped)Authors: Andrea Smirne, Dario Egloff, María García Díaz, Martin B. Plenio, Susana F. Huelga. Comments: 7+9 pages, 3+2 figures; v2: close to the published ...
A measure of majorisation emerging from single-shot statistical...Read this arXiv paper as a responsive web page with clickable citations.
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Dario
Männlicher Vorname (Italienisch): Dario; das Gute festhaltend; Inhaber des Guten; Altpersisch (Wortzusammensetzung); daraya = besitzen, aufrechterhalten; vahu = gut; Name mehrerer Könige im alten Persien, mit Darius I., dem Grossen (550-486 v.Chr.) als den berühmtesten
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Egloff
Eine mögliche Erklärung: Der Name Egloff setzt sich aus den zwei Begriffen, Ecke für Lanze - und Wolf für das gejagte Tier = Eckewolf (ursprünglich). Sie waren somit Wolfsjäger. Gelesen in der Chronik der Burg Neu-Altstätten SG in der Schweiz. Erbaut im Jahr 1375, von Edlen von Egloff. 9450 Altstätten SG im Rheintal. Aus dem Jahre 1975. Anlässlich der 600 Jahrfeier.
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