73 Infos zu Dblp Record

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1 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Publications by Uwe Moennich

Selected Publications by Uwe Mönnich Publications (See also the DBLP record.) Logical Definitions of Mildly Context-Sensitive Grammar Formalisms

4 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

GitHub - lou1306/alfred-dbz: Search papers on DBLP and add them to...

Search papers on DBLP and add them to Zotero. Contribute to lou1306/alfred-dbz development by creating an account on GitHub.

Philippe Rigaux | Big Data Europe @RETHINKbigwww.rethinkbig-project.eu › people

His DBLP record shows more than 60 publications in international conferences and conferences, including SIGMOD, VLDB, ICDE, CIKM, VLDB Journal, TKDE, ...

Stavros Papadopoulos

Personal Website

Rajeev Raman's Home Page

· DBLP record, or Google Scholar entry. Selected publications, some downloadable, here. There is a small chance that you will be able to find ...

1 Persönliche Webseiten

| SIRET Research Groupsiret.ms.mff.cuni.cz › publications › hoksza

Proceedings, Journal, Technical report, Book, PhD thesis, MSc thesis, BSc thesis, Habilitation thesis. DBLP record for David Hoksza. journal paper, indexed by ...

11 Infos zur Ausbildung

DBLP Record 'conf/aaai/EdelkampJ06'

DBLP Record 'conf/aaai/EdelkampJ06'. BibTeX. @inproceedings{DBLP:conf/aaai/EdelkampJ06, author = {Stefan Edelkamp and Shahid Jabbar}, title ...

PowerAqua: Fishing the Semantic Web. | PUMApuma.uni-kassel.de › bibtex › stumme

PowerAqua: Fishing the Semantic Web. V. Lopez, E. Motta, und V. Uren. ESWC, Seite (2006 ). Beschreibung. DBLP Record 'conf/esws/LopezMU06' ...

DBLP Record 'conf/ki/Edelkamp01'

DBLP Record 'conf/ki/Edelkamp01'. BibTeX. @inproceedings{DBLP:conf/ki/​Edelkamp01, author = {Stefan Edelkamp}, title = {Prediction of Regular Search Tree ...

DBLP Record 'conf/aaai/EdelkampJL05'

DBLP Record 'conf/aaai/EdelkampJL05'. BibTeX. @inproceedings{DBLP:conf/aaai/EdelkampJL05, author = {Stefan Edelkamp and Shahid Jabbar and Alberto ...

8 Bücher zum Namen

Web Data Management

His DBLP record shows more than 50 publications in international conferences, including SIGMOD, VLDB, and ICDE. He also co-authored 6 books, including ...

String Processing and Information Retrieval: 9th International...

... we only had to adapt some minor syntactic details. Fig. 3 shows an example of a DBLP record. On the primary host each record is stored in a separate file; the ...

Web Technologies and Applications: 14th Asia-Pacific Web Conference,...

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 14th Asia-Pacific Conference APWeb held in Kunming, China, in April The 39 full papers...

Web-Age Information Management. WAIM Workshops: WAIM

(a) DBLP record with different formats from DBLP, ACM, and IEEE, not CiteSeer and Springer LINK, which prove not only the redundancy and heterogeneity of ...

1 Dokumente

On Anomalous Hot Spot Discovery in Graph Streamspdfslide.net › Documents

In networks, take an interaction record as a graph object with timestamp and Imagine a DBLP record for something like a reference in your papers, we are ...

3 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

lookup by ID - dblpdblp.uni-trier.de › lookup

Only records stored in dblp can be retrieved. Only IDs explicitly stored with a dblp record can be found. no matches. [+][–]. Author ...

dblp: How to find the key of a person, a publication, or a stream?

FAQ: How to find the key of a person, a publication, or a stream?

dblp: Why does a proceedings year sometimes differ from the year of...

FAQ: Why does a proceedings year sometimes differ from the year of the conference?

2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Multilingual author matching across different academic databases: a ...link.springer.com › article

· (8), as shown on the right side of this figure. DBLP records 01 to 03 should be ranked at the top for KAKEN author 01, whereas DBLP record

Tzivya - Typepadiiaitubi.typepad.com › blog

· DBLP Record 'conf/ifsa/Demirci03' - DBLP Computer Science. . Amazon.com: Fuzzy Sets and Systems - IFSA 2003: 10th International Fuzzy ...

1 Meinungen & Artikel

Wikipedia: Guillermo Simari - Wikipediaen.wikipedia.org › wiki › Guillermo_Simari

Guillermo Ricardo Simari is an Argentine computer scientist born in the city of Buenos Aires References[edit]. DBLP record of Publications ...

41 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Publications - Pavel Klinov

Home site of Pavel Klinov. Contains some usual stuff: research interests and activities, publications, and some personal content

#247 Restore page number from DBLP record (project researchr on ...yellowgrass.org › issue › researchr

This is now done incrementally on visiting the publication page or when downloading bibtex; the latter is typically the most relevant place, since then the ...

tag :: real-time | BibSonomy

The blue social bookmark and publication sharing system.

page not available

IBM Research

Avishai Wool - אבישי וול

Here are my Google Scholar citations, my DBLP record, Coauthors, and my Citeseer citations. Check out my academic ancestors all the way ...

An Iterative Algorithm for Ontology Mapping Capable of Using ...www.bibsonomy.org › bibtex › stumme

... description = {DBLP Record 'conf/esws/Hess06'}, ee = {http://dx.doi.org/​ _5}, interhash = {ac6c4c c4f3ec6883f7aed09}, intrahash ...

Bibtex? - githubmemorygithubmemory.com › effects-bibliography › issues

Linking to the DBLP record has worked well elsewhere. Pull requests to update this repository similarly are welcome! dbuenzli.

Conference version

The Bibtex entries for the items below can be found in my DBLP record. 2. Citation information can be seen in my profile at Google scholar.

DBLP - Academic dictionaries and encyclopediasde-academic.com › dic.nsf › dewiki

Erol Gelenbe — [ [http://dblp.uni trier.de/rec/bibtex/conf/iscis/Caglayan05 DBLP Record conf/iscis/Caglayan05 ] ] a Turkish academic, computer scientist, ...

Describing Ordinals Using Functionals of Transfinite Type (Manchester...

DBLP record: db/journals/jsyml/jsyml37.html#Aczel72 http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/journals/jsyml/jsyml37.html#Aczel72; DBLP XML record: ...

Exploiting Publication Contents and Collaboration Networks for...

Thanks to the proliferation of online social networks, it has become conventional for researchers to communicate and collaborate with each other. Meanwhile,...

Dr Panagiotis Chountas - London - University of Westminsterwww.westminster.ac.uk › our-people › directory › c...

... working Group on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets: Theory, Applications and Related Topics (IFSTART) Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Systems; See my DBLP Record.

Homepage of Bart M. P. Jansen - Mathematics and Computer Sciencewww.win.tue.nl › ~bjansen › publications

Publications. My DBLP Record and Google Scholar Profile. Due to copyright restrictions, some journal articles contain improvements that are not present in ...

Inference of circadian regulatory networks - University of St Andrewsrisweb.st-andrews.ac.uk › ... › Research publications

Link to DBLP record. Event, IWBBIO nd International Work-Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering - Science Faculty of the University ...

Kyriakos Mouratidis - Singapore Management University: Personal ...www.mysmu.edu › faculty › kyriakos

Click here for my DBLP record. Teaching. IS202: Data Management IS410: Advanced Data Management. Current PhD Student. Yiyi Wang. Former PhD Students.

Papers in referred proceedings - Kozsik Tamáskto.web.elte.hu › papers › referred

DBLP Record 'conf/erlang/LoveiHKK07'. [ bib | DOI ]; [10]: László Lövei, Zoltán Horváth, Tamás Kozsik, Roland Király, and Róbert Kitlei. Static rules of variable ...

Identification of transcription factor contexts in literature using...

DBLP record: db/journals/bmcbi/bmcbi9S.html#YangNK08 http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/journals/bmcbi/bmcbi9S.html#YangNK08; DBLP XML ...

Papers in referred proceedings - Kozsik Tamáskto.web.elte.hu › papers › referred_bib

... pages = {18-28}, year = {2007}, publisher = {ACM Press}, note = {DBLP Record 'conf/erlang/LoveiHKK07'}, doi = { } }


Research papers For almost complete list of research publications please check my DBLP record. Edited volumes. Leszek Gasieniec, Ralf Klasing, and Tomasz ...

Sargur Srihari's Publications - CEDARcedar.buffalo.edu › ~srihari › papers

Many of the papers are available online by clicking "pdf" at the end of the citation. By clicking on "*" before each entry gives the Bibtex DBLP record.

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Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Dblp Record und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.